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Sponsorlu İçerik Marka İmajını Kurtarabilir mi: Türkiye’deki Teknoloji ve Telekomünikasyon Endüstrisinden Bir Vaka*

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 48, 496 - 510, 28.06.2019


Sponsorlu içerik veya doğal reklam, çevrim içi reklamcılıkta son zamanlarda ilgi çeken ve çeşitli merciiler tarafından alt türleri olduğu belirtilen bir reklam türüdür. Şimdiye kadar yurt dışında yapılan araştırmalar, sponsorlu içeriğin internet kullanıcıları tarafından eğlendirici, bilgilendirici ve aldatıcı gibi çeşitli şekillerde algılandığını ortaya koymuştur. Interactive Advertising Bureau Türkiye’nin alt tür olarak dilimize kazandırdığı “yayın içi birim”in editoryal içerikle gösterdiği benzerlik ise, türün itibar yönetimi çerçevesinde bir araç olarak kullanılma potansiyelini tartışmaya açabilmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, internet kullanıcıları tarafından yayın içi birimler ile destekçi markanın nasıl algılandığını bir arada çalışmak reklam türünü anlamak için makul bir tercih olacaktır. Bu çalışma, internet kullanıcılarının söz konusu unsurları nasıl algıladığını küresel çapta marka değeri kanıtlanmış ve basındaki çıktılar doğrultusunda belirgin bir itibar krizi deneyimlediği düşünülen bir telekomünikasyon markası üzerinden incelemektedir. Bir öğrenci örneklemine (S=146) uygulanan anket çalışmasında; katılımcılardan “yayın içi birim”e örnek sayılabilecek bir metni okumaları, ardından bu metnin kredibilitesi ile destekçi markanın imajı hakkında değerlendirme yapmaları istenmiştir. Sonuçlar, okudukları metnin kredibilite ve destekçi markanın imaj değerlendirmeleri arasında zayıf ölçüde olumlu bir korelasyon olduğunu göstermiştir. Yayın içi birim ve sponsorlu içerik algısı ile kredibilitesine dair Türkiye’de yapılan öncü bir araştırma olduğu tahmin edilen çalışmanın tüm bulguları, dijital ortamda reklam ve halka ilişkiler pratikleri arasındaki çizginin bulanıklaşması doğrultusunda değerlendirilecektir. Aynı zamanda, incelenen konunun alanyazını ve gelecek araştırmalar için çeşitli öneriler sunulacaktır


