Koroner Arter Hastalığı ve İskemik Mitral Kapak Yetmezliğinde Prolidaz Düzeyi
Yıl 2023,
, 1499 - 1506, 10.06.2023
Vedat Ağrıç
Mustafa Göz
Reşat Dikme
Mahmut Padak
Mehmet Salih Aydın
Nazım Kankılıç
Bişar Amaç
Plazma prolidaz seviyeleri, koroner arter hastalığı ve kalp kapağı yetmezliği için belirleyici bir faktör olarak değişir. Bu çalışmanın amacı mitral yetersizliği olan ve olmayan koroner arter baypas cerrahisi (KABC) uygulanan iki grupta plazma prolidaz düzeylerini karşılaştırmaktır. Bu amaçla çalışmaya KABC uygulanan 45 hasta dâhil edildi; mitral kapak yetmezliği olmayan ve KABC uygulanan hastalar (25 hasta) Grup 1, mitral kapak yetmezliği olup KABC uygulanan hastalar (20 hasta) Grup 2 olarak adlandırıldı. Tüm hastalardan KABC öncesi ve sonrası venöz kan alındı ve prolidaz düzeyleri ölçüldü. Grup 1'de preoperatif ve postoperatif serum prolidaz seviyeleri sırasıyla 1038.2 ve 1289.43 U/L olarak hesaplandı. Grup 2'de ise preoperatif ve postoperatif serum prolidaz seviyeleri sırasıyla 1084,07 ve 1337.74 U/L olarak hesaplandı. Çalışmaya alınan Grup 1 ve Grup 2'nin preoperatif ve postoperatif plazma prolidaz düzeyleri arasında anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0.05). Plazma prolidaz düzeyi her iki grupta da yüksekti. Ancak Grup 2'de mitral kapak yetmezliği olan hastalarda ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası serum prolidaz düzeyleri daha yüksek bulundu. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada mitral kapak yetersizliği nedeniyle KABC yapılan hastalarda plazma prolidaz düzeyinin daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi.
Destekleyen Kurum
Harran Üniversitesi Araştırma Fon Saymanlığı
- Aciksari, G., Demir, B., Uygun, T., Gedikbasi, A., Kutlu, O., ...Atici, A. (2020). Serum prolidase activity in patients with cardiac syndrome X. North Clin Istanb, 7(5), 471–477.
- Aktürk, E., Aşkın, L., Nacar, H., Taşolar, M. H., Türkmen, S., Çetin, M., …Bozkurt M. (2018) Association of serum prolidase activity in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia. Anatol Journal of Cardiology,19(2),110-116.
- Andell, P., Li, X., …Martinsson, A. (2017). Epidemiology of valvular heart disease in a Swedish nationwide hospital-based register study. Heart,103, 1696–1703.
- Baumgartner, H., Falk, V., …Bax , J. J. (2017). ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the man Agement of valvular heart disease. Europen Heart Journal,38, 2739-2791.
- Cavusoglu, E., Marmur, J. D., Hegde, S., Yanamadala, S., Batuman, O. A., …Chopra, V. (2015). Relation of baseline plasma MMP-1 levels to long-term all-cause mortality in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease referred for coronary angiography. Atherosclerosis, 239(1), 268–275.
- Demirbag, R., Yildiz, A., Gur, M., Yilmaz, R., Elci, K. & Aksoy, N. (2007). Serum prolidase activity in patients with hypertension and its relation with left ventricular hypertrophy. Clinical Biochemistry, 40, 1020-1025.
- Demirtas, S., Karahan, O., Yazıcı, S., Guclu, O., Calıskan, A., …Tezcan, O. (2015). Investigation of possible prophylactic, renoprotective, and cardioprotective effects of thromboprophylactic drugs against ischemia-reperfusion injury. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences,31(3), 115–122.
- El Sabbagh, A., Reddy, Y. N. V. & Nishimura, R. A. (2018). Mitral valve regurgitation in the contemporary era ınsights ınto diagnosis, management, and future directions. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 11(4), 628-643.
- Ferket, B. S., Thourani, V. H., Voisine, P., Hohmann, S. F., Chang, H. L., …Smith, P. K. (2020). Cost-effectiveness of CABG plus mitral-valve repair vs CABG alone for moderate ıschemic mitral regurgitation. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery., 159(6), 2230–2240.e15.
- Gillinov, A. M., Wierup, P. N., Blackstone, E. H., Bis-hay E. S., Cosgrove, D. M., White, J., Lytle, B. W. &McCarthy, P. M. (2001). Is repair preferable to replacement for ischemic mitral regurgitation? The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery,122, 1125-1141.
