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Science Journalism: A Research On New Sites

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 52, 166 - 186, 30.12.2020


Science journalism plays a key role in breaking down old beliefs and assumptions created earlier in society. Science journalists strive to satisfy the public's desire to read scientifically beautiful stories. At the same time, science journalists strive for the public to understand technical issues, analyze scientific terms, and get news in non-technical, understandable language. In other words, they simplify science for the public. It is necessary to train science journalists who can convey scientific events to society in an understandable way. Such efforts are an important process in terms of bringing science to the forefront for the public in the following years. The biggest obstacles to the process are the disadvantages such as communication gaps between science journalists, lack of proper planning, lack of education. At the same time, there are negatives caused by management, such as the attachment of science journalists to the legal processes of the country in which they live, bureaucratic situations, scientific opposition. The subject of this study is to examine the science news on the three most visited online news pages (Ensonhaber, Hürriyet, Milliyet) in Turkey, according to Alexa, which reports the website traffic.
Content analysis method was used in the study. Between 20 October and 3 November 2020, a total of 7863 news were detected on news websites. Only 158 of these news are science news. According to the findings of the study, the ratio of science news to other types of news is only 2%. Health (61) and astronomy (59) news consisted the majority of science news. It has been determined in science news (39) that the scientific source is not clearly stated. Based on the data obtained, it is seen that science news is not at a sufficient level in terms of informing the public about science. There are news in the research that the scientific source is not clearly stated. Some content uses vague scientific news patterns. This shows that the content can be fiction. At the same time, the fact that science news is collected only in certain categories shows that the public cannot reach a wide knowledge network on science. Education of science journalists plays a key role in overcoming these emerging problems.


  • Allan, S. (2011). Introduction: Science journalism in a digital age. Journalism, 771-777.
  • Appleyard, B. (1999). Brave New Worlds: Genetics and the Human Experience. London: HarperCollins.
  • Bauer, M., & Bucchi, M. (2007). Journalism, Science and Society: Science Communication between News and Public Relations. London: Routledge.
  • Bauer, M., Howard, S., Ramos, Y., Massarani, L., & Amorim, L. (2013). Global science journalism report: working conditions & practices, professional ethos and future expectations. London: LSE Research Online.
  • Bueno, W. (2009). Jornalismo científico: revisitando o conceito. Jornalismo científico e desenvolvimento sustentável, 157-178.
  • Claassen, G. (2013). Science journalism, incorporating bioethics. F. Banda içinde, Model curricula for journalism education: a compendium of new syllabi (s. 105-129). UNESCO.
  • Crow, D., & Stevens, R. (2012). Local Science Reporting Relies on Generalists, Not Specialists. Newspaper Research Journal, 33(3), 35-48.
  • Dudo, A., & Besley, J. (2016). Scientists’ Prioritization of Communication Objectives for Public Engagement. Plos One, 11(2), 1-18.
  • Elias, C. (2018). Acience Journalism as an Academic Discipline: the Fusion of Western Media and Science seen from a Literary and Social Perspective. Communication Papers, 7(13), 163-172.
  • Fahy, D., & Nisbet, M. (2011). The science journalist online: Shifting roles and emerging practices. Journalism, 12(7), 778-793.
  • Fischhoff, B., & Scheufele, D. (2019). The Science of Science Communication III. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(16), 7632-7633.
  • Fjaestad, B. (2007). Why journalists report science as they do. M. Bauer, & M. Bucchi içinde, Journalism, science and society: Science communication between news and public relations (s. 123-132). Londra: Routledge.
  • Goldacre, B. (2009). Bad Science. London: Harper Perennial.
  • Joshi, A. (2018). Science Journalism and Communication in India: Challenges and Way Forward. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 7(22018), 10374-10379.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology. California: Sage.
  • Lobo, M., & Pérez, L. (2015). Science journalism: the standardisation of information from the press to the internet. Journal of Science Communication, 14(3), 1-12.
  • Lutz, S., Popp, A., Emmerik, T., Gleeson, T., Kalaugher, L., Möbius, K., et al. (2018). HESS Opinions: Science in today's media landscape – challenges and lessons from hydrologists and journalists. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(7), 3589-3599.
  • Nielsen, K., Kjaer , C., & Dahlgaard, J. (2007). Scientists and science communication: A Danish survey. Journal of Science Communication, 6(1), 1-12. Peters, H., Brossard, D., Cheveigné, S., & Dunwoody, S. (2008). Interactions with the Mass Media. Science, 321(5886), 204-205.
  • Pitrelli, N. (2017). Science journalism: In search of a new identity. Medical Writing, 26(2), 41-44.
  • Russell, C. (2009). Science Journalism Goes Global. Science, 324(5934), 1491.
  • Semir, V. (2000). Scientific journalism: Problems and perspective. Vladimir de SemirInternational Microbiology, 3(2), 125-128.
  • Semir, V. (2010). Metareview: Science Communication & Science Journalism. Media For Science Forum (s. 1-71). Madrid: FECYT.
  • Trench, B. (2012). Vital and Vulnerable: Science Communication as a University Subject. B. Schiele, M. Claessens, & S. Shi içinde, Science Communication in the World Practices, Theories and Trends (s. 241-58). New York: Springer.
  • UNESCO. (2007). Developing a science journalism course for developing countries. A report on the UNESCO workshop and questionnaire conducted in association with the World Conference of Science Journalists (s. 1-41). Econnect communication.
  • UNESCO. (2013). Model Curricula For Journalism Education: A Compendium of New Syllabi. (F. Banda, Dü.) Paris: UNESCO series on journalism education.
  • Weber, R. (1985). Basic Content Analysis. New Delhi: Sage.
  • Williams, A., & Clifford, S. (2009). Mapping the field: Specialist science news journalism in the UK national media. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Bilim Gazeteciliği: Haber Siteleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 52, 166 - 186, 30.12.2020


