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Makro ekonomik değişkenlerin gelir adaletsizliği üzerine etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için panel veri analizi

Yıl 2018, , 501 - 513, 01.07.2018


Yüzyıllar boyunca gelir ve gelir dağılımı sorunu iktisat
biliminin en önemli tartışma konularından biri olmuştur. Gelir dağılımındaki
adaletsizlik sadece ekonomik değil, sosyal ve politik açıdan da pek çok soruna
neden olduğu için çözülmesi gereken öncelikli bir problem haline gelmiştir.
Gelirin adaletsiz dağılımı sonucu oluşan sosyo-ekonomik eşitsizliğin azaltılması
ve bu yönde önlem alınabilmesi için gelir adaletsizliğine sebep olan
faktörlerin ortaya konulması önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada 2005-2015 dönemi
BRIC-T ülkelerindeki gelir adaletsizliği panel veri analizi ile incelenmiştir.
Bulgulara göre; BRIC-T ülkelerinde enflasyon oranı, kamu gelirleri ve ekonomik
küreselleşmenin gelir adaletsizliğini arttırdığı ortaya konulmuş, AR-GE
harcamalarının ise gelir adaletsizliğini azalttığı görülmüştür.  


  • Acemoglu, D. (2002). Technical change, inequality, and the labor market. Journal of Economic Literature, 40(1), 7-72.
  • Albanesi, S. (2002). Inflation and inequality. Discussion Paper, No. 3470, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1-36. Retrieved from (Erişim Tarihi: 28/03/2018).
  • Atif, S.M., Srivastav, M., Sauytbekova, M., & Arachchige, U.K. (2012). Globalization and income inequality: a panel data analysis of 68 countries. ZBW - Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, LeibnizInformationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel und Hamburg. 1-14.
  • Balseven, H., & Tugcu, C.T. (2017). Analyzing the effects of fiscal policy on income distribution: a comparison between developed and developing countries. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 7(2), 377-383.
  • Baltagi, B.H. (2005), Econometric analysis of panel data, 3rd ed., Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Berman, E., Bound, J., & Griliches, Z. (1994). Changes in the demand for skilled labor within U. S. manufacturing: evidence from the annual survey of manufactures. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109(2), 367-397.
  • Blejer, M.I., & Guerrero, I. (1990). The impact of macroeconomic policies on income distribution: an empirical study of the Philippines. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 72(3), 414-423.
  • Blinder, A., & Esaki, H. (1978). Macroeconomic activity and income distribution in the postwar United States. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 60(4): 604–609.
  • Breusch, T. S., & Pagan A. R. (1980). The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Bulir, A. (2001). Income inequality: Does inflation matter?. International Monetary Fund Staff Paper, 48(1), 139–159.
  • Buse, A. (1982). The cyclical behaviour of the size distribution of income in canada: 1947-78. Canadian Journal of Economics, 15(2): 189-204.
  • Chu, K., Davoodi, H.R., &Gupta, S. (2000). Income distribution and tax and government social spending policies in developing countries. IMF Working Paper, No. 00/62, 1-48.
  • Danışoğlu, A.Ç. (2004). Küreselleşmenin gelir adaletsizliği ve yoksulluk üzerindeki etkileri. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(5), 215-239.
  • Deyshappriya, N. P. Ravindra (2017). Impact of macroeconomic factors on income inequality and income distribution in Asian countries. ADBI Working Paper Series, 696, 1-14. Retrieved from
  • Dollar, D., & A. Kraay. (2004). Trade, growth, and poverty. The Economic Journal 114(493), F22–F49.
  • Dolmas, J., Huffman, G.W., & Wynne, M.A. (2000). Inequality, inflation, and central bank independence. The Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(1), 271-287.
  • Erosa, A., & Ventura, G. (2002). On inflation as a regressive consumption tax. Journal of Monetary Economics, 49(4), 761-795.
  • Hausman, J.A. (1978). Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica, 46(6), 1251-1271.
  • Hussain, S., Chaudhry, I.S., & Hassan, M. (2009). Globalization and income distribution: evidence from Pakistan. European Journal of Social Sciences, 04, 683-691.
  • Göçer, İ. Mercan, M., & Hotunluoğlu, H. (2012). Seçilmiş OECD ülkelerinde cari işlemler açığının sürdürülebilirliği: yatay kesit bağımlılığı altında çoklu yapısal kırılmalı panel veri analizi. Maliye Dergisi, 163, 449-467.
  • Göral, F. (2015). Doğal gaz fiyatlarını etkileyen faktörler: panel veri analizi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Keynes, J.M. (1936). İstihdam, Faiz ve Paranın Genel Teorisi, çev. Uğur Selçuk Akalın, Kalkedon Yayınları, Gözden geçirilmiş 2. Basım, Nisan 2010.
  • Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic growth and income inequality. The American Economic Review, 45(1), 1-28.
  • Levin, A., Lin, C.F., & Chu. C. (2002). Unit root test in panel data: Asymptotic and finite sample properties, Journal of Econometrics, 108, 1–25.
  • Li, H., & Zou, H. (2002). Inflation, growth, and income distribution: a cross-country study. Annals Of Economics And Finance, 3(1), 85–101.
  • Martínez-Vázquez, J., Vulovic, V., & Moreno Dodson, B. (2012). The impact of tax and expenditure policies on income distribution: evidence from a large panel of countries. Review of Public Economics, 200(4), 95-130.
  • Mergulhao, A. P. (2017). Determinants of global income inequality: concerns and evidence about the neoliberal paradigm. Nova School of Business and Economics. Retrieved from (Erişim Tarihi: 22/05/2018).
  • Mishel, L., & Bernstein, J. (1996). Technology and the wage structure: has technology’s impact accelerated since the 1970s?. Economic Policy Institute.
  • Munir, K., & Sultan, M. (2017). Macroeconomic determinants of income inequality in India and Pakistan. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 24, No. 4(613), 109-120.
  • Narin, M., & Kutluay, D., (2013), Değişen küresel ekonomik düzen: BRIC, 3G ve N-11 ülkeleri. Dosya Dergisi, Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayını, 30-50.
  • Netswera, F.G., & Ngwakwe, C.C. (2013). Rethinking the erosional effect of indirect taxes on individual income. Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(1), Continued – 4, 383-388.
  • O’Neill, J. (2001). Building better global economic BRICs. Goldman Sachs Global Economics Paper, No: 66, 1-15. Retrieved from (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2018).
  • Pazarlıoğlu, M.V., & Gürler, Ö. K. (2007). Telekomünikasyon yatırımları ve ekonomik büyüme: panel veri yaklaşımı. Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 44(508), 35-43.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 1240, 1-39.
  • Jantti, M., & Jenkins, S.P. (2001). Examining the impact of macro-economic conditions on income inequality. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 364, 1-30.
  • Jaumotte, F. Lall, S., & Papageorgiou, C. (2013). Rising income inequality: technology, or trade and financial globalization?. IMF Economic Review, 61(2), 271-309.
  • Juhn, C. Murphy, K.M., & Pierce, B. (1993). Wage inequality and the rise in returns to skill. Journal of Political Economy, 101(3), 410-442.
  • Siami-Namini, S., & Hudson, D. (2017). Inflation and income inequality in developed and developing countries. Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX, USA. Retrieved from
  • Thalassinos, E., Ugurlu, E. and Muratoglu, Y., 2012. Income inequality and inflation in the EU. European Research Studies, 15(1), 127-140.
  • Wilson, D., & Purushothaman, R. (2003). Dreaming with BRICs: The path to 2050. Goldman Sachs Global Economics Paper, No:99, 1-24. Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, K., Mercan, M., & Kostakoğlu, S.F. (2013). Satın alma gücü paritesinin geçerliliğinin test edilmesi: zaman serisi ve panel veri analizi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 8(3), 75- 95.
  • Yue, H.Y. (2011). Income inequality, economic growth and inflation: a study on Korea. International Journal of Economics and Research, 2(5), 14-21.
  • Zhang, X., Wan, G., Wang, C., & Luo, Z. (2017). Technical change and income inequality in China. World Economy, 40(11), 2378-2402.
  • Zhou, L., Biswas. B., Bowles. T., & Saunders. P.J. (2011). Impact of globalization on income distribution inequality in 60 countries. Global Economy Journal, 11(1), 1-16.

The effects of macroeconomic variables on income inequality: Panel data analysis for BRIC-T countries

Yıl 2018, , 501 - 513, 01.07.2018


Over the centuries, the issue of income and income
distribution has become one of the most important debates in economics. The
inequality of income distribution has become a priority problem to solve since
it causes many problems not only economically but also socially and
politically. In order to reduce the socio-economic inequality resulting from
unequal distribution of income and to take precautions, it is important to
determine the factors that cause income inequality. In this study, income
inequality has been examined by panel data analysis in the BRIC-T countries for
2005-2015 period. According to findings, in BRIC-T countries, it has been shown
that inflation rate, public revenues and economic globalization increase income
inequality and research and development expenditures decrease income


