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Evolving Arctic Security Architecture Towards a Cooperative One

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı), 1 - 24, 19.04.2021


Ever since it emerged as another remote Cold War battlefield, the discourse regarding Arctic security has gone through a considerable change in both scope and depth. While this inhospitable environment was once only assessed as a rather insignificant element of the national security and sovereignty calculations of the two blocs throughout the Cold War era, such traditional perception of state-level relations has been shifting to a different plane in recent decades. This article examines the nature of this transforming security architecture of the Arctic from a competitive to a cooperative one in the last three decades. It goes on to evaluate the ‘broad security perception’ from the lens of three significant initiatives: the Murmansk Speech, the intended mandate of the Arctic Council, and economic development priorities spelled out by all Arctic states in their national strategies pertaining to the Arctic. The study, thus, concludes that unlike classical security formulations of the Cold War years, an enhanced and all-inclusive cooperative security concept will eventually pave the way for a solid and sustainable region-wide regime as societal, environmental, human, and economic security concerns have been escalating to the top of the priority list in the region alongside with national security perceptions of states.


  • Alexei A. Rodionov, ‘‘Soviet Approaches to Security and Peaceful Cooperation in the Arctic: An Overview’’, in The Arctic: Choices for Peace and Security: A Public Inquiry, ed. W. H. Hurlburt (West Vancouver, Gordon Soules Book Publishers, 1989). Annika R. Bergman, ‘‘Perspectives on Security in the Arctic Area’’, DIIS Reports (9), Danish Instıtute for International Studies, (2011).
  • Arctic Council’s Website’’, Available at: (Accessed, 19.01.2020).
  • Barbora Padrtova, ‘‘Applying Conventional Theoretical Approaches to the Arctic’’. in Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security, ed. G. H. Gjorv, M. Lanteigne and H. Sam-Aggrey, (Routledge, 2020).
  • Barbora Padrtova, ‘‘Frozen Narratives: How Media Present Security in the Arctic’’. Polar Science. (2019), Doi:
  • David A. Welch, ‘‘The Arctic and Geopolitics’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)
  • David Dewitt, ‘‘Common, Comprehensive, and Cooperative security’’. The Pacific Review, Volume 7, Number 1, (1994).
  • Dmitri Trenin, ‘‘Five Issues at Stake in the Arctic’’. Carnegie Moscow Center, (2014).
  • E. Carina Keskitalo, Negotiating the Arctic: The Construction of an International Region. Routledge New York &London, (2004).
  • Erik Molenaar et al., ‘‘The Arctic Environment: Introduction to the Arctic’’, in Arctic Marine Governance: Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation, ed. Elizabeth Tedsen, Sandra Cavalieri and R. Andreas Kraemer (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014).
  • Franklin Griffiths, ‘‘Environment and Security in Arctic Waters: A Canadian Perspective’’, in National Security and International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic: The Case of the Northern Sea Route, ed. Willy Ostreng (Springer Science&Business Media Dordrecht, 1999).
  • Gary Luton, ‘‘Strategic Issues in the Arctic Region’’, in Ocean Yearbook ed. F. M. Borgese and N. Ginsburg, Volume 6, (Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press,1986).
  • Heather Exner-Pirot, ‘‘Defence Diplomacy in the Arctic: The Search and Rescue Agreement as a Confidence Builder’’, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Volume 18, Number 2, (2012).
  • Heather Exner-Pirot, ‘‘The Arctic in International Affairs’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
  • Heather N. Nicol and Lassi Heininen, ‘‘Human Security, the Arctic Council and Climate Change: Competition or Co-existence?’’, Polar Record, 50 (252), (2014), pp.80-85
  • Heather N. Nicol, ‘‘The Evolving North American Arctic Security Context: Can Security Be Traditional?’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
  • Helga Haftendorn, ‘‘NATO and the Arctic: Is the Atlantic Alliance a Cold War Relic in a Peaceful Region Now Faced with Non-Military Challenges?’’, European Security, Vol. 20, Number 3, (2011).
  • James Eayrs, In Defence of Canada Vol. 3: Peace-Making and Deterrence, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972) Joseph S. Roucek, ‘‘The Geopolitics of the Arctic’’, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Volume 42, Number 4, (1983).
  • Kristian Atland, ‘’Russia’s Armed Forces and the Arctic: All Quiet on the Northern Front?’’, Contemporary Security Policy, Volume 32, Number 2, (2011).
  • Lassi Heininen, Arctic Strategies and Policies: Inventory and Comparative Study, (The Northern Research Forum & The University of Lapland, 2012).
  • Lassi Heininen, ‘‘Arctic Security: Global Dimensions and Challenges, and National Policy Responses’’, The Yearbook of Polar Law V, (2013)
  • Lassi Heininen, ‘‘Security of the Global Arctic in Transformation: Potential for Changes in Problem Definition’’, in Future Security of the Global Arctic: State Policy, Economic Security and Climate, ed. Lassi Heininen, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)
