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The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 30, 69 - 83, 02.10.2021


Artificial Intelligence and automation are some of the most defining elements of the XXI century, whose significant imprint is manifested in society and social relations. Digital development is transforming the world of work - this thesis is the starting point of many kinds of research. This principle is also the basic premise of the present study, as it transforms working and employment conditions to develop and spread digital technologies, resulting in an untraceable process. As the maker of individual decisions, artificial intelligence can create a new context in labour law. The study aims to examine the labour law entity of artificial intelligence, outlining the Asian and European distribution of reactions to the introduction of automatic decision-making and the impact of MI on industrial relations. The outstanding importance of the topic is also shown by the fact that numerous studies deal with examining legal personality outside labour law.


  • Andrade, Francisco, Paulo Novais, José Machado and José Neves. “Contracting Agents: Legal Personality and Representation”. Artificial Intelligence and Law. 15/4 (2007): 357–373.
  • Aristotle. The Politics. London: Penguin Classics, 1981.
  • Asaro, Peter M. “Robots and Responsibility from a Legal Perspective”. Proceedings of the IEEE. 4 /14 (2007): 20-24.
  • Asian Development Outlook 2018: How Technology Affects Jobs. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2018. Accessed July 17, 2021,
  • Asimov, Isaac. “Runaround”. Astounding Science Fiction: Street & Smith. 29/1 (1942).
  • Bőgel, György. “Mesterséges Intelligencia a Humánpolitikai Munkában”. Opus et Educatio, 5/3 (2018): 352-361.
  • Cabinet Office of Japan Governent. “Society 5.0”. Accessed July 10, 2021.
  • Deguchi, Atsushi, Chiaki Hirai, Hideyuki Matsuoka, Taku Nakano, Kohei Oshima, Mitsuharu Tai, and Shigeyuki Tani. “What Is Society 5.0?”. Society 5.0. Ed., Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory. Singapore: Springer Open, 2020: 1-23.
  • Emőke, Török. Munka és Társadalom - A Munka Jelentésváltozásai Bérmunkán Innen és Túl. Budapest: L’Harmattan Publisher, 2014.
  • Etzioni, O. and D.S. Weld. “Intelligent Agents on the Internet: Fact, Fiction, and Forecast”. IEEE Expert. 10/4 (1995): 44–49.
  • European Commission. “White Paper: On Artificial Intelligence - A European Approach to Excellence and Trust”. Brussels, 19.2.2020. Accessed July 10, 2021,
  • European Economic and Social Committee. “Industry 5.0 will bring about a New Paradigm of Cooperation between Humans and Machines”. December 06, 2018. Accessed: July 10, 2021.
  • Fan, Han, Victor Hernandez Bennetts, Erik Schaffernicht, and Achim Lilienthal. “Towards Gas Discrimination and Mapping in Emergency Response Scenarios Using a Mobile Robot with an Electronic Nose”. Sensors. 19/3 685 (2019): 1-28.
  • Frivaldszky, János. “Jogalanyiság és a Jog Mint Egyetemes Elismerõ Viszony”. Iustum Aequum Salutare. 5/2 (2009): 11-54.
  • Fujitsu. “Workplace 2025: Take a Glimpse into the Future Workplace”. White Paper. Accessed: August 31, 2017.
  • Kaplan, Andreas, and Michael Haenlein. “Rulers of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence”. Business Horizons. 63/1 (2019): 37-50.
  • Kritikos, Mihalis. “Work in the era of AI: Time for a Digital Social Contract”. European Parliamentary Research Service. Accessed July 26, 2021.
  • Larivière, Bart, David Bowen, Tor W. Andreassen, Werner Kunz, Nancy J. Sirianni, Chris Voss, Nancy V. Wünderlich, and Arne De Keyser. “‘Service Encounter 2.0’: An Investigation into the Roles of Technology, Employees and Customers”. Journal of Business Research. 79 (2017): 238-246.
  • McKendrick, Joe. “Artificial Intelligence Will Replace Tasks, Not Jobs”. Forbes (Online News). Accessed: August 14, 2018.
  • Mohanty, Priya. “Council Post: Do You Fear Artificial Intelligence Will Take Your Job?”. Forbes (Online News). Accessed: July 6, 2018.
  • Nagy, Valéria, and Hajdu Vanda. “A Mesterséges Intelligencia Lehetséges Hatása(i) a ‘Munka Világára’”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok. 16/1-2 (2021): 79–90.
  • Oracle. “From Fear to Enthusiasm Artificial Intelligence is Winning More Hearts and Minds in the Workplace”. Oracle & Future Workplace AI@Work Study 2019.
  • Pusztahelyi, Réka. “Emotional AI and Its Challenges in the Viewpoint of Online”. Curentul Juridic. 32/2 (2020): 13-31.
  • Rácz, Ildikó. “A Digitalizáció Hatása a Munkajog Egyes Alapintézményeire”, PhD Értekezés. Budapest: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Állam-és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskola, 2020.
  • Russell, Stuart and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. New Jersey: Pearson, 2010.
  • Schneider, Todd, Gee Hee Hong and Anh Van Le. "Land of the Rising Robots”. Finance & Development. 55/2 (2018): 28-31.
  • Schrock, Wyatt A., Douglas E. Hughes, Frank Q. Fu, Keith A. Richards, and Eli Jones. “Better Together: Trait Competitiveness and Competitive Psychological Climate as Antecedents of Salesperson Organizational Commitment and Sales Performance”. Marketing Letters. 27/2 (2014): 351–360.
  • Siau, Keng, and Weiyu Wang, “Review of Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotics”, Cutter Business Technology Journal, 31/2 (2018): 47-53.
  • Solum, Lawrence B. “Legal Personhood for Artificial Intelligences”. North Carolina Law Review. 70/4 (1992): 1231-1287.
  • Takeuchi, Kazuaki, Yoichi Yamazaki and Kentaro Yoshifuji. “Avatar Work: Telework for Disabled People Unable to Go Outside by Using Avatar Robots ‘OriHime-D’ and Its Verification”. Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. March 23, 2020.
  • The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. “A Definition of AI: Main Capabilities and Scientific Disciplines”. Brussel: European Commission. December 18, 2018.
  • Vatican News. “Pope’s November Prayer Intention: That Progress in Robotics and AI ‘Be Human’”. November 5, 2020. Accessed July 10, 2021.
  • Wang, Dayong, Aditya Khosla, Rishab Gargeya, Humayun Irshad, and Andrew H. Beck. “Deep Learning for Identifying Metastatic Breast Cancer”. ArXiv abs/1606.05718. June 18, 2016. Accessed July 14, 2021.
  • Wein, Leon. “The Responsibility of Intelligent Artifacts: Toward an Automation Jurisprudence”. Harvard University Journal of Law and Technology. 6/1 (1992): 103-154.
  • “World Economic Forum: The Future of Jobs Report 2020”, Geneva: WEF, 2020, accessed July 20, 2021,

