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Okuzbeks, Their Language, Place in Society and Culture

Yıl 2024, Sayı: Özbekistan Özel Sayısı, 293 - 310


In this article (“Okuzbeks, their language, place in society and culture”), it is stated that the great creator is called “Kuk ulu” (Blue Great), the Turks “Tangri”, the Arabs “Allah”, the Persians “God” and all together four Biti (divine) books were revealed. The article also points out that the descendants of some of Noah’s nine sons are now known. It is also explained that the second name of Yofas ibn Nuh was Tur, that the ancestors of Tur were the creators of civilization of two (Mayan and Sumerian) generations of Uzbeks. The fact that the Romans called the Beksak (Geksak) from the Uzbeks the Hexos, that the descendants of Uzbeks (Kutji, Qiyat, Kongrat and Nayman) lived in Okuzi between the Okuz and Inju Okuz rivers, and that “okuz” (brave) and “bek” mean “leader”. It was noted that the ethnonym “Uzbek” was shortened to “Uzbek”. It is explained that the national dress of the Uzbeks (special “Qalpoq” cap, Bekasam ton, satin and Adras shirts) embodies mystical colors, and that the Uzbeks founded three scientific academies in the world (Baghdad, Khorezm and Samarkand). It is clearly stated that the name of the Caspian Sea was Elkun, and the name of the Aral Sea was Arang. Morover, it is fully explained that the distance between the two rivers, Amudarya and Syrdarya, was called Okuziya, Uzbek (Uspek) from ancient times until 1730, and the name of Uzbekistan has given from 1740. It is noted that the language based on the Uzbek dialect has been preserved since the time of Noah, and the ten-thousand-year-old toponym Elkun (Sunny place) was translated into Persian by the Munsaks three thousand years ago in the form of Khorazm (“Khavari azm” – “Sunny place”). In the 5th century, Qutluq (Eltarish) explained that the ethnonym kutji (“giver of happiness”) associated with the Khagan, acquired a new meaning. It is stated that Kutluq Khagan founded the Great Turkic Empire, Alexander the Great created the Yaban Empire, and Osman ibn Ertuğrul created the Great Ottoman Empire. In linguistics, it is recognized that the paronyms mung+ul (noble), mun+gul (herd) are distinguished, the world leader Temuchin Genghis Khan founded the First Great Mungul Empire, the world leader and master Amir Temur founded the Second Great Mungul Empire, and the famous ruler Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur founded the Third Great Mungul Empire. The Uzbek language terms “qur” (circle) and “qurultoy” (convention), “elnur” (culture), “yarariq” (“value”) are explained. It is reported that the Uzbeks respectfully salute by placing their hands on their chests like nobles. Currently, there is an opinion about the division of Uzbeks into pure Uzbeks (Kutji, Qiyat, Kongrat, Nayman), mixed Uzbeks (Oghuz) and composite Uzbeks (Qarluq and Chigil).I


