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Psychometric Properties Evaluation of the Turkish Version of the Brief-Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire (B- CaffeQ): An Adaptation Study in Recreationally Active Individuals

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 78 - 90, 28.12.2024


Caffeine is a psychoactive substance that is widely consumed in the world and Turkey. It is seen that its widespread consumption is related to expectancies of consumption as well as cultural factors. Recreationally active individuals may have various expectations from caffeine consumption in line with their lifestyles and goals such as physical, social and/or other aspects. It can be stated that caffeine consumption expectancies have an important role in the process of evaluating consumption patterns. However, in the literature, it seems to be very limited information about expectancies related to caffeine consumption. In this direction, the aim of the research was to test the compatibility of Brief-Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire (B-CaffeQ) to Turkish culture and language. In the study, data were collected from two separate participant groups and were analyzed. Participants were composed of recreationally active individuals. To reveal the structure in the first group (n=278) data, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and to verify the structure in the second group (n=313) data, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used. Reliability was assessed by performing test-retest and internal consistency analyzes on both the two data groups. The findings show that the existing 7-dimensional structure contains good values in terms of validity and reliability, and it overlaps with the original B-CaffeQ structure. As a result, the data obtained shows that B-CaffeQ-TR is a valid and reliable measurement tool that could be used to evaluate the expectancies of caffeine use in the Turkish language and culture.

Destekleyen Kurum

Eskişehir Technical University Scientific Research Projects Commission

Proje Numarası



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  • Aydın, B., & Eryılmaz, G. (2019). Risky caffeine consumption of the university students. Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, special (1), 19-23.
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  • Bagozzi, R. P., & Phillips, L. W. (1982). Representing and testing organizational theories: A holistic construal. Administrative science quarterly, 459-489.
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  • Barone, J. J., & Roberts, H. (2012). Human consumption of caffeine. In P. B. Dews (Ed.), Caffeine: Perspectives From Recent Research (pp. 60). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Benowitz, N. L. (1990). Clinical pharmacology of caffeine. Annual Review of Medicine, 41(1), 277-288.
  • Bostan, İ. (2001). Coffee. Encyclopedia of Islamic religious foundation of Turkey, Vol. 24, Türk Diyanet Foundation Publishing İstanbul. Retrieved April 29, 2021, from
  • Brislin, R. W., & Freimanis, C. (2001). Back-translation: a tool for cross-cultural research. In S. Chan, D. E. Pollard (Eds.), An Encyclopedia of Translation: Chinese-English, English-Chinese (pp., 22-40). The Chinese University Press.
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Kafein Beklenti Anketi Kısa Formunun (K-KafBA) Türkçe Versiyonunun Psikometrik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirmesi: Rekreasyonel Aktif Bireyler Üzerine Bir Uyarlama Çalışması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 78 - 90, 28.12.2024


Kafein dünyada ve Türkiyede yaygın olarak tüketilen psikoaktif maddedir. Yaygın olarak tüketilmesinin, kültürel unsururların yanında tüketime ilişkin beklentilerle de ilişkisi olduğu görülmektedir. Rekreasyonel olarak aktif bireyler, yaşam tarzları ve hedefleri doğrultusunda fiziksel, sosyal ve/veya diğer yönlerden kafein tüketiminden çeşitli beklentilere sahip olabilirler. Kafein tüketim beklentilerinin, tüketici davranışlarını değerlendirme sürecinde önemli bir role sahip olduğu ifade edilebilir. Ancak literatürde (özellikle Türkiyede) kafein tüketimine ilişkin beklentiler hakkında çok sınırlı düzeyde bilgi olduğu görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda araştırmanın amacı Kafein Beklenti Anketi Kısa Formunun (K-KafBA) Türk kültürü ve diline uygunluğunun test edilmesidir. Yürütülen araştırmada iki ayrı katılımcı grubundan veri toplanarak analiz işlemleri yürütülmüştür. Katılımcılar rekreasyonel olarak aktif bireylerden oluşmaktadır. Birinci grup (n = 278) verileri üzerinde yapının ortaya çıkması için Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA), ikinci grup (n = 313) verileri üzerinde yapının doğrulanması için Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) kullanılmıştır. Her iki grup verileri üzerinde test-tekrar test ve iç tutarlık analizleri yapılarak güvenirlik değerlendirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, mevcut 7 boyutlu yapının geçerlik ve güvenirlik açısından iyi değerlere sahip olduğunu ve oriinal K-KafBA ile yapısının örtüştüğünü göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, elde edilen veriler K-KafBA’nın Türk dili ve kültürü için kafein kullanımına ilişkin beklentilerin değerlendirilmesinde kullanılabilecek geçerli ve güvenir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermiştir.

