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İstanbul’daki Mültecilerin Entegrasyon Sürecinde Yeni Medyanın Varlığı

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 49, 90 - 106, 20.12.2019


Bu makale, gelişen sosyal medya uygulamalarıyla ve yeni evlerinde bulunan mültecilerin entegrasyon sürecine yardımcı olmayı amaçlayan yaratıcı teknolojilerle, mültecilerin sosyal medyadaki iletişim alışkanlıklarını ve onların İstanbul’daki Türk toplumuyla olan entegrasyon sürecini kolaylaştırmak adına sosyal medyanın sunduğu olanakları tespit etmeye odaklanmaktadır. Çalışma, İstanbul’da yaşayan çeşitli mülteci grupları ile yürütülen derinlemesine görüşmelerden elde edilen sonuçları analiz ederek, onların yerel toplulukla bütünleşmelerine yardımcı olan sosyal medyadaki etkileşimlerinin kilit yönlerini incelemektedir. Bunlar; kişisel haklar, eğitim, kültürel kimlik, istihdam ve kabul görme konuları etrafında şekillenmektedir. Sosyal medya tarafından sunulan teknolojik potansiyel göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, bu araştırma aynı zamanda mülteciler ile kendi ülkeleri arasındaki bağlantı düzeyini de dikkate almaktadır. Araştırma, şu anda İstanbul’da yaşayan Suriye, İran ve Afganistan’dan gelen 8 mülteci ile gerçekleştirilen niteliksel bir çalışma sunmaktadır. 8 mülteci ile gerçekleştirilen görüşmenin dışında, çalışma kapsamında, mültecilerin yararına çalışan bir sivil toplum örgütü olan “Small Projects Istanbul”un Medya İlişkileri Koordinatörü Aline Joubert’le de görüşülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yerel toplumla bütünleşme sürecinde mültecilerin iletişim alışkanlıklarını ve sosyal medya kullanım biçimlerini araştırmaktır.


  • Ager, A., & Strang, A. (2004). Understanding integration: A conceptual framework. Journal of Refugee Studies, 21 (2), 166-191.
  • Baştürk Akça, E. & Kaya, B. (2016). Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Perspektifinden Dijital Bölünme ve Farklı Yaklaşımlar. Intermedia International e-Journal. 3 (5), 301-319.
  • Alencar, A. (2018) Refugee integration and social media: a local and experiential perspective, Information, Communication & Society, 21(11), 1588-1603.
  • Avramov, D. & Cliquet, R. (2005). Integrated Policies on Gender Relations, Ageing and Migration in Europe: Lessons from the Network for Integrated European Population Studies (NIEPS). Leuven-Apeldoorn: Garant.
  • Bail, C. (2008). The configuration of symbolic boundaries against immigrants in Europe. American Sociological Review, 73, 37-59.
  • BBC Media Action (2016, July 18). Your phone is now a refugee’s phone. Retrieved November 22, 2017, from
  • Boulianne, S. (2019). Revolution in the making? Social media effects across the globe. Information, Communication & Society. 22 (1), 39-54.
  • Bommes M., E. Morawska (2005). International Migration Research Constructions, Omissions and the Promises of Interdisciplinarity. Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series, Routledge.
  • B2B International, What is an in-depth interview? (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2018, from
  • Dekker, R., Engbersen, G. (2014). How social media transform migrant networks and facilitate migration. Global Networks, 14, 401–418.
  • Dekker, R., Engbersen, G., Faber, M. (2016). The use of online media in migration networks. Population, Space and Place, 22, 539–551.
  • Dekker, R., Engbersen, G., Klaver, J., Vonk, H. (2018). Smart Refugees: How Syrian Asylum Migrants Use Social Media Information in Migration Decision-Making. Social Media + Society, 4 (1), 1-11.
  • Emmer, M., Richter, C., Kunst, M. (2016). Flucht 2.0. Mediennutzung durch Flüchtlinge vor, während und nach der Flucht [Flight 2.0. Media use by refugees before, during and after the flight]. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin. Gillespie, M., Ampofo, L., Cheesman, M., Faith, B., Iliadou, E., Issa, A., Osseiran,
  • S., Skleparis, D. (2016). Mapping refugee media journeys. Smartphones and social media networks. Paris: The Open University/France Médias Monde.
