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Structural characteristics and problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5 S, 1432 - 1451, 05.10.2017


After the collapse of Soviet Union and till to the
present days the Republic of Kazakhstan has been ruled by the presidential system.
The most important factor that distinguishes the presidential system from the
authoritarian regimes is that the principle of separation of powers, and the
possibility of this principle to imolement politically and legally. In
Kazakhstan, the president has a power and status as an arbitrator among the all
branches of power. Due to the strong veto and appointment competence the
Constitution of Kazakhstan gives constitutional authority to the President to
control all branches of power in spite of the fact that the principle
separation of powers is constitutionally approved. Nonfunctional mechanism of
check and balance system among the power branches, legislative function of the
President are part of the structural problems of the presidential system in Kazakhstan.
In this study analysed the historical development periods and structural
challenges of presidential system of Kazakhstan. On the one hand, the
presidential system of Kazakhstan have been taking a positive role in the
period of nation-state building process, strengthen the independence, maintain
the unitary  sturcture of state. On the
other hand, the structural problems of the presidential system in Kazakhstan
are evaluated in terms of the principle of separation of powers, and have given
a conclusion regarding to the constitutional system and the political regime.


  • Abdildin, S.A. (1993, November 1). Stanovleniye parlamentarizma v Kazakhstane. SPB, 11, 24-26.
  • Abdildin, S.A. (1993, October 2). Parlament Kazakhstana: Ot Soyuza k gosudarstvennosti. SPB, 10, 11-15.
  • Akhmetova, N.S. (1995). Problema voploshcheniya printsipov pravovogo gosudarstva v Konstitutsii Respubliki Kazakhstan. Karaganda, Karaganda Press.
  • Amrekulov N. (2000). Pravyashchaya elita Kazakhstana: Anomaliya ili norma? (k diskussionnoy postanovke problemy). Retrived from materialy kruglogo stola "Politicheskaya elita Kazakhstana website:
  • Baymakhanov, M.T. (1992). Problemy voploshcheniya printsipov pravovogo gosudarstva v Konstitutsii Kazakhstana. Gosudarstvo i pravo, №8, 3-10.
  • Bowyer, A. Clive. (2008, April). Parliament and Political Parties in Kazakhstan. Retrived from Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies website:
  • Chebotarev, A. (2009, 31 July). Sobytiya 2001 goda v Kazakhstane: moment istiny. Retrived from Contur website:
  • Chernykh, İ.A. (2015). Prezidentskiye vybory v Respublike Kazakhstan: retrospektiva 1991-2015 gg. Spektr: nauchnyy zhurnal, № 1 (71), 24-25.
  • Chikhladze, T. (2017, 20 February). Post-Soviet Authoritarian Regimes in Times of Political Crises. Retrived from Caspianet website:
  • Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (1995). Retrived from Constitutıonal Councel’s website:
  • Cummings, S.N. (1995). Politics in Kazakhstan: the constitutional crisis of March 1995. Retrived from University of St Andrews website:
  • Cutler, Robert M. (2001, 5 December). Government Crisis in Kazakhstan: Warm-Up For the Succession to Nazarbaev? Retrived from Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies website:
  • Diamond, L. (2002). Elections Without Democracy Thinking about Hybrid Regimes. Journal of Democracy, 13(2), 21-35. Dubnov, A. (2006, 16 February). Mogil'nyy treugol'nik kazakhstanskoy oppozitsii, Mezhdunarodnyy yevraziyskiy institut. Vremya novostey, № 027, 18-19.
  • Dzhaparkulov, N.B., (2003). Konstitutsionnyy printsip organizatsii vlasti v Respublike Kazakhstan. ID KazGYUU, 11, 132-133.
  • Hale, Henry E. (2006). Democracy or Autocracy on the March? The Colored Revolutions as Normal Dynamics of Patronal Presidentialism”. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 39(3), 305-329.
