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Predictions for activity involvement via PERMA well-being model in mountain climbing-hiking participants on Mt.Olympus

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 44 - 53, 31.12.2022


The present study aims to investigate predictions for activity involvement per PERMA well-being model in outdoor activities such as mountain climbing-hiking on Mt.Olympus. Specifically, in the last 30 years, thousands of nature lovers/naturalists have been visiting this legendary mountain to admire up close its unfathomable natural beauty, wander in its trails and plateaus, and conquer its summits. For this research, we gathered date from participants in mountain climbing-hiking on Mt.Olympus. The total sample was 200 participants (N=200). For the measurement of well-being, we used the questionnaire by Kern et al. (2015), which encompasses five elements: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. To measure the involvement, we used the scale by Kyle and Chick (2002) and investigated three parameters namely attraction (3 questions), centrality (3 questions) and self-expression (3 questions). It seems that mountain climbing continues to be an activity enjoyed mainly by ages over 30 years. Substantial average scores were noted for Attraction (mean =5,7), which refers to the pleasure the individual feels when participating in an outdoor leisure activity, and for Self-expression (mean=4,8), referring to the potential for validation of the individual through their participation in an activity. The PERMA model was a significant contributory factor for predictions in all three involvement parameters.

Destekleyen Kurum

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/ Department of Physical Education & Sport Science


  • Alexandris, K., Funk, D. & Pritchard, M. (2011). The Impact of Constraints on Motivation, Activity Attachment and Skier Intentions to Continue. Journal of Leisure Research, 43, 56-79.
  • Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., & Meligdis A. (2006). Increasing Customers' Loyalty in a Skiing Resort: The Contribution of Place Attachment and Service Quality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 18(5):414-425 DOI:10.1108/09596110610673547
  • Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., Funk, D. & Tziouma, O. (2012). The use of negotiation strategies among recreational participants with different involvement level: The case of recreational swimmers. Leisure Studies, 32:3, 299-317
  • Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., Funk, D., & Chatzigianni, E. (2008). Examining the relationships between leisure constraints, involvement and attitudinal loyalty among Greek recreational skiers. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8(3) 247-264.
  • Beaton, A., Funk, D., Ridinger, L. & Jordan, J. (2011). Sport involvement: A conceptual and empirical analysis. Sport Management Review. 14. 10.1016/j.smr.2010.07.002.
  • Brajša-Žganec, A., Merkaš, M., & Šverko, I. (2011). Quality of life and leisure activities: How do leisure activities contribute to subjective well-being? Social Indicators Research, 102(1), 81–91.
  • Butler, J., & Kern, M. L. (2016). The PERMA-Profiler: A brief multidimensional measure of flourishing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 6(3).
  • Cavill N., Kahlmeier S. & Racioppi F. (2006). Physical Activity and Health in Europe: Evidence for Action. WHO; Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Celsi, R., & Olson, J. (1988). The role of involvement in attention and comprehension processes. The Journal of Consumer Research 15, 210-224.
  • Charters, T. & Saxon, E. (2007). Tourism and Mountains. A Practical Guide to Managing the Environmental and Social Impacts of Mountain Tours (Sweeting, A. ed.), United Nations Environment Programme, 4 June, In, accessed 22/7/2017.
  • Churchill, G. A. J. (1979). A paradigm for developing better measures of marketing constructs. Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (2), 64-73.
  • Coffey, J. K., Wray-Lake, L., Mashek, D., & Branand, B. (2016). A multi-study examination of well-being theory in college and community samples. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(1), 187-211.
  • Coghlan, A., & Filo, K. (2013). Using Constant Comparison Method and Qualitative Data to Understand Participants’ Experiences at the Nexus of Tourism, Sport and Charity Events. Tourism Management, 35, 122-131.
  • Croom, A. M. (2014). Embodying martial arts for mental health: Cultivating psychological wellbeing with martial arts practice. Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, 10.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, New York: Harper and Row.
  • DeVellis, R. F. (2003). Scale development: theory and applications (2nd ed. Vol. 26). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Dimitrios, K., & Sterios, K. (2022). Prediction of involvement in activity based on the dimensions of participation in mountaineering and hiking on Mount Olympus. Journal of Physical Education & Sport, 22(9).
  • Doyle, J. T., Redsteer, M. H., & Eggers, M. J. (2013). Exploring effects of climate change on Northern Plains American Indian health. In Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States (pp. 135-147). Springer, Cham.
  • Doyle, R. A., Voyer, D., & Lesmana, M. (2016). Item type, occlusion, and gender differences in mental rotation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(8), 1530-1544.
