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The Relation Between Intelligence and Foreign Policy

Yıl 2022, , 39 - 64, 17.07.2022


The main purpose of intelligence is to identify the existence of potential risks and threats faced by states and present them to decision-makers. In this article, what intelligence is as a processed product, the intelligence production process, and the role of intelligence in foreign policy making and implementation processes will be discussed. In addition, it will be mentioned why its production has become politicized as an intelligence failure. There are two main reasons for the eventual failure of foreign policy. While the right intelligence is not used in irrational decision-making processes, it is intelligence failure in rational decision-making processes. Also, in an incident, it is very difficult to determine whether the problem lies in intelligence failure or policy failure. In the article, the role of intelligence in foreign policy will be discussed in detail by revealing how these two mechanisms work. In addition, covert operations, which are among the duties of intelligence organizations in foreign policy practices, will be mentioned.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Aslan, A., Bayrakçı, S. ve Küçükvardar M. “Bilişim Çağında Geleneksel Gazeteciliğin Dönüşümü: Veri Gazeteciliği”. Marmara İletişim Dergisi, sy. 26 (2016): 58.
  • 2.Atay, Mehmet. “Stratejik Ulusal Güvenlik İstihbaratı”, Strateji Dergisi, sy 1 (1996): 80.
  • 3.Ateş, Ahmet. “The Transformation of Russian Intelligence Community After the Cold War (1991-1993)”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları 66, (2020): 321-332.
  • 4.Aydın, Mustafa. “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Yaklaşım, Teori ve Analiz”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 51, sy 1 (1996): 87.
  • 5.Aysever, Enver. “Örtülü Ödenek, eski defterler ve Mesut Yılmaz…”, Birgün Gazetesi, 2012. odenek-eski-defterler-ve-mesut-yilmaz-8655 (04.06.2021).
  • 6.Betts, Richard K., vd. “American Strategic Intelligence: Politics, Priorities, and Direction,” in Intelligence Theory: Key Questions and Debates, ed. Stephen Marin, 256-257. Londra: Macmillan, 2008.
  • 7.Biçer, Savaş. “Ulusal Güvenlik ve İstihbarat Sisteminde Geleneksel Anlayıştan Modern ve Değişen İhtiyaçlar Dönemine Geçiş”, Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (2017): 453.
  • 8.Blackstock, Paul W. The Strategy of Subversion: Manipulating the Politics of Other Nations. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1964.
  • 9.Blum, William. Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions, Since World War II. Monroe: Common Courage Press, 1995.
  • 10.Bozeman, Adda. Strategic Intelligence and Statecraft, Selected Essays. Londra: Brassey’s Press, 1992.
  • 11.Byman, Daniel. “Strategic Surprise and the September 11 Attacks”, Annual Review of Political Science 8, (2005): 151.
  • 12.Caparini, Marina. “Controlling and Overseeing Intelligence Services in Democratic States”, in Democratic Control of Intelligence Services: Containing Rogue Elephants, ed. Hans Born, 3-5. New York: Routledge, 2016.
  • 13.Carter, John. Covert Operations as a Tool of Presidential Foreign Policy in American History from 1800 to 1920. New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
  • 14.“CIA Esad'ı devirmek için 50 plan hazırladı, Obama hepsini veto etti”, BBC Türkçe, 2016,, (25.06.2021).
  • 15.Chaffetz, Jason. The Deep State: How an Army of Bureaucrats Protected Barack Obama and Is Working to Destroy the Trump Agenda. New York: Broadside Books, 2018.
  • 16.Cline, Ray S. Spies and Scholars. Washington: Acropolis Books, 1976.
  • 17.Dougherty, James E. ve Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Contending Theories of International Relations. New York: J.B. Uppincott Co., 1971.
  • 18.Eyth, Marcus. “The CIA and Covert Operations: To Disclose or Not to Disclose - That is the Question”, BYU Journal of Public Law 17, sy.1 (2002): 45-50
  • 19.Forbush, Ramsey vd., “CIA Intelligence Support for Foreign and National Security Policy making,” Studies in Intelligence 20, sy. 1 (1976): 1.
  • 20.Foucault, Michel. Kelimeler ve Şeyler, çev. Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay, Ankara: İmge Kitapevi, 2011.
  • 21.Foucault, Michel. Söylemin Düzeni, çev. Turhan Ilgaz, İstanbul: Hil Yayınları, 1987.
  • 22.Fry, Michael G. ve Hochstein, Miles. “Epistemic Communities: Intelligence Studies and International Relations,” Intelligence and National Security 8, sy. 3 (1993): 20.
