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Dijital Propagandanın Yeni Bir Versiyonu: Ukrayna-Rusya Savaşı Örneğinde Deepfake Dokümanlar Üzerine Bir Analiz

Yıl 2024, , 116 - 139, 26.03.2024


Algoritmik görsel ve işitsel manipülasyon olarak da tanımlanan deepfake dokümanları, bireylerin tahrif edilmiş bilgilerinin kendi rızası dışında medyaya servis edilmesini mümkün hale getirmiştir. Başlı başına sahte olan bilgiler toplumda dezenformasyon ve propaganda aracına dönüşebilmektedir. Savaş dönemi propaganda faaliyetlerinin konu edinildiği bu araştırmada, deepfake dokümanların dijital propaganda bağlamında nasıl kullanıldığının ortaya konulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu açıdan deepfake dokümanların ilk kez bir savaş ortamında propaganda amaçlı kullanılması ve dijital propagandanın yeni bir versiyonu olarak hayata geçirilmesi bu araştırmayı hem önemli hale getirmekte hem de özgün kılmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Ukrayna-Rusya savaşı sürecinde deepfake dokümanlarının dijital propaganda aracı olarak nasıl ve hangi amaçla kullanıldığı ele alınmıştır. Dijital ortamda kullanılan deepfake dokümanları ile ilgili ülke devlet başkanları ve halkının mücadelesi betimleyici bir yaklaşımla analiz edilmektedir. Bu araştırma çerçevesinde, olasılıksız örnekleme yöntemlerinden kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen dört deepfake dokümanı incelenmiştir.
Araştırmanın sonucunda; Rusya’nın siber saldırılarına maruz kalan Ukrayna’nın deepfake dokümanları neticesinde olası propagandalar için halkını önceden uyardığı, hızlı dönüşlerle karşı saldırılarda bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, Ukrayna’nın deepfake dokümanları ile karşı saldırılara geçtiği, videolarda daha çok Putin’i itibarsızlaştıracak içerikler geliştirdiği gözlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla araştırmada bilgi çağında kullanılan, propaganda araçlarının yeni bir versiyonu olan deepfake dokümanlarının savaşın gidişatına kısa süreli de olsa etki ettiği ortaya koyulmaktadır.


  • Acar, H. M., & Tanyıldızı, N. İ. (2022). Reklamda yapay zekâ kullanımı: Ziraat Bankası# sen hep gülümse reklam filminde deepfake uygulamasının görsel anlatıya etkisi. Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi, (8), 78-99.
  • Aliefendioğlu, M. (2020). Dijital propaganda. https:// www .5gvir usnew /yazarlar /dijital-propaganda-h345.html .
  • Arab News. (2022). Zelenskyy deepfake video goes viral, reflecting troubling new wave of disinformation. ming/aggregate.
  • Baki, O. (2021,). İnsan ile hayvan yüzleri arasında dönüşüm yapabilen yapay zekâ. ay-zeka-h914 71.html.
  • Bektaş, A. (2013). Kamuoyu, iletişim ve demokrasi. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Bennett, W. Lance., and Steven Livingston. (2018). The disinformation order: disruptive communication and the decline of democratic ınstitutions. European Journal of Communication 33(2): 122–139.
  • Bernaciak & Ross. (2022,1 Mayıs). How easy is it to make and detect a deepfake?
  • Bickerton, J. (2020). Kim Jong-un’ delivers urgent us election warning – ‘not hard for democracy to collapse’.
  • Bilgi University Website. (2021). Global politics in the age of computational propaganda online conference.
  • Boháček, M., & Farid, H. (2022). Protecting President Zelenskyy against deep fakes. ArXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12043.
  • Boredpanda. (2021). New app creates deepfakes of lip-synced pictures, and ı used ıt to have a laugh (13 Pics). utm_cam paign.
  • Botha, J., & Pieterse, H. (2020). Fake news and deepfakes: A dangerous threat for 21st century information security. In ICCWS 2020 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Academic Conferences and Publishing Limited (s. 57).
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Brahm, E. (2006). Propaganda. propaganda.