  • Appelman, A., ve Sundar, S. S., (2015). “Measuring Message Credibility: Construction and Validation of an Exclusive Scale”, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 93, 1-21. doi: 10.1177/1077699015606057
  • Azeem, A, ve Haq, Z., (2012). “Perception towards internet advertising: a study with reference to three different demographic groups”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 4(1), 28-45. and%20Haq,%202012.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016
  • Becker-Olsen, K. L., (2013). “And Now, a Word from Our Sponsor”, Journal of Advertising, 32(2), 17-32. doi: 0.1080/00913367.2003.10639130
  • Campbell, C., ve Marks, L. J., (2015). “Good Native Advertising Isn’t a Secret”, Business Horizons, 58(6), 599-606. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2015.06.003
  • Carlson, J, ve O’Cass, A., (2009). “Examining the Effects of the Offline Corporate Brand and Online E-Service Delivery on Consumer Trust in E-Retailing”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 2009. http://www. Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Celebi, S. I., (2015). “Advertising vs. article: effect of content type on attitudinal and behavioral change”, Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Cho, E., ve Fiore, A. M., (2015). “Conceptualization of a Holistic Brand Image Measure for Fashion-Related Brands”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(4), 255-265. doi: 10.1108/JCM-07-2014-1063
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S. J., (2006). “Unpacking the halo effect: reputation and crisis management”, Journal of Communication Management, 10(2), 123-137. doi: 10.1108/13632540610664698
  • He, Y., ve Lai, K. K., (2014). “The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Loyalty: the Mediating Role of Brand Image”, Total Quality Management, 25(3), 249-263. doi: 10.1080/14783363.2012.661138
  • Howe, P., ve Teufel, B., (2014). “Native Advertising and Digital Natives: The Effects of Age and Advertisement Format on News Website Credibility Judgments”, ISOJ Journal, 4(1), 78-90. V4_N1_2014_Spring.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Jo, S., (2004). “Effect of Content Type on Impact: Editorial vs. Advertising”, Public Relations Review, 30(4), 503-512. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2004.08.003.
  • Keller, K.L., (1993). “Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Consumer-based Brand Equity”, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22. doi: 10.2307/1252054
  • Lazauskas, J., (2014). “Study: Sponsored Content Has a Trust Problem”, https:// Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Lazauskas, J., (2016). “Fixing Native Ads: What Consumers What From Publishers, Brands, Facebook, and the FTC”, fixing-sponsored-content-what-consumers-want-from-brands-publishers-and-the-ftc Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Lee, J. L., James, J. D., ve Kim, Y. K., (2014). “A Reconceptualization of Brand Image” , International Journal of Business Administration, 5(4), 1-11. doi:10.5430/ijba. v5n4p1
  • Levi, L., (2015). “A ‘faustian pact’? Native advertising and the future of the press”, Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Lien, C.H., Wen, M.J., Huang, L.C., ve Wu, K.L., (2015). “Online Hotel Booking: the Effects of Brand Image, Price, Trust and Value on Purchase Intentions”, Asia Pacific Management Review, 20(4), 210-218. doi: 10.1016/j.apmrv.2015.03.005
  • Manic, M., (2015). “The Rise of Native Advertising”, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series V: Economic Sciences, 8(57), 53-58. http://webbut.unitbv. ro/bulletin/Series%20V/BULETIN%20I%20PDF/07_Manic_M.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Mansuroglu, S., (2016). “Karaman‘da 45 erkek öğrenciye tecavüz!”, http://www. 106150.html Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Metzger, M. J,. (2007). “Making Sense of Credibility on the Web: Models for Evaluating Online Information and Recommendations for Future Research”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(13), 2078-2091. doi: 10.1002/asi.20672
  • Murray, K., (2014). “Competitor Regulation of Sponsored Content in the New Sports Content Media Economy”, 25 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 253. Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Ozdora-Aksak, E., (2015). “An Analysis of Turkey’s Telecommunications Sector’s Social Responsibility Practices Online”, Public Relations Review, 41(3), 365– 369. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.01.001