  • 23.Gasiorowski, Mark J. “The 1953 Coup D’Etat in Iran”, International Journal of Middle East Studies 19, (1987): 261–263.
  • 24.Gates, Robert M. “Guarding Against Politicization”, Studies in Intelligence 36, sy. 5 (1992): 5–13.
  • 25.George, Roger Z. “The Art of Strategy and Intelligence” in Analyzing Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles, and Innovations, edited by Roger Z. George and James B. Bruce, 107. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2008.
  • 26.Girgin, Atilla. Haber Yazma Teknikleri. İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları, 1998.
  • 27.Gurr, Ted R. Handbook of Conflict. New York: Free Press, 1980.
  • 28.Helgerson, John. CIA Briefings for Presidential Candidates. Washington DC: Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1996.
  • 29.Hemming, Henry. Agents of Influence: A British Campaign, a Canadian Spy, and the Secret Plot to Bring America Into World War II. New York: Public Affairs, 2019.
  • 30.Herman, Michael. “Threat assessments and the legitimation of policy?”, Intelligence and National Security 18, sy. 3 (2003): 174-178.
  • 31.Herman, Michael. Intelligence: Power in Peace and War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • 32.Hinsley, F. H. “The Concept of Sovereignty and the Relations Between States” in Theory and Reality in International Relations, edited by J. C. Farrell, vd., 58-64. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.
  • 33.Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan or The Matter, Forme, & Power of A Common-wealth Ecclesiall and Civill. Londra: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • 34.Hulnick, Arthur S. “What’s wrong with the Intelligence Cycle”, Intelligence and National Security 21, sy. 6, (2016): 959-979.
  • 35.Jervis, Robert. “Why Intelligence and Policymakers Clash.” Political Science Quarterly 125, sy. 2 (2010): 185–204.
  • 36.Johnson, Loch K. “Bricks and Mortar for a Theory of Intelligence”, Comparative Strategy 22, sy. 22 (2003): 1–28.
  • 37.Johnson, Loch K. “Making the intelligence Cycle work”, International Journal of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence 1, sy.4 (1986): 1-23.
  • 38.Johnson, Loch K. “Decision Costs in the Intelligence Cycle”, Journal of Strategic Studies 7, sy. 3 (1984): 318-320.
  • 39.Johnston, Rob. Analytic Culture in the US Intelligence Community: An Ethnographic Study. Washington: Central İntelligence Agency, 2005.
  • 40.Karabacak, Tuğrul. “İstihbarat Biriminin Çalışma Yöntemleri”, Avrasya Dosyası İstihbarat Özel Sayısı 8, sy. 2 (2002): 22-25.
  • 41.Kent, Sherman. Stratejik İstihbarat. Ankara: ASAM Yayınları, 2003.
  • 42.Kibbe, Jennifer D. “Covert action and the Pentagon”, Intelligence and National Security 22, sy.1, (2007): 57-74.
  • 43.Kirişçi, Kemal. “The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State”, New Perspectives on Turkey 40, (2009): 29-57.
  • 44.Kissinger, Henry. American Foreign Policy: Three Essays. New York: Norton, 1969.
  • 45.Lowenthal, Mark M. The Oxford handbook of National Security Intelligence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • 46.Lowenthal, Mark M. Intelligence From Secrets to Policy. Washington: CQ Press, 2009.
  • 47.Lowenthal, Mark M. “Tribal tongues: Intelligence Consumers, Intelligence Producers”, The Washington Quarterly 15, sy.1 (1992): 157-168.
  • 48.Marlo, Francis H. “WMD terrorism and US intelligence Collection”, Terrorism and Political Violence 11 sy. 3 (1999): 53-71.
  • 49.Mineka, Susan ve Steven K. Sutton. “Cognitive biases and the emotional disorders”, Psychological Science 3 sy. 1 (1992): 65–69.
  • 50.“MİT İstihbarat Çarkı”, MİT., (04.06.2021).
  • 51.Moles, Abraham. Belirsizliğin Bilimleri, insan Bilimleri için Yeni bir Epistemoloji. Çeviren: Nuri Bilgin. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2001.
  • 52.Monaghan, Rachel. “Loyalist super grass trials: an opportunity for open source intelligence?”, Intelligence and National Security 34, sy. 7 (2019): 1014-1026.
  • 53.Önder, Hasan Mesut. “Saddam’ı sorgulayan CIA analisti John Nixon ile görüştü: “ABD ile Türkiye ortak çıkarlara odaklanmalı” Ocak Medya, 2018., (15.06.2021).
