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Gelişmiş Ülkelerde Sosyal Politika Uygulamaları: Japonya Örneği

Yıl 2021, , 188 - 202, 30.06.2021


Gelişmiş ülkelerde nüfusun yaşlanmasına bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan sosyal sorunlar ve bunlara karşı yürütülen politikalar, Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerin yakın gelecekte izleyeceği sosyal politikaların belirlenmesinde yol gösterecektir. Bu çalışmada, dünyanın en hızlı yaşlanan ülkeleri arasında yer alan Japonya’da demografik değişime bağlı olarak yaşanan sosyal sorunlar ve bunlara yönelik yürütülen çözüm plan ve politikaları sorgulanmıştır. Japonya’nın gerek yaşlanan nüfus ve azalan doğum oranları ile hantallaşan sosyal güvenlik sisteminin neden olduğu gelecek tedirginliği gerekse katı iş düzeniyle geleneksel toplumsal yaşamı arasındaki çatışmanın ortaya çıkardığı sosyal durumlar, Türkiye’nin sosyo-kültürel yapısıyla çok yakından benzerlik göstermektedir. Nüfusun yaşlanması, doğum oranlarının sürekli düşmesi, insanların sosyo-psikolojik tutumlarının değişmesi, aile ve toplum yapısında büyük yapısal değişikliklere neden olmaktadır. Japonya artık yaşlanan nüfusuyla dünya devi olmak için rekabet etmek yerine, mevcut gücünü hatta belki de ‘neslini’ korumak için sosyal politika uygulamalarına dört elle sarılmaktadır. Bu sosyal politika uygulamaları ise, Batı tipi çözümlerin yanı sıra, Japonya’nın tarihinden kaynaklanan kendine has sosyo-kültürel özellikler içermekte, farklı nitelikte yeni sosyal sorunlar ve çözümleri de bünyesinde barındırmaktadır.


  • ASPB, “Japonya Raporu” 2007, Erişim tarihi: 12.12.2015, s. 13.
  • Bestor Victoria Lyon, Toward a Cultural Biography of Civil Society in Japan, içinde ed. Goodman, “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Büyükbaş Hakkı, “Japon Siyasal Sistemi’nin Gelişimi Üzerine Bir İnceleme (1868-2003)”, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sayı 28, Nisan 2013.
  • Borovoy Amy, “The too-good wife: alcohol, codependency, and the politics of nurturance in postwar Japan”, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2005.
  • Cabinet Office, Gender Equality Bureau, "Violence against Women" (PDF). Tokyo,, Japanese Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, erişim tarihi: 16.12.2020.
  • Chambers Andrew, "Japan: ending the culture of the 'honourable' suicide", The Guardian, London, erişim tarihi: 1.12.2020.
  • Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Nelson, Rebecca, ""Womenomics" in Japan: In Brief" (PDF). Congressional Research Service, 2014, erişim tarihi: 19.12.2020,
  • Esenbel Selçuk, “Japon Modernleşmesi ve Osmanlı”, İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2012.
  • Goodman Roger, “Anthropoogy, policy and the study of Japan”, s: 1-27 içinde “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Ed, Goodman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Goodman Roger, ‘The “Japanese-style welfare state” and the delivery of personal social services”, S.120-39 içinde, “The East Aisan Welfare Model: Welfare Orientalism and the State”, ed., Goodman, Roger; Gordon, White; Huck-Ju, Kwon, London: Routledge, 1998.
