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Dönüştürücü Liderlik, İletişim Yetkinliği ve İletişim Memnuniyetinin Çalışanların İş Tatmini Üzerindeki Rolü

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 49, 48 - 68, 20.12.2019


Bu makale, havaalanı güvenlik çalışanlarının dönüştürücü liderlik ve iletişim uygulamalarına yönelik tutumlarının, iletişim ve iş tatminleri ile ilişkisini incelemektedir. Çalışma, iletişim memnuniyetinin aracılık rolünü de göz önünde bulundurarak dönüştürücü liderlik ve iletişim yetkinliğinin iş tatmini üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktadır. Çalışma, Türkiye’de özel bir güvenlik şirketinin çalışanları arasında yapılan anket sonuçlarına dayanmaktadır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, çalışanların yöneticilerine ilişkin dönüştürücü liderlik tutumlarının onların iletişim ve iş tatminlerini önemli derecede etkilediğini göstermektedir. Bulgular, çalışanların iletişim memnuniyetinin, onların dönüştürücü liderlik tutumları, iletişim yetkinlikleri ve iş tatmini düzeyleri arasında aracılık rolü üstlendiğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca, çalışmada uygulayıcılara ve araştırmacılara yönelik önerilere yer verilmiştir.


  • Abdullah, A. A., Islam, R., & Al-Homayan, A. M. (2013). The effect of leadership style on security guards’ performance: A case study on Riyadh military hospital in Saudi Arabia. Advances in Environmental Biology, 7(9), 2633-2641.
  • Abdullah, Z., & Hui, J. (2014). The relationship between communication satisfaction and teachers’ job satisfaction in the Malaysian primary school. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 58-71.
  • Agho, A. O. Price J. L., & Mueller, C. W. (1992). Discriminant validity of measures of job satisfaction, positive affectivity and negative affectivity. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 65, 185-196.
  • Albloshi, F.A., & Nawar, Y.S. (2015). Assessing the impact of leadership styles on organizational performance: The case of Saudi private SME’s. Journal of Organizational Studies and Innovation, 2(2), 66-77.
  • Anyango, C., Ojera, P., & Ochieng, I. (2015). Employee Characteristics and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Science and Research, 4(6), 2607-2610.
  • Anyango, C., & Aila, F. (2017). Employee voice and job satisfaction among security guards. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology. 4(2), 25-34.
  • Asrar-ul-Haq, M. & Anwar, S. (2018). The many faces of leadership: Proposing research agenda through a review of literature. Future Business Journal, 4(2), 179-188.
  • Awamleh, R., & Gardner, W. L. (1999). Perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness: The effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(3), 345-373.
  • Aydogmus, C., Camgoz, S. M., Ergeneli, A., & Ekmekci, O. T. (2018). Perceptions of transformational leadership and job satisfaction: The roles of personality traits and psychological empowerment. Journal of Management and Organization, 24(1), 81-107.
  • Baeriswyl, S., Krause, A., & Schwaninger, A. (2016). Emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction in airport security officers – work–family conflict as mediator in the job demands– resources model. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1), 1-13.
  • Baker, D. (2015). Tourism and terrorism: Terrorists threat to commercial aviation safety & security. International Journal of Safety & Security in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(1), 21-40.
  • Bakotic, D. (2016). Relationship between job satisfaction and organizational performance. Economic Research, 29(1), 118-130.
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  • Banks, G. C., McCauley, K. D., Gardner, W.L., & Guler, C.E. (2016). A metaanalytic review of authentic and transformational leadership: A test for redundancy. Leadership Quarterly, 27(4), 634-652.
  • Barnett, D. (2017). Leadership and job satisfaction: Adjunct faculty at a for-profit university. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 4(3), 53-63.
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  • Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational Leadership (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bitzan, J. D., & Peoples, J. H. (2017). Introduction. In J.D. Bitzan & J.H. Peoples (Eds.) The Economics of Airport Operations: Advances in Airline Economics (1 – 14). WA, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Brayfield, A.H., & Rothe, H.F. (1951). An index of job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 35(5), 307-311.
  • Burns, M. J. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Carriere, J., & Bourque, C. (2009). The effects of organizational communication on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in a land ambulance service and the mediating role of communication satisfaction. Career Development International, 14(1), 29-49.
  • Cetin, M., Karabay, M.E., & Efe, M. N. (2012). The Effects of leadership styles and the communication competency of bank managers on the employee’s job satisfaction: The case of Turkish banks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 227-235.
  • Chan, S.H.J., & Lai, H.Y.I. (2017). Understanding the link between communication satisfaction, perceived justice and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research. 70, 214-223.
  • Choi1, J., & Jang, Y. (2018). A study on job anxiety, turnover intention and job satisfaction of aviation security search employees. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 120(6), 5703-5717.
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  • Engin, E., & Akgoz, B.E. (2013). The effects of communication satisfaction on organizational commitment. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 14(2), 109-124.
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  • Jablin, F. M. (2004). Communication. In G.R. Goethals, G.J. Sorenson & J. MacGregor Burns (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership (pp. 222-227). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Judge, T.A., & Piccolo, R.F. (2004). Transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5), 755–768.
  • Lim, S.S., & Nalla, M.K. (2014). Attitudes of private security officers in Singapore toward their work environment. Journal of Applied Security Research, 9(1), 41-56.
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The Roles of Transformational Leadership, Communication Competence and Communication Satisfaction on Employees’ Job Satisfaction

