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Dünyada Akademik Sıralaması Yüksek Gazetecilik Lisans Bölümlerinin Ders Programlarının Analizi

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 47, 87 - 110, 11.12.2018


Gazetecilik eğitimi ile ilgili güncel gelişmeleri ve tartışmaları merkeze alan bu araştırmanın amacı, dünyada akademik sıralaması yüksek gazetecilik lisans programlarının bir haritasını çıkararak; gazetecilik eğitimindeki temel eğilimleri saptamaktır. Araştırmanın ilk bölümünde son yıllarda gazetecilik eğitimine odaklanan çalışmaların sonuçları özetlenmiş; ardından dünyanın önde gelen gazetecilik bölümlerinin ders programları analiz edilmiştir. Böylece gazetecilik eğitiminin mevcut teknolojik gelişmelerle şekillenen medya atmosferine ne ölçüde adapte olduğu saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada tarama, doküman inceleme yöntemleri ile içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Örneklem seçiminde dünyadaki gazetecilik bölümlerinin akademik başarı sırası ve İngilizce ders programlarına dijital ortamda erişim ölçüt olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda alan derslerinde çeşitlenme gözlenmiştir. Gazetecilik ders programlarında teknoloji, teknoloji kullanımı, temel dijital beceriler, veri gazeteciliği, multimedya gazeteciliği ve gazeteciler için programlama dilleri gibi konularda artan ders sayısına karşın; insan hakları, kültürel çeşitlilik, cinsiyet eşitliği, yabancı düşmanlığı ve azınlıklarla ilgili derslerdeki eksiklik de dikkat çekmektedir. Katılımcı kültürü destekleyen girişimcilik ve inovasyon konulu dersler ise gazetecilik eğitiminde yeni bir eğilim olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.


