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Gaza After the Unilateral Withdrawal

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 209 - 222, 30.06.2022


Gaza Region, although it has lack of Jerusalem’s cultural and religious features, it has always been the center of agriculture and commerce, and is thus often among the military conflicts of the empires. Today, the political and military clash between Palestine and Israel has become the focal point. In 2005, for the past 17 years following Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, Israel has been in various operations for several reasons. Between 2008-2014 years; three violent attacks, the asymmetrical power balance of the conflict, came to light. There are many studies in the literature that deal with different aspects of the Gaza issue. Systematically analyzing the existing literature, this research evaluates (i) why Israel decided to withdraw in 2005, (ii) the course of operations in the region during the 17 years after the decision to withdraw, and (iii) the legal status of Gaza at the current point.


  • Alexander, J. (2007). Conflict, economic closure and human security in Gaza. London: Oxford Research Group, 21 Haziran 2016’da erişim adresi,
  • Allen, L. (2012). The scales of occupation: ‘Operation Cast Lead’ and the targeting of the Gaza Strip. Critique of Anthropology, 32(3), 261−284.
  • Alon, G. (2003, May 27). Irate Likud MKs put PM on the defensive. Ha'aretz.
  • Amir, M. (2021). Post-occupation Gaza: Israel’s war on Palestinian futures. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 103(4), 283−300.
  • Amnesty International (2022, February 1), Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians cruel system of domination and crime against humanity.
  • Arı, T. (2004). Geçmişten günümüze ortadoğu: Siyaset, savaş ve diplomasi. Alfa Yayınları.
  • Avinoam, S. (2009). Why is Israel’s presence in the territories still called “occupation?”. Jerusalem/Israel, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
  • Bachmutsky, R. (2017), Otherwise occupied: The legal status of the Gaza strip 50 years after the six-day war. Virginia Journal of International Law, 57(2), 413−454.
  • Baker, A. (2012). International humanitarian law, ICRC and Israel's status in the territories. International Review of the Red Cross, 94(888), 1511−1521.
  • Bayraktar, B. (2013). Oslo barış süreci, İsrail-Filistin barış görüşmeleri, 1991-2000. İstanbul, Küre Yayınları.
  • Bayraktar, B. (2014). Gazze’ye ekilen nefret tohumları. Ortadoğu Analiz, 6(64), 6−8.
  • Ben Sasson-Gordis, A. (2016). The strategic balance of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza (2005-2016). (M. Bubis, Trans.). Molad - The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy. Disengagement-Eng-report-full_final-for-website.pdf
  • Ben-Naftali, O., Gross, A. M., & Michaeli, K. (Ed.). (2005). Illegal occupation: Framing the occupied Palestinian territory. Berkeley Journal of International Law, 23(3), 551−614.
  • Benvenisti, E. (2012). The international law of occupation. UK, Oxford University Press.
  • Bisharat, E. G. (2009). Israel's Invasion of Gaza in International Law. Denv. Journal of International Law & Policy, 38(1). 41−114.
  • Blum, Z. Y. (1968), The missing reversioner: reflections on the status of Judea and Samaria. Israel Law Review, 3(2), 279−301.
  • Central Intelligence Agency (2022), Middle East: Gaza Strip. The World Factbook. Retrieved May 29, 2022, from
  • Chomsky, N., & Pappe, I. (2011). Yaşamla ölüm arasında Gazze: Dünden bugüne Filistin sorunu, İstanbul, Bgst Yayınları.
  • Chorev, H., & Shumacher, Y. (2014). The road to operation protective edge: Gaps in strategic perception. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 8(3), 9−24.
  • Convention Respecting Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land. (Hague IV), October 18, 1907, Retrieved October 9, 2021, from
  • Cuyckens, H. (2016). Is Israel still an occupying power in Gaza? Netherlands International Law Review, 63(3), 275-295.
  • Cypel, S. (2011). Duvarlar arasında: Çıkmazdaki İsrail toplumu. (B. Çekmece, Çev.). Ankara, Arkadaş Yayınevi.
  • Darcy, S., & Reynolds, J. (2010). An enduring occupation: The status of the Gaza strip from the perspective of International Humanitarian Law. Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 15(2), 211−243.
  • Dinstein, Y. (2019). The international law of belligerent occupation. Cambridge University Press.
  • Efrat, E. (1994). Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. In E. Karsh (Ed.), Peace in the Middle East: The challenge for Israel (pp. 135−148). Routledge.