  • Gölcü, A. ve Dağlı, A. N. (2017). Haber Söyleminde ‘Öteki’yi Aramak: Suriyeli Mülteciler Örneği. Akdeniz İletişim Dergisi. 28, 11-38.
  • Hand in Hand ادي ًديــب) Help refugees in Istanbul). (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2017, from id=1513541207301654¬if_t=group_r2j_approved
  • Istanbul Helps IH. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2017, from https://www.¬if_t=group_ r2j_approved&ref=notif
  • Kaplan, A. M. & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges andopportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons. 53, 59-68.
  • Leghtas, I. (2017, March 13). The Anniversary of the EU-Turkey Agreement. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from
  • Madianou, M., & Miller, M. (2012). Migration and new media. Transnational families and polymedia. London, England: Routledge.
  • McGregor, E., & Siegel, M. (2013). Social media and migration research (Working Paper No. 2013-068). Maastricht: United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT).
  • McMillan, S. J., & Hwang, J. S. (2002). Measures of perceived interactivity: An exploration of the role of direction of communication, user control, and time in shaping perceptions of interactivity. Journal of Advertising. 31 (3), 29–42.
  • Özdemir, F., Öner-Özkan, B. (2016). Türkiye’de sosyal medya kullanıcılarının Suriyeli mültecilere ilişkin sosyal temsilleri. Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi, 4(8), 227-244.
  • Quiring, O. (2009). What do users associate with ‘interactivity’?: A qualitative study on user schemata. New Media & Society. 11 (6), 899–920.
  • Penninx, R. & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (2014) ‘The concept of integration as an analytical and as a policy concept’ in B. Garcés-Mascareñas & R. Penninx (eds.) Integration of Migrants into What? Integration processes and policies in Europe. Amsterdam: IMISCOE/Amsterdam University Press.
  • Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2007). Assessing interactivity in computer-mediated research. In A. N. Joinson, K. Y. A. McKenna, T. Postmes & U. D. Reips (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Internet psychology (71–89). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Refugees Resources Istanbul. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2017, from https://
  • Rodgers, L., Gritten, D., Offer, J., & Asare, P. (2016, March 11). Syria: The story of the conflict. Retrieved November 16, 2017, from
  • Scott, J. C. (2008). Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. Yale University Press.
  • Silver, H. (1995). Reconceptualizing social disadvantages: Three paradigms of social exclusion. G. Rodgers, C. Gore ve J. B. Figueiredo (Ed.), Social exclusion: Rhetoric, reality and responses. International Institute for Labour Studies.
  • Türk, E. (2018). Inadequate Use of Facebook as an Interactive Tool with the Dimensions of Participation, Feedback and Responsiveness for Corporate Communications: A Survey on Airline Companies with Domestic Capital in Turkey. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 55, 171-196.
  • UNHCR-1 (2018). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Figures at a Glance. Retrieved August 10, 2018, from
  • UNHCR-2 (2018). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Syria emergency. Retrieved August 10, 2018, from html?query=3.3%20billion
  • Yıldırımalp, S., İslamoğlu, E., İyem, C. (2017). Suriyeli Sığınmacıların Toplumsal Kabul ve Uyum Sürecine İlişkin Bir Araştırma. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 35 (2), 107-126.
  • Zijlstra, J., & Van Liempt, I. (2017). Smart (phone) travelling: Understanding the use and impact of mobile technology on irregular migration journeys. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 3, 174–191.
  • Zlotnik, H. (1990). “International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants”, International Migration Review, 24 (2), 372-381.