  • Lassi Heininen et al., ‘‘Redefining Arctic Security: Military, Environmental, Human or Societal? Cooperation or Conflict?, in Redefining Arctic Security: The Arctic Yearbook 2019, (Akureyri, Iceland. The Arctic Portal).
  • Linda Jakobson, ‘‘China Prepares for an Ice-Free Arctic’’. SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security, (2010), Number 2, Available at: (Accessed, 19.01.2020)
  • Louis Rey, ‘‘Resource Development in the Arctic Regions: Environmental and Legal Issues, in Rights to Oceanic Resources, Publications on Ocean Development, ed. D. G. Dallmeyer and L. DeVorsey Jr., Volume 13, (1989).
  • Marc Jacobsen and Jeppe Strandsbjerg, ‘‘Desecuritization as Displacement of Controversy: Geopolitics, Law and Sovereign Rights in the Arctic’’. Politik. Number 3 (20), (2017), p.15-30.
  • Maria Goes, ‘‘Human Security: An Alien Concept for the Russian Arctic’’, in Redefining Arctic Security: The Arctic Yearbook 2019, ed. Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot and Justin Barnes, (Akureyri, Iceland. The Arctic Portal), pp. 90-106.
  • Michael Byers, International Law and the Arctic, Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Cambridge University Press, (2013).
  • Mikhail Gorbachev, ‘‘The Speech in Murmansk at the Ceremonial Meeting on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal to the City of Murmansk’’, Novosti Press Agency, October 1, (1987).
  • Mikkel Runge Olesen, ‘‘Cooperation or Conflict in the Arctic: A Literature Review’’, DIIS Working Paper, Danish Instıtute for International Studies (2014).
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Lisbon Summit Declaration, Issued by the Heads of State and Government, Press Release, (November 20, 2010)
  • Ole Waever, ‘‘The Arctic Security Constellation’’, Politik, Number 3 (20), (2017).
  • Oleg Anisimov et al., ‘‘Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic)’’, in Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, ed. Martin Parry, et al., Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, (2007), p. 665-676.
  • Oran R. Young, ‘‘The Age of the Arctic’’, Foreign Policy, No:61, Winter, (1986).
  • Oran R. Young, Arctic Politics: Conflict and Cooperation in the Circumpolar North, Dartmouth College, University Press of New England, (1992).
  • Raphael Vartanov et al., ‘‘Russian Security Policy 1945-96: The Role of the Arctic, the Environment and the NSR’’, in National Security and International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic: The Case of the Northern Sea Route, ed. Willy Ostreng, (Springer Science&Business Media Dordrecht, 1999).
  • Rob Huebert, ‘‘Cooperation or Conflict in the New Arctic? Too Simple of a Dichotomy’’, in Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean, ed. Paul A. Berkman and Alexander N. Vylegzhanin, (Springer, 2013),
  • Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, ‘‘The Militarization of the Arctic to 1990’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), p.491.
  • Ronald Purver, ‘‘Arctic Security: The Murmansk Initiative and its Impact’’, Current Research on Peace and Violence, Volume 11, Number 4, (1988).
  • Sebastian Knecht and Kathrin Keil, ‘‘Arctic Geopolitics Revisited: Spatialising Governance in the Circumpolar North’’, The Polar journal, Volume 3, Number 1, (2013).
  • Sergei Vinogradov, ‘‘Ecological Security in the Arctic: A Regional Approach’’, in From Coexistence to Cooperation: International Law and Organization in the Post-Cold War Era, ed. Edward McWhinney, Douglass R. and Vladlen V., (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, 1991).
  • Stephanie Holmes, ‘‘Ice: Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty’’, Chicago Journal of International Law, Volume 9, Number 1, Article 13, (2008), pp. 323-351.
  • Stephen M. Walt, ‘‘The Renaissance of Security Studies’’, International Studies Quarterly, Volume 35, Number 2, (June 1991), pp. 211-239.
  • Teemu Palosaari and Nina Tynkkynen, ‘‘Arctic Securitization and Climate Change’’. in Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic, ed. L. C. Jensen and G. Honneland (Edward Elgar Publishing, Massachusetts, 2015).
  • Timo Koivurova, ‘‘Limits and Possibilities of the Arctic Council in a Rapidly Changing Scene of Arctic Governance’’, Polar Record, Volume 46, Number 237, (2009), pp. 146-156.
  • Tonne Huitfeldt, ‘‘A Strategic Perspective on the Arctic’’, Cooperation and Conflict, Volume 9, Issue 2-3 (1974), pp. 135-151. USARAL (U.S. Army Alaska), Building Alaska with the US Army: 1867-1965, (Pamphlet, 360-5, Headquarters, United States Army, Information Office, Alaska, 1965).
  • US Geological Survey, 2008, available at: (Accessed, 18.01.2020). Vsevolod Gunitskiy, ‘‘On Thin Ice: Water Rights and Resource Disputes in the Arctic Ocean’’, Journal of International Affairs, Volume 61, Number 2, (2008).
  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘The Soviet Union in Arctic Waters’’, The Law of the Sea Institute: Occasional Paper, No: 36, (1987).
  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘The Militarization and Security Concept of the Arctic’’. in The Arctic: Choices for Peace and Security: A Public Inquiry ed. W. H. Hurlburt, (West Vancouver, Gordon Soules Book Publishers, 1989), pp. 113-126.