  • ACEJMC (Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications), , Erişim Tarihi:15.10.2018.
  • Aleman, S. M. (2014). “Reimagining Journalism Education Through a Pedagogy of Counter-News-Story”, The Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 36, s.109–126.
  • Anderson, C. W. (2014). “The Sociology of the Professions and the Problem of Journalism Education”, Radical Teacher: A Socialist, Feminist, and Anti-Racist Journal on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, No.99, Spring, s.62-68.
  • Barrera, C. (2012). “Transantlantic Views on Journalist Education before and after World War II.”, Journalism Studies,13(4), s.534–549.
  • Becker, L. B. (2003). “Introduction. Developing a Sociology of Journalism Education”, içinde Journalism Education in Europe and North America: An International Comparison, ed. Romy Fröhlich ve Christina Holtz-Bacha, xi–xvi. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Becker, L. B.; Vlad, T. ve Simpson, H. A. (2013). “2013 Annual Survey of Journalism Mass Communication Enrollments: Enrollments Decline for Third Consecutive Year”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 69(4), s.349 – 365.
  • Carey, J. (2000). “Some Personal Notes on Journalist Education.” Journalism, 1(1), s.12–23.
  • Cochrane, T.; Sissons, H. ve Mulrennan, D. (2012). “Journalism 2.0: Exploring The Impact of Mobile and Social Media on Journalism Education”, IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, s.165- 172.
  • Cochrane, T.; Mulrennan, D.; Sissons, H.; Pamatatau, R. ve Barnes, L. (2013). Mobilizing Journalism Education, 283-293.
  • Cochrane, T. (2014). “Critical success factors for transforming pedagogy with mobile web 2.0”, British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(1), s.65–82.
  • Codina, L. (2016). “Tres dimensiones del periodismo computacional. Intersecciones con las ciencias de la documentación”, Anuario ThinkEPI, 10, s.200-202.
  • Cutler, D. (2017). “The Most Useful Humanities Based Course: Journalism”, Independent School, Winter, s.72-78.
  • Çocuk Hakları ve Gazetecilik Uygulamaları: Hak Temelli Perspektif (2007). UNICEF ve Dublin Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Cocuk%20Haklari%20ve%20Gazetecilik.pdf , Erişim Tarihi:15.10.2018.
  • Desmond, R. W. (1949). “Professional Training of Journalists”, Paris, UNESCO. Deuze, M. (2001). “Journalism Education and Multiculturalism: Enhanching The Curriculum”, MediaEducator, 10, Jan-June 2001, s.128-147.
  • Ercan, E. E. (2017). “The present and future of journalism education”, Qual Quant, Springer, çevrimiçi basım: 06.11.2017, s.1-6.
  • Ewart, J.; O’Donnell, K. ve Chrzanowski, A. (2018). “What a difference training can make: Impacts of targeted training on journalists, journalism educators and journalism students’ knowledge of Islam and Muslims”, Journalism, 19(6), s.762-781.
  • Foley, Michael; Hayes, Noirin ve O’Neill, Brian (2012). “Journalism Education and Children’s Rights: New Approaches to Media Development in CEE/CISS Countries”, Irish Studies in International Affairs, Vol. 23, s.47-58.
  • Fröhlich, R. ve Christina H.-B. (2003). Journalism Education in Europe and North America: An International Comparison, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Gardeström, E. (2017). “Losing Control: The Emergence of Journalism Education As An Interplay of Forces”, Journalism Studies, 18:4, s.511-524.
  • Greenberg, S. (2007). “Theory and practice in journalism education”, Journal of Media Pracitce, 8(3), s.289-303.
  • Heravi, B. R. (2018). “3WS of Data Journalism Education: What, where and who?”, Journalim Practice, s.1-18.
  • Hultén, B. (2001). “Utbildning – behövs det?”, içinde: Journalisternas bok: 1901– 2001, ed. Agneta Lindblom Hulthén, Stockholm: Svenska journalistförb, s.214–229.
  • Jarlbrink, J. (2009). Det våras för journalisten : symboler och handlingsmönster för den svenska pressens medarbetare från 1870-tal till 1930-tal, Lund University.
  • Josephi, B. (2009). “Journalism Education”, içinde: The Handbook of Journalism Studies, ed. Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Hanithzsch, T., Routledge, New York, s.42-56.
  • Jung, J.; Song, H.; Kim, Y.; Im, H.; Oh, S. (2017). “Intrusion of software robots into journalism: The public’s and journalists’ perceptions of news written by algorithms and human journalists”, Computers in Human Behavior, 71, s.291-298.