  • Engle, J. F. & Roger D. B. (1982), Consumer Behavior, Fourth edition, Chicago: The Dryden Press.
  • Filo, K. R., Funk, D. C., & O’Brien, D. (2008). It’s really not about the bike: Exploring attraction and attachment to the events of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Journal of Sport Management, 22(5), 501-525.
  • Filo, K., & Coghlan, A. (2016). Exploring the positive psychology domains of well-being activated through charity sport event experiences. Event Management, 20(2), 181–199.
  • Filo, K., Funk, D. C., & O’Brien, D. (2009). The meaning behind attachment: Exploring camaraderie, cause, and competency at a charity sport event. Journal of Sport Management, 23(3), 361-387.
  • Forgeard, M. J., Jayawickreme, E., Kern, M. L., & Seligman, M. E. (2011). Doing the right thing: Measuring wellbeing for public policy. International journal of wellbeing, 1(1).
  • Funk, D. C., & James, J. (2001). The psychological continuum model: A conceptual framework for understanding an individual's psychological connection to sport. Sport management review, 4(2), 119-150.
  • Funk, D., Jordan, J., Ridinger, L., & Kaplanidou, K. (2011). Capacity of mass participant sport events for the development of activity commitment and future exercise intention. Leisure Sciences, 33(3), 250-268.
  • Havitz, M. E., & Dimanche, F. (1990). Propositions for testing the involvement construct in recreational and tourism contexts. Leisure Sciences, 12(2), 179-195.
  • Havitz, M., & Dimanche, F. (1997). Leisure involvement revisited: Conceptual conundrums and measurement advances. Journal of Leisure Research., 29, 245-278.
  • Higgins, E. (2006). Value from hedonic experience and engagement. Psychological Review. 113(3), pp. 439-460.
  • Iwasaki, Y. & Havitz, M. (2004). Examining relationships between leisure involvement, psychological commitment and loyalty to a recreation agency. Journal of Leisure Research. 36: 45–72.
  • Kaimakamis D. (2014). Investigating the factors that constraint and motivate participation in outdoor sports activities. Phd thesis. pp. 181-187
  • Kaplan, R.S. (1994) Management Accounting (1984-1994) Development of New Practice and Theory. Management Accounting Research, 5, 247-260.
  • Karalis D. & Theodoropoulos A. (2007). Mountaineering- Detailed technical manual. E.O.E. AXAPNON.
  • Kern, M. L., Waters, L. E., Adler, A., & White, M. A. (2015). A multidimensional approach to measuring well-being in students: Application of the PERMA framework. The journal of positive psychology, 10(3), 262-271.
  • Korpela, K., Borodulin, K., Neuvonen, M., Paronen, O., & Tyrväinen, L. (2014). Analyzing the mediators between nature-based outdoor recreation and emotional well-being. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 37, 1-7.
  • Kun, Á., Balogh, P., & Krasz, K. G. (2017). Development of the work-related well-being questionnaire based on Seligman’s PERMA model. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 25(1), 56-63.
  • Kyle, G. T., Absher, J. D., Norman, W., Hammitt, W. E., & Jodice, L. (2007). A modified involvement scale. Leisure Studies., 26(4), 399–427.
  • Kyle, G. T., Absher, J. D., Norman, W., Hammitt, W. E., & Jodice, L. (2007). A modified involvement scale. Leisure Studies., 26(4), 399–427.
  • Kyle, G., & Chick, G. (2002). The Social Nature of Leisure Involvement. Journal of Leisure Research, 34, 426-448.
  • Kyle, G., Bricker, K., Graefe, A., & Wickham, T. (2004). An Examination of Recreationists’ Relationships With Activities And Settings. Leisure Sciences, 26, 123-142.
  • Laurent, G., & Kapferer, J. (1985). Measuring consumer involvement profiles. Journal of Marketing Research., 22, 41-53.
  • Lois J. (2005). Gender and emotion management in the stages of edgework. In: Lyng S (ed.) Edgework. New York: Routledge, pp. 117–15
  • McIntyre, N., & Pigram, J. J. (1992). Recreation specialization reexamined: The case of vehicle-based campers. Leisure Sciences., 14 (1), 3–15.
  • McQuarrie E. F. & Munson J. M. (1987).The Zaichkowsky Personal Involvement Inventory: Modification and Extension, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 14, eds. Melanie Wallendorf and Paul Anderson,
  • Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research., 36-40.
  • Mechanic, D., & Hansell, S. (1987). Adolescent Competence, Psychological Well-Being, And Self-Assessed Physical Health. Journal of Health And Social Behavior, 364-374.