  • Efrat, E. (2006). The West Bank and Gaza strip: A geography of occupation and disengagement. (2006). Routledge.
  • Filiu, J.-P. (2016). Gazze tarihi. (E. Alp, Çev.). İstanbul, Bilge Kültür Sanat Dağıtım.
  • Freedom House (2013). Gaza Strip.
  • Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War art. 6, August 12, 1949.
  • Glick, C. B. (2021, September 4). The new plan to oust Netanyahu and its implications for Israel. Israel Hayom.
  • Gordon, N. (2008). Israel's occupation. University of California Press.
  • International Court of Justice. (2004). Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, I. C. J. Reports.
  • Koç, B. M. (2006). İsrail Devleti’nin kuruluşu ve bölgesel etkileri 1948-2006. İstanbul, Günizi Yayıncılık.
  • Levin, G. (2014). One step forward or two steps back? Unilateralism and Israel's Gaza disengagement in the eyes of the World. Israel Affairs, 20(1), 87−103.
  • Longobardo, M. (2021). The legality of closure on land and safe passage between the Gaza strip and the West Bank. Asian Journal of International Law, 11(1), 50−88.
  • Luft, M. (2018). Living in a legal vacuum: The case of Israel's legal position and policy towards Gaza residents. Israel Law Review, 51(2), 193−234.
  • Mari, M. (2005), The Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip: An end of the occupation? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 8, 356−368.
  • Mark, R. C. (2005, February 2). Israel’s proposal to withdraw from Gaza (CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RS22000).
  • Mnookin, R. H., Eiran, E., & Gilad, S. (2014). Is unilateralism always bad? Negotiation lessons from Israel’s “Unilateral” Gaza withdrawal. Negotiation Journal, 30(2), 131−156.
  • Myre, G. (2005, February 21). Cabinet ratifies Gaza pullout. The New York Times.
  • Özkoç, Ö. (2009). Savaş ve barış: Doksanlı yıllarda Filistin-İsrail sorunu. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 64(3),167−195.
  • Peleg, I. (1987). Begin's foreign policy 1977-83. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Peters, J. (2010). The Gaza disengagement: Five years later. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 4(3), 33−44.
  • PM Ariel Sharon at the Fourth Herzliya Conference, December 18, 2003, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  • Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's four-stage disengagement plan, 2004,
  • Rynhold, J., & Waxman, D. (2008). Ideological change and Israel's disengagement from Gaza. Political Science Quarterly, 123(1), 11−37.
  • Samson, E. (2010). Is Gaza occupied: Redefining the status of Gaza under international law. American University International Law Review, 25(5), 915−965.
  • Shany, Y. (2009, February 25). The law applicable to non-occupied Gaza: A Comment on Bassiouni v. Prime Minister of Israel (Research Paper No. 13−09). The International Law Forum. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law.
  • Shavit, A. (2004, October 24). Top PM aide: Gaza plan aims to freeze the peace process. Haaretz. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
  • Stephanopoulos, N. (2006). Israel's legal obligations to Gaza after the pullout. Yale Journal of International Law, 31, 524−528.
  • The International Legal Forum. (2021). International law and operation guardian of the wall.
  • Tilley, V. (2012). Beyond occupation: apartheid, colonialism and international law in the occupied Palestinian territories. Pluto Press, London.
  • Toçoğlu, F. Z. (2018, Nisan 9). Büyük Dönüş Yürüyüşü. Ortadoğu Enstitüsü - ORMER, uploads/files/buyuk_donus_yuruyusu.pdf
  • Tzabag, S. (2013). Operation pillar of defense: Lessons for modern warfare. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 7(3), 79−93.
  • UN Doc. A/RES/64/92 (Jan. 19, 2010), UN Doc. A/RES/64/94 (Jan. 19, 2010).
  • UN News. (2004, May 4). Meeting at UN, Quartet issues positive reaction to Israel's Gaza withdrawal plan. United Nations.
  • United Nations (2009, September 15). Report of the United Nations fact finding mission on the Gaza conflict (A/HRC/12/48).
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, 1860, adopted by the Security Council at its 6063rd meeting, on 8 January 2009. UN Doc. S/RES/1860.
  • UNRWA. (2021). Where we work. Gaza Strip.
  • Weisburd, D., & Lernau, H. (2006). What prevented violence in Jewish settlements in the withdrawal from the Gaza strip: Toward a perspective of normative balance. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 22(1), 37−81.
  • White House (2004, April 14). Letter from President Bush to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Tek Taraflı Çekilmenin Ardından Gazze