  • Konstitutsionnyy Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “O gosudarstvennoy nezavisimosti Respubliki Kazakhstan”. (1991, 16 December). Vedomosti, № 51, 622.
  • Konstitutsionnyy zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan O Pervom Prezidente Respubliki Kazakhstan - Lidere Natsii. (2000, 20 July), N83-II, Retrived from
  • Konstitutsiya Respubliki Kazakhstan prinyata na respublikanskom referendume 30 avgusta 1995 g. (1996). Vedomosti, №4, 217.
  • Kotov, A.K. (1996). Suverennyy Kazakhstan: grazhdanin, natsiya, narod. Voprosy konstitutsionnogo prava. Almaty, Uchebnoe posobye.
  • Kozlov, G.Y. (1994). Demokratiya v Kazakhstane: nekotoryye problemy stanovleniya. Almaty, Daur.
  • Kubicek, Paul. (1998). Authoritarianism in Central Asia: Curse or Cure?. Third World Quarterly, 19(1), 29-44.
  • Kurtov, A. (2000). Demokratiya vyborov v Kazakhstane: Avtoritarnaya evolyutsiya. Konstitutsionnoye pravo. Vostochnoyevropeyskoye obozreniye, № 2, 2-10.
  • Lillis, Joanna. (2007, 20 Agust). Kazakhstan Set to Have One-Party Parliament Following Disputed Election. Eurasia Insight.
  • Malinovskiy, V.A. (2012). Lider: prezidentskaya vlast' v Kazakhstane na rubezhe epokh. Monografiya.Astana, TOO «Izdatel'stvo Norma -K».
  • Markelov, S,O. (2011). Kazakhstan 2001-2002: politicheskiy krizis: fakty i dokumenty. Medison, İzdatelstva Viskonsinskiy universitet.
  • Nazarbayev, N.A. (1995). Osmysleniye proydennogo i dal'neysheye demokrati­cheskoye reformirovaniye obshchestva. Almaty, Daur Press.
  • Nurpeisov, Y.K. Kotov, A.K. (1995). Gosudarstvo Kazakhstana: ot khanskoy vlasti k prezidentskoy respublike. Almaty, Daur.
  • Obdikerimova, R. (2017, 27 January). Kak menyalas' Konstitutsiya Kazakhstana? Ot parlamentskoy do prezidentskoy. Retrived from website:
  • Politicheskiy krizis noyabrya 2001 goda i yego posledstviya. (2001). Retrived from Elimai website:
  • Qazaqstan Respublikasynyң Memlekettik yegemendigi turaly deklaratsiya zhөninde Qazaq SSR Zhoġarġy Sovetíníң Qaulysy. (1990, 25 October). Retrived from Adilet website:
  • Roberts S. (2012). Doing the Democracy Dance in Kazakhstan: Democracy Development as Cultural Encounter. Slavic Review, 71(2), 308-330.
  • Saidazimova, G. (2006, 14 February). Kazakhstan: Opposition Figure Found Shot Dead Near Almaty. RFE/RL. pp. E7.
  • Sapargaliyev, G.S. (2006). Problemy soglasovannogo funktsionirovaniya organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti Respubliki Kazakhstan i sistemy sderzhek i protivovesov. Almaty, NAN RK Press.
  • Sheretov, S.G. (2003). Noveyshaya istoriya Kazakhstana. Almaty, Yurist Press.
  • Soedinennyiye Shtatiy raz"yasnyayut svoyu pozitsiyu po voprosu soblyudeniya prav cheloveka v regione TSA. (2003, 21 January). Retrived from website:
  • Sultan-Khan, A. (2011, 5 April). Kak prezident Kazakhskoy SSR nezametno stal prezidentom Respubliki Kazakhstan. Retrived from Azattyq website:
  • Sultanov, B.K. (2011). Istoriya konstitutsionalizma v Kazakhstane. Kazakhstan: 20 let nezavisimosti. Pod obshch. red. KISI pri Prezidente RK, 10(16), 408.
  • Taranov, A.A. (1995). Parlament i zakonodatel'naya vlast' Kazakhstana. Almaty, Daur Press.
  • Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan «O respublikanskom referendume». (1995, 25 March). № 215. Retrived from Adilet website:
  • Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan, imeyushchiy silu konstitutsionnogo zakona “O Prezidente Respubliki Kazakhstan”. (1995, 26 December).Vedomosti, № 24. 172-179.
  • Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan, imeyushchiy silu zakona “O privatizatsii”. (1995, 23 December). Vedomosti, № 24, 163-171.
  • Voloshina, I. (2011, 23 December). Tochka nevozvrata. Golos Respubliki, № 46(222), 36-39.
  • Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “O vremennom delegirovanii Prezidentu Respubliki Kazakhstan i glavam mestnykh administratsiy dopolnitel'nykh polnomochiy”. (1993, 10 December). Vedomosti, № 23-24, 513-519.
  • Zimanov, S.Z. (1991, 23 November). Prezidentskaya vlast': Nadezhdy i problemy. Sovety Kazakhstana, pp. E3,E4.

Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti’ndeki Başkanlık Sisteminin yapısal özelliği ve sorunları

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5 S, 1432 - 1451, 05.10.2017


Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılmasından günümüze kadar
Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti başakanlık sistemiyle yönetil-mektedir. Başkanlık
sistemini otoriter rejimlerden ayırt eden en önemli faktör, siyasi ve hukuki
olarak kuvvetler ayrılığı ilkesinin işliyor olmasıdır. Kazakistan’da devlet
başkanı yönetimin bütün erkleri üzerinde hakem konu-munda bir anayasal statüye
ve yetkiye sahiptir. Kazakistan Anayasası kuvvetler ayrılığı ilkesini
benimsemesine rağmen, Cumhurbaşkanının geniş çaplı veto ve atama yetkisi bütün
erkleri kontrolünde tutmasını sağlayan anayasal yetki vermektedir. Anayasadaki
denetim ve dengeleme ilkesinin Cumhurbaşkanına yönelik işlevsiz kalması,
Cumhurbaşkanının yasama fonksyonunu icra edebilmesi gibi hususlar
Kazakistan’daki başkanlık sis-teminin yapısal sorunlarının bir parçasıdır. Bu
çalışmada Kazakistan’ın başkanlık sisteminin tarihsel gelişme süreçleri,
yapısal özelliği incelenmektedir. Bir taraftan Kazakistan’daki başkanlık
sisteminin ulus-devlet inşası ve bağımsızlık sürecindeki önemi, devletin üniter
yapısını korumadaki rölü değerlendirilir. Diğer taraftan, Kazaki-stan’daki
başkanlık sisteminin yapısal sorunları kuvvetler ayrılığı ilkesi açısından
değerlendirilerek, anayasal sistem, rejim niteliği hakkında sonuç