  • 54.Özdağ, Ümit. İstihbarat Teorisi. 14. Bs. Ankara: Kripto Yayınları, 2020.
  • 55.Procyshyn, T.W. The Coming Intelligence. Montreal: Canadian Forces College Press, 1998.
  • 56.“Q&A with John Nixon, a CIA analyst (R) conducted by Hasan Mesut Önder”, Ocak Medya, 2018, (04.06.2021).
  • 57.Safi, Omar. The Intelligence State in Tunisia: Security and Mukhabarat, 1881-1965. Londra: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020.
  • 58.Sasson, John P. The Rape of Kuwait: The True Story of Iraqı Atrocities Aganist Civil Population. New York: Knightsbridge Publishing, 1991.
  • 59.Smith, Joseph B. Potrait Cold Warrior. New York: Balantine Books, 1976.
  • 60.Tokgöz, Oya. Temel Gazetecilik. İstanbul: İmge Yayınları, 2019.
  • 61.Turner, Michael A. “Setting Analytic Priorities in U.S. Intelligence”, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 9, sy. 3 (1996): 313–315.
  • 62.Vandepeer, Charles. “Intelligence and Knowledge Development: What Are the Questions Intelligence Analysts Ask?” Intelligence and National Security 33, sy. 6 (2018): 785–803.
  • 63.W, Bobby. “The Limits of Prediction—or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Black Swans and Love Analysis”, Studies in Intellience 63, sy. 4 (2019): 9.
  • 64.Wilder, Dennis C. “Improving Policymaker Understanding of Intelligence: An Educated Consumer Is Our Best Customer,” Studies in Intelligence 55, sy. 2 (2011): 27.
  • 65.Yılmaz, Sait. Akıllı Güç. İstanbul: Kum Saati Yayınları, 2012.

İstihbarat ve Dış Politika İlişkisi

Yıl 2022, , 39 - 64, 17.07.2022


İstihbaratın temel amacı, devletlerin karşılaştığı potansiyel risk ve tehditlerin varlığını tespit edip karar vericilere sunmaktır. Bu makalede, işlenmiş ürün olarak istihbaratın ne olduğu; istihbarat üretim süreci ve dış politika yapım ve uygulama süreçlerinde istihbaratın rolü ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca istihbarat başarısızlığı olarak üretiminin neden politikleştiğine değinilecektir. Dış politikadaki nihai başarısızlığın iki ana nedeni bulunmaktadır. Rasyonel olmayan karar verme süreçlerinde doğru istihbaratın kullanılmaması iken, rasyonel karar verme süreçlerinde ise istihbarat başarısızlığıdır. Ayrıca, bir olayda sorunun istihbarat başarısızlığında mı, yoksa politika başarısızlığında mı olduğunu tespit etmek oldukça zordur. Makalede bu iki mekanizmanın işleyişinin nasıl olduğu ortaya konularak dış politikada yapımında istihbaratın rolü ayrıntılı olarak ele alınacaktır. Bunun yanında istihbarat örgütlerinin dış politikadan uygulamalarındaki görevlerinden olan örtülü operasyonlara değinilecektir.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Aslan, A., Bayrakçı, S. ve Küçükvardar M. “Bilişim Çağında Geleneksel Gazeteciliğin Dönüşümü: Veri Gazeteciliği”. Marmara İletişim Dergisi, sy. 26 (2016): 58.
  • 2.Atay, Mehmet. “Stratejik Ulusal Güvenlik İstihbaratı”, Strateji Dergisi, sy 1 (1996): 80.
  • 3.Ateş, Ahmet. “The Transformation of Russian Intelligence Community After the Cold War (1991-1993)”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları 66, (2020): 321-332.
  • 4.Aydın, Mustafa. “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Yaklaşım, Teori ve Analiz”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 51, sy 1 (1996): 87.
  • 5.Aysever, Enver. “Örtülü Ödenek, eski defterler ve Mesut Yılmaz…”, Birgün Gazetesi, 2012. odenek-eski-defterler-ve-mesut-yilmaz-8655 (04.06.2021).
  • 6.Betts, Richard K., vd. “American Strategic Intelligence: Politics, Priorities, and Direction,” in Intelligence Theory: Key Questions and Debates, ed. Stephen Marin, 256-257. Londra: Macmillan, 2008.
  • 7.Biçer, Savaş. “Ulusal Güvenlik ve İstihbarat Sisteminde Geleneksel Anlayıştan Modern ve Değişen İhtiyaçlar Dönemine Geçiş”, Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (2017): 453.