  • Kandemir, C. (2012). “Türkiye ve Almanya’da Gazetecilik Eğitimi Alan Öğrencilerin Eğitim Kalitesi ve Beklentilerine Yönelik Alan Araştırması”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 0 (30), s.97-112.
  • Karaduman, M. ve Akbulutgiller, B. (2017). “Türkiye’de Gazetecilik Eğitimi: Lisans Müfredat Programları Karşılaştırması”, Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(4), s.1161-1181.
  • Kolb, D. (1984), Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • Kraft, N. ve Seely, N. (2015). “Making Mojos: How iPads Are Enhancing Mobile Journalism Education”, Journalism&Mass Communication Educator, 70(3), s.220–234.
  • López-García, X.; Rodríguez-Vázquez, A.-I. ve Pereira-Fariña, X. (2017). “Technological Skills and New Professional Profiles: Present Challenges for Journalism”, Comunicar, Media Education Research Journal, 53 (XXV), s.81-90.
  • Lynch, D. (2015). “Above&Beyond: Looking at the Future of Journalism Education”, Knight Foundation, s.1-6.
  • Mari, M. ve Drake, A. (2017). “Embedding innovation pedagogy in teaching journalism”, On The Horizon, 25(4), s.286-292.
  • Mensing, D. (2010). “Rethinking [Again] The Future Of Journalism Education”, Journalism Studies, 11(4), s.511-523.
  • Meza, R. (2016). “Computational Thinking and Journalism Education”, içinde: Shaping the Future of News Media, ed.: Carles Singla, Irene da Rocha ve Xavier Ramon, Integrated Journalism in Europe / European Commission, s.179-206.
  • Nieminen, H. (2018). “In defence of European universities: Scholars and activists, unite!”, içinde: Current Perspectives On Communıcation And Media Research, ed. Laura Peja, Nico Carpentier, Fausto Colombo, Maria Francesca Murru, Simone Tosoni, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Anthony McNicholas, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldted, edition Lumière, Bremen, s.73-82.
  • Nguyen, A. ve Lugo-Ocando, J. (2016). “The state of data and statistics in journalism and journalism education: Issues and debates”, Journalism, 17(1), s.3–17.
  • Reilly, Janet E. (2018). “Reporting Without Knowledge: the Absence of Human Rights in US Journalism Education”, Hum Rights Rev, 19, s.249-271.
  • Project For Excellence in Journalism (2004). ‘‘2004 Annual Report Overview’’,, Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2009.
  • Salaverría, R. ve Barrera C. (2009). “The Spanish Journalism Education Landscape”, içinde: European Journalism Education, ed. Terzis, G, Bristol: Intellect, s.319–330.
  • Schmidth, Hans C. (2017). “Training tomorrow’s environmental journalists: Assessing the extent of environmental-themed training in college-level journalism programs”, Applied Environmental Education&Communication, 16(1), s.17-28.
  • Solomon, E. F. (2016). “How Freelance Journalists Can Help Shape Journalism Education”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 71(2), s.241-247.
  • Song, Y. (2018). “Multimedia news storytelling as digital literacies: An alternative paradigm for online journalism education”, Journalism, 19(6), s.837-859.
  • Terzis, G. (2009). European Journalism Education, Bristol: Intellect Todorova, M. (2016). “Co-Created Learning: Decolonizing Journalism Education in Canada”, Canadian Journal of Communication, 4, s.673-692.
  • Tokgöz, O. (2003). “Türkiye’de İletişim Eğitimi: Elli Yıllık Bir Geçmişin Değerlendirilmesi”, Kültür ve İletişim, 6(1), Kış, s.9-32.
  • Ureta, A. L. ve Fernández, S. P. (2018). “Keeping pace with journalism training in the age of social media and convergence: How worthwhile is it to teach online skills?”, Journalism, 19(6), s.877-891.
  • Uzun, R. (2011). İletişim Etiği: Sorunlar ve Sorumluluklar, Dipnot, 2. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Vartanova, E. ve Lukina, M. (2018). “Russian Journalism Education: Challenging Media Change and Educational Reform”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 72(3), s.274-284.
  • Weber, J. (2014). “Let Us Rank Journalism Programs”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 69(1), s.76-86.
  • Willnat, L. ve Weaver D. H. (2014). The American Journalists in the Digital Age: Key Findings, Bloomington, IN: School of Journalism, Indiana University, s.1-27.
  • Yaşın, C. (2015). “Türkiye’de Gazetecilik Eğitiminin Bilginin Gelişimi Temelinde Çözümlenmesi”, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 41, Güz, s.39-63.
  • Ziani, A.-K.; Elareshi, M., Alrashid, M. ve Al-Jaber, K. (2018). “Journalism Education in the GCC Region: University Students’ and Professionalism Perspectives”, Journal of Communication Media Watch, 9(1), s.52-68.