  • Miles, J.C. & Priest, S. (1990) The Leadership of Adventure Education, (a section with chapters from various authors) in Adventure Education, Venture Publishing Inc., State College, Pennsylvania.
  • Moira P., & Drivas P. (2017). Mountain Tourism in Greece. Possibilities and Prospects of Tourist Season Extension throughout the Year. International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality. 3 (4),14-24.
  • Mountain Agenda. Mountains of the World. (1999). Tourism and Sustainable Mountain development. Berne, Switzerland.
  • Rodríguez, A., Látková, P., & Sun, Y. Y. (2008). The relationship between leisure and life satisfaction: Application of activity and need theory. Social Indicators Research, 86(1), 163-175.
  • Sandstrom G. M, & Dunn E. W. (2014). Social Interactions and Well-Being: The Surprising Power of Weak Ties. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.;40(7):910-922. doi:10.1177/0146167214529799
  • Schaufeli W. B, Bakker A. B, & Salanova M. (2006). The Measurement of Work Engagement With a Short Questionnaire: A Cross-National Study. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66(4):701-716. doi:10.1177/0013164405282471
  • Scherl, L. M. (1989). Self in wilderness: Understanding the psychological benefits of individual-wilderness interaction through self-control. Leisure Sciences, 11(2), 123–135.
  • Seligman, M. (2011). Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being. Free Press, New York.
  • Seligman, M. E. P. (2002). Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment. Free Press.
  • Seligman, M. E., Rashid, T., & Parks, A. C. (2006). Positive psychotherapy. American psychologist, 61(8), 774. 10.1037/0003-066X.61.8.774.
  • Ten Brink P., Mutafoglu K., Schweitzer J.P., Kettunen M., Twigger-Ross C., Baker J., Kuipers Y., Emonts M., Tyrväinen L., Hujala T., et al. (2016). The Health and Social Benefits of Nature and Biodiversity Protection. A report for the European Commission. Institute for European Environmental Policy; London, UK: Brussels, Belgium:.
  • Thompson Coon J, Boddy K, Stein K, Whear R, Barton J, & Depledge M H. (2011). Does Participating in Physical Activity in Outdoor Natural Environments Have A Greater Effect on Physical and Mental Wellbeing Than Physical Activity Indoors? A Systematic Review. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(5): 1761-1772.
  • Vilhjalmsson, R., & Thorlindsson, T. (1998). Factors Related to Physical Activity: A Study of Adolescents. Social science & Medicine, 47(5), 665-675.
  • Wattanasuwan, K. (2005). The self and symbolic consumption. Journal of American Academy of Business. 6 (1), 179-184.
  • World Mountain Forum/WMF (2016). Mountains for our future, Mbale, Uganda
  • Zaichkowsky, J. L. (1985). Measuring the involvement construct. Journal of Consumer Research, 12(3), 341–352.
Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 44 - 53, 31.12.2022



  • Alexandris, K., Funk, D. & Pritchard, M. (2011). The Impact of Constraints on Motivation, Activity Attachment and Skier Intentions to Continue. Journal of Leisure Research, 43, 56-79.
  • Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., & Meligdis A. (2006). Increasing Customers' Loyalty in a Skiing Resort: The Contribution of Place Attachment and Service Quality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 18(5):414-425 DOI:10.1108/09596110610673547
  • Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., Funk, D. & Tziouma, O. (2012). The use of negotiation strategies among recreational participants with different involvement level: The case of recreational swimmers. Leisure Studies, 32:3, 299-317
  • Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., Funk, D., & Chatzigianni, E. (2008). Examining the relationships between leisure constraints, involvement and attitudinal loyalty among Greek recreational skiers. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8(3) 247-264.
  • Beaton, A., Funk, D., Ridinger, L. & Jordan, J. (2011). Sport involvement: A conceptual and empirical analysis. Sport Management Review. 14. 10.1016/j.smr.2010.07.002.
  • Brajša-Žganec, A., Merkaš, M., & Šverko, I. (2011). Quality of life and leisure activities: How do leisure activities contribute to subjective well-being? Social Indicators Research, 102(1), 81–91.
  • Butler, J., & Kern, M. L. (2016). The PERMA-Profiler: A brief multidimensional measure of flourishing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 6(3).
  • Cavill N., Kahlmeier S. & Racioppi F. (2006). Physical Activity and Health in Europe: Evidence for Action. WHO; Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Celsi, R., & Olson, J. (1988). The role of involvement in attention and comprehension processes. The Journal of Consumer Research 15, 210-224.
  • Charters, T. & Saxon, E. (2007). Tourism and Mountains. A Practical Guide to Managing the Environmental and Social Impacts of Mountain Tours (Sweeting, A. ed.), United Nations Environment Programme, 4 June, In, accessed 22/7/2017.