  • Brooks, C. F. (2021). Popular discourse around deepfakes and the interdisciplinary challenge of fake video distribution. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(3), 159-163.
  • Brown, É. (2018). Propaganda, Misinformation, and the epistemic value of democracy. Critical Review, 30(3-4), 194-218.
  • Butler. (2022). Putin declares peace with Ukraine in debunked deepfake video.
  • Celebrtiy. (2021). What is a deepfake and how are they made?
  • Cervantes, E. (2021). What is deepfake? Should you be worried? authori
  • Cochran, J. D., & Napshin, S. A. (2021). Deepfakes: awareness, concerns, and platform accountability. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(3), 164-172.
  • Cole, S. (2022). Hacked news channel and deepfake of Zelenskyy surrendering ıs causing chaos online. dering -is-causing-chaos-online.
  • D’Alessio, F. A. (2021). Computational propaganda: challenges and responses. Academia Letters, 2.
  • Dhyani, A. (2022). Rise of deep-fakes in Russia – Ukraine conflict.
  • Dolhansky, B., Bitton, J., Pflaum, B., Lu, J., Howes, R., Wang, M., & Ferrer, CC (2020). The deepfake detection challenge (dfdc) dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07397.
  • Esselink. J. (2021). Deepfakes and extreme beliefs. An ethical assessment. (Master's Thesis, Amsterdam).
  • European Parliamentary Research Service. (2018). Computational propaganda techniques. (2018)628284_en.pdf.
  • European Parliament Research Service. (2018). Computational propaganda techniques.
  • Fletcher, J. (2018). Deepfakes, artificial ıntelligence, and some kind of dystopia: The new faces of online post-fact performance. Theatre Journal, 70(4): 455–471. Project Muse,
  • Frank, A. (2018). Computational propaganda: bots, targeting and the future. https://
  • Galloway, M. (2022). Deepfakes may use new technology, but they’re based on an old idea.
  • Gov.Uk. Web. (2019). Snapshot paper- deepfakes and audiovisual disinformation. formation.
  • Great Learning (2022). All you need to know about deepfake aıhttps://www.mygr /blog/all-you-need-to-know-about-deepfake-ai/.
  • Hancock, J. T., & Bailenson, J. N. (2021). The social impact of deepfakes. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social networking, 24(3), 149-152.
  • Hartmann, K., & Giles, K. (2020). The next generation of cyber-enabled information warfare. In 2020 12th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon) (Vol. 1300, ss. 233-250). IEEE.
  • Jones, K. (2022). Want something verified? No, the video of Russian President Vladimir Putin announcing peace isn’t real. https://www.verifythis. com/ article/ news/ verify/world-verify/ukraine-verify/video-of-putin-announcing-peace-not-real/536-bc4b140f-214c-4a54-ad7e-e39341555fd0.
  • Kahraman, İ., & Fidan, Z. (2022). Yeni bir propaganda mecrası olarak dijital oyunlar. TRT Akademi, 7(16), 852-887.
  • Karaca, M., & Çakı, C. (2018). İletişim ve propaganda. Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Kaonga, G. (2022). Fact check: does video show 'Putin's double' fighting on Ukraine frontline?
  • Kenez, P. (1985). The birth of the propaganda state: Soviet methods of mass mobilization, 1917-1929. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Khanrah, A. (2022). DeepFake video: are Tom Cruise and Paris Hilton dating?
  • Korkmaz, Ş., & Alkan, M. (2021). Derin öğrenme algoritmalarını kullanarak deepfake video tespiti. Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1. 1167225.
  • Kucher, D. (2020). Artificial intelligence.
  • Leblebitozu. (2022). Propaganda nedir? Propaganda çeşitleri, propaganda teknikleri nelerdir?
  • Lock, I., & Ludolph, R. (2020). Organizational propaganda on the Internet: A systematic review. Public Relations Inquiry, 9(1), 103-127. 204 6147X19870844.
  • Maras, M. H. (2017). Social media platforms: Targeting the ‘found space’of terrorists. Journal of Internet Law, 21(2), 3-9.