  • Fareed Zakaria “The end of an era for Japan”, CNN, 2014,, erişim tarihi: 15/12/2020.
  • Harada Sumitaka, “The Ageing Society, The Family, and Social Policy”, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
  • James Valentine, ‘On the borderlines: the significance of marginality in Japanese society’, içinde, Unwrapping Japan, ed. Eyal Ben-Ari eet al. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1990, s. 49.
  • Kono Shigemi, “Demographic aspects of population aging in Japan”, s.7-52 içinde, “Aging in Japan” ed., Shigeyoshi Yoshida, Tokyo: Japan Aging Research Center, 2000.
  • Mackie Vera, “Embodiment, citizenship and social policy in contemporary Japan”,s: 200-228. İçinde, “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Ed. Goodman, Cambridge: Cambridge Universty pres, 2002.
  • Maeda Nobuhiko, “Harmonnisation of Home and Work Life: An ınternational comparison of Japan, Holland and the USA”, Tokyo: Nihon Rödö Kenkyökikö, 2000.
  • Mariko Mitsui, “Sexual Harassment Hotline”, Tokyo: Shueisha, 1994.
  • Mitsutoshii Horii; Burgess Adam, "Constructing sexual risk: 'Chikan', collapsing male authority and the emergence of women-only train carriages in Japan.", Tokyo: Health, Risk & Society, s. 41–55, sayı, 14, 2012.
  • Murasaki Shikibu, 2013, ‘Heian Period (794-1192 C.E.), 1996-2013,
  • Nakano Lynne, “Volunteering as a lifstyle choice: negotiating self-identities in Japan”, Ethnology, XXXIX, 2000.
  • Ozawa-De Silva Chikako, "Too Lonely to Die Alone: Internet Suicide Pacts and Existential Suffering in Japan", Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, s. 516-551, sayı 32, 2008.
  • Roberts S. Glenda, “Pinning hopes on angels: reflections from an aging Japan’s urban landscape”, s. 54-91, içinde, “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Ed., Goodman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • Saito Sadao, “Present conditions of intergenerational interaction in social welfare sphere – through welfare education”, s. 160-205 içinde, “İntergeneratiaonal Interaction in Aging Society” ed., K. Aoi, Tokyo: Centre for Expoloring the Long Lived Society, 1994.
  • Sawano Yukiko, “Intergenerational Exchange programme for lifelong learning: Japanese experiences”, s: 56-61 içinde, “Report of the 1st ınternational Conference on Intergenerational Programmes”, 13-14 October 1999, Netherland, 2000.
  • Takayama Noriyuku, “Let’s Change Men’s Workstyle”, Tokyo: Keizai Kikakushö, 2000.
  • Ueno Kayoko, "Suicide as Japan’s major export? A note on Japanese Suicide Culture", Revista Espaco Academico , 2005.
  • Watanuki Jöji, “Is There a Japanese-Type Welfare Society”, International Sociology, s. 69-259, sayı 103, 1986.
  • Yamada Masahiro, “The Age of Prasite Singles”,Tokyo: Chikumo Shobo, 1999.
  • Japan Economic Newswire, "Suicides due to hardships in life, job loss up sharply in 20019",, erişim tarihi: 11.12.2020.
  • Wikipedia, Gelir Endeksi Listesi, 2020,
  • Wikipedia, Gelişmişlik Endeksi, 2020,
  • World Bank, 2018,
  • World Economic Forum, Gender Gap, 2020 (Erişim Tarihi: 18.04.2021)
  • World Health Organisation, 2020, ‘Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy data by country’
  • (Erişim tarihi, 18.04. 2021)