  • Park, S. H., (2009). “The Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Image: Based on Keller’s Customer-based Brand Equity”, The Ohio State University. https://etd.ohiolink. edu/!etd.send_file?accession=osu1259560834&disposition=inline . Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Power, J., ve Whelan, S., (2005). “A conceptual model of the influence of brand trust on the relationship between consumer & company image”, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference (AM2005), School of Marketing, Dublin Institute of Technology. Dublin, Ireland. THE_INFLUENCE_O F_BRAND_TRUST_ON_THE_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_ CONSUMER_AND_ COMPANY_IMAGE_(2005).pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Prendergast, G., Liu, P., ve Poon, D. T. Y., (2009). “A Hong Kong Study of Advertising Credibility”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(5), 320-329. doi: 10.1108/07363760910976574
  • Rindell, A., ve Iglesias, O., (2014). “Context and Time in Brand Image Constructions”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27(5), 756-768. doi: 10.1108/JOCM-09-2014-0172
  • Salinas, E. M., ve Pérez, J. M. P., (2009). “Modeling the Brand Extensions’ Influence on Brand Image”, Journal of Business Research, 62(1), 50-60. doi: 10.1016/j. jbusres.2008.01.006
  • Savolainen, R., (2011). “Judging the Quality and Credibility of Information in Internet Discussion Forums”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(7), 1243-1256. doi: 10.1002/asi.21546
  • Schauster, E., Ferrucci, P., ve Neill, M. S., (2016). “Native Advertising Is the New Journalism: How Deception Affects Social Responsibility”, American Behavioral Sciencist, 1-17. doi: 10.1177/0002764216660135
  • Schittka O., Sattler H. ve Farsky M., (2013). “Turning good ideas into bad news: the effect of negative and positive sponsorship information on sponsors` brand image”, Schmalenbach Business Review, 65, 227-248.
  • Sebastian, M., (2014). “Five Things to Know about The New York Times’ New Native Ads”, Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Semercioglu, C., (2016). “Turkcell, ensar vakfı’na desteğini değil, tepkilerin önünü kesmenin peşinde”, icinerisim-engeli-talep-etti/ Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Sondoh Jr., S. L., Omar, M. W., Wahid, N. A., Ismail, I., ve Harun, A., (2007). “The Effect of Brand Image on Overall Satisfaction and Loyalty Intention in the Context of Color Cosmetic”, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 12(1), 83-107. http://web. Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Sundar, S., S., (2008). “The MAIN Model: A Heuristic Approach to Understanding Technology Effects on Credibility.” M. J. Metzger ve A. J. Flanagin (ed.) Digital Media, Youth and Credibility. 73-100. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. doi: : 10.1162/ dmal.9780262562324.073
  • Taiminen, K., Luoma-aho, V., ve Tolvanen, K., (2015). “The Transparent Communicative Organization and New Hybrid Forms of Content”, Public Relations Review, 41(5), 734-743. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.06.016
  • Turkcell, “Corporate Social Responsibility” (2016), aboutus/corporate-social-responsibility Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • “Turkcell’den ‘ensar’a destek’ eleştirilerine yanıt (...)” (2016), http://www.diken. egitimi-destekliyoruz/ Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • “Turkcell’in 3. çeyrek net karı %71.2 düştü” (2016), haberler/haber/1939131-turkcellin-3-ceyrek-net-kari-- 712-dustu Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Turkey 100 2016 (2016), Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Tutaj, K, ve Reijmersdal, E. A., (2012). “Effects of Online Advertising Format and Persuasion Knowledge on Audience Reactions”, Journal of Marketing Communications, 18(1), 5-18. doi: 10.1080/13527266.2011.620765
  • Wang, X., ve Yang, Z., (2010). “The Effect of Brand Credibility on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Image”, Journal of Global Marketing, 23(3), 177-188. doi:10.108 0/08911762.2010.487419
  • Wathen, C. N., ve Burkell, J., (2002). “Believe It or Not: Factors Influencing Credibility on the Web”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2), 134-144. doi: 10.1002/asi.10016
  • Wijaya, B. S., (2013). “Dimensions of Brand Image: A Conceptual Review From the Perspective of Brand Communication”, European Journal of Business and Management, 5(31), 55-65. doi: 10.13140/ejbm.2013.55.65