- Gunbatar, H., Kaplan, H. S. &Yildiz, S. (2020). Is there a correlation between obstructive sleep-apnea syndrome severity and prolidase activity as anoxidative stress marker?.Niger J Clin Pract, 23(2), 252–257.
- Heart disease and stroke statistics 2017 update. (2017). A report from the American heart association .Circulation,135.
- Horoz, M., Aslan, M. & Bolukbas, F. F. (2010). Serum prolidase enzyme activity and its relation to histopathological findings in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 24, 207-211.
- Lung, B., Baron, G., …Tornos, P. (2007). Valvular heart disease in the community: A European experience. Current Problems in Cardiology, 32, 609-661.
- Matta, A. &Moussallem, N. (2019). Coronary artery disease is associated with valvular heart disease, but could it Be a predictive factor. Indian Heart J.,71(3), 284-287.
- McRae, P. A. & Porter, B. E. (2012). The perineuronal net component of the extracellular matrix in plasticity and epilepsy. Neurochemistry international, 61, 963-972.
- Pierard, L. A. & Carabello, B. A. (2010). Ischaemic mitral regurgitation: Pathophysiology, outcomes and the conundrum of treatment. European heart journal, 31, 2996–3005.
- Rabuş, M. B., Demirbaği R., Sezen, Y., Taşar, M., Taşkın, A., Aksoy, N., Kırali, K. &Yakut, C. (2010). Serum prolidase activity in patients with degenerative and rheumatic heart valve diseases, Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences,40, 5-3.
- Sannino, A., Smith, R. L., Schiattarella, G. G., Trimarco, B., Esposito, G. & Grayburn, P. A. (2017). Survival and cardiovascular outcomes of patients with secondary mitral regurgitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Cardiology, 2, 1130–1139.
- Silbiger, J. J. (2012). Anatomy, mechanics, and pathophysiology of the mitral annulus. American heart journal, 164, 163–76.
- Sultan, A., Zheng, Y., Trainor, P. J., Siow, Y., Amraotkar, A. R., Hill, B. G. & DeFilippis, A. P. (2017). Circulating prolidase activity in patients with myocardial ınfarction. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, Jul 31, 450.
- Sultan, A., Zheng, Y., Trainor, P. J., Siow, Y., Amraotkar, A. R., …Hill, B. (2017). Circulating prolidase activity in patients with myocardial infarction. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 4, 50.
- Surazynski, A., Miltyk, W., Palka, J. & Phang, J. M. (2008). Prolidase-dependent regulation of collagen biosynthesis. Amino Acids, 35(4), 731–738.
- Yildiz, A., Demirbag, R., Yilmaz, R., Gur, M., Altiparmak, I. H., …Akyol, S. (2008). The association of serum prolidase activity with the presence and severity of coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease,, 19(5), 319-325.
Yıl 2023,
, 1499 - 1506, 10.06.2023
Vedat Ağrıç
Mustafa Göz
Reşat Dikme
Mahmut Padak
Mehmet Salih Aydın
Nazım Kankılıç
Bişar Amaç
Plasma prolidase levels change as a determining factor for coronary artery disease and heart valve insufficiency. The aim of this study is to compare plasma prolidase levels in two groups with or without mitral regurgitation who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS). For this purpose, 45 patients who underwent CABS were included in the study; patients without mitral valve insufficiency who underwent CABS (25 patients) Group 1, patients with mitral valve insufficiency who underwent CABS (20 patients) Group 2. Venous blood was taken from all patients before and after CABS and their prolidase levels were measured. Preoperative and postoperative serum prolidase levels in group 1 were 1038.2 and 1289.43 U/L, respectively. In group 2, preoperative and postoperative serum prolidase levels were 1084.07 and 1337.74 U/L, respectively. A significant difference was found between preoperative and postoperative plasma prolidase levels of Group 1 and Group 2 included in the study (p<0.05). Plasma prolidase level was high in both groups. However, pre- and postoperative serum prolidase levels were found to be higher in patients with mitral valve insufficiency in Group 2. In conclusion, in this study, it was determined that the plasma prolidase level was higher in patients with mitral valve insufficiency who underwent CABS.
- Aciksari, G., Demir, B., Uygun, T., Gedikbasi, A., Kutlu, O., ...Atici, A. (2020). Serum prolidase activity in patients with cardiac syndrome X. North Clin Istanb, 7(5), 471–477.
- Aktürk, E., Aşkın, L., Nacar, H., Taşolar, M. H., Türkmen, S., Çetin, M., …Bozkurt M. (2018) Association of serum prolidase activity in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia. Anatol Journal of Cardiology,19(2),110-116.
- Andell, P., Li, X., …Martinsson, A. (2017). Epidemiology of valvular heart disease in a Swedish nationwide hospital-based register study. Heart,103, 1696–1703.