  • Maras, M.H. ve Alexandrou, A. (2018). Determining authenticity of video evidence in the age of artificial intelligence and in the wake of deepfake videos. The International. Journal of Evidence & Proof, 23(3), 255-262. /1365712718807226.
  • Masood, M., Nawaz, M., Malik, K. M., Javed, A., Irtaza, A., & Malik, H. (2022). Deepfakes generation and detection: state-of-the-art, open challenges, countermeasures, and way forward. Applied Intelligence, 1-53.
  • Mitra G,2020 What exactly are deepfakes and how do they work?
  • Moran, M. (2020). Deepfake videos to make up '90% of online content' in just five years. epfake-videos-22761685.
  • Narayan, K., Agarwal, H., Mittal, S., Thakral, K., Kundu, S., Vatsa, M., & Singh, R. (2022). Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr) workshops, 2022, ss. 2858-2867.
  • Netlingo. (2022). Deepfake.
  • Neyazi, T. A. (2020). Digital propaganda, political bots and polarized politics in India. Asian Journal of Communication, 30(1), 39-57, http://dx.doi. org.10.1080 /012929 86.2019.1699938.
  • Nguyen, T. T., Nguyen, Q. V. H., Nguyen, D. T., Nguyen, D. T., Huynh-The, T., Nahavandi, S., ... & Nguyen, C. M. (2022). Deep learning for deepfakes creation and detection: A survey. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 223, 103525.
  • Norman, J. (2022). Video Rewrite, Origins of Deepfakes. https://www.historyofinformati
  • Özdemir, Ö. C., & Taşcıoğlu, R. (2022). Kurumsal iletişimde sosyal medya kullanımı: Cumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Başkanlığı üzerine bir inceleme. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, 1(53), 65-81.
  • Reuters. (2022). “Fact check-doctored video appears to show Putin Announcing Peace.” .
  • Sagar, R. (2019). Artificial ıntelligence brings Mona Lisa to life using gans. .
  • Schick, Nina. (2020). Deepfakes and the ınfocalypse: What you urgently need to know [Kindle version] (London UK: Octopus Publishing Group).
  • Shao, G. (2022). What 'deepfakes' are and how they may be dangerous. https://
  • Song, D. (2019). A short history of deepfakes.
  • Stamm, M. and Liu, K. (2010). Forensic detection of image manipulation using statistical intrinsic fingerprints. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 5(3), pp.492-506. /10.1109/TIFS.2010.2053202.
  • Tarhan, N. (2003). Psikolojik savaş. İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • Temir, E. (2020). Deepfake: New era in the age of disinformation & end of reliable journalism. Selçuk İletişim, 13(2), 1009-1024.
  • Thalen, M. (2022). Hackers drop deepfake of Zelenskyy ordering troops to surrender on Ukrainian news site.
  • Ural, A ve Kılıç, İ. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. 3. baskı. Ankara: Detay.
  • Ün, H. & Türkal, İ. (2018). Kurumsal iletişim bağlamında yükseköğretim kurumlarının sosyal medya kullanımları: Üniversitelerin Youtube kanallarını kullanımları üzerine bir inceleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(Özel Sayı 3), 2811-2833.
  • Wang, J., Sun, Y., & Tang, J. (2022). Lisiam: localization invariance siamese network for deepfake detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 17, 2425-2436.
  • Westerlund, M. (2019). The emergence of deepfake technology: A review. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(11). ss. 39-52. http://dx.doi. org/ 10.22215/ timreview/1282.
  • Whyte, C. (2020). Deepfake news: AI-enabled disinformation as a multi-level public policy challenge. Journal of Cyber Policy, 5(2), 199-217. 10.1080/23738871.2020.1797135.
  • Wikipedia. (2023). Propaganda.
  • Woolley, S. C., & Howard, P. N. (2016). Political communication, computational propaganda, and autonomous agents: Introduction. International Journal of Communication, 10.
  • Woolley, S. C., & Howard, P. N. (2018). Introduction: computational propaganda worldwide. computational propaganda: Political parties, politicians, and political manipulation on social media, 3-18. https :// 001.
  • Youtube. (2022). Kemal Sunal reklamı nasıl çekildi? Yapımcıları anlatıyor. Kamera arkası/2. deepfake. .
