Araştırma Makalesi
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Güven, Bürokrasi ve Refah Devleti

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 89 - 115, 30.07.2017


Bu makale, sosyal güvenin devletin kurumsal yapısı üzerine etkisini analiz etmektedir. Sosyal güven, bir insanın kişisel olarak tanımadığı insanlara karşı duyduğu güven duygusu olarak tanımlanabilir. Güven, işlem maliyetlerini azaltarak ve bedavacılık sorununu iyileştirerek devletin kurumsal yapısını birçok açıdan etkileyebilmektedir. Bu makale, devletin kurumsal yapısı ile ilgili üç farklı alan üzerine durmaktadır: aşırı bürokrasi, yolsuzluk ve refah devleti. Güvenin yüksek olduğu bir toplumda vatandaşlar gereksiz bürokratik prosedürlere ve yolsuzluklara daha az maruz kalırlar, vergilerini gönül rahatlığıyla öderler ve yüksek vergi gelirleri sayesinde kalkınma dostu kamu harcamalarından daha fazla faydalanırlar. Bu makale, yüksek güvenin devletin kurumsal yapısını toplumun bütününe fayda sağlayacak şekilde çalışır hale getirdiğini göstermektedir.


  • Aghion, P., Algan, Y., Cahuc, P., Shleifer, A. (2010, August). Regulations and distrust. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 25(3), 1015-1049.
  • Algan, Y., Cahuc, P. ve Sangnier, M. (2016). Trust and the welfare state: The twin peaks curve. Economic Journal, 126(593), 861-893.
  • Algan, Y. Cahuc, P. ve Shleifer, A. (2013, July). Teaching practices and social capital. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5(3), 189-210.
  • Andriani, L. (2016). Tax morale and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from a Palestinian survey. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40(3), 821-841.
  • Banfield, E. C. (1958). The moral basis of a backward society. Chicago: Free Press.
  • Baumol, W. J. (1990, October). Entrepreneurship: Productive, unproductive and destructive. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), 893-921.
  • Besley, T. ve Persson, T. (2011). Pillars of prosperity: The political economics of development clusters. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Berg, A. ve Bjørnskov, C. (2011, February). Historical trust levels predict the current size of the welfare state. Kyklos, 64(1), 1-19.
  • Bjørnskov, C. (2010, July). How does social trust lead to better governance? An attempt to separate electoral and bureaucratic mechanisms. Public Choice, 144(1), 323-346.
  • Bjørnskov, C. (2011, February). Combating corruption: On the interplay between institutional quality and social trust. Journal of Law and Economics, 54(1), 135-159.
  • Bjørnskov, C. ve Svendsen, G.T. (2013, October). Does social trust determine the size of the welfare state? Evidence using historical identification. Public Choice, 157(1), 269-286.
  • Bjørnskov, C. ve Voigt, S. (2014). Constitutional verbosity and social trust. Public Choice, 161(1), 91-112.
  • Boix, C. ve Posner, D. N. (1998, October). Social capital: Explaining its origins and effects on government performance. British Journal of Political Science, 28(4), 686-695.
  • Brehm, J. ve Rahn, W. (1997, July). Individual-level evidence for the causes and consequences of social capital. American Journal of Political Science, 41(3), 999-1023.
  • Bruhin, A., Goette, L., Roethlisberger, A., Markovic, A., Buchli, R. ve Frey, B.M. (2015). Call of duty: The effects of phone calls on blood donor motivation. Transfusion, 55(11), 2645-2652.
  • Buchanan, J. ve Tullock, G. (1962). The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
  • Cassar, A., d’Adda, G. ve Grosjean, P. (2014, August). Institutional quality, culture, and norms of cooperation: Evidence from behavioral field experiments. Journal of Law and Economics, 57(3), 821–863.
  • Corbacho, A. Phillip, J. ve Ruiz-Vega, M. (2015, June). Crime and erosion of trust: Evidence for Latin America. World Development, 70, 400-415.
  • Covey, S. ve Merill R. (2010). Her Şeyi Değiştiren Tek Şey Güven (3. Baskı). (Ç. Erhan, Çev.) İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları.
  • Daniele, G. ve Geys, B. (2015, September). Interpersonal trust and welfare state support. European Journal of Political Economy, 39, 1-12.
  • Dehley, J. ve Kenneth, N. (2003). Who trusts? The origins of social trust in seven societies. European Societies, 5(2), 93-137.
  • Dincecco, M. ve Prado, M. (2012, September). Warfare, fiscal capacity and performance. Journal of Economic Growth, 17(3), 171-203.
  • Djankov, S., La Porta, R., de-Silanes, F.L. ve Shleifer, A. (2002, February). The regulation of entry. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(1), 1-37.
  • D’Hernoncourt, J. Méon, P-G (2012, January). The not so dark side of trust: Does trust increase the size of the shadow economy?. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 81(1), 97-121.
  • Evans, P. (1995). Embedded autonomy: States and industrial transformation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Fisman, R. ve Sarria-Allende, V. (2010, May). Regulation of entry and the distortion of Industrial organization. Journal of Applied Economics, 13(1), 91-111.
  • Frey, B.S. ve Meier, S. (2004, May). Pro-social behavior in a natural setting. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 54(1), 65-88.