Can Sponsored Content Be a Savior for Brand Image: A Case Study from Technology & Telecommunications Industry in Turkey

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 48, 496 - 510, 28.06.2019


Sponsored content or native advertising, is one of the recent online advertising types. It can be found amusing, informative or deceitful. Regarding in-feed units, a subtype classified by Interactive Advertising Bureau, that resembles to editorial content, its potential as a tool of reputation management is worth to be discussed. Examining the link between its credibility and the image of sponsored brand can provide a basis for such discussion. Therefore, the current study investigates this link by positioning one of the valuable telecommunications brands in Turkey which has proven its brand value also on an international scale and suffered from a reputation crisis as sponsored brand. In the survey conducted to a Turkish sample (N=146), participants were asked to read the content, rated its credibility and the image of sponsored brand. The findings reveal a weak positive correlation and will be discussed within the blurred lines between online advertising and public relations practices.


  • Appelman, A., ve Sundar, S. S., (2015). “Measuring Message Credibility: Construction and Validation of an Exclusive Scale”, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 93, 1-21. doi: 10.1177/1077699015606057
  • Azeem, A, ve Haq, Z., (2012). “Perception towards internet advertising: a study with reference to three different demographic groups”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 4(1), 28-45. and%20Haq,%202012.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016
  • Becker-Olsen, K. L., (2013). “And Now, a Word from Our Sponsor”, Journal of Advertising, 32(2), 17-32. doi: 0.1080/00913367.2003.10639130
  • Campbell, C., ve Marks, L. J., (2015). “Good Native Advertising Isn’t a Secret”, Business Horizons, 58(6), 599-606. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2015.06.003
  • Carlson, J, ve O’Cass, A., (2009). “Examining the Effects of the Offline Corporate Brand and Online E-Service Delivery on Consumer Trust in E-Retailing”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 2009. http://www. Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Celebi, S. I., (2015). “Advertising vs. article: effect of content type on attitudinal and behavioral change”, Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Cho, E., ve Fiore, A. M., (2015). “Conceptualization of a Holistic Brand Image Measure for Fashion-Related Brands”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(4), 255-265. doi: 10.1108/JCM-07-2014-1063
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S. J., (2006). “Unpacking the halo effect: reputation and crisis management”, Journal of Communication Management, 10(2), 123-137. doi: 10.1108/13632540610664698
  • He, Y., ve Lai, K. K., (2014). “The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Loyalty: the Mediating Role of Brand Image”, Total Quality Management, 25(3), 249-263. doi: 10.1080/14783363.2012.661138
  • Howe, P., ve Teufel, B., (2014). “Native Advertising and Digital Natives: The Effects of Age and Advertisement Format on News Website Credibility Judgments”, ISOJ Journal, 4(1), 78-90. V4_N1_2014_Spring.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Jo, S., (2004). “Effect of Content Type on Impact: Editorial vs. Advertising”, Public Relations Review, 30(4), 503-512. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2004.08.003.
  • Keller, K.L., (1993). “Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Consumer-based Brand Equity”, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22. doi: 10.2307/1252054
  • Lazauskas, J., (2014). “Study: Sponsored Content Has a Trust Problem”, https:// Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Lazauskas, J., (2016). “Fixing Native Ads: What Consumers What From Publishers, Brands, Facebook, and the FTC”, fixing-sponsored-content-what-consumers-want-from-brands-publishers-and-the-ftc Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Lee, J. L., James, J. D., ve Kim, Y. K., (2014). “A Reconceptualization of Brand Image” , International Journal of Business Administration, 5(4), 1-11. doi:10.5430/ijba. v5n4p1
  • Levi, L., (2015). “A ‘faustian pact’? Native advertising and the future of the press”, Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Lien, C.H., Wen, M.J., Huang, L.C., ve Wu, K.L., (2015). “Online Hotel Booking: the Effects of Brand Image, Price, Trust and Value on Purchase Intentions”, Asia Pacific Management Review, 20(4), 210-218. doi: 10.1016/j.apmrv.2015.03.005
  • Manic, M., (2015). “The Rise of Native Advertising”, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series V: Economic Sciences, 8(57), 53-58. http://webbut.unitbv. ro/bulletin/Series%20V/BULETIN%20I%20PDF/07_Manic_M.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Mansuroglu, S., (2016). “Karaman‘da 45 erkek öğrenciye tecavüz!”, http://www. 106150.html Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Metzger, M. J,. (2007). “Making Sense of Credibility on the Web: Models for Evaluating Online Information and Recommendations for Future Research”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(13), 2078-2091. doi: 10.1002/asi.20672