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 49, 48 - 68, 20.12.2019


This article explores how the perceptions of airport security employees’ transformational leadership and communication practices are associated with their communication and job satisfaction. Specifically, the study investigates the effects of transformational leadership and communication competence on job satisfaction by considering the mediating role of communication satisfaction. A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted among employees of a private security company in Turkey. The results of the study show that employee perceptions of transformational leadership influence their perceptions of communication and job satisfaction. Moreover, employee communication satisfaction mediated the relationship between employee perceptions of transformational leadership, communication competence and their job satisfaction level. Implications for research and practice are also discussed.


  • Abdullah, A. A., Islam, R., & Al-Homayan, A. M. (2013). The effect of leadership style on security guards’ performance: A case study on Riyadh military hospital in Saudi Arabia. Advances in Environmental Biology, 7(9), 2633-2641.
  • Abdullah, Z., & Hui, J. (2014). The relationship between communication satisfaction and teachers’ job satisfaction in the Malaysian primary school. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 58-71.
  • Agho, A. O. Price J. L., & Mueller, C. W. (1992). Discriminant validity of measures of job satisfaction, positive affectivity and negative affectivity. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 65, 185-196.
  • Albloshi, F.A., & Nawar, Y.S. (2015). Assessing the impact of leadership styles on organizational performance: The case of Saudi private SME’s. Journal of Organizational Studies and Innovation, 2(2), 66-77.
  • Anyango, C., Ojera, P., & Ochieng, I. (2015). Employee Characteristics and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Science and Research, 4(6), 2607-2610.
  • Anyango, C., & Aila, F. (2017). Employee voice and job satisfaction among security guards. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology. 4(2), 25-34.
  • Asrar-ul-Haq, M. & Anwar, S. (2018). The many faces of leadership: Proposing research agenda through a review of literature. Future Business Journal, 4(2), 179-188.
  • Awamleh, R., & Gardner, W. L. (1999). Perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness: The effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(3), 345-373.
  • Aydogmus, C., Camgoz, S. M., Ergeneli, A., & Ekmekci, O. T. (2018). Perceptions of transformational leadership and job satisfaction: The roles of personality traits and psychological empowerment. Journal of Management and Organization, 24(1), 81-107.
  • Baeriswyl, S., Krause, A., & Schwaninger, A. (2016). Emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction in airport security officers – work–family conflict as mediator in the job demands– resources model. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1), 1-13.
  • Baker, D. (2015). Tourism and terrorism: Terrorists threat to commercial aviation safety & security. International Journal of Safety & Security in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(1), 21-40.
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  • Banks, G. C., McCauley, K. D., Gardner, W.L., & Guler, C.E. (2016). A metaanalytic review of authentic and transformational leadership: A test for redundancy. Leadership Quarterly, 27(4), 634-652.
  • Barnett, D. (2017). Leadership and job satisfaction: Adjunct faculty at a for-profit university. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 4(3), 53-63.
  • Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B.J. (1994), Introduction. In B.M Bass & B.J. Avolio,(Eds.), Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through Transformational Leadership (1-9). Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational Leadership (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bitzan, J. D., & Peoples, J. H. (2017). Introduction. In J.D. Bitzan & J.H. Peoples (Eds.) The Economics of Airport Operations: Advances in Airline Economics (1 – 14). WA, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Brayfield, A.H., & Rothe, H.F. (1951). An index of job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 35(5), 307-311.
  • Burns, M. J. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Carriere, J., & Bourque, C. (2009). The effects of organizational communication on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in a land ambulance service and the mediating role of communication satisfaction. Career Development International, 14(1), 29-49.
  • Cetin, M., Karabay, M.E., & Efe, M. N. (2012). The Effects of leadership styles and the communication competency of bank managers on the employee’s job satisfaction: The case of Turkish banks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 227-235.
  • Chan, S.H.J., & Lai, H.Y.I. (2017). Understanding the link between communication satisfaction, perceived justice and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research. 70, 214-223.
  • Choi1, J., & Jang, Y. (2018). A study on job anxiety, turnover intention and job satisfaction of aviation security search employees. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 120(6), 5703-5717.
  • Conrad, C., & Poole, M.S. (1998). Strategic Organizational Communication: Into The Twenty-First Century (4th ed.). Forth Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Downs, C., & Hazen, M. (1977). A factor analytic study of communication satisfaction. Journal of Business Communication, 14(3), 63-67.