  • Frey, B.S. ve Torgler, B. (2007, March). Tax morale and conditional cooperation. Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(1), 136-159.
  • Fukuyama, F. (2005). Güven: Sosyal erdemler ve refahın yaratılması (3. Baskı). (A. Buğdaycı, Çev.), İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Fukuyama, F. (2014). Political order and political decay: From the industrial revolution to the globalization of democracy, New York: Farrar,Straus and Giroux.
  • Guiso, L., Sapienza, P. ve Zingales, L. (2011). Civic capital as the missing link. Benhabib, J., Bisin, A. ve Jackson, M.O. (Ed.), Handbook of social economics (Volume 1A) (s. 417-480). The Nerherlands: Elsevier.
  • Gür, N. (2015, April). Trust and the wealth of nations. Progress in Development Studies, 15(2), 107-124.
  • Gür, N., Boyacı, İ. ve Özcan, Y. (2015). In public education expenditures we trust: Does trust increase support for public education expenditures?. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 15(2), 377-385.
  • Halis, M. ve Şenkal, A. (2009). Türk İşletme Kültüründe Ortaklık ve Güven. İstanbul: İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • Inglehart, R. (1999). Trust, well-being and democracy. Mark, E.W. (Ed.), Democracy and trust (s.88-120). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jensen, C. ve Tinggaard, G. (2011, January). Giving money to strangers: European welfare states and social trust.
  • International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(1), 3-9.
  • Karagül, M. (2012). Sosyal sermaye (kapitalizmin kör noktası). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Keefer, P. ve Knack, S. (2005). Social capital, social norms and the new institutional economics. Claude, M. ve Shirley, M.M. (Ed.), Handbook of new institutional economics (s.701-726), the Netherlands: Springer.
  • Klapper, L., Laeven, L. ve Rajan, R.G. (2006, December). Entry regulation as a barrier to entrepreneurship. Journal of Financial Economics, 82(3), 591-629.
  • Knack, S. (2002, October). Social capital and the quality of government: Evidence from the states. American Journal of Political Science, 46(4), 772-785.
  • Kumlin, S. ve Rothstein, B. (2005, May). Making and breaking social capital. The impact of welfare state institutions. Comparative Political Studies, 38(4), 339-365.
  • Leibrecht, M. ve Scharler, J. (2013). When are fiscal adjustments successful? The role of social capital. Applied Economics Letters, 20(18), 1640-1643.
  • Mauro, Paolo (1995, August). Corruption and growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(3), 681-712.
  • Myrdal, G. (1968). Asian drama: An inquiry into the overty of nations. New York: Twentieth Century Fund.
  • North, D. C. (2010). Kurumlar, Kurumsal Değişim ve Ekonomik Performans. (G. Ç. Güven, Çev.) İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Olken, B. A. (2009, October). Do television and radio destroy social capital? Evidence from Indonesian villages. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(4), 1-33.
  • Oskarsson, S., Öberg, P.O. - Svensson, T. (2009, May). Making capitalism work: Fair institutions and trust. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30(2), 294-320.
  • Pitlik, H. ve Kouba, L. (2015, June). Does social distrust always lead to a stronger support for government intervention?. Public Choice, 163(3), 355-377.
  • Putnam, R. (1993). Making democracy work: Civic traditions in modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Rothstein, B. (2003, March). Social capital, economic growth and quality of government: The causal mechanism. New Political Economy, 8(1), 49-71.
  • Rothstein, B. ve Stolle, D. (2008, July). The state and social capital: An institutional theory of generalised trust. Comparative Politics, 40(4), 441-479.
  • Sabel, C.F. (1993, September). Studied trust: Building new forms of cooperation in a volatile economy. Human Relations, 46(9), 1133-1170.
  • Tanzi, V. (2011). Government versus Markets: The changing economic role of the state. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tabellini, G. (2008a, April-May). Presidential address: Institutions and culture. Journal of the European Economic Association, 6,(2-3), 255-294.
  • Tabellini, G. (2008b, August). The Scope of Cooperation: Values and Incentives”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(3), 905-950.
  • Torgler, B. (2004). Tax morale, trust and corruption: Empirical evidence from transition countries. CREMA Working Paper No. 2004-05. Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts, Basel.
  • Uslaner, E. M. (1999). Democracy and social capital. Mark, E.W. (Ed.), Democracy and trust (s.121-150). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Uslaner, E. M. (2008). Corruption, Inequality and the Rule of Law. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Voigt, S. (2009, December). Explaining Constitutional Garrulity. International Review of Law and Economics, 29(4), 290-303.
  • Wei, S-J. (2000, February). How taxing is corruption on international investors?. Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(1), 1-11.