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 209 - 222, 30.06.2022


Gazze Şeridi, Kudüs’ün sahip olduğu kültürel ve dini özelliklerden yoksun olmasına rağmen her dönem tarım ve ticaretin merkezi konumunda olmuş ve bu yüzden sık sık imparatorlukların askeri çatışmaları arasında kalmıştır. Günümüzde ise Filistin ve İsrail arasında siyasi ve askeri çatışmanın odak noktası haline gelmiştir. 2005 yılında, İsrail’in tek taraflı olarak Gazze’den çekilmesinin ardından geçen 17 yıl boyunca, İsrail çeşitli gerekçelerle Gazze’ye yönelik operasyonlarda bulunmaya devam etmiş ve 2008-2021 yılları arasında dört şiddetli saldırıyla iki taraf arasındaki çatışmada asimetrik güç dengesi daha net bir şekilde gün yüzüne çıkmıştır. Literatürde Gazze sorununun farklı yönlerini ele alan birçok araştırma bulunmaktadır. Bu araştırmada mevcut çalışmalar sistematik olarak analiz edilerek, (i) İsrail’in 2005 yılında neden çekilme kararı aldığı sorusunun yanıtı aranmış, (ii) çekilme kararının ardından geçen 17 yıl boyunca bölgedeki operasyonların seyri takip edilerek bir bütünlük oluşturulmuş ve (iii) gelinen noktada Gazze’nin hukuki statüsü değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • Alexander, J. (2007). Conflict, economic closure and human security in Gaza. London: Oxford Research Group, 21 Haziran 2016’da erişim adresi,
  • Allen, L. (2012). The scales of occupation: ‘Operation Cast Lead’ and the targeting of the Gaza Strip. Critique of Anthropology, 32(3), 261−284.
  • Alon, G. (2003, May 27). Irate Likud MKs put PM on the defensive. Ha'aretz.
  • Amir, M. (2021). Post-occupation Gaza: Israel’s war on Palestinian futures. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 103(4), 283−300.
  • Amnesty International (2022, February 1), Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians cruel system of domination and crime against humanity.
  • Arı, T. (2004). Geçmişten günümüze ortadoğu: Siyaset, savaş ve diplomasi. Alfa Yayınları.
  • Avinoam, S. (2009). Why is Israel’s presence in the territories still called “occupation?”. Jerusalem/Israel, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
  • Bachmutsky, R. (2017), Otherwise occupied: The legal status of the Gaza strip 50 years after the six-day war. Virginia Journal of International Law, 57(2), 413−454.
  • Baker, A. (2012). International humanitarian law, ICRC and Israel's status in the territories. International Review of the Red Cross, 94(888), 1511−1521.
  • Bayraktar, B. (2013). Oslo barış süreci, İsrail-Filistin barış görüşmeleri, 1991-2000. İstanbul, Küre Yayınları.
  • Bayraktar, B. (2014). Gazze’ye ekilen nefret tohumları. Ortadoğu Analiz, 6(64), 6−8.
  • Ben Sasson-Gordis, A. (2016). The strategic balance of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza (2005-2016). (M. Bubis, Trans.). Molad - The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy. Disengagement-Eng-report-full_final-for-website.pdf
  • Ben-Naftali, O., Gross, A. M., & Michaeli, K. (Ed.). (2005). Illegal occupation: Framing the occupied Palestinian territory. Berkeley Journal of International Law, 23(3), 551−614.
  • Benvenisti, E. (2012). The international law of occupation. UK, Oxford University Press.
  • Bisharat, E. G. (2009). Israel's Invasion of Gaza in International Law. Denv. Journal of International Law & Policy, 38(1). 41−114.
  • Blum, Z. Y. (1968), The missing reversioner: reflections on the status of Judea and Samaria. Israel Law Review, 3(2), 279−301.
  • Central Intelligence Agency (2022), Middle East: Gaza Strip. The World Factbook. Retrieved May 29, 2022, from
  • Chomsky, N., & Pappe, I. (2011). Yaşamla ölüm arasında Gazze: Dünden bugüne Filistin sorunu, İstanbul, Bgst Yayınları.
  • Chorev, H., & Shumacher, Y. (2014). The road to operation protective edge: Gaps in strategic perception. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 8(3), 9−24.
  • Convention Respecting Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land. (Hague IV), October 18, 1907, Retrieved October 9, 2021, from
  • Cuyckens, H. (2016). Is Israel still an occupying power in Gaza? Netherlands International Law Review, 63(3), 275-295.
  • Cypel, S. (2011). Duvarlar arasında: Çıkmazdaki İsrail toplumu. (B. Çekmece, Çev.). Ankara, Arkadaş Yayınevi.
  • Darcy, S., & Reynolds, J. (2010). An enduring occupation: The status of the Gaza strip from the perspective of International Humanitarian Law. Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 15(2), 211−243.
  • Dinstein, Y. (2019). The international law of belligerent occupation. Cambridge University Press.
  • Efrat, E. (1994). Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. In E. Karsh (Ed.), Peace in the Middle East: The challenge for Israel (pp. 135−148). Routledge.
  • Efrat, E. (2006). The West Bank and Gaza strip: A geography of occupation and disengagement. (2006). Routledge.