  • Abulgozi. (1992). His family name is Turkish. Tashkent: “Cho‘lpon”. Page 48.
  • Gulyamov Y. (1957). History of Khorezm settlement from ancient times to our days. Tashkent: “АН УзССР”. Page 7.
  • Hojiev A. (1974). An explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Uzbek language. Tashkent: “O‘qituvchi”. Page 136.
  • Husanov N. (2014). History of Uzbek antironyms. Tashkent: “Navro‘z”. Page 38.
  • Ismailov I. (1966). Ethnic-kinship terms in Turkic languages. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 11.
  • Kamoliddin Sh. (2012). Two maps of Central Asia from the first half of the 18th century. Saarbücken, Germany.
  • Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Page 12.
  • Komilov N. (1995). Najmuddin Kubro. Tashkent: “Abdulla Qodiriy nomidagi Xalq merosi”. Page 21.
  • Koshgari M. (1960). Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk. Tashkent: “Fan”. 3-story, 1rd floor. Page 437.
  • Koshgari M. (1963). Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk. 3-story, 3rd floor. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 387.
  • Lafasov U. (2021). History of Turkish writings. Tashkent: “TDSHU”. Page 42.
  • Lafasov U. (2021). Uzbek literary language. Tashkent: “TDSHU”. Page 9.
  • Lafasov U. (2023). Theory of language (Linguistics). Tashkent: “TDSHU”. Page 122.
  • Lafasov U., Akbarova M. (2019). Speech culture. Tashkent: “TDSHI”. Page 18.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan (2005). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 11th floor. Page 175.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (2000). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 1th floor. Page 293.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (2002). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 4th floor. Page 494.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (2004). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 7th floor., Page 640.
  • Navoi A. (1998). A perfect collection of works. 20 floors, 14th floor. Tashkent: “Fan”, Page 93.
  • Navoi A. (2000). A perfect collection of works. 20-story, 16-story. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 7.
  • Polivanov E. (1933). Uzbek dialectology and Uzbek literary language. “Tashkent”. Page 20.
  • Rabguzi. (1990). Narrated by Rabguzi. Book 1. Tashkent: “Yozuvchi”. Page 6.
  • Rahmatullaev Sh. (1984). An explanatory dictionary of Uzbek homonyms. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 5.
  • Reshetov V. (1957). Materials from Uzbek dialectology. Tashkent: “O‘qituvchi”. Page 5.
  • Ulugbek M. (1993). History of four nations. Tashkent: “Cho‘lpon”. Page 33.
  • Xожиев A. (2002). Annotated dictionary of linguistic terms. Ташкент: “UzМE”. Page 136.

Öküzbekler, Onların Dili, Toplumdaki Yeri ve Kültürü

Yıl 2024, Sayı: Özbekistan Özel Sayısı, 293 - 310


Bu (“Öküzbekler, Onların dili, toplumdaki yeri ve kültürü”) makalede on sekiz bin alemi yaradan büyük zatı Mayalar ‘Gök ulu’, Türkler ‘Tanrı’, Araplar ‘Allah’, Farslar ‘Huda’ demesi, Yaradan Yere Adem ile birlikte İslam’ı indirmesi, ‘Biti’ (ilahi) kitaplar dört tane olup, Davud’a ‘Zebur’, Musa’ya ‘Tevrat’, İsa’ya ‘İncil’, Muhammed (S.A.V) e ‘Kur’an’ nazil olduğu hakkında söylenmiştir. Yafes İbn Nuh’un birinci oğlu Türük (Türk), ikincisi Hibroz, üçüncüsü Saklap, dördüncüsü Yaban (Yunan, Juno), beşincisi Munsak, altıncısı Çin, yedincisi Gumari, sekizincisi Kimol ve dokuzuncusu Mezuh olduğu; Türük İbn Yafes Tur ve Türk’lerin, Saklap İbn Yafes Fin ve Macer’lerin, Yaban İbn Yafes Yunan ve Rus’ların, Munsak İbn Yafes Sarı Uygur’ların, İskit-massaget ve Suğdak’ların, altıncısı Çin İbn Yafes Mançurlar ve Tunguz’ların büyük dedesi sayıldığı, Nuh Peygamber’in Yafes adlı oğlunun ikinci ismi Tur olduğu ve ondan çoğalan eller Turlar denildiği, Tur’ların asilzadeleri olan Öküzbek’ler iki (Maya ve Sümer) temeddünlerinin sanatkarları olduğu, Öküzbek’ler arasındaki Beksak (geksak)ları Rumeliler Amuderya adının eski söylenişi Okosos’a bakarak Geksos diye adlandırmaları hakkında izah verilmiştir. Öküz ve İnci Öküz iki nehir arasındaki yer tarihte Öküziye (Öküziya) diye adlandırıldığı, Öküziye her zaman Büyük Turan’ın merkezi olduğu, bu yerde eskiden yerli halk olan Öküzbek’ler, yani Kutcı, Kıyat, Kongırat ve Nayman kabileleri yaşadığı, ‘Öküz’ kelimesinin anlamı ‘cesur’; ‘bek’ kelimesinin anlamı ‘başkan’ olup, ‘Öküzbek’ etnoniminin kısalmasından ‘Özbek’ teriminin oluşumu, Öküz’beklerin milli kıyafet (kalpak, bekasam ton, atlas ve adras elbise)lerinde İslami ruhiyat ve yüksek insani özellikleri ifade eden çeşitli tasavvufi renklerin varlığı, Öküzbek’ler dünyadaki Üç İlmi Akademi (Bağdat, Harezm, Semerkant)leri kurup, Dünya bilimlerini geliştiren halk olduğu yorumlanmıştır. Hazar denizinin eski adı Elkün, Aral denizinin tarihi adı da Arang olduğu, İki Nehir arasındaki hudut eski dönemlerden 1730’a kadar Öküziye, Özbek (Usbek), 1740’tan sonra ise Özbekistan diye söylendiği, Öküzbeklerin yaşadığı yerler günümüze kadar mevcut olduğu, Kutçı’lar Ürgenç ve Keş vahasında, Kıyat’lar eski Kıyatkent (Katkent)te, Kongırat’lar Baysun’da, Nayman’lar Semizkent (Semerkant) ve onun çevresinde yaşadığı; Tur’ların diline Asilzade Öküzbek’ler lehçesi temel olduğu, Nuh döneminden beri korunan tarihi ve sağlam kültürel köke sahip, zengin ve sanatsal kaynaklı klasik dil olduğu kaydedilmiştir.