  • Drucker, P. F. (2011). The Practice of Management. (Revised Edition). Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Engin, E., & Akgoz, B.E. (2013). The effects of communication satisfaction on organizational commitment. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 14(2), 109-124.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D.F. (1981) Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39- 50.
  • Hackman, M. Z., & Johnson, C.E. (2018). Leadership: A Communcation Perspective (7th ed.). Long Grove; IL: Waveland Press.
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., & Anderson, R.E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Hecht, M.L. (1978). Measures of communication satisfaction. Human Communication Research. 4(4), 350-368.
  • Henderson, L. S. (2008). The impact of project managers’ communication competencies: validation and extension of a research model for virtuality, satisfaction, and productivity on project teams. Project Management Journal, 39(2), 48-59.
  • Henne, D., & Locke, E.A. (1985). Job dissatisfaction: What are the consequences?. International Journal of Psychology, 20(2), 221-240.
  • Hua, W., & Omar, B. (2016). Examining communication satisfaction, confucian work dynamism and job satisfaction: A comparative study of international and domestic hotels in Hainan, China. The Journal of the South East Asia Research Centre for Communication and Humanities, 8(1), 105-127.
  • Hulin, C.L., & Judge, T.A. (2003). Job attitudes. In W.C. Borman, D.R. Ilgen & R.J. Klimoski (Eds). Handbook of Psychology: Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp. 255-276). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Jablin, F. M. (2004). Communication. In G.R. Goethals, G.J. Sorenson & J. MacGregor Burns (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership (pp. 222-227). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Judge, T.A., & Piccolo, R.F. (2004). Transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5), 755–768.
  • Lim, S.S., & Nalla, M.K. (2014). Attitudes of private security officers in Singapore toward their work environment. Journal of Applied Security Research, 9(1), 41-56.
  • Locke, E.A. (1969). What is job satisfaction? Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 4(4), 309-336.
  • Locke, E.A. (1976). The nature of causes of job satisfaction. In M.D. Dunnette (Ed.). Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp.1297-1349). Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
  • Lucas, G.H., Parasuraman, A., Davis, R.A., & Enis, B.M. (1987). An empirical study of salesforce turnover. Journal of Marketing, 51(3), 34-59.
  • Luthra, A., & Dahiya, R. (2015). Effective leadership is all about communicating effectively: Connecting leadership and communication. International Journal of Management & Business Studies, 5(3), 43-48.
  • MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., & Rich, G. A. (2001) Transformational and transactional leadership and salesperson performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(2), 115-134.
  • Madlock, P. E. (2008). The link between leadership style, communicator competence, and employee satisfaction. International Journal of Business Communication, 45(1), 61-78.
  • Madlock, P. E. (2012). The Influence of supervisors’ leadership on telecommuters. Journal of Business Strategies, 29(1), 1-24.
  • Mahdian, M. J., & Poor, M. Z. (2014). A study of the relationship between leadership styles and employees’ behavioural outcomes with respect to the mediating role of organizational politics. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 4(3), 292-299.
  • Martin, J.K., & Miller, G.A. (1986). Job satisfaction and absenteeism: Organizational, individual, and job-related correlates. Work and Occupatians, 13(1), 33-46.
  • Megginson W. L., & Netter, J.M. (2001). From state to market: A survey of empirical studies on privatization. Journal of Economic Literature, 39, 321–89.
  • Men, L.R. (2014). Strategic internal communication: Transformational leadership, communication channels, and employee satisfaction. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(2), 1-21.
  • Meyers, L.S., Gamst, G., & Guarino, A.J. (2006). Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Mikkelson, A.C., York, J.A., & Arritola, J. (2015). Communication competence, leadership behaviors, and employee outcomes in supervisor-employee relationships.Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 78(3), 336-354.
  • Miller, K., & Barbour, J. (2014). Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
  • Monge, P.R., Backman, S.G., Dillard, J.P., & Eisenburg, E.M. (1982). Communicator competence in the workplace: Model testing and scale development. Communication Yearbook, 5, 505-528.
  • Morreale, S.P., Spitzberg, B.H., & Barge, J.K. (2007). Human Communication: Motivation, Knowledge, and Skills. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth
  • Mowday, R.T., Steers, L.W., & Porter, R.M. (1982). Employee-Organization Linkages: The Psychology of Commitment Absenteeism and Turnover. New York, NY:Academic Press.
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Toplam 87 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Bülent Ulutürk Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7560-5838

Recep Tayfun Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7825-4711

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 49

Kaynak Göster

APA Ulutürk, B., & Tayfun, R. (2019). The Roles of Transformational Leadership, Communication Competence and Communication Satisfaction on Employees’ Job Satisfaction. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2019(49), 48-68.