Analysis of the Curricula of the Highest Ranked Universities for Journalism Education in the World

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 47, 87 - 110, 11.12.2018


The aim of this study focusing on the contemporary developments and discussions on journalism education is to identify the main trends in journalism education by creating a map of the journalism undergraduate programs’ curricula which have the highest academic ranking in the world. In the first part of the research, the results of studies focusing on journalism education in recent years are summarized; then the curricula of the world’s leading journalism departments are analyzed. Thus, how much the journalism education is adapted to the media atmosphere that is shaped by the current technological developments has been determined. Both document analysis and content analysis were used in the study. The academic success ranking of the journalism departments in the world and accessing opportunity for English syllabi in the digital environment were accepted as criteria for sample selection. Based on the findings, there is an increase in the number of the field courses. Besides, despite the increasing number of courses related to technology, technology usage, fundamental digital skills, data journalism, multimedia journalism, and programming languages for journalists; lack of courses on human rights, cultural diversity, gender equality, xenophobia, and minorities is worrisome. Last but least, entrepreneurship and innovation courses that support participatory culture are emerging as new trends in journalism education.


  • ACEJMC (Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications), , Erişim Tarihi:15.10.2018.
  • Aleman, S. M. (2014). “Reimagining Journalism Education Through a Pedagogy of Counter-News-Story”, The Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 36, s.109–126.
  • Anderson, C. W. (2014). “The Sociology of the Professions and the Problem of Journalism Education”, Radical Teacher: A Socialist, Feminist, and Anti-Racist Journal on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, No.99, Spring, s.62-68.
  • Barrera, C. (2012). “Transantlantic Views on Journalist Education before and after World War II.”, Journalism Studies,13(4), s.534–549.
  • Becker, L. B. (2003). “Introduction. Developing a Sociology of Journalism Education”, içinde Journalism Education in Europe and North America: An International Comparison, ed. Romy Fröhlich ve Christina Holtz-Bacha, xi–xvi. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Becker, L. B.; Vlad, T. ve Simpson, H. A. (2013). “2013 Annual Survey of Journalism Mass Communication Enrollments: Enrollments Decline for Third Consecutive Year”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 69(4), s.349 – 365.
  • Carey, J. (2000). “Some Personal Notes on Journalist Education.” Journalism, 1(1), s.12–23.
  • Cochrane, T.; Sissons, H. ve Mulrennan, D. (2012). “Journalism 2.0: Exploring The Impact of Mobile and Social Media on Journalism Education”, IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, s.165- 172.
  • Cochrane, T.; Mulrennan, D.; Sissons, H.; Pamatatau, R. ve Barnes, L. (2013). Mobilizing Journalism Education, 283-293.
  • Cochrane, T. (2014). “Critical success factors for transforming pedagogy with mobile web 2.0”, British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(1), s.65–82.
  • Codina, L. (2016). “Tres dimensiones del periodismo computacional. Intersecciones con las ciencias de la documentación”, Anuario ThinkEPI, 10, s.200-202.
  • Cutler, D. (2017). “The Most Useful Humanities Based Course: Journalism”, Independent School, Winter, s.72-78.
  • Çocuk Hakları ve Gazetecilik Uygulamaları: Hak Temelli Perspektif (2007). UNICEF ve Dublin Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Cocuk%20Haklari%20ve%20Gazetecilik.pdf , Erişim Tarihi:15.10.2018.
  • Desmond, R. W. (1949). “Professional Training of Journalists”, Paris, UNESCO. Deuze, M. (2001). “Journalism Education and Multiculturalism: Enhanching The Curriculum”, MediaEducator, 10, Jan-June 2001, s.128-147.
  • Ercan, E. E. (2017). “The present and future of journalism education”, Qual Quant, Springer, çevrimiçi basım: 06.11.2017, s.1-6.
  • Ewart, J.; O’Donnell, K. ve Chrzanowski, A. (2018). “What a difference training can make: Impacts of targeted training on journalists, journalism educators and journalism students’ knowledge of Islam and Muslims”, Journalism, 19(6), s.762-781.
  • Foley, Michael; Hayes, Noirin ve O’Neill, Brian (2012). “Journalism Education and Children’s Rights: New Approaches to Media Development in CEE/CISS Countries”, Irish Studies in International Affairs, Vol. 23, s.47-58.
  • Fröhlich, R. ve Christina H.-B. (2003). Journalism Education in Europe and North America: An International Comparison, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Gardeström, E. (2017). “Losing Control: The Emergence of Journalism Education As An Interplay of Forces”, Journalism Studies, 18:4, s.511-524.
  • Greenberg, S. (2007). “Theory and practice in journalism education”, Journal of Media Pracitce, 8(3), s.289-303.
  • Heravi, B. R. (2018). “3WS of Data Journalism Education: What, where and who?”, Journalim Practice, s.1-18.
  • Hultén, B. (2001). “Utbildning – behövs det?”, içinde: Journalisternas bok: 1901– 2001, ed. Agneta Lindblom Hulthén, Stockholm: Svenska journalistförb, s.214–229.