New Media Presence in the Integration Process of Refugees in Istanbul*

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 49, 90 - 106, 20.12.2019


With the advancement of new media applications and creative technologies aiming to help integration process of refugees in their newfound asylums, this article focuses on
exploring the existing communicational habits of refugees in new media, and the possibilities that new media offer to ease their integration with the Turkish society in Istanbul. The study analyzes results drawn from in-depth interviews conducted with a varied group of refugees living in Istanbul, examining their interaction with new media concerning key aspects that aid their integration with the local community. Such aspects revolve around matters of personal rights, education, cultural identity, employment, and finding acceptance. Moreover, considering the technological potential offered by new media, this research contemplates the level of connection between the refugees and their home countries. The
research presents a qualitative study of 8 refugees from Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan that are currently living in Istanbul. Apart from the interview with 8 refugees, within the scope
of the study, Aline Joubert, the media relations coordinator of “Small Projects Istanbul” which is a non-governmental organization working for the benefit of refugees, was also
interviewed. The purpose of the study is to investigate the communicational habits and the ways for new media usage of refugees throughout the process of integrating with the local


  • Ager, A., & Strang, A. (2004). Understanding integration: A conceptual framework. Journal of Refugee Studies, 21 (2), 166-191.
  • Baştürk Akça, E. & Kaya, B. (2016). Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Perspektifinden Dijital Bölünme ve Farklı Yaklaşımlar. Intermedia International e-Journal. 3 (5), 301-319.
  • Alencar, A. (2018) Refugee integration and social media: a local and experiential perspective, Information, Communication & Society, 21(11), 1588-1603.
  • Avramov, D. & Cliquet, R. (2005). Integrated Policies on Gender Relations, Ageing and Migration in Europe: Lessons from the Network for Integrated European Population Studies (NIEPS). Leuven-Apeldoorn: Garant.
  • Bail, C. (2008). The configuration of symbolic boundaries against immigrants in Europe. American Sociological Review, 73, 37-59.
  • BBC Media Action (2016, July 18). Your phone is now a refugee’s phone. Retrieved November 22, 2017, from
  • Boulianne, S. (2019). Revolution in the making? Social media effects across the globe. Information, Communication & Society. 22 (1), 39-54.
  • Bommes M., E. Morawska (2005). International Migration Research Constructions, Omissions and the Promises of Interdisciplinarity. Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series, Routledge.
  • B2B International, What is an in-depth interview? (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2018, from
  • Dekker, R., Engbersen, G. (2014). How social media transform migrant networks and facilitate migration. Global Networks, 14, 401–418.
  • Dekker, R., Engbersen, G., Faber, M. (2016). The use of online media in migration networks. Population, Space and Place, 22, 539–551.
  • Dekker, R., Engbersen, G., Klaver, J., Vonk, H. (2018). Smart Refugees: How Syrian Asylum Migrants Use Social Media Information in Migration Decision-Making. Social Media + Society, 4 (1), 1-11.
  • Emmer, M., Richter, C., Kunst, M. (2016). Flucht 2.0. Mediennutzung durch Flüchtlinge vor, während und nach der Flucht [Flight 2.0. Media use by refugees before, during and after the flight]. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin. Gillespie, M., Ampofo, L., Cheesman, M., Faith, B., Iliadou, E., Issa, A., Osseiran,
  • S., Skleparis, D. (2016). Mapping refugee media journeys. Smartphones and social media networks. Paris: The Open University/France Médias Monde.
  • Gölcü, A. ve Dağlı, A. N. (2017). Haber Söyleminde ‘Öteki’yi Aramak: Suriyeli Mülteciler Örneği. Akdeniz İletişim Dergisi. 28, 11-38.
  • Hand in Hand ادي ًديــب) Help refugees in Istanbul). (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2017, from id=1513541207301654¬if_t=group_r2j_approved
  • Istanbul Helps IH. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2017, from https://www.¬if_t=group_ r2j_approved&ref=notif
  • Kaplan, A. M. & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges andopportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons. 53, 59-68.
  • Leghtas, I. (2017, March 13). The Anniversary of the EU-Turkey Agreement. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from
  • Madianou, M., & Miller, M. (2012). Migration and new media. Transnational families and polymedia. London, England: Routledge.
  • McGregor, E., & Siegel, M. (2013). Social media and migration research (Working Paper No. 2013-068). Maastricht: United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT).
  • McMillan, S. J., & Hwang, J. S. (2002). Measures of perceived interactivity: An exploration of the role of direction of communication, user control, and time in shaping perceptions of interactivity. Journal of Advertising. 31 (3), 29–42.
  • Özdemir, F., Öner-Özkan, B. (2016). Türkiye’de sosyal medya kullanıcılarının Suriyeli mültecilere ilişkin sosyal temsilleri. Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi, 4(8), 227-244.
  • Quiring, O. (2009). What do users associate with ‘interactivity’?: A qualitative study on user schemata. New Media & Society. 11 (6), 899–920.
  • Penninx, R. & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (2014) ‘The concept of integration as an analytical and as a policy concept’ in B. Garcés-Mascareñas & R. Penninx (eds.) Integration of Migrants into What? Integration processes and policies in Europe. Amsterdam: IMISCOE/Amsterdam University Press.
  • Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2007). Assessing interactivity in computer-mediated research. In A. N. Joinson, K. Y. A. McKenna, T. Postmes & U. D. Reips (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Internet psychology (71–89). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Refugees Resources Istanbul. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2017, from https://
  • Rodgers, L., Gritten, D., Offer, J., & Asare, P. (2016, March 11). Syria: The story of the conflict. Retrieved November 16, 2017, from
  • Scott, J. C. (2008). Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. Yale University Press.
  • Silver, H. (1995). Reconceptualizing social disadvantages: Three paradigms of social exclusion. G. Rodgers, C. Gore ve J. B. Figueiredo (Ed.), Social exclusion: Rhetoric, reality and responses. International Institute for Labour Studies.
  • Türk, E. (2018). Inadequate Use of Facebook as an Interactive Tool with the Dimensions of Participation, Feedback and Responsiveness for Corporate Communications: A Survey on Airline Companies with Domestic Capital in Turkey. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 55, 171-196.
  • UNHCR-1 (2018). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Figures at a Glance. Retrieved August 10, 2018, from
  • UNHCR-2 (2018). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Syria emergency. Retrieved August 10, 2018, from html?query=3.3%20billion
  • Yıldırımalp, S., İslamoğlu, E., İyem, C. (2017). Suriyeli Sığınmacıların Toplumsal Kabul ve Uyum Sürecine İlişkin Bir Araştırma. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 35 (2), 107-126.
  • Zijlstra, J., & Van Liempt, I. (2017). Smart (phone) travelling: Understanding the use and impact of mobile technology on irregular migration journeys. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 3, 174–191.
  • Zlotnik, H. (1990). “International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants”, International Migration Review, 24 (2), 372-381.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fırat Tufan Bu kişi benim

Jan Krzysztof Olendzki, Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 49

Kaynak Göster

APA Tufan, F., & Krzysztof Olendzki, J. (2019). New Media Presence in the Integration Process of Refugees in Istanbul*. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2019(49), 90-106.