  • Churchill, G. A. J. (1979). A paradigm for developing better measures of marketing constructs. Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (2), 64-73.
  • Coffey, J. K., Wray-Lake, L., Mashek, D., & Branand, B. (2016). A multi-study examination of well-being theory in college and community samples. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(1), 187-211.
  • Coghlan, A., & Filo, K. (2013). Using Constant Comparison Method and Qualitative Data to Understand Participants’ Experiences at the Nexus of Tourism, Sport and Charity Events. Tourism Management, 35, 122-131.
  • Croom, A. M. (2014). Embodying martial arts for mental health: Cultivating psychological wellbeing with martial arts practice. Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, 10.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, New York: Harper and Row.
  • DeVellis, R. F. (2003). Scale development: theory and applications (2nd ed. Vol. 26). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Dimitrios, K., & Sterios, K. (2022). Prediction of involvement in activity based on the dimensions of participation in mountaineering and hiking on Mount Olympus. Journal of Physical Education & Sport, 22(9).
  • Doyle, J. T., Redsteer, M. H., & Eggers, M. J. (2013). Exploring effects of climate change on Northern Plains American Indian health. In Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States (pp. 135-147). Springer, Cham.
  • Doyle, R. A., Voyer, D., & Lesmana, M. (2016). Item type, occlusion, and gender differences in mental rotation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(8), 1530-1544.
  • Engle, J. F. & Roger D. B. (1982), Consumer Behavior, Fourth edition, Chicago: The Dryden Press.
  • Filo, K. R., Funk, D. C., & O’Brien, D. (2008). It’s really not about the bike: Exploring attraction and attachment to the events of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Journal of Sport Management, 22(5), 501-525.
  • Filo, K., & Coghlan, A. (2016). Exploring the positive psychology domains of well-being activated through charity sport event experiences. Event Management, 20(2), 181–199.
  • Filo, K., Funk, D. C., & O’Brien, D. (2009). The meaning behind attachment: Exploring camaraderie, cause, and competency at a charity sport event. Journal of Sport Management, 23(3), 361-387.
  • Forgeard, M. J., Jayawickreme, E., Kern, M. L., & Seligman, M. E. (2011). Doing the right thing: Measuring wellbeing for public policy. International journal of wellbeing, 1(1).
  • Funk, D. C., & James, J. (2001). The psychological continuum model: A conceptual framework for understanding an individual's psychological connection to sport. Sport management review, 4(2), 119-150.
  • Funk, D., Jordan, J., Ridinger, L., & Kaplanidou, K. (2011). Capacity of mass participant sport events for the development of activity commitment and future exercise intention. Leisure Sciences, 33(3), 250-268.
  • Havitz, M. E., & Dimanche, F. (1990). Propositions for testing the involvement construct in recreational and tourism contexts. Leisure Sciences, 12(2), 179-195.
  • Havitz, M., & Dimanche, F. (1997). Leisure involvement revisited: Conceptual conundrums and measurement advances. Journal of Leisure Research., 29, 245-278.
  • Higgins, E. (2006). Value from hedonic experience and engagement. Psychological Review. 113(3), pp. 439-460.
  • Iwasaki, Y. & Havitz, M. (2004). Examining relationships between leisure involvement, psychological commitment and loyalty to a recreation agency. Journal of Leisure Research. 36: 45–72.
  • Kaimakamis D. (2014). Investigating the factors that constraint and motivate participation in outdoor sports activities. Phd thesis. pp. 181-187
  • Kaplan, R.S. (1994) Management Accounting (1984-1994) Development of New Practice and Theory. Management Accounting Research, 5, 247-260.
  • Karalis D. & Theodoropoulos A. (2007). Mountaineering- Detailed technical manual. E.O.E. AXAPNON.
  • Kern, M. L., Waters, L. E., Adler, A., & White, M. A. (2015). A multidimensional approach to measuring well-being in students: Application of the PERMA framework. The journal of positive psychology, 10(3), 262-271.
  • Korpela, K., Borodulin, K., Neuvonen, M., Paronen, O., & Tyrväinen, L. (2014). Analyzing the mediators between nature-based outdoor recreation and emotional well-being. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 37, 1-7.
  • Kun, Á., Balogh, P., & Krasz, K. G. (2017). Development of the work-related well-being questionnaire based on Seligman’s PERMA model. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 25(1), 56-63.
  • Kyle, G. T., Absher, J. D., Norman, W., Hammitt, W. E., & Jodice, L. (2007). A modified involvement scale. Leisure Studies., 26(4), 399–427.