Social Policy Practices in Sustainable Countries: The Case of Japan

Yıl 2021, , 188 - 202, 30.06.2021


Social problems occurring related to ageing of the population in developed countries and policies pursued for these problems will lead to the determination of social policies, which will be followed in close future by developing countries such as Turkey. In this study, social problems occurring related to demographic change in Japan, which is among the fastest ageing countries in the world, and the solution plans, and policies pursued for these problems are questioned. Social conditions, emerged due to both anxiety of future caused by an impairing social security system with the ageing population and declining birth rates and conflict between traditional and social life caused by the strict working program in Japan, bear a resemblance to the socio-economic structure of Turkey. Ageing of population, constant decline in birth rates, and changing socio-psychologic behaviours of people result in major structural changes in family and society structures. Japan with its ageing population, thus, tightly holds its social policies in order to preserve its current power or even “generation” instead of competing to be the world’s giant. These social policy implementations contain specific socio-cultural features stemming from Japan’s history as well as western solutions, and also include various modern social problems and solutions.


  • ASPB, “Japonya Raporu” 2007, Erişim tarihi: 12.12.2015, s. 13.
  • Bestor Victoria Lyon, Toward a Cultural Biography of Civil Society in Japan, içinde ed. Goodman, “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Büyükbaş Hakkı, “Japon Siyasal Sistemi’nin Gelişimi Üzerine Bir İnceleme (1868-2003)”, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sayı 28, Nisan 2013.
  • Borovoy Amy, “The too-good wife: alcohol, codependency, and the politics of nurturance in postwar Japan”, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2005.
  • Cabinet Office, Gender Equality Bureau, "Violence against Women" (PDF). Tokyo,, Japanese Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, erişim tarihi: 16.12.2020.
  • Chambers Andrew, "Japan: ending the culture of the 'honourable' suicide", The Guardian, London, erişim tarihi: 1.12.2020.
  • Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Nelson, Rebecca, ""Womenomics" in Japan: In Brief" (PDF). Congressional Research Service, 2014, erişim tarihi: 19.12.2020,
  • Esenbel Selçuk, “Japon Modernleşmesi ve Osmanlı”, İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2012.
  • Goodman Roger, “Anthropoogy, policy and the study of Japan”, s: 1-27 içinde “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Ed, Goodman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Goodman Roger, ‘The “Japanese-style welfare state” and the delivery of personal social services”, S.120-39 içinde, “The East Aisan Welfare Model: Welfare Orientalism and the State”, ed., Goodman, Roger; Gordon, White; Huck-Ju, Kwon, London: Routledge, 1998.
  • Fareed Zakaria “The end of an era for Japan”, CNN, 2014,, erişim tarihi: 15/12/2020.
  • Harada Sumitaka, “The Ageing Society, The Family, and Social Policy”, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
  • James Valentine, ‘On the borderlines: the significance of marginality in Japanese society’, içinde, Unwrapping Japan, ed. Eyal Ben-Ari eet al. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1990, s. 49.
  • Kono Shigemi, “Demographic aspects of population aging in Japan”, s.7-52 içinde, “Aging in Japan” ed., Shigeyoshi Yoshida, Tokyo: Japan Aging Research Center, 2000.
  • Mackie Vera, “Embodiment, citizenship and social policy in contemporary Japan”,s: 200-228. İçinde, “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Ed. Goodman, Cambridge: Cambridge Universty pres, 2002.
  • Maeda Nobuhiko, “Harmonnisation of Home and Work Life: An ınternational comparison of Japan, Holland and the USA”, Tokyo: Nihon Rödö Kenkyökikö, 2000.
  • Mariko Mitsui, “Sexual Harassment Hotline”, Tokyo: Shueisha, 1994.
  • Mitsutoshii Horii; Burgess Adam, "Constructing sexual risk: 'Chikan', collapsing male authority and the emergence of women-only train carriages in Japan.", Tokyo: Health, Risk & Society, s. 41–55, sayı, 14, 2012.
  • Murasaki Shikibu, 2013, ‘Heian Period (794-1192 C.E.), 1996-2013,
  • Nakano Lynne, “Volunteering as a lifstyle choice: negotiating self-identities in Japan”, Ethnology, XXXIX, 2000.
  • Ozawa-De Silva Chikako, "Too Lonely to Die Alone: Internet Suicide Pacts and Existential Suffering in Japan", Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, s. 516-551, sayı 32, 2008.
  • Roberts S. Glenda, “Pinning hopes on angels: reflections from an aging Japan’s urban landscape”, s. 54-91, içinde, “Family and Social Policy in Japan”, Ed., Goodman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • Saito Sadao, “Present conditions of intergenerational interaction in social welfare sphere – through welfare education”, s. 160-205 içinde, “İntergeneratiaonal Interaction in Aging Society” ed., K. Aoi, Tokyo: Centre for Expoloring the Long Lived Society, 1994.
  • Sawano Yukiko, “Intergenerational Exchange programme for lifelong learning: Japanese experiences”, s: 56-61 içinde, “Report of the 1st ınternational Conference on Intergenerational Programmes”, 13-14 October 1999, Netherland, 2000.
  • Takayama Noriyuku, “Let’s Change Men’s Workstyle”, Tokyo: Keizai Kikakushö, 2000.
  • Ueno Kayoko, "Suicide as Japan’s major export? A note on Japanese Suicide Culture", Revista Espaco Academico , 2005.
  • Watanuki Jöji, “Is There a Japanese-Type Welfare Society”, International Sociology, s. 69-259, sayı 103, 1986.
  • Yamada Masahiro, “The Age of Prasite Singles”,Tokyo: Chikumo Shobo, 1999.
  • Japan Economic Newswire, "Suicides due to hardships in life, job loss up sharply in 20019",, erişim tarihi: 11.12.2020.
  • Wikipedia, Gelir Endeksi Listesi, 2020,
  • Wikipedia, Gelişmişlik Endeksi, 2020,
  • World Bank, 2018,
  • World Economic Forum, Gender Gap, 2020 (Erişim Tarihi: 18.04.2021)
  • World Health Organisation, 2020, ‘Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy data by country’
  • (Erişim tarihi, 18.04. 2021)
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Safure Cantürk 0000-0002-5419-3325

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Cantürk, S. (2021). Gelişmiş Ülkelerde Sosyal Politika Uygulamaları: Japonya Örneği. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2021(54), 188-202.