Trust, Bureaucracy, and the Welfare State

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 89 - 115, 30.07.2017


This paper analyses the effect of social trust on the institutional structure of the state. Social trust can be defined as the level of trust that a given person has toward people whom he or she does not know personally. Trust can affect many aspects of the state’s institutional structure by reducing transaction costs and ameliorating the free-rider problem. This article focuses on three dimensions related to the state’s institutional structure: red tape, corruption, and the welfare state. In a society with a high level of trust, individuals are less subject to unnecessary bureaucratic procedures, pay their taxes with peace of mind, and, thanks to high tax revenues, benefit more from the development-friendly public expenditures. This article indicates that a high level of trust makes the state’s institutional structure function in a way that benefits society as a whole.


  • Aghion, P., Algan, Y., Cahuc, P., Shleifer, A. (2010, August). Regulations and distrust. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 25(3), 1015-1049.
  • Algan, Y., Cahuc, P. ve Sangnier, M. (2016). Trust and the welfare state: The twin peaks curve. Economic Journal, 126(593), 861-893.
  • Algan, Y. Cahuc, P. ve Shleifer, A. (2013, July). Teaching practices and social capital. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5(3), 189-210.
  • Andriani, L. (2016). Tax morale and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from a Palestinian survey. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40(3), 821-841.
  • Banfield, E. C. (1958). The moral basis of a backward society. Chicago: Free Press.
  • Baumol, W. J. (1990, October). Entrepreneurship: Productive, unproductive and destructive. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), 893-921.
  • Besley, T. ve Persson, T. (2011). Pillars of prosperity: The political economics of development clusters. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Berg, A. ve Bjørnskov, C. (2011, February). Historical trust levels predict the current size of the welfare state. Kyklos, 64(1), 1-19.
  • Bjørnskov, C. (2010, July). How does social trust lead to better governance? An attempt to separate electoral and bureaucratic mechanisms. Public Choice, 144(1), 323-346.
  • Bjørnskov, C. (2011, February). Combating corruption: On the interplay between institutional quality and social trust. Journal of Law and Economics, 54(1), 135-159.
  • Bjørnskov, C. ve Svendsen, G.T. (2013, October). Does social trust determine the size of the welfare state? Evidence using historical identification. Public Choice, 157(1), 269-286.
  • Bjørnskov, C. ve Voigt, S. (2014). Constitutional verbosity and social trust. Public Choice, 161(1), 91-112.
  • Boix, C. ve Posner, D. N. (1998, October). Social capital: Explaining its origins and effects on government performance. British Journal of Political Science, 28(4), 686-695.
  • Brehm, J. ve Rahn, W. (1997, July). Individual-level evidence for the causes and consequences of social capital. American Journal of Political Science, 41(3), 999-1023.
  • Bruhin, A., Goette, L., Roethlisberger, A., Markovic, A., Buchli, R. ve Frey, B.M. (2015). Call of duty: The effects of phone calls on blood donor motivation. Transfusion, 55(11), 2645-2652.
  • Buchanan, J. ve Tullock, G. (1962). The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