Bilim gazeteciliği toplumda daha önceleri oluşturulan eski kalıpları, varsayımları yıkma açısından kilit bir rol üstlenmektedir. Halk açısından bakıldığında ise bilimsel olarak güzel hikâyeler okuma yönündeki isteğin karşılanması için uğraşan bilim gazetecilerinin teknik konuları anlaması, bilimsel terimleri çözümlemesi ve teknik olmayan, anlaşılır bir dil aracılığıyla bilgileri halka iletmesi bir başka ifadeyle bilimi halk için basitleştirmesi gerekmektedir. Topluma bilimsel olayları anlaşılabilir bir biçimde aktarabilecek bilim gazetecilerinin eğitimi, yetkinliğinin arttırılması gibi çabalar ilerleyen yıllarda bilimin toplumda daha da ön plana çıkarılması açısından önemli bir süreçtir. Sürecin önündeki en büyük engeller bilim gazetecileri arasında iletişim boşlukları olması, uygun planlama yapılamaması, eğitim eksiklikleri gibi olumsuzluklardır. Aynı zamanda bilim gazetecilerinin yaşadıkları ülkenin yasal süreçlerine takılması, bürokratik durumlar, bilimsel muhalefet gibi yönetim kaynaklı olumsuzluklar da görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın konusu internet sitelerine ait verileri raporlayan Alexa’ya göre ülkemizde en çok ziyaret edilen üç haber sitesinde (Ensonhaber, Hürriyet, Milliyet) yer alan bilim haberlerinin incelenmesidir.

Çalışmada içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. 20 Ekim, 3 Kasım 2020 tarihleri arasında incelenen haber sitelerinde toplam 7863 haber tespit edilmiştir. Bu haberlerden yalnızca 158’i bilim haberi niteliği göstermektedir. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre, bilim haberlerinin diğer türdeki haberlere oranı yalnızca %2’dir. Bilim haberlerinin büyük bölümünü sağlık (61) ve astronomi (59) haberleri oluşturmuştur. Bilimsel kaynağın açık bir şekilde belirtilmediği bilim haberlerinin sayısı da (39) dikkat çekmektedir. Elde edilen verilerden hareketle nicelik olarak bilim haberlerinin halkı bilim konusunda bilgilendirme açısından yeterli düzeyde olmadığı görülmektedir. Bilimsel kaynak açısından bakıldığında kaynağın açıkça belirtilmediği, kaynağı belirsiz haber kalıplarının kullanıldığı metinler içeriğin kurgu olabileceği izlenimini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Aynı zamanda bilim haberlerinin sadece belirli kategorilerde toplanması halkın bilim konusunda geniş bir bilimsel bilgi ağına ulaşamadığını göstermektedir. Bilim gazetecilerinin eğitimi ortaya çıkan bu sorunların giderilmesi noktasında kilit bir rol üstlenmektedir.