  • Youtube. (2022). Putin deepfake: #standwithukraine. watch?
  • Zhang, T. (2022). Deepfake generation and detection, a survey. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(5), 6259-6276.

A New Version of Digital Propaganda: An Analysis on Deepfake Documents on the Case of Ukraine-Russia War

Yıl 2024, , 116 - 139, 26.03.2024


Deepfake documents which are also defined as algorithmic visual and auditory manipulation, have made it possible to provide the media with fake information from individuals the falsified information of individuals to the media without their consent. Information that is fake on its own can turn into a disinformation and propaganda tool in the society. The first use of propaganda purposes for the first time in a war environment makes this research important. In this research, how and for what purpose deepfake documents have been used as a digital propaganda tool during the Ukraine-Russia war has been discussed. The struggle of the heads of state and their people against the deepfake documents used in the digital environment is analyzed with a descriptive approach. Within the framework of this research, four deepfake documents determined by convenience sampling method, one of the non-probability sampling methods, were examined.
As a result of the research, it has been determined that Ukraine, which has been exposed to cyber-attacks from Russia, warned its people in advance of possible propaganda as a result of deepfake documents, and took quick turns and counter-attacks. According to the findings, it was observed that Ukraine launched counter-attacks with deepfake documents and developed content that would discredit Putin in videos. This study includes the originality of handling deepfake documents as a new version of digital propaganda in the war environment. It is revealed that deepfake documents, which are a new version of propaganda tools used in the information age, have a short-term effect on the course of the war.


  • Acar, H. M., & Tanyıldızı, N. İ. (2022). Reklamda yapay zekâ kullanımı: Ziraat Bankası# sen hep gülümse reklam filminde deepfake uygulamasının görsel anlatıya etkisi. Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi, (8), 78-99.
  • Aliefendioğlu, M. (2020). Dijital propaganda. https:// www .5gvir usnew /yazarlar /dijital-propaganda-h345.html .
  • Arab News. (2022). Zelenskyy deepfake video goes viral, reflecting troubling new wave of disinformation. ming/aggregate.
  • Baki, O. (2021,). İnsan ile hayvan yüzleri arasında dönüşüm yapabilen yapay zekâ. ay-zeka-h914 71.html.
  • Bektaş, A. (2013). Kamuoyu, iletişim ve demokrasi. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Bennett, W. Lance., and Steven Livingston. (2018). The disinformation order: disruptive communication and the decline of democratic ınstitutions. European Journal of Communication 33(2): 122–139.
  • Bernaciak & Ross. (2022,1 Mayıs). How easy is it to make and detect a deepfake?
  • Bickerton, J. (2020). Kim Jong-un’ delivers urgent us election warning – ‘not hard for democracy to collapse’.
  • Bilgi University Website. (2021). Global politics in the age of computational propaganda online conference.
  • Boháček, M., & Farid, H. (2022). Protecting President Zelenskyy against deep fakes. ArXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12043.
  • Boredpanda. (2021). New app creates deepfakes of lip-synced pictures, and ı used ıt to have a laugh (13 Pics). utm_cam paign.
  • Botha, J., & Pieterse, H. (2020). Fake news and deepfakes: A dangerous threat for 21st century information security. In ICCWS 2020 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Academic Conferences and Publishing Limited (s. 57).
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Brahm, E. (2006). Propaganda. propaganda.
  • Brooks, C. F. (2021). Popular discourse around deepfakes and the interdisciplinary challenge of fake video distribution. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(3), 159-163.
  • Brown, É. (2018). Propaganda, Misinformation, and the epistemic value of democracy. Critical Review, 30(3-4), 194-218.
  • Butler. (2022). Putin declares peace with Ukraine in debunked deepfake video.
  • Celebrtiy. (2021). What is a deepfake and how are they made?
  • Cervantes, E. (2021). What is deepfake? Should you be worried? authori
  • Cochran, J. D., & Napshin, S. A. (2021). Deepfakes: awareness, concerns, and platform accountability. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(3), 164-172.