  • Abdildin, S.A. (1993, November 1). Stanovleniye parlamentarizma v Kazakhstane. SPB, 11, 24-26.
  • Abdildin, S.A. (1993, October 2). Parlament Kazakhstana: Ot Soyuza k gosudarstvennosti. SPB, 10, 11-15.
  • Akhmetova, N.S. (1995). Problema voploshcheniya printsipov pravovogo gosudarstva v Konstitutsii Respubliki Kazakhstan. Karaganda, Karaganda Press.
  • Amrekulov N. (2000). Pravyashchaya elita Kazakhstana: Anomaliya ili norma? (k diskussionnoy postanovke problemy). Retrived from materialy kruglogo stola "Politicheskaya elita Kazakhstana website:
  • Baymakhanov, M.T. (1992). Problemy voploshcheniya printsipov pravovogo gosudarstva v Konstitutsii Kazakhstana. Gosudarstvo i pravo, №8, 3-10.
  • Bowyer, A. Clive. (2008, April). Parliament and Political Parties in Kazakhstan. Retrived from Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies website:
  • Chebotarev, A. (2009, 31 July). Sobytiya 2001 goda v Kazakhstane: moment istiny. Retrived from Contur website:
  • Chernykh, İ.A. (2015). Prezidentskiye vybory v Respublike Kazakhstan: retrospektiva 1991-2015 gg. Spektr: nauchnyy zhurnal, № 1 (71), 24-25.
  • Chikhladze, T. (2017, 20 February). Post-Soviet Authoritarian Regimes in Times of Political Crises. Retrived from Caspianet website:
  • Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (1995). Retrived from Constitutıonal Councel’s website:
  • Cummings, S.N. (1995). Politics in Kazakhstan: the constitutional crisis of March 1995. Retrived from University of St Andrews website:
  • Cutler, Robert M. (2001, 5 December). Government Crisis in Kazakhstan: Warm-Up For the Succession to Nazarbaev? Retrived from Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies website:
  • Diamond, L. (2002). Elections Without Democracy Thinking about Hybrid Regimes. Journal of Democracy, 13(2), 21-35. Dubnov, A. (2006, 16 February). Mogil'nyy treugol'nik kazakhstanskoy oppozitsii, Mezhdunarodnyy yevraziyskiy institut. Vremya novostey, № 027, 18-19.
  • Dzhaparkulov, N.B., (2003). Konstitutsionnyy printsip organizatsii vlasti v Respublike Kazakhstan. ID KazGYUU, 11, 132-133.
  • Hale, Henry E. (2006). Democracy or Autocracy on the March? The Colored Revolutions as Normal Dynamics of Patronal Presidentialism”. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 39(3), 305-329.
  • Konstitutsionnyy Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “O gosudarstvennoy nezavisimosti Respubliki Kazakhstan”. (1991, 16 December). Vedomosti, № 51, 622.
  • Konstitutsionnyy zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan O Pervom Prezidente Respubliki Kazakhstan - Lidere Natsii. (2000, 20 July), N83-II, Retrived from
  • Konstitutsiya Respubliki Kazakhstan prinyata na respublikanskom referendume 30 avgusta 1995 g. (1996). Vedomosti, №4, 217.
  • Kotov, A.K. (1996). Suverennyy Kazakhstan: grazhdanin, natsiya, narod. Voprosy konstitutsionnogo prava. Almaty, Uchebnoe posobye.
  • Kozlov, G.Y. (1994). Demokratiya v Kazakhstane: nekotoryye problemy stanovleniya. Almaty, Daur.
  • Kubicek, Paul. (1998). Authoritarianism in Central Asia: Curse or Cure?. Third World Quarterly, 19(1), 29-44.
  • Kurtov, A. (2000). Demokratiya vyborov v Kazakhstane: Avtoritarnaya evolyutsiya. Konstitutsionnoye pravo. Vostochnoyevropeyskoye obozreniye, № 2, 2-10.
  • Lillis, Joanna. (2007, 20 Agust). Kazakhstan Set to Have One-Party Parliament Following Disputed Election. Eurasia Insight.
  • Malinovskiy, V.A. (2012). Lider: prezidentskaya vlast' v Kazakhstane na rubezhe epokh. Monografiya.Astana, TOO «Izdatel'stvo Norma -K».
  • Markelov, S,O. (2011). Kazakhstan 2001-2002: politicheskiy krizis: fakty i dokumenty. Medison, İzdatelstva Viskonsinskiy universitet.
  • Nazarbayev, N.A. (1995). Osmysleniye proydennogo i dal'neysheye demokrati­cheskoye reformirovaniye obshchestva. Almaty, Daur Press.
  • Nurpeisov, Y.K. Kotov, A.K. (1995). Gosudarstvo Kazakhstana: ot khanskoy vlasti k prezidentskoy respublike. Almaty, Daur.
  • Obdikerimova, R. (2017, 27 January). Kak menyalas' Konstitutsiya Kazakhstana? Ot parlamentskoy do prezidentskoy. Retrived from website:
  • Politicheskiy krizis noyabrya 2001 goda i yego posledstviya. (2001). Retrived from Elimai website:
  • Qazaqstan Respublikasynyң Memlekettik yegemendigi turaly deklaratsiya zhөninde Qazaq SSR Zhoġarġy Sovetíníң Qaulysy. (1990, 25 October). Retrived from Adilet website:
  • Roberts S. (2012). Doing the Democracy Dance in Kazakhstan: Democracy Development as Cultural Encounter. Slavic Review, 71(2), 308-330.
  • Saidazimova, G. (2006, 14 February). Kazakhstan: Opposition Figure Found Shot Dead Near Almaty. RFE/RL. pp. E7.
  • Sapargaliyev, G.S. (2006). Problemy soglasovannogo funktsionirovaniya organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti Respubliki Kazakhstan i sistemy sderzhek i protivovesov. Almaty, NAN RK Press.
  • Sheretov, S.G. (2003). Noveyshaya istoriya Kazakhstana. Almaty, Yurist Press.
  • Soedinennyiye Shtatiy raz"yasnyayut svoyu pozitsiyu po voprosu soblyudeniya prav cheloveka v regione TSA. (2003, 21 January). Retrived from website:
  • Sultan-Khan, A. (2011, 5 April). Kak prezident Kazakhskoy SSR nezametno stal prezidentom Respubliki Kazakhstan. Retrived from Azattyq website:
  • Sultanov, B.K. (2011). Istoriya konstitutsionalizma v Kazakhstane. Kazakhstan: 20 let nezavisimosti. Pod obshch. red. KISI pri Prezidente RK, 10(16), 408.
  • Taranov, A.A. (1995). Parlament i zakonodatel'naya vlast' Kazakhstana. Almaty, Daur Press.
  • Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan «O respublikanskom referendume». (1995, 25 March). № 215. Retrived from Adilet website:
  • Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan, imeyushchiy silu konstitutsionnogo zakona “O Prezidente Respubliki Kazakhstan”. (1995, 26 December).Vedomosti, № 24. 172-179.
  • Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan, imeyushchiy silu zakona “O privatizatsii”. (1995, 23 December). Vedomosti, № 24, 163-171.
  • Voloshina, I. (2011, 23 December). Tochka nevozvrata. Golos Respubliki, № 46(222), 36-39.
  • Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “O vremennom delegirovanii Prezidentu Respubliki Kazakhstan i glavam mestnykh administratsiy dopolnitel'nykh polnomochiy”. (1993, 10 December). Vedomosti, № 23-24, 513-519.
  • Zimanov, S.Z. (1991, 23 November). Prezidentskaya vlast': Nadezhdy i problemy. Sovety Kazakhstana, pp. E3,E4.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Nurbek Khairmukhanmedov