  • Filiu, J.-P. (2016). Gazze tarihi. (E. Alp, Çev.). İstanbul, Bilge Kültür Sanat Dağıtım.
  • Freedom House (2013). Gaza Strip.
  • Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War art. 6, August 12, 1949.
  • Glick, C. B. (2021, September 4). The new plan to oust Netanyahu and its implications for Israel. Israel Hayom.
  • Gordon, N. (2008). Israel's occupation. University of California Press.
  • International Court of Justice. (2004). Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, I. C. J. Reports.
  • Koç, B. M. (2006). İsrail Devleti’nin kuruluşu ve bölgesel etkileri 1948-2006. İstanbul, Günizi Yayıncılık.
  • Levin, G. (2014). One step forward or two steps back? Unilateralism and Israel's Gaza disengagement in the eyes of the World. Israel Affairs, 20(1), 87−103.
  • Longobardo, M. (2021). The legality of closure on land and safe passage between the Gaza strip and the West Bank. Asian Journal of International Law, 11(1), 50−88.
  • Luft, M. (2018). Living in a legal vacuum: The case of Israel's legal position and policy towards Gaza residents. Israel Law Review, 51(2), 193−234.
  • Mari, M. (2005), The Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip: An end of the occupation? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 8, 356−368.
  • Mark, R. C. (2005, February 2). Israel’s proposal to withdraw from Gaza (CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RS22000).
  • Mnookin, R. H., Eiran, E., & Gilad, S. (2014). Is unilateralism always bad? Negotiation lessons from Israel’s “Unilateral” Gaza withdrawal. Negotiation Journal, 30(2), 131−156.
  • Myre, G. (2005, February 21). Cabinet ratifies Gaza pullout. The New York Times.
  • Özkoç, Ö. (2009). Savaş ve barış: Doksanlı yıllarda Filistin-İsrail sorunu. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 64(3),167−195.
  • Peleg, I. (1987). Begin's foreign policy 1977-83. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Peters, J. (2010). The Gaza disengagement: Five years later. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 4(3), 33−44.
  • PM Ariel Sharon at the Fourth Herzliya Conference, December 18, 2003, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  • Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's four-stage disengagement plan, 2004,
  • Rynhold, J., & Waxman, D. (2008). Ideological change and Israel's disengagement from Gaza. Political Science Quarterly, 123(1), 11−37.
  • Samson, E. (2010). Is Gaza occupied: Redefining the status of Gaza under international law. American University International Law Review, 25(5), 915−965.
  • Shany, Y. (2009, February 25). The law applicable to non-occupied Gaza: A Comment on Bassiouni v. Prime Minister of Israel (Research Paper No. 13−09). The International Law Forum. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law.
  • Shavit, A. (2004, October 24). Top PM aide: Gaza plan aims to freeze the peace process. Haaretz. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
  • Stephanopoulos, N. (2006). Israel's legal obligations to Gaza after the pullout. Yale Journal of International Law, 31, 524−528.
  • The International Legal Forum. (2021). International law and operation guardian of the wall.
  • Tilley, V. (2012). Beyond occupation: apartheid, colonialism and international law in the occupied Palestinian territories. Pluto Press, London.
  • Toçoğlu, F. Z. (2018, Nisan 9). Büyük Dönüş Yürüyüşü. Ortadoğu Enstitüsü - ORMER, uploads/files/buyuk_donus_yuruyusu.pdf
  • Tzabag, S. (2013). Operation pillar of defense: Lessons for modern warfare. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 7(3), 79−93.
  • UN Doc. A/RES/64/92 (Jan. 19, 2010), UN Doc. A/RES/64/94 (Jan. 19, 2010).
  • UN News. (2004, May 4). Meeting at UN, Quartet issues positive reaction to Israel's Gaza withdrawal plan. United Nations.
  • United Nations (2009, September 15). Report of the United Nations fact finding mission on the Gaza conflict (A/HRC/12/48).
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, 1860, adopted by the Security Council at its 6063rd meeting, on 8 January 2009. UN Doc. S/RES/1860.
  • UNRWA. (2021). Where we work. Gaza Strip.
  • Weisburd, D., & Lernau, H. (2006). What prevented violence in Jewish settlements in the withdrawal from the Gaza strip: Toward a perspective of normative balance. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 22(1), 37−81.
  • White House (2004, April 14). Letter from President Bush to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Zuhal Çalık Topuz 0000-0003-0021-1353

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çalık Topuz, Z. (2022). Tek Taraflı Çekilmenin Ardından Gazze. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 15(1), 209-222.


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