  • Acemoglu, D. (2002). Technical change, inequality, and the labor market. Journal of Economic Literature, 40(1), 7-72.
  • Albanesi, S. (2002). Inflation and inequality. Discussion Paper, No. 3470, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1-36. Retrieved from (Erişim Tarihi: 28/03/2018).
  • Atif, S.M., Srivastav, M., Sauytbekova, M., & Arachchige, U.K. (2012). Globalization and income inequality: a panel data analysis of 68 countries. ZBW - Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, LeibnizInformationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel und Hamburg. 1-14.
  • Balseven, H., & Tugcu, C.T. (2017). Analyzing the effects of fiscal policy on income distribution: a comparison between developed and developing countries. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 7(2), 377-383.
  • Baltagi, B.H. (2005), Econometric analysis of panel data, 3rd ed., Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Berman, E., Bound, J., & Griliches, Z. (1994). Changes in the demand for skilled labor within U. S. manufacturing: evidence from the annual survey of manufactures. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109(2), 367-397.
  • Blejer, M.I., & Guerrero, I. (1990). The impact of macroeconomic policies on income distribution: an empirical study of the Philippines. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 72(3), 414-423.
  • Blinder, A., & Esaki, H. (1978). Macroeconomic activity and income distribution in the postwar United States. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 60(4): 604–609.
  • Breusch, T. S., & Pagan A. R. (1980). The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Bulir, A. (2001). Income inequality: Does inflation matter?. International Monetary Fund Staff Paper, 48(1), 139–159.
  • Buse, A. (1982). The cyclical behaviour of the size distribution of income in canada: 1947-78. Canadian Journal of Economics, 15(2): 189-204.
  • Chu, K., Davoodi, H.R., &Gupta, S. (2000). Income distribution and tax and government social spending policies in developing countries. IMF Working Paper, No. 00/62, 1-48.
  • Danışoğlu, A.Ç. (2004). Küreselleşmenin gelir adaletsizliği ve yoksulluk üzerindeki etkileri. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(5), 215-239.
  • Deyshappriya, N. P. Ravindra (2017). Impact of macroeconomic factors on income inequality and income distribution in Asian countries. ADBI Working Paper Series, 696, 1-14. Retrieved from
  • Dollar, D., & A. Kraay. (2004). Trade, growth, and poverty. The Economic Journal 114(493), F22–F49.
  • Dolmas, J., Huffman, G.W., & Wynne, M.A. (2000). Inequality, inflation, and central bank independence. The Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(1), 271-287.
  • Erosa, A., & Ventura, G. (2002). On inflation as a regressive consumption tax. Journal of Monetary Economics, 49(4), 761-795.
  • Hausman, J.A. (1978). Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica, 46(6), 1251-1271.
  • Hussain, S., Chaudhry, I.S., & Hassan, M. (2009). Globalization and income distribution: evidence from Pakistan. European Journal of Social Sciences, 04, 683-691.
  • Göçer, İ. Mercan, M., & Hotunluoğlu, H. (2012). Seçilmiş OECD ülkelerinde cari işlemler açığının sürdürülebilirliği: yatay kesit bağımlılığı altında çoklu yapısal kırılmalı panel veri analizi. Maliye Dergisi, 163, 449-467.
  • Göral, F. (2015). Doğal gaz fiyatlarını etkileyen faktörler: panel veri analizi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Keynes, J.M. (1936). İstihdam, Faiz ve Paranın Genel Teorisi, çev. Uğur Selçuk Akalın, Kalkedon Yayınları, Gözden geçirilmiş 2. Basım, Nisan 2010.
  • Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic growth and income inequality. The American Economic Review, 45(1), 1-28.
  • Levin, A., Lin, C.F., & Chu. C. (2002). Unit root test in panel data: Asymptotic and finite sample properties, Journal of Econometrics, 108, 1–25.
  • Li, H., & Zou, H. (2002). Inflation, growth, and income distribution: a cross-country study. Annals Of Economics And Finance, 3(1), 85–101.
  • Martínez-Vázquez, J., Vulovic, V., & Moreno Dodson, B. (2012). The impact of tax and expenditure policies on income distribution: evidence from a large panel of countries. Review of Public Economics, 200(4), 95-130.
  • Mergulhao, A. P. (2017). Determinants of global income inequality: concerns and evidence about the neoliberal paradigm. Nova School of Business and Economics. Retrieved from (Erişim Tarihi: 22/05/2018).
  • Mishel, L., & Bernstein, J. (1996). Technology and the wage structure: has technology’s impact accelerated since the 1970s?. Economic Policy Institute.
  • Munir, K., & Sultan, M. (2017). Macroeconomic determinants of income inequality in India and Pakistan. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 24, No. 4(613), 109-120.
  • Narin, M., & Kutluay, D., (2013), Değişen küresel ekonomik düzen: BRIC, 3G ve N-11 ülkeleri. Dosya Dergisi, Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayını, 30-50.
  • Netswera, F.G., & Ngwakwe, C.C. (2013). Rethinking the erosional effect of indirect taxes on individual income. Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(1), Continued – 4, 383-388.
  • O’Neill, J. (2001). Building better global economic BRICs. Goldman Sachs Global Economics Paper, No: 66, 1-15. Retrieved from (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2018).
  • Pazarlıoğlu, M.V., & Gürler, Ö. K. (2007). Telekomünikasyon yatırımları ve ekonomik büyüme: panel veri yaklaşımı. Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 44(508), 35-43.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 1240, 1-39.
  • Jantti, M., & Jenkins, S.P. (2001). Examining the impact of macro-economic conditions on income inequality. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 364, 1-30.
  • Jaumotte, F. Lall, S., & Papageorgiou, C. (2013). Rising income inequality: technology, or trade and financial globalization?. IMF Economic Review, 61(2), 271-309.
  • Juhn, C. Murphy, K.M., & Pierce, B. (1993). Wage inequality and the rise in returns to skill. Journal of Political Economy, 101(3), 410-442.
  • Siami-Namini, S., & Hudson, D. (2017). Inflation and income inequality in developed and developing countries. Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX, USA. Retrieved from
  • Thalassinos, E., Ugurlu, E. and Muratoglu, Y., 2012. Income inequality and inflation in the EU. European Research Studies, 15(1), 127-140.
  • Wilson, D., & Purushothaman, R. (2003). Dreaming with BRICs: The path to 2050. Goldman Sachs Global Economics Paper, No:99, 1-24. Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, K., Mercan, M., & Kostakoğlu, S.F. (2013). Satın alma gücü paritesinin geçerliliğinin test edilmesi: zaman serisi ve panel veri analizi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 8(3), 75- 95.
  • Yue, H.Y. (2011). Income inequality, economic growth and inflation: a study on Korea. International Journal of Economics and Research, 2(5), 14-21.
  • Zhang, X., Wan, G., Wang, C., & Luo, Z. (2017). Technical change and income inequality in China. World Economy, 40(11), 2378-2402.
  • Zhou, L., Biswas. B., Bowles. T., & Saunders. P.J. (2011). Impact of globalization on income distribution inequality in 60 countries. Global Economy Journal, 11(1), 1-16.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatmanur Güder