  • 8.Blackstock, Paul W. The Strategy of Subversion: Manipulating the Politics of Other Nations. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1964.
  • 9.Blum, William. Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions, Since World War II. Monroe: Common Courage Press, 1995.
  • 10.Bozeman, Adda. Strategic Intelligence and Statecraft, Selected Essays. Londra: Brassey’s Press, 1992.
  • 11.Byman, Daniel. “Strategic Surprise and the September 11 Attacks”, Annual Review of Political Science 8, (2005): 151.
  • 12.Caparini, Marina. “Controlling and Overseeing Intelligence Services in Democratic States”, in Democratic Control of Intelligence Services: Containing Rogue Elephants, ed. Hans Born, 3-5. New York: Routledge, 2016.
  • 13.Carter, John. Covert Operations as a Tool of Presidential Foreign Policy in American History from 1800 to 1920. New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
  • 14.“CIA Esad'ı devirmek için 50 plan hazırladı, Obama hepsini veto etti”, BBC Türkçe, 2016,, (25.06.2021).
  • 15.Chaffetz, Jason. The Deep State: How an Army of Bureaucrats Protected Barack Obama and Is Working to Destroy the Trump Agenda. New York: Broadside Books, 2018.
  • 16.Cline, Ray S. Spies and Scholars. Washington: Acropolis Books, 1976.
  • 17.Dougherty, James E. ve Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Contending Theories of International Relations. New York: J.B. Uppincott Co., 1971.
  • 18.Eyth, Marcus. “The CIA and Covert Operations: To Disclose or Not to Disclose - That is the Question”, BYU Journal of Public Law 17, sy.1 (2002): 45-50
  • 19.Forbush, Ramsey vd., “CIA Intelligence Support for Foreign and National Security Policy making,” Studies in Intelligence 20, sy. 1 (1976): 1.
  • 20.Foucault, Michel. Kelimeler ve Şeyler, çev. Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay, Ankara: İmge Kitapevi, 2011.
  • 21.Foucault, Michel. Söylemin Düzeni, çev. Turhan Ilgaz, İstanbul: Hil Yayınları, 1987.
  • 22.Fry, Michael G. ve Hochstein, Miles. “Epistemic Communities: Intelligence Studies and International Relations,” Intelligence and National Security 8, sy. 3 (1993): 20.
  • 23.Gasiorowski, Mark J. “The 1953 Coup D’Etat in Iran”, International Journal of Middle East Studies 19, (1987): 261–263.
  • 24.Gates, Robert M. “Guarding Against Politicization”, Studies in Intelligence 36, sy. 5 (1992): 5–13.
  • 25.George, Roger Z. “The Art of Strategy and Intelligence” in Analyzing Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles, and Innovations, edited by Roger Z. George and James B. Bruce, 107. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2008.
  • 26.Girgin, Atilla. Haber Yazma Teknikleri. İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları, 1998.
  • 27.Gurr, Ted R. Handbook of Conflict. New York: Free Press, 1980.
  • 28.Helgerson, John. CIA Briefings for Presidential Candidates. Washington DC: Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1996.
  • 29.Hemming, Henry. Agents of Influence: A British Campaign, a Canadian Spy, and the Secret Plot to Bring America Into World War II. New York: Public Affairs, 2019.
  • 30.Herman, Michael. “Threat assessments and the legitimation of policy?”, Intelligence and National Security 18, sy. 3 (2003): 174-178.
  • 31.Herman, Michael. Intelligence: Power in Peace and War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • 32.Hinsley, F. H. “The Concept of Sovereignty and the Relations Between States” in Theory and Reality in International Relations, edited by J. C. Farrell, vd., 58-64. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.
  • 33.Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan or The Matter, Forme, & Power of A Common-wealth Ecclesiall and Civill. Londra: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • 34.Hulnick, Arthur S. “What’s wrong with the Intelligence Cycle”, Intelligence and National Security 21, sy. 6, (2016): 959-979.
  • 35.Jervis, Robert. “Why Intelligence and Policymakers Clash.” Political Science Quarterly 125, sy. 2 (2010): 185–204.
  • 36.Johnson, Loch K. “Bricks and Mortar for a Theory of Intelligence”, Comparative Strategy 22, sy. 22 (2003): 1–28.
  • 37.Johnson, Loch K. “Making the intelligence Cycle work”, International Journal of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence 1, sy.4 (1986): 1-23.
  • 38.Johnson, Loch K. “Decision Costs in the Intelligence Cycle”, Journal of Strategic Studies 7, sy. 3 (1984): 318-320.