  • Kyle, G. T., Absher, J. D., Norman, W., Hammitt, W. E., & Jodice, L. (2007). A modified involvement scale. Leisure Studies., 26(4), 399–427.
  • Kyle, G., & Chick, G. (2002). The Social Nature of Leisure Involvement. Journal of Leisure Research, 34, 426-448.
  • Kyle, G., Bricker, K., Graefe, A., & Wickham, T. (2004). An Examination of Recreationists’ Relationships With Activities And Settings. Leisure Sciences, 26, 123-142.
  • Laurent, G., & Kapferer, J. (1985). Measuring consumer involvement profiles. Journal of Marketing Research., 22, 41-53.
  • Lois J. (2005). Gender and emotion management in the stages of edgework. In: Lyng S (ed.) Edgework. New York: Routledge, pp. 117–15
  • McIntyre, N., & Pigram, J. J. (1992). Recreation specialization reexamined: The case of vehicle-based campers. Leisure Sciences., 14 (1), 3–15.
  • McQuarrie E. F. & Munson J. M. (1987).The Zaichkowsky Personal Involvement Inventory: Modification and Extension, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 14, eds. Melanie Wallendorf and Paul Anderson,
  • Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research., 36-40.
  • Mechanic, D., & Hansell, S. (1987). Adolescent Competence, Psychological Well-Being, And Self-Assessed Physical Health. Journal of Health And Social Behavior, 364-374.
  • Miles, J.C. & Priest, S. (1990) The Leadership of Adventure Education, (a section with chapters from various authors) in Adventure Education, Venture Publishing Inc., State College, Pennsylvania.
  • Moira P., & Drivas P. (2017). Mountain Tourism in Greece. Possibilities and Prospects of Tourist Season Extension throughout the Year. International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality. 3 (4),14-24.
  • Mountain Agenda. Mountains of the World. (1999). Tourism and Sustainable Mountain development. Berne, Switzerland.
  • Rodríguez, A., Látková, P., & Sun, Y. Y. (2008). The relationship between leisure and life satisfaction: Application of activity and need theory. Social Indicators Research, 86(1), 163-175.
  • Sandstrom G. M, & Dunn E. W. (2014). Social Interactions and Well-Being: The Surprising Power of Weak Ties. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.;40(7):910-922. doi:10.1177/0146167214529799
  • Schaufeli W. B, Bakker A. B, & Salanova M. (2006). The Measurement of Work Engagement With a Short Questionnaire: A Cross-National Study. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66(4):701-716. doi:10.1177/0013164405282471
  • Scherl, L. M. (1989). Self in wilderness: Understanding the psychological benefits of individual-wilderness interaction through self-control. Leisure Sciences, 11(2), 123–135.
  • Seligman, M. (2011). Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being. Free Press, New York.
  • Seligman, M. E. P. (2002). Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment. Free Press.
  • Seligman, M. E., Rashid, T., & Parks, A. C. (2006). Positive psychotherapy. American psychologist, 61(8), 774. 10.1037/0003-066X.61.8.774.
  • Ten Brink P., Mutafoglu K., Schweitzer J.P., Kettunen M., Twigger-Ross C., Baker J., Kuipers Y., Emonts M., Tyrväinen L., Hujala T., et al. (2016). The Health and Social Benefits of Nature and Biodiversity Protection. A report for the European Commission. Institute for European Environmental Policy; London, UK: Brussels, Belgium:.
  • Thompson Coon J, Boddy K, Stein K, Whear R, Barton J, & Depledge M H. (2011). Does Participating in Physical Activity in Outdoor Natural Environments Have A Greater Effect on Physical and Mental Wellbeing Than Physical Activity Indoors? A Systematic Review. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(5): 1761-1772.
  • Vilhjalmsson, R., & Thorlindsson, T. (1998). Factors Related to Physical Activity: A Study of Adolescents. Social science & Medicine, 47(5), 665-675.
  • Wattanasuwan, K. (2005). The self and symbolic consumption. Journal of American Academy of Business. 6 (1), 179-184.
  • World Mountain Forum/WMF (2016). Mountains for our future, Mbale, Uganda
  • Zaichkowsky, J. L. (1985). Measuring the involvement construct. Journal of Consumer Research, 12(3), 341–352.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Dimitrios Kaimakamis 0000-0002-9204-7660

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Temmuz 2022
Kabul Tarihi 17 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaimakamis, D. (2022). Predictions for activity involvement via PERMA well-being model in mountain climbing-hiking participants on Mt.Olympus. International Journal of Recreation and Sports Science, 6(1), 44-53.