Proje Numarası



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  • Anadolu Agency (AA). (2019). A Turk consumes 1,300 cups of tea every year 2019. Retrieved April 28, 2021,
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  • Aydın, B., & Eryılmaz, G. (2019). Risky caffeine consumption of the university students. Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, special (1), 19-23.
  • Babayiğit, M. A., Oğur, R., Tekbaş, Ö. F., & Hasde, M. (2006). Observing non-alcoholic beverage consumption habits and factors effecting Journal of General Medicine, 16(4), 161-168.
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  • Dawkins, L., Shahzad, F. Z., Ahmed, S. S., & Edmonds, C. J. (2011). Expectation of having consumed caffeine can improve performance and mood. Appetite, 57(3), 597-600.
  • Elliman, N. A., Ash, J., & Green, M. W. (2010). Pre-existent expectancy effects in the relationship between caffeine and performance. Appetite, 55(2), 355-358.
  • Eren F. Y., & Sezgin A. C. (2018). In terms of cultural heritage Turkish coffee. Electronic Turkish Studies, 13(10), 697-712.
  • Fatolahi, H., Farahmand, A., & Rezakhani, S. (2020). The effect of caffeine on health and exercise performance with a cold brew coffee approach: a scoping review. Nutrition and Food Sciences Research, 7(2), 1-12.
  • Fillmore, M., & Vogel-Sprott, M. (1992). Expected effect of caffeine on motor performance predicts the type of response to placebo. Psychopharmacology, 106(2), 209-214.
  • Fillmore, M. T. (1999). Behavioral effects of caffeine: the role of drug-related expectancies. In B. S. Gupta & U. Gupta, (Eds.), Caffeine and Behavior: Current Views & Research Trends: Current Views and Research Trends, (pp.207). CRC Press.
  • Frary, C. D., Johnson, R. K., & Wang, M. Q. (2005). Food sources and intakes of caffeine in the diets of persons in the United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105(1), 110-113.
  • Fredholm, B. B., Bättig, K., Holmén, J., Nehlig, A., & Zvartau, E. E. (1999). Actions of caffeine in the brain with special reference to factors that contribute to its widespread use. Pharmacological Reviews, 51(1), 83-133.
  • Fukuda, M., & Aoyama, K. (2017). Decaffeinated coffee induces a faster conditioned reaction time even when participants know that the drink does not contain caffeine. Learning and Motivation, 59, 11-18.
  • Geers, A. L., & Caplandies, F.C. (2020). Placebo and Nocebo Effects. the Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology, 2, 475-483.
  • Gray, J. (1998). Caffeine, coffee and health. Nutrition & Food Science, 98(6), 314-319.
  • Güneş, S. (2012). Turkish Tea Culture and Its Products. International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(94), 234-251.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate data analysis - Pearson new international edition (7th ed.). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & Patsula, L. (1999). Increasing the validity of adapted tests: Myths to be avoided and guidelines for improving test adaptation practices. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 1(1), 1-30.
  • Han, W., & He Y. (2012). Caffeine and apoptosis. In V. R. Preedy (Ed.), Caffeine: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects (No. 2) (pp.394). Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Harrell, P. T., & Juliano, L. M. (2009). Caffeine expectancies influence the subjective and behavioral effects of caffeine. Psychopharmacology, 207(2), 335-342.
  • Heinz, A. J., Kassel, J. D., & Smith, E. V. (2009). Caffeine expectancy: Instrument development in the Rasch measurement framework. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 23(3), 500-511.
  • Horn, J. L. (1965). A rationale and test for the number of factors in factor analysis. Psychometrica, 30(2), 179-185.
  • Hoyle, R.H. (2000). Confirmatory factor analysis. H. E. A. Tinsley and S. D. Brown (Ed.), In Handbook of applied multivariate statistics and mathematical modeling (465-497). Academic Press.
  • Hu, L. T., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1-55.
  • Huntley, E. D., & Juliano, L. M. (2012). Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire (CaffEQ): Construction, psychometric properties, and associations with caffeine use, caffeine dependence, and other related variables. Psychological assessment, 24(3), 592-607.
  • International Tea Committee (ITC). (2016). Annual bulletin of statistics 2015. London: ITC. 2016; Retrieved April 29, 2021, from
  • International Coffee Organization (ICO). (2019). Consumption Calendar Year 2015-2019. London. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from
  • Işgın, K., Çetin, A. K., Yiğit, M., Büyüktuncer, Z., Besler, H. T., & Özel, H. G. (2015). A study on caffeinated food and beverage consumption in adolescents. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 43(2), 119-125.
  • Juliano, L. M., Kardel, P. G., Harrell, P. T., Muench, C., & Edwards, K. C. (2019). Investigating the role of expectancy in caffeine withdrawal using the balanced placebo design. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 34(2), e2692.
  • Kaasinen, V., Aalto, S., Någren, K., & Rinne, J. O. (2004). Expectation of caffeine induces dopaminergic responses in humans. European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(8), 2352-2356.
  • Karaman, N., Kılıç, A., & Avcukurt, C. (2019). Determination of consumers' tendencies to visit coffeehouses and of their changing habits for consuming coffee: A research on traditional Turkish coffee. Journal of Turkish Tourism Research, 3(3), 612-632.
  • Kaya, G., & Toker, S. (2019). Analyzing of coffee consumption habits: İstanbul case. International Journal of Economics, Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2(3), 146-164.
  • Kearns, N. T., Blumenthal, H., Natesan, P., Zamboanga, B. L., Ham, L. S., & Cloutier, R. M. (2018). Development and initial psychometric validation of the Brief-Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire (B-CaffEQ). Psychological assessment, 30(12), 1597-1611.
  • Khorshid, L., & Dilek, S. (2013). Caffeine consumption in staff in university. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 29(1), 45-59.
  • Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. (4th ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Küçükkömürler, S., & Kurt, N. (2018). Caffeine consumption in adolescents. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(Special issue3), 111-124
  • Lau-Barraco, C., & Linden, A. N. (2014). Caffeinated alcohol use and expectancies for caffeine versus alcohol. Substance use & misuse, 49(10), 1241-1249.
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Toplam 78 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Sosyolojisi, Spor ve Beslenme, Spor ve Rekreasyon
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Anıl Onur Mercanoğlu 0000-0002-7812-9870

Celil Kaçoğlu 0000-0002-1817-5234

Proje Numarası 24ADP064
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 19 Kasım 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 1 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Mercanoğlu, A. O., & Kaçoğlu, C. (2024). Psychometric Properties Evaluation of the Turkish Version of the Brief-Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire (B- CaffeQ): An Adaptation Study in Recreationally Active Individuals. International Journal of Recreation and Sports Science, 8(1), 78-90.