  • Allan, S. (2011). Introduction: Science journalism in a digital age. Journalism, 771-777.
  • Appleyard, B. (1999). Brave New Worlds: Genetics and the Human Experience. London: HarperCollins.
  • Bauer, M., & Bucchi, M. (2007). Journalism, Science and Society: Science Communication between News and Public Relations. London: Routledge.
  • Bauer, M., Howard, S., Ramos, Y., Massarani, L., & Amorim, L. (2013). Global science journalism report: working conditions & practices, professional ethos and future expectations. London: LSE Research Online.
  • Bueno, W. (2009). Jornalismo científico: revisitando o conceito. Jornalismo científico e desenvolvimento sustentável, 157-178.
  • Claassen, G. (2013). Science journalism, incorporating bioethics. F. Banda içinde, Model curricula for journalism education: a compendium of new syllabi (s. 105-129). UNESCO.
  • Crow, D., & Stevens, R. (2012). Local Science Reporting Relies on Generalists, Not Specialists. Newspaper Research Journal, 33(3), 35-48.
  • Dudo, A., & Besley, J. (2016). Scientists’ Prioritization of Communication Objectives for Public Engagement. Plos One, 11(2), 1-18.
  • Elias, C. (2018). Acience Journalism as an Academic Discipline: the Fusion of Western Media and Science seen from a Literary and Social Perspective. Communication Papers, 7(13), 163-172.
  • Fahy, D., & Nisbet, M. (2011). The science journalist online: Shifting roles and emerging practices. Journalism, 12(7), 778-793.
  • Fischhoff, B., & Scheufele, D. (2019). The Science of Science Communication III. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(16), 7632-7633.
  • Fjaestad, B. (2007). Why journalists report science as they do. M. Bauer, & M. Bucchi içinde, Journalism, science and society: Science communication between news and public relations (s. 123-132). Londra: Routledge.
  • Goldacre, B. (2009). Bad Science. London: Harper Perennial.
  • Joshi, A. (2018). Science Journalism and Communication in India: Challenges and Way Forward. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 7(22018), 10374-10379.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology. California: Sage.
  • Lobo, M., & Pérez, L. (2015). Science journalism: the standardisation of information from the press to the internet. Journal of Science Communication, 14(3), 1-12.
  • Lutz, S., Popp, A., Emmerik, T., Gleeson, T., Kalaugher, L., Möbius, K., et al. (2018). HESS Opinions: Science in today's media landscape – challenges and lessons from hydrologists and journalists. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(7), 3589-3599.
  • Nielsen, K., Kjaer , C., & Dahlgaard, J. (2007). Scientists and science communication: A Danish survey. Journal of Science Communication, 6(1), 1-12. Peters, H., Brossard, D., Cheveigné, S., & Dunwoody, S. (2008). Interactions with the Mass Media. Science, 321(5886), 204-205.
  • Pitrelli, N. (2017). Science journalism: In search of a new identity. Medical Writing, 26(2), 41-44.
  • Russell, C. (2009). Science Journalism Goes Global. Science, 324(5934), 1491.
  • Semir, V. (2000). Scientific journalism: Problems and perspective. Vladimir de SemirInternational Microbiology, 3(2), 125-128.
  • Semir, V. (2010). Metareview: Science Communication & Science Journalism. Media For Science Forum (s. 1-71). Madrid: FECYT.
  • Trench, B. (2012). Vital and Vulnerable: Science Communication as a University Subject. B. Schiele, M. Claessens, & S. Shi içinde, Science Communication in the World Practices, Theories and Trends (s. 241-58). New York: Springer.
  • UNESCO. (2007). Developing a science journalism course for developing countries. A report on the UNESCO workshop and questionnaire conducted in association with the World Conference of Science Journalists (s. 1-41). Econnect communication.
  • UNESCO. (2013). Model Curricula For Journalism Education: A Compendium of New Syllabi. (F. Banda, Dü.) Paris: UNESCO series on journalism education.
  • Weber, R. (1985). Basic Content Analysis. New Delhi: Sage.
  • Williams, A., & Clifford, S. (2009). Mapping the field: Specialist science news journalism in the UK national media. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mert Küçükvardar 0000-0001-5205-4674

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 52

Kaynak Göster

APA Küçükvardar, M. (2020). Bilim Gazeteciliği: Haber Siteleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2020(52), 166-186.