  • Cole, S. (2022). Hacked news channel and deepfake of Zelenskyy surrendering ıs causing chaos online. dering -is-causing-chaos-online.
  • D’Alessio, F. A. (2021). Computational propaganda: challenges and responses. Academia Letters, 2.
  • Dhyani, A. (2022). Rise of deep-fakes in Russia – Ukraine conflict.
  • Dolhansky, B., Bitton, J., Pflaum, B., Lu, J., Howes, R., Wang, M., & Ferrer, CC (2020). The deepfake detection challenge (dfdc) dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07397.
  • Esselink. J. (2021). Deepfakes and extreme beliefs. An ethical assessment. (Master's Thesis, Amsterdam).
  • European Parliamentary Research Service. (2018). Computational propaganda techniques. (2018)628284_en.pdf.
  • European Parliament Research Service. (2018). Computational propaganda techniques.
  • Fletcher, J. (2018). Deepfakes, artificial ıntelligence, and some kind of dystopia: The new faces of online post-fact performance. Theatre Journal, 70(4): 455–471. Project Muse,
  • Frank, A. (2018). Computational propaganda: bots, targeting and the future. https://
  • Galloway, M. (2022). Deepfakes may use new technology, but they’re based on an old idea.
  • Gov.Uk. Web. (2019). Snapshot paper- deepfakes and audiovisual disinformation. formation.
  • Great Learning (2022). All you need to know about deepfake aıhttps://www.mygr /blog/all-you-need-to-know-about-deepfake-ai/.
  • Hancock, J. T., & Bailenson, J. N. (2021). The social impact of deepfakes. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social networking, 24(3), 149-152.
  • Hartmann, K., & Giles, K. (2020). The next generation of cyber-enabled information warfare. In 2020 12th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon) (Vol. 1300, ss. 233-250). IEEE.
  • Jones, K. (2022). Want something verified? No, the video of Russian President Vladimir Putin announcing peace isn’t real. https://www.verifythis. com/ article/ news/ verify/world-verify/ukraine-verify/video-of-putin-announcing-peace-not-real/536-bc4b140f-214c-4a54-ad7e-e39341555fd0.
  • Kahraman, İ., & Fidan, Z. (2022). Yeni bir propaganda mecrası olarak dijital oyunlar. TRT Akademi, 7(16), 852-887.
  • Karaca, M., & Çakı, C. (2018). İletişim ve propaganda. Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Kaonga, G. (2022). Fact check: does video show 'Putin's double' fighting on Ukraine frontline?
  • Kenez, P. (1985). The birth of the propaganda state: Soviet methods of mass mobilization, 1917-1929. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Khanrah, A. (2022). DeepFake video: are Tom Cruise and Paris Hilton dating?
  • Korkmaz, Ş., & Alkan, M. (2021). Derin öğrenme algoritmalarını kullanarak deepfake video tespiti. Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1. 1167225.
  • Kucher, D. (2020). Artificial intelligence.
  • Leblebitozu. (2022). Propaganda nedir? Propaganda çeşitleri, propaganda teknikleri nelerdir?
  • Lock, I., & Ludolph, R. (2020). Organizational propaganda on the Internet: A systematic review. Public Relations Inquiry, 9(1), 103-127. 204 6147X19870844.
  • Maras, M. H. (2017). Social media platforms: Targeting the ‘found space’of terrorists. Journal of Internet Law, 21(2), 3-9.
  • Maras, M.H. ve Alexandrou, A. (2018). Determining authenticity of video evidence in the age of artificial intelligence and in the wake of deepfake videos. The International. Journal of Evidence & Proof, 23(3), 255-262. /1365712718807226.
  • Masood, M., Nawaz, M., Malik, K. M., Javed, A., Irtaza, A., & Malik, H. (2022). Deepfakes generation and detection: state-of-the-art, open challenges, countermeasures, and way forward. Applied Intelligence, 1-53.
  • Mitra G,2020 What exactly are deepfakes and how do they work?
  • Moran, M. (2020). Deepfake videos to make up '90% of online content' in just five years. epfake-videos-22761685.