  • Jarlbrink, J. (2009). Det våras för journalisten : symboler och handlingsmönster för den svenska pressens medarbetare från 1870-tal till 1930-tal, Lund University.
  • Josephi, B. (2009). “Journalism Education”, içinde: The Handbook of Journalism Studies, ed. Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Hanithzsch, T., Routledge, New York, s.42-56.
  • Jung, J.; Song, H.; Kim, Y.; Im, H.; Oh, S. (2017). “Intrusion of software robots into journalism: The public’s and journalists’ perceptions of news written by algorithms and human journalists”, Computers in Human Behavior, 71, s.291-298.
  • Kandemir, C. (2012). “Türkiye ve Almanya’da Gazetecilik Eğitimi Alan Öğrencilerin Eğitim Kalitesi ve Beklentilerine Yönelik Alan Araştırması”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 0 (30), s.97-112.
  • Karaduman, M. ve Akbulutgiller, B. (2017). “Türkiye’de Gazetecilik Eğitimi: Lisans Müfredat Programları Karşılaştırması”, Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(4), s.1161-1181.
  • Kolb, D. (1984), Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • Kraft, N. ve Seely, N. (2015). “Making Mojos: How iPads Are Enhancing Mobile Journalism Education”, Journalism&Mass Communication Educator, 70(3), s.220–234.
  • López-García, X.; Rodríguez-Vázquez, A.-I. ve Pereira-Fariña, X. (2017). “Technological Skills and New Professional Profiles: Present Challenges for Journalism”, Comunicar, Media Education Research Journal, 53 (XXV), s.81-90.
  • Lynch, D. (2015). “Above&Beyond: Looking at the Future of Journalism Education”, Knight Foundation, s.1-6.
  • Mari, M. ve Drake, A. (2017). “Embedding innovation pedagogy in teaching journalism”, On The Horizon, 25(4), s.286-292.
  • Mensing, D. (2010). “Rethinking [Again] The Future Of Journalism Education”, Journalism Studies, 11(4), s.511-523.
  • Meza, R. (2016). “Computational Thinking and Journalism Education”, içinde: Shaping the Future of News Media, ed.: Carles Singla, Irene da Rocha ve Xavier Ramon, Integrated Journalism in Europe / European Commission, s.179-206.
  • Nieminen, H. (2018). “In defence of European universities: Scholars and activists, unite!”, içinde: Current Perspectives On Communıcation And Media Research, ed. Laura Peja, Nico Carpentier, Fausto Colombo, Maria Francesca Murru, Simone Tosoni, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Anthony McNicholas, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldted, edition Lumière, Bremen, s.73-82.
  • Nguyen, A. ve Lugo-Ocando, J. (2016). “The state of data and statistics in journalism and journalism education: Issues and debates”, Journalism, 17(1), s.3–17.
  • Reilly, Janet E. (2018). “Reporting Without Knowledge: the Absence of Human Rights in US Journalism Education”, Hum Rights Rev, 19, s.249-271.
  • Project For Excellence in Journalism (2004). ‘‘2004 Annual Report Overview’’,, Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2009.
  • Salaverría, R. ve Barrera C. (2009). “The Spanish Journalism Education Landscape”, içinde: European Journalism Education, ed. Terzis, G, Bristol: Intellect, s.319–330.
  • Schmidth, Hans C. (2017). “Training tomorrow’s environmental journalists: Assessing the extent of environmental-themed training in college-level journalism programs”, Applied Environmental Education&Communication, 16(1), s.17-28.
  • Solomon, E. F. (2016). “How Freelance Journalists Can Help Shape Journalism Education”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 71(2), s.241-247.
  • Song, Y. (2018). “Multimedia news storytelling as digital literacies: An alternative paradigm for online journalism education”, Journalism, 19(6), s.837-859.
  • Terzis, G. (2009). European Journalism Education, Bristol: Intellect Todorova, M. (2016). “Co-Created Learning: Decolonizing Journalism Education in Canada”, Canadian Journal of Communication, 4, s.673-692.
  • Tokgöz, O. (2003). “Türkiye’de İletişim Eğitimi: Elli Yıllık Bir Geçmişin Değerlendirilmesi”, Kültür ve İletişim, 6(1), Kış, s.9-32.
  • Ureta, A. L. ve Fernández, S. P. (2018). “Keeping pace with journalism training in the age of social media and convergence: How worthwhile is it to teach online skills?”, Journalism, 19(6), s.877-891.
  • Uzun, R. (2011). İletişim Etiği: Sorunlar ve Sorumluluklar, Dipnot, 2. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Vartanova, E. ve Lukina, M. (2018). “Russian Journalism Education: Challenging Media Change and Educational Reform”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 72(3), s.274-284.
  • Weber, J. (2014). “Let Us Rank Journalism Programs”, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 69(1), s.76-86.
  • Willnat, L. ve Weaver D. H. (2014). The American Journalists in the Digital Age: Key Findings, Bloomington, IN: School of Journalism, Indiana University, s.1-27.
  • Yaşın, C. (2015). “Türkiye’de Gazetecilik Eğitiminin Bilginin Gelişimi Temelinde Çözümlenmesi”, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 41, Güz, s.39-63.
  • Ziani, A.-K.; Elareshi, M., Alrashid, M. ve Al-Jaber, K. (2018). “Journalism Education in the GCC Region: University Students’ and Professionalism Perspectives”, Journal of Communication Media Watch, 9(1), s.52-68.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Bilge Narin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 47

Kaynak Göster

APA Narin, B. (2018). Dünyada Akademik Sıralaması Yüksek Gazetecilik Lisans Bölümlerinin Ders Programlarının Analizi. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2022(47), 87-110.