  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘Political-Military Relations among the Ice States: The Conceptual Basis of State Behaviour’’, in Arctic Alternatives: Civility or Militarism in the Circumpolar North, ed. Franklyn Griffiths, (Toronto: Science for Peace/Samuel Stevens Canadian Papers in Peace Studies, 1992)
  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘National Security and the Evolving Issues of Arctic Environment and Cooperation’’. in National Security and International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic: The Case of the Northern Sea Route ed. Willy Ostreng, (Springer Science&Business Media Dordrecht,1999).

Evolving Arctic Security Architecture Towards a Cooperative One

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı), 1 - 24, 19.04.2021


Soğuk Savaş’ın çatışma alanlarından biri haline geldiğinden beri Arktik Bölgesi’nin güvenliği ile ilgili tartışmalar hem kapsam hem de derinlik açısından önemli bir değişim geçirmiştir. Sert iklim koşullarına sahip söz konusu bölge Soğuk Savaş dönemi boyunca bloklararasında daha çok ulusal güvenlik ve egemenliğin önemsiz bir unsuru olarak değerlendirilirken, son yıllarda devlet düzeyindeki ilişkilerde görülen bu geleneksel algı farklı bir aşamaya evrilmektedir. Bu çalışma, son yıllarda Arktika’da söz konusu güvenlik yapısının rekabetten işbirliğine doğru evrilen doğasını incelemektedir. Çalışmada Murmansk Demeci, Arktik Konseyi’nin yetkisi ve Arktik devletlerinin Arktika ile ilgili ulusal strateji belgelerinde yer alan ekonomik kalkınma öncelikleri gibi üç önemli girişim odağı sayesinde bölgedeki geniş güvenlik algılaması değerlendirilmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışma, Soğuk Savaş yıllarındaki klasik güvenlik formülasyonlarının aksine bölgede devletlerin ulusal güvenlik algılamalarının yanı sıra toplumsal, çevresel, insani ve ekonomik güvenlik kaygılarının öncelikli olarak ele alınmasıyla birlikte genişletilmiş ve tüm yönleriyle kapsayıcı ortak güvenlik kavramının bölge çapında somut ve sürdürülebilir bir rejime yol açacağı iddiası ile nihayete erdirilmektedir