  • Narayan, K., Agarwal, H., Mittal, S., Thakral, K., Kundu, S., Vatsa, M., & Singh, R. (2022). Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr) workshops, 2022, ss. 2858-2867.
  • Netlingo. (2022). Deepfake.
  • Neyazi, T. A. (2020). Digital propaganda, political bots and polarized politics in India. Asian Journal of Communication, 30(1), 39-57, http://dx.doi. org.10.1080 /012929 86.2019.1699938.
  • Nguyen, T. T., Nguyen, Q. V. H., Nguyen, D. T., Nguyen, D. T., Huynh-The, T., Nahavandi, S., ... & Nguyen, C. M. (2022). Deep learning for deepfakes creation and detection: A survey. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 223, 103525.
  • Norman, J. (2022). Video Rewrite, Origins of Deepfakes. https://www.historyofinformati
  • Özdemir, Ö. C., & Taşcıoğlu, R. (2022). Kurumsal iletişimde sosyal medya kullanımı: Cumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Başkanlığı üzerine bir inceleme. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, 1(53), 65-81.
  • Reuters. (2022). “Fact check-doctored video appears to show Putin Announcing Peace.” .
  • Sagar, R. (2019). Artificial ıntelligence brings Mona Lisa to life using gans. .
  • Schick, Nina. (2020). Deepfakes and the ınfocalypse: What you urgently need to know [Kindle version] (London UK: Octopus Publishing Group).
  • Shao, G. (2022). What 'deepfakes' are and how they may be dangerous. https://
  • Song, D. (2019). A short history of deepfakes.
  • Stamm, M. and Liu, K. (2010). Forensic detection of image manipulation using statistical intrinsic fingerprints. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 5(3), pp.492-506. /10.1109/TIFS.2010.2053202.
  • Tarhan, N. (2003). Psikolojik savaş. İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • Temir, E. (2020). Deepfake: New era in the age of disinformation & end of reliable journalism. Selçuk İletişim, 13(2), 1009-1024.
  • Thalen, M. (2022). Hackers drop deepfake of Zelenskyy ordering troops to surrender on Ukrainian news site.
  • Ural, A ve Kılıç, İ. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. 3. baskı. Ankara: Detay.
  • Ün, H. & Türkal, İ. (2018). Kurumsal iletişim bağlamında yükseköğretim kurumlarının sosyal medya kullanımları: Üniversitelerin Youtube kanallarını kullanımları üzerine bir inceleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(Özel Sayı 3), 2811-2833.
  • Wang, J., Sun, Y., & Tang, J. (2022). Lisiam: localization invariance siamese network for deepfake detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 17, 2425-2436.
  • Westerlund, M. (2019). The emergence of deepfake technology: A review. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(11). ss. 39-52. http://dx.doi. org/ 10.22215/ timreview/1282.
  • Whyte, C. (2020). Deepfake news: AI-enabled disinformation as a multi-level public policy challenge. Journal of Cyber Policy, 5(2), 199-217. 10.1080/23738871.2020.1797135.
  • Wikipedia. (2023). Propaganda.
  • Woolley, S. C., & Howard, P. N. (2016). Political communication, computational propaganda, and autonomous agents: Introduction. International Journal of Communication, 10.
  • Woolley, S. C., & Howard, P. N. (2018). Introduction: computational propaganda worldwide. computational propaganda: Political parties, politicians, and political manipulation on social media, 3-18. https :// 001.
  • Youtube. (2022). Kemal Sunal reklamı nasıl çekildi? Yapımcıları anlatıyor. Kamera arkası/2. deepfake. .
  • Youtube. (2022). Putin deepfake: #standwithukraine. watch?
  • Zhang, T. (2022). Deepfake generation and detection, a survey. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(5), 6259-6276.
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim Teknolojisi ve Dijital Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Başak Akmeşe 0000-0003-4528-2833

Raci Taşcıoğlu 0000-0003-2917-295X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Akmeşe, B., & Taşcıoğlu, R. (2024). Dijital Propagandanın Yeni Bir Versiyonu: Ukrayna-Rusya Savaşı Örneğinde Deepfake Dokümanlar Üzerine Bir Analiz. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi(66), 116-139.