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5 S

Kaynak Göster

APA Khairmukhanmedov, N. (2017). Structural characteristics and problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(5 S), 1432-1451.
AMA Khairmukhanmedov N. Structural characteristics and problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. Ekim 2017;3(5 S):1432-1451. doi:10.24289/ijsser.312098
Chicago Khairmukhanmedov, Nurbek. “Structural Characteristics and Problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 3, sy. 5 S (Ekim 2017): 1432-51.
EndNote Khairmukhanmedov N (01 Ekim 2017) Structural characteristics and problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 3 5 S 1432–1451.
IEEE N. Khairmukhanmedov, “Structural characteristics and problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 3, sy. 5 S, ss. 1432–1451, 2017, doi: 10.24289/ijsser.312098.
ISNAD Khairmukhanmedov, Nurbek. “Structural Characteristics and Problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 3/5 S (Ekim 2017), 1432-1451.
JAMA Khairmukhanmedov N. Structural characteristics and problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2017;3:1432–1451.
MLA Khairmukhanmedov, Nurbek. “Structural Characteristics and Problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 3, sy. 5 S, 2017, ss. 1432-51, doi:10.24289/ijsser.312098.
Vancouver Khairmukhanmedov N. Structural characteristics and problems of the Presidential System in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2017;3(5 S):1432-51.


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