  • Alexei A. Rodionov, ‘‘Soviet Approaches to Security and Peaceful Cooperation in the Arctic: An Overview’’, in The Arctic: Choices for Peace and Security: A Public Inquiry, ed. W. H. Hurlburt (West Vancouver, Gordon Soules Book Publishers, 1989). Annika R. Bergman, ‘‘Perspectives on Security in the Arctic Area’’, DIIS Reports (9), Danish Instıtute for International Studies, (2011).
  • Arctic Council’s Website’’, Available at: (Accessed, 19.01.2020).
  • Barbora Padrtova, ‘‘Applying Conventional Theoretical Approaches to the Arctic’’. in Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security, ed. G. H. Gjorv, M. Lanteigne and H. Sam-Aggrey, (Routledge, 2020).
  • Barbora Padrtova, ‘‘Frozen Narratives: How Media Present Security in the Arctic’’. Polar Science. (2019), Doi:
  • David A. Welch, ‘‘The Arctic and Geopolitics’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)
  • David Dewitt, ‘‘Common, Comprehensive, and Cooperative security’’. The Pacific Review, Volume 7, Number 1, (1994).
  • Dmitri Trenin, ‘‘Five Issues at Stake in the Arctic’’. Carnegie Moscow Center, (2014).
  • E. Carina Keskitalo, Negotiating the Arctic: The Construction of an International Region. Routledge New York &London, (2004).
  • Erik Molenaar et al., ‘‘The Arctic Environment: Introduction to the Arctic’’, in Arctic Marine Governance: Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation, ed. Elizabeth Tedsen, Sandra Cavalieri and R. Andreas Kraemer (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014).
  • Franklin Griffiths, ‘‘Environment and Security in Arctic Waters: A Canadian Perspective’’, in National Security and International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic: The Case of the Northern Sea Route, ed. Willy Ostreng (Springer Science&Business Media Dordrecht, 1999).
  • Gary Luton, ‘‘Strategic Issues in the Arctic Region’’, in Ocean Yearbook ed. F. M. Borgese and N. Ginsburg, Volume 6, (Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press,1986).
  • Heather Exner-Pirot, ‘‘Defence Diplomacy in the Arctic: The Search and Rescue Agreement as a Confidence Builder’’, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Volume 18, Number 2, (2012).
  • Heather Exner-Pirot, ‘‘The Arctic in International Affairs’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
  • Heather N. Nicol and Lassi Heininen, ‘‘Human Security, the Arctic Council and Climate Change: Competition or Co-existence?’’, Polar Record, 50 (252), (2014), pp.80-85
  • Heather N. Nicol, ‘‘The Evolving North American Arctic Security Context: Can Security Be Traditional?’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
  • Helga Haftendorn, ‘‘NATO and the Arctic: Is the Atlantic Alliance a Cold War Relic in a Peaceful Region Now Faced with Non-Military Challenges?’’, European Security, Vol. 20, Number 3, (2011).
  • James Eayrs, In Defence of Canada Vol. 3: Peace-Making and Deterrence, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972) Joseph S. Roucek, ‘‘The Geopolitics of the Arctic’’, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Volume 42, Number 4, (1983).
  • Kristian Atland, ‘’Russia’s Armed Forces and the Arctic: All Quiet on the Northern Front?’’, Contemporary Security Policy, Volume 32, Number 2, (2011).
  • Lassi Heininen, Arctic Strategies and Policies: Inventory and Comparative Study, (The Northern Research Forum & The University of Lapland, 2012).
  • Lassi Heininen, ‘‘Arctic Security: Global Dimensions and Challenges, and National Policy Responses’’, The Yearbook of Polar Law V, (2013)
  • Lassi Heininen, ‘‘Security of the Global Arctic in Transformation: Potential for Changes in Problem Definition’’, in Future Security of the Global Arctic: State Policy, Economic Security and Climate, ed. Lassi Heininen, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)
  • Lassi Heininen et al., ‘‘Redefining Arctic Security: Military, Environmental, Human or Societal? Cooperation or Conflict?, in Redefining Arctic Security: The Arctic Yearbook 2019, (Akureyri, Iceland. The Arctic Portal).
  • Linda Jakobson, ‘‘China Prepares for an Ice-Free Arctic’’. SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security, (2010), Number 2, Available at: (Accessed, 19.01.2020)
  • Louis Rey, ‘‘Resource Development in the Arctic Regions: Environmental and Legal Issues, in Rights to Oceanic Resources, Publications on Ocean Development, ed. D. G. Dallmeyer and L. DeVorsey Jr., Volume 13, (1989).
  • Marc Jacobsen and Jeppe Strandsbjerg, ‘‘Desecuritization as Displacement of Controversy: Geopolitics, Law and Sovereign Rights in the Arctic’’. Politik. Number 3 (20), (2017), p.15-30.
  • Maria Goes, ‘‘Human Security: An Alien Concept for the Russian Arctic’’, in Redefining Arctic Security: The Arctic Yearbook 2019, ed. Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot and Justin Barnes, (Akureyri, Iceland. The Arctic Portal), pp. 90-106.
  • Michael Byers, International Law and the Arctic, Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Cambridge University Press, (2013).
  • Mikhail Gorbachev, ‘‘The Speech in Murmansk at the Ceremonial Meeting on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal to the City of Murmansk’’, Novosti Press Agency, October 1, (1987).