Avrupa ve Asya Açısından İş Hukuku İlişkilerinde Yapay Zekânın Rolü

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 30, 69 - 83, 02.10.2021


Yapay zekâ ve otomasyon, toplumda ve sosyal ilişkilerde önemli yansımaları bulunan, XXI yüzyılın en belirleyici unsurları arasındadır. Dijital gelişme iş dünyasını dönüştürmektedir- bu iddia birçok araştırma türünün başlangıç noktasıdır. Bu iddia, çalışma ve istihdam koşullarını dijital teknolojileri geliştirmek ve yaymak için dönüştürdüğü ve izlenemez bir sürece yol açtığı için bu çalışmanın da temel önermesidir. Bireysel kararların alıcısı olarak yapay zekâ, iş hukukunda yeni bir bağlam yaratabilir. Çalışma, otomatik karar vermenin getirilmesine tepkilerin Asya ve Avrupa dağılımını ve MI'nin endüstriyel ilişkiler üzerindeki etkisini ana hatlarıyla belirterek, yapay zekânın iş hukuku varlığını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Tüzel kişiliğin iş hukuku dışında incelenmesine yönelik çok sayıda çalışmanın olması da konunun olağanüstü önemini göstermektedir.


  • Andrade, Francisco, Paulo Novais, José Machado and José Neves. “Contracting Agents: Legal Personality and Representation”. Artificial Intelligence and Law. 15/4 (2007): 357–373.
  • Aristotle. The Politics. London: Penguin Classics, 1981.
  • Asaro, Peter M. “Robots and Responsibility from a Legal Perspective”. Proceedings of the IEEE. 4 /14 (2007): 20-24.
  • Asian Development Outlook 2018: How Technology Affects Jobs. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2018. Accessed July 17, 2021,
  • Asimov, Isaac. “Runaround”. Astounding Science Fiction: Street & Smith. 29/1 (1942).
  • Bőgel, György. “Mesterséges Intelligencia a Humánpolitikai Munkában”. Opus et Educatio, 5/3 (2018): 352-361.
  • Cabinet Office of Japan Governent. “Society 5.0”. Accessed July 10, 2021.
  • Deguchi, Atsushi, Chiaki Hirai, Hideyuki Matsuoka, Taku Nakano, Kohei Oshima, Mitsuharu Tai, and Shigeyuki Tani. “What Is Society 5.0?”. Society 5.0. Ed., Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory. Singapore: Springer Open, 2020: 1-23.
  • Emőke, Török. Munka és Társadalom - A Munka Jelentésváltozásai Bérmunkán Innen és Túl. Budapest: L’Harmattan Publisher, 2014.
  • Etzioni, O. and D.S. Weld. “Intelligent Agents on the Internet: Fact, Fiction, and Forecast”. IEEE Expert. 10/4 (1995): 44–49.
  • European Commission. “White Paper: On Artificial Intelligence - A European Approach to Excellence and Trust”. Brussels, 19.2.2020. Accessed July 10, 2021,
  • European Economic and Social Committee. “Industry 5.0 will bring about a New Paradigm of Cooperation between Humans and Machines”. December 06, 2018. Accessed: July 10, 2021.
  • Fan, Han, Victor Hernandez Bennetts, Erik Schaffernicht, and Achim Lilienthal. “Towards Gas Discrimination and Mapping in Emergency Response Scenarios Using a Mobile Robot with an Electronic Nose”. Sensors. 19/3 685 (2019): 1-28.
  • Frivaldszky, János. “Jogalanyiság és a Jog Mint Egyetemes Elismerõ Viszony”. Iustum Aequum Salutare. 5/2 (2009): 11-54.
  • Fujitsu. “Workplace 2025: Take a Glimpse into the Future Workplace”. White Paper. Accessed: August 31, 2017.
  • Kaplan, Andreas, and Michael Haenlein. “Rulers of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence”. Business Horizons. 63/1 (2019): 37-50.