  • 39.Johnston, Rob. Analytic Culture in the US Intelligence Community: An Ethnographic Study. Washington: Central İntelligence Agency, 2005.
  • 40.Karabacak, Tuğrul. “İstihbarat Biriminin Çalışma Yöntemleri”, Avrasya Dosyası İstihbarat Özel Sayısı 8, sy. 2 (2002): 22-25.
  • 41.Kent, Sherman. Stratejik İstihbarat. Ankara: ASAM Yayınları, 2003.
  • 42.Kibbe, Jennifer D. “Covert action and the Pentagon”, Intelligence and National Security 22, sy.1, (2007): 57-74.
  • 43.Kirişçi, Kemal. “The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State”, New Perspectives on Turkey 40, (2009): 29-57.
  • 44.Kissinger, Henry. American Foreign Policy: Three Essays. New York: Norton, 1969.
  • 45.Lowenthal, Mark M. The Oxford handbook of National Security Intelligence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • 46.Lowenthal, Mark M. Intelligence From Secrets to Policy. Washington: CQ Press, 2009.
  • 47.Lowenthal, Mark M. “Tribal tongues: Intelligence Consumers, Intelligence Producers”, The Washington Quarterly 15, sy.1 (1992): 157-168.
  • 48.Marlo, Francis H. “WMD terrorism and US intelligence Collection”, Terrorism and Political Violence 11 sy. 3 (1999): 53-71.
  • 49.Mineka, Susan ve Steven K. Sutton. “Cognitive biases and the emotional disorders”, Psychological Science 3 sy. 1 (1992): 65–69.
  • 50.“MİT İstihbarat Çarkı”, MİT., (04.06.2021).
  • 51.Moles, Abraham. Belirsizliğin Bilimleri, insan Bilimleri için Yeni bir Epistemoloji. Çeviren: Nuri Bilgin. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2001.
  • 52.Monaghan, Rachel. “Loyalist super grass trials: an opportunity for open source intelligence?”, Intelligence and National Security 34, sy. 7 (2019): 1014-1026.
  • 53.Önder, Hasan Mesut. “Saddam’ı sorgulayan CIA analisti John Nixon ile görüştü: “ABD ile Türkiye ortak çıkarlara odaklanmalı” Ocak Medya, 2018., (15.06.2021).
  • 54.Özdağ, Ümit. İstihbarat Teorisi. 14. Bs. Ankara: Kripto Yayınları, 2020.
  • 55.Procyshyn, T.W. The Coming Intelligence. Montreal: Canadian Forces College Press, 1998.
  • 56.“Q&A with John Nixon, a CIA analyst (R) conducted by Hasan Mesut Önder”, Ocak Medya, 2018, (04.06.2021).
  • 57.Safi, Omar. The Intelligence State in Tunisia: Security and Mukhabarat, 1881-1965. Londra: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020.
  • 58.Sasson, John P. The Rape of Kuwait: The True Story of Iraqı Atrocities Aganist Civil Population. New York: Knightsbridge Publishing, 1991.
  • 59.Smith, Joseph B. Potrait Cold Warrior. New York: Balantine Books, 1976.
  • 60.Tokgöz, Oya. Temel Gazetecilik. İstanbul: İmge Yayınları, 2019.
  • 61.Turner, Michael A. “Setting Analytic Priorities in U.S. Intelligence”, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 9, sy. 3 (1996): 313–315.
  • 62.Vandepeer, Charles. “Intelligence and Knowledge Development: What Are the Questions Intelligence Analysts Ask?” Intelligence and National Security 33, sy. 6 (2018): 785–803.
  • 63.W, Bobby. “The Limits of Prediction—or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Black Swans and Love Analysis”, Studies in Intellience 63, sy. 4 (2019): 9.
  • 64.Wilder, Dennis C. “Improving Policymaker Understanding of Intelligence: An Educated Consumer Is Our Best Customer,” Studies in Intelligence 55, sy. 2 (2011): 27.
  • 65.Yılmaz, Sait. Akıllı Güç. İstanbul: Kum Saati Yayınları, 2012.
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Makaleler

Hasan Mesut Önder 0000-0002-0175-634X

Timuçin Kodaman 0000-0001-5559-983X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Ağustos 2021
Kabul Tarihi 2 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Önder, Hasan Mesut, ve Timuçin Kodaman. “İstihbarat Ve Dış Politika İlişkisi”. International Journal of Politics and Security 4, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2022): 39-64.


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