  • Mikkel Runge Olesen, ‘‘Cooperation or Conflict in the Arctic: A Literature Review’’, DIIS Working Paper, Danish Instıtute for International Studies (2014).
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Lisbon Summit Declaration, Issued by the Heads of State and Government, Press Release, (November 20, 2010)
  • Ole Waever, ‘‘The Arctic Security Constellation’’, Politik, Number 3 (20), (2017).
  • Oleg Anisimov et al., ‘‘Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic)’’, in Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, ed. Martin Parry, et al., Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, (2007), p. 665-676.
  • Oran R. Young, ‘‘The Age of the Arctic’’, Foreign Policy, No:61, Winter, (1986).
  • Oran R. Young, Arctic Politics: Conflict and Cooperation in the Circumpolar North, Dartmouth College, University Press of New England, (1992).
  • Raphael Vartanov et al., ‘‘Russian Security Policy 1945-96: The Role of the Arctic, the Environment and the NSR’’, in National Security and International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic: The Case of the Northern Sea Route, ed. Willy Ostreng, (Springer Science&Business Media Dordrecht, 1999).
  • Rob Huebert, ‘‘Cooperation or Conflict in the New Arctic? Too Simple of a Dichotomy’’, in Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean, ed. Paul A. Berkman and Alexander N. Vylegzhanin, (Springer, 2013),
  • Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, ‘‘The Militarization of the Arctic to 1990’’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, ed. Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), p.491.
  • Ronald Purver, ‘‘Arctic Security: The Murmansk Initiative and its Impact’’, Current Research on Peace and Violence, Volume 11, Number 4, (1988).
  • Sebastian Knecht and Kathrin Keil, ‘‘Arctic Geopolitics Revisited: Spatialising Governance in the Circumpolar North’’, The Polar journal, Volume 3, Number 1, (2013).
  • Sergei Vinogradov, ‘‘Ecological Security in the Arctic: A Regional Approach’’, in From Coexistence to Cooperation: International Law and Organization in the Post-Cold War Era, ed. Edward McWhinney, Douglass R. and Vladlen V., (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, 1991).
  • Stephanie Holmes, ‘‘Ice: Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty’’, Chicago Journal of International Law, Volume 9, Number 1, Article 13, (2008), pp. 323-351.
  • Stephen M. Walt, ‘‘The Renaissance of Security Studies’’, International Studies Quarterly, Volume 35, Number 2, (June 1991), pp. 211-239.
  • Teemu Palosaari and Nina Tynkkynen, ‘‘Arctic Securitization and Climate Change’’. in Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic, ed. L. C. Jensen and G. Honneland (Edward Elgar Publishing, Massachusetts, 2015).
  • Timo Koivurova, ‘‘Limits and Possibilities of the Arctic Council in a Rapidly Changing Scene of Arctic Governance’’, Polar Record, Volume 46, Number 237, (2009), pp. 146-156.
  • Tonne Huitfeldt, ‘‘A Strategic Perspective on the Arctic’’, Cooperation and Conflict, Volume 9, Issue 2-3 (1974), pp. 135-151. USARAL (U.S. Army Alaska), Building Alaska with the US Army: 1867-1965, (Pamphlet, 360-5, Headquarters, United States Army, Information Office, Alaska, 1965).
  • US Geological Survey, 2008, available at: (Accessed, 18.01.2020). Vsevolod Gunitskiy, ‘‘On Thin Ice: Water Rights and Resource Disputes in the Arctic Ocean’’, Journal of International Affairs, Volume 61, Number 2, (2008).
  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘The Soviet Union in Arctic Waters’’, The Law of the Sea Institute: Occasional Paper, No: 36, (1987).
  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘The Militarization and Security Concept of the Arctic’’. in The Arctic: Choices for Peace and Security: A Public Inquiry ed. W. H. Hurlburt, (West Vancouver, Gordon Soules Book Publishers, 1989), pp. 113-126.

  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘Political-Military Relations among the Ice States: The Conceptual Basis of State Behaviour’’, in Arctic Alternatives: Civility or Militarism in the Circumpolar North, ed. Franklyn Griffiths, (Toronto: Science for Peace/Samuel Stevens Canadian Papers in Peace Studies, 1992)
  • Willy Ostreng, ‘‘National Security and the Evolving Issues of Arctic Environment and Cooperation’’. in National Security and International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic: The Case of the Northern Sea Route ed. Willy Ostreng, (Springer Science&Business Media Dordrecht,1999).
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Ali Uğur 0000-0002-0316-5164

Adnan Dal 0000-0002-3633-9044

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ağustos 2020
Kabul Tarihi 9 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı)

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Uğur, Mehmet Ali, ve Adnan Dal. “Evolving Arctic Security Architecture Towards a Cooperative One”. International Journal of Politics and Security 3, sy. 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı) (Nisan 2021): 1-24.


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