  • Kritikos, Mihalis. “Work in the era of AI: Time for a Digital Social Contract”. European Parliamentary Research Service. Accessed July 26, 2021.
  • Larivière, Bart, David Bowen, Tor W. Andreassen, Werner Kunz, Nancy J. Sirianni, Chris Voss, Nancy V. Wünderlich, and Arne De Keyser. “‘Service Encounter 2.0’: An Investigation into the Roles of Technology, Employees and Customers”. Journal of Business Research. 79 (2017): 238-246.
  • McKendrick, Joe. “Artificial Intelligence Will Replace Tasks, Not Jobs”. Forbes (Online News). Accessed: August 14, 2018.
  • Mohanty, Priya. “Council Post: Do You Fear Artificial Intelligence Will Take Your Job?”. Forbes (Online News). Accessed: July 6, 2018.
  • Nagy, Valéria, and Hajdu Vanda. “A Mesterséges Intelligencia Lehetséges Hatása(i) a ‘Munka Világára’”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok. 16/1-2 (2021): 79–90.
  • Oracle. “From Fear to Enthusiasm Artificial Intelligence is Winning More Hearts and Minds in the Workplace”. Oracle & Future Workplace AI@Work Study 2019.
  • Pusztahelyi, Réka. “Emotional AI and Its Challenges in the Viewpoint of Online”. Curentul Juridic. 32/2 (2020): 13-31.
  • Rácz, Ildikó. “A Digitalizáció Hatása a Munkajog Egyes Alapintézményeire”, PhD Értekezés. Budapest: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Állam-és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskola, 2020.
  • Russell, Stuart and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. New Jersey: Pearson, 2010.
  • Schneider, Todd, Gee Hee Hong and Anh Van Le. "Land of the Rising Robots”. Finance & Development. 55/2 (2018): 28-31.
  • Schrock, Wyatt A., Douglas E. Hughes, Frank Q. Fu, Keith A. Richards, and Eli Jones. “Better Together: Trait Competitiveness and Competitive Psychological Climate as Antecedents of Salesperson Organizational Commitment and Sales Performance”. Marketing Letters. 27/2 (2014): 351–360.
  • Siau, Keng, and Weiyu Wang, “Review of Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotics”, Cutter Business Technology Journal, 31/2 (2018): 47-53.
  • Solum, Lawrence B. “Legal Personhood for Artificial Intelligences”. North Carolina Law Review. 70/4 (1992): 1231-1287.
  • Takeuchi, Kazuaki, Yoichi Yamazaki and Kentaro Yoshifuji. “Avatar Work: Telework for Disabled People Unable to Go Outside by Using Avatar Robots ‘OriHime-D’ and Its Verification”. Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. March 23, 2020.
  • The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. “A Definition of AI: Main Capabilities and Scientific Disciplines”. Brussel: European Commission. December 18, 2018.
  • Vatican News. “Pope’s November Prayer Intention: That Progress in Robotics and AI ‘Be Human’”. November 5, 2020. Accessed July 10, 2021.
  • Wang, Dayong, Aditya Khosla, Rishab Gargeya, Humayun Irshad, and Andrew H. Beck. “Deep Learning for Identifying Metastatic Breast Cancer”. ArXiv abs/1606.05718. June 18, 2016. Accessed July 14, 2021.
  • Wein, Leon. “The Responsibility of Intelligent Artifacts: Toward an Automation Jurisprudence”. Harvard University Journal of Law and Technology. 6/1 (1992): 103-154.
  • “World Economic Forum: The Future of Jobs Report 2020”, Geneva: WEF, 2020, accessed July 20, 2021,
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Gábor Mélyptakı 0000-0002-0359-6538