- Baumgartner, H., Falk, V., …Bax , J. J. (2017). ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the man Agement of valvular heart disease. Europen Heart Journal,38, 2739-2791.
- Cavusoglu, E., Marmur, J. D., Hegde, S., Yanamadala, S., Batuman, O. A., …Chopra, V. (2015). Relation of baseline plasma MMP-1 levels to long-term all-cause mortality in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease referred for coronary angiography. Atherosclerosis, 239(1), 268–275.
- Demirbag, R., Yildiz, A., Gur, M., Yilmaz, R., Elci, K. & Aksoy, N. (2007). Serum prolidase activity in patients with hypertension and its relation with left ventricular hypertrophy. Clinical Biochemistry, 40, 1020-1025.
- Demirtas, S., Karahan, O., Yazıcı, S., Guclu, O., Calıskan, A., …Tezcan, O. (2015). Investigation of possible prophylactic, renoprotective, and cardioprotective effects of thromboprophylactic drugs against ischemia-reperfusion injury. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences,31(3), 115–122.
- El Sabbagh, A., Reddy, Y. N. V. & Nishimura, R. A. (2018). Mitral valve regurgitation in the contemporary era ınsights ınto diagnosis, management, and future directions. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 11(4), 628-643.
- Ferket, B. S., Thourani, V. H., Voisine, P., Hohmann, S. F., Chang, H. L., …Smith, P. K. (2020). Cost-effectiveness of CABG plus mitral-valve repair vs CABG alone for moderate ıschemic mitral regurgitation. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery., 159(6), 2230–2240.e15.
- Gillinov, A. M., Wierup, P. N., Blackstone, E. H., Bis-hay E. S., Cosgrove, D. M., White, J., Lytle, B. W. &McCarthy, P. M. (2001). Is repair preferable to replacement for ischemic mitral regurgitation? The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery,122, 1125-1141.
- Gunbatar, H., Kaplan, H. S. &Yildiz, S. (2020). Is there a correlation between obstructive sleep-apnea syndrome severity and prolidase activity as anoxidative stress marker?.Niger J Clin Pract, 23(2), 252–257.
- Heart disease and stroke statistics 2017 update. (2017). A report from the American heart association .Circulation,135.
- Horoz, M., Aslan, M. & Bolukbas, F. F. (2010). Serum prolidase enzyme activity and its relation to histopathological findings in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 24, 207-211.
- Lung, B., Baron, G., …Tornos, P. (2007). Valvular heart disease in the community: A European experience. Current Problems in Cardiology, 32, 609-661.
- Matta, A. &Moussallem, N. (2019). Coronary artery disease is associated with valvular heart disease, but could it Be a predictive factor. Indian Heart J.,71(3), 284-287.
- McRae, P. A. & Porter, B. E. (2012). The perineuronal net component of the extracellular matrix in plasticity and epilepsy. Neurochemistry international, 61, 963-972.
- Pierard, L. A. & Carabello, B. A. (2010). Ischaemic mitral regurgitation: Pathophysiology, outcomes and the conundrum of treatment. European heart journal, 31, 2996–3005.
- Rabuş, M. B., Demirbaği R., Sezen, Y., Taşar, M., Taşkın, A., Aksoy, N., Kırali, K. &Yakut, C. (2010). Serum prolidase activity in patients with degenerative and rheumatic heart valve diseases, Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences,40, 5-3.
- Sannino, A., Smith, R. L., Schiattarella, G. G., Trimarco, B., Esposito, G. & Grayburn, P. A. (2017). Survival and cardiovascular outcomes of patients with secondary mitral regurgitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Cardiology, 2, 1130–1139.
- Silbiger, J. J. (2012). Anatomy, mechanics, and pathophysiology of the mitral annulus. American heart journal, 164, 163–76.
- Sultan, A., Zheng, Y., Trainor, P. J., Siow, Y., Amraotkar, A. R., Hill, B. G. & DeFilippis, A. P. (2017). Circulating prolidase activity in patients with myocardial ınfarction. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, Jul 31, 450.
- Sultan, A., Zheng, Y., Trainor, P. J., Siow, Y., Amraotkar, A. R., …Hill, B. (2017). Circulating prolidase activity in patients with myocardial infarction. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 4, 50.
- Surazynski, A., Miltyk, W., Palka, J. & Phang, J. M. (2008). Prolidase-dependent regulation of collagen biosynthesis. Amino Acids, 35(4), 731–738.
- Yildiz, A., Demirbag, R., Yilmaz, R., Gur, M., Altiparmak, I. H., …Akyol, S. (2008). The association of serum prolidase activity with the presence and severity of coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease,, 19(5), 319-325.