  • Murray, K., (2014). “Competitor Regulation of Sponsored Content in the New Sports Content Media Economy”, 25 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 253. Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Ozdora-Aksak, E., (2015). “An Analysis of Turkey’s Telecommunications Sector’s Social Responsibility Practices Online”, Public Relations Review, 41(3), 365– 369. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.01.001
  • Park, S. H., (2009). “The Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Image: Based on Keller’s Customer-based Brand Equity”, The Ohio State University. https://etd.ohiolink. edu/!etd.send_file?accession=osu1259560834&disposition=inline . Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Power, J., ve Whelan, S., (2005). “A conceptual model of the influence of brand trust on the relationship between consumer & company image”, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference (AM2005), School of Marketing, Dublin Institute of Technology. Dublin, Ireland. THE_INFLUENCE_O F_BRAND_TRUST_ON_THE_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_ CONSUMER_AND_ COMPANY_IMAGE_(2005).pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Prendergast, G., Liu, P., ve Poon, D. T. Y., (2009). “A Hong Kong Study of Advertising Credibility”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(5), 320-329. doi: 10.1108/07363760910976574
  • Rindell, A., ve Iglesias, O., (2014). “Context and Time in Brand Image Constructions”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27(5), 756-768. doi: 10.1108/JOCM-09-2014-0172
  • Salinas, E. M., ve Pérez, J. M. P., (2009). “Modeling the Brand Extensions’ Influence on Brand Image”, Journal of Business Research, 62(1), 50-60. doi: 10.1016/j. jbusres.2008.01.006
  • Savolainen, R., (2011). “Judging the Quality and Credibility of Information in Internet Discussion Forums”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(7), 1243-1256. doi: 10.1002/asi.21546
  • Schauster, E., Ferrucci, P., ve Neill, M. S., (2016). “Native Advertising Is the New Journalism: How Deception Affects Social Responsibility”, American Behavioral Sciencist, 1-17. doi: 10.1177/0002764216660135
  • Schittka O., Sattler H. ve Farsky M., (2013). “Turning good ideas into bad news: the effect of negative and positive sponsorship information on sponsors` brand image”, Schmalenbach Business Review, 65, 227-248.
  • Sebastian, M., (2014). “Five Things to Know about The New York Times’ New Native Ads”, Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Semercioglu, C., (2016). “Turkcell, ensar vakfı’na desteğini değil, tepkilerin önünü kesmenin peşinde”, icinerisim-engeli-talep-etti/ Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Sondoh Jr., S. L., Omar, M. W., Wahid, N. A., Ismail, I., ve Harun, A., (2007). “The Effect of Brand Image on Overall Satisfaction and Loyalty Intention in the Context of Color Cosmetic”, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 12(1), 83-107. http://web. Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Sundar, S., S., (2008). “The MAIN Model: A Heuristic Approach to Understanding Technology Effects on Credibility.” M. J. Metzger ve A. J. Flanagin (ed.) Digital Media, Youth and Credibility. 73-100. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. doi: : 10.1162/ dmal.9780262562324.073
  • Taiminen, K., Luoma-aho, V., ve Tolvanen, K., (2015). “The Transparent Communicative Organization and New Hybrid Forms of Content”, Public Relations Review, 41(5), 734-743. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.06.016
  • Turkcell, “Corporate Social Responsibility” (2016), aboutus/corporate-social-responsibility Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • “Turkcell’den ‘ensar’a destek’ eleştirilerine yanıt (...)” (2016), http://www.diken. egitimi-destekliyoruz/ Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • “Turkcell’in 3. çeyrek net karı %71.2 düştü” (2016), haberler/haber/1939131-turkcellin-3-ceyrek-net-kari-- 712-dustu Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Turkey 100 2016 (2016), Erişim Tarihi: 10.2016.
  • Tutaj, K, ve Reijmersdal, E. A., (2012). “Effects of Online Advertising Format and Persuasion Knowledge on Audience Reactions”, Journal of Marketing Communications, 18(1), 5-18. doi: 10.1080/13527266.2011.620765
  • Wang, X., ve Yang, Z., (2010). “The Effect of Brand Credibility on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Image”, Journal of Global Marketing, 23(3), 177-188. doi:10.108 0/08911762.2010.487419
  • Wathen, C. N., ve Burkell, J., (2002). “Believe It or Not: Factors Influencing Credibility on the Web”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2), 134-144. doi: 10.1002/asi.10016
  • Wijaya, B. S., (2013). “Dimensions of Brand Image: A Conceptual Review From the Perspective of Brand Communication”, European Journal of Business and Management, 5(31), 55-65. doi: 10.13140/ejbm.2013.55.65
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

İpek Altun Bu kişi benim

Emel Özdora Akşak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Mart 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 48

Kaynak Göster

APA Altun, İ., & Özdora Akşak, E. (2019). Sponsorlu İçerik Marka İmajını Kurtarabilir mi: Türkiye’deki Teknoloji ve Telekomünikasyon Endüstrisinden Bir Vaka*. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2019(48), 496-510.