  • Abulgozi. (1992). His family name is Turkish. Tashkent: “Cho‘lpon”. Page 48.
  • Gulyamov Y. (1957). History of Khorezm settlement from ancient times to our days. Tashkent: “АН УзССР”. Page 7.
  • Hojiev A. (1974). An explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Uzbek language. Tashkent: “O‘qituvchi”. Page 136.
  • Husanov N. (2014). History of Uzbek antironyms. Tashkent: “Navro‘z”. Page 38.
  • Ismailov I. (1966). Ethnic-kinship terms in Turkic languages. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 11.
  • Kamoliddin Sh. (2012). Two maps of Central Asia from the first half of the 18th century. Saarbücken, Germany.
  • Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Page 12.
  • Komilov N. (1995). Najmuddin Kubro. Tashkent: “Abdulla Qodiriy nomidagi Xalq merosi”. Page 21.
  • Koshgari M. (1960). Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk. Tashkent: “Fan”. 3-story, 1rd floor. Page 437.
  • Koshgari M. (1963). Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk. 3-story, 3rd floor. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 387.
  • Lafasov U. (2021). History of Turkish writings. Tashkent: “TDSHU”. Page 42.
  • Lafasov U. (2021). Uzbek literary language. Tashkent: “TDSHU”. Page 9.
  • Lafasov U. (2023). Theory of language (Linguistics). Tashkent: “TDSHU”. Page 122.
  • Lafasov U., Akbarova M. (2019). Speech culture. Tashkent: “TDSHI”. Page 18.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan (2005). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 11th floor. Page 175.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (2000). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 1th floor. Page 293.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (2002). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 4th floor. Page 494.
  • National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (2004). Tashkent: “UzМE”. 12 floors, 7th floor., Page 640.
  • Navoi A. (1998). A perfect collection of works. 20 floors, 14th floor. Tashkent: “Fan”, Page 93.
  • Navoi A. (2000). A perfect collection of works. 20-story, 16-story. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 7.
  • Polivanov E. (1933). Uzbek dialectology and Uzbek literary language. “Tashkent”. Page 20.
  • Rabguzi. (1990). Narrated by Rabguzi. Book 1. Tashkent: “Yozuvchi”. Page 6.
  • Rahmatullaev Sh. (1984). An explanatory dictionary of Uzbek homonyms. Tashkent: “Fan”. Page 5.
  • Reshetov V. (1957). Materials from Uzbek dialectology. Tashkent: “O‘qituvchi”. Page 5.
  • Ulugbek M. (1993). History of four nations. Tashkent: “Cho‘lpon”. Page 33.
  • Xожиев A. (2002). Annotated dictionary of linguistic terms. Ташкент: “UzМE”. Page 136.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Karşılaştırmalı Siyasi Kurumlar
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Urak Lafasov 0009-0002-0557-3476

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: Özbekistan Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Lafasov, U. (2024). Okuzbeks, Their Language, Place in Society and Culture. İmgelem(Özbekistan Özel Sayısı), 293-310.

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