Serdar Kurt

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Güder, F., & Kurt, S. (2018). Makro ekonomik değişkenlerin gelir adaletsizliği üzerine etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için panel veri analizi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 4(3), 501-513.
AMA Güder F, Kurt S. Makro ekonomik değişkenlerin gelir adaletsizliği üzerine etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için panel veri analizi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. Temmuz 2018;4(3):501-513. doi:10.24289/ijsser.429178
Chicago Güder, Fatmanur, ve Serdar Kurt. “Makro Ekonomik değişkenlerin Gelir adaletsizliği üzerine Etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için Panel Veri Analizi”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 4, sy. 3 (Temmuz 2018): 501-13.
EndNote Güder F, Kurt S (01 Temmuz 2018) Makro ekonomik değişkenlerin gelir adaletsizliği üzerine etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için panel veri analizi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 4 3 501–513.
IEEE F. Güder ve S. Kurt, “Makro ekonomik değişkenlerin gelir adaletsizliği üzerine etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için panel veri analizi”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 4, sy. 3, ss. 501–513, 2018, doi: 10.24289/ijsser.429178.
ISNAD Güder, Fatmanur - Kurt, Serdar. “Makro Ekonomik değişkenlerin Gelir adaletsizliği üzerine Etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için Panel Veri Analizi”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 4/3 (Temmuz 2018), 501-513.
JAMA Güder F, Kurt S. Makro ekonomik değişkenlerin gelir adaletsizliği üzerine etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için panel veri analizi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2018;4:501–513.
MLA Güder, Fatmanur ve Serdar Kurt. “Makro Ekonomik değişkenlerin Gelir adaletsizliği üzerine Etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için Panel Veri Analizi”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 4, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 501-13, doi:10.24289/ijsser.429178.
Vancouver Güder F, Kurt S. Makro ekonomik değişkenlerin gelir adaletsizliği üzerine etkileri: BRIC-T ülkeleri için panel veri analizi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2018;4(3):501-13.


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