Zsófia Riczu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4024-5833

Dávid Máté Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7995-6707

Panggih Kusuma Ningrum Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8630-6603

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 30

Kaynak Göster

APA Mélyptakı, G., Riczu, Z., Máté, D., Ningrum, P. K. (2021). The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect. İnsan Ve İnsan, 8(30), 69-83.
AMA Mélyptakı G, Riczu Z, Máté D, Ningrum PK. The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect. İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi. Ekim 2021;8(30):69-83. doi:10.29224/insanveinsan.976915
Chicago Mélyptakı, Gábor, Zsófia Riczu, Dávid Máté, ve Panggih Kusuma Ningrum. “The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect”. İnsan Ve İnsan 8, sy. 30 (Ekim 2021): 69-83.
EndNote Mélyptakı G, Riczu Z, Máté D, Ningrum PK (01 Ekim 2021) The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect. İnsan ve İnsan 8 30 69–83.
IEEE G. Mélyptakı, Z. Riczu, D. Máté, ve P. K. Ningrum, “The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect”, İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 30, ss. 69–83, 2021, doi: 10.29224/insanveinsan.976915.
ISNAD Mélyptakı, Gábor vd. “The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect”. İnsan ve İnsan 8/30 (Ekim 2021), 69-83.
JAMA Mélyptakı G, Riczu Z, Máté D, Ningrum PK. The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect. İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi. 2021;8:69–83.
MLA Mélyptakı, Gábor vd. “The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect”. İnsan Ve İnsan, c. 8, sy. 30, 2021, ss. 69-83, doi:10.29224/insanveinsan.976915.
Vancouver Mélyptakı G, Riczu Z, Máté D, Ningrum PK. The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect. İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi. 2021;8(30):69-83.