  • Cassar, A., d’Adda, G. ve Grosjean, P. (2014, August). Institutional quality, culture, and norms of cooperation: Evidence from behavioral field experiments. Journal of Law and Economics, 57(3), 821–863.
  • Corbacho, A. Phillip, J. ve Ruiz-Vega, M. (2015, June). Crime and erosion of trust: Evidence for Latin America. World Development, 70, 400-415.
  • Covey, S. ve Merill R. (2010). Her Şeyi Değiştiren Tek Şey Güven (3. Baskı). (Ç. Erhan, Çev.) İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları.
  • Daniele, G. ve Geys, B. (2015, September). Interpersonal trust and welfare state support. European Journal of Political Economy, 39, 1-12.
  • Dehley, J. ve Kenneth, N. (2003). Who trusts? The origins of social trust in seven societies. European Societies, 5(2), 93-137.
  • Dincecco, M. ve Prado, M. (2012, September). Warfare, fiscal capacity and performance. Journal of Economic Growth, 17(3), 171-203.
  • Djankov, S., La Porta, R., de-Silanes, F.L. ve Shleifer, A. (2002, February). The regulation of entry. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(1), 1-37.
  • D’Hernoncourt, J. Méon, P-G (2012, January). The not so dark side of trust: Does trust increase the size of the shadow economy?. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 81(1), 97-121.
  • Evans, P. (1995). Embedded autonomy: States and industrial transformation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Fisman, R. ve Sarria-Allende, V. (2010, May). Regulation of entry and the distortion of Industrial organization. Journal of Applied Economics, 13(1), 91-111.
  • Frey, B.S. ve Meier, S. (2004, May). Pro-social behavior in a natural setting. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 54(1), 65-88.
  • Frey, B.S. ve Torgler, B. (2007, March). Tax morale and conditional cooperation. Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(1), 136-159.
  • Fukuyama, F. (2005). Güven: Sosyal erdemler ve refahın yaratılması (3. Baskı). (A. Buğdaycı, Çev.), İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Fukuyama, F. (2014). Political order and political decay: From the industrial revolution to the globalization of democracy, New York: Farrar,Straus and Giroux.
  • Guiso, L., Sapienza, P. ve Zingales, L. (2011). Civic capital as the missing link. Benhabib, J., Bisin, A. ve Jackson, M.O. (Ed.), Handbook of social economics (Volume 1A) (s. 417-480). The Nerherlands: Elsevier.
  • Gür, N. (2015, April). Trust and the wealth of nations. Progress in Development Studies, 15(2), 107-124.
  • Gür, N., Boyacı, İ. ve Özcan, Y. (2015). In public education expenditures we trust: Does trust increase support for public education expenditures?. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 15(2), 377-385.
  • Halis, M. ve Şenkal, A. (2009). Türk İşletme Kültüründe Ortaklık ve Güven. İstanbul: İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • Inglehart, R. (1999). Trust, well-being and democracy. Mark, E.W. (Ed.), Democracy and trust (s.88-120). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jensen, C. ve Tinggaard, G. (2011, January). Giving money to strangers: European welfare states and social trust.
  • International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(1), 3-9.
  • Karagül, M. (2012). Sosyal sermaye (kapitalizmin kör noktası). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Keefer, P. ve Knack, S. (2005). Social capital, social norms and the new institutional economics. Claude, M. ve Shirley, M.M. (Ed.), Handbook of new institutional economics (s.701-726), the Netherlands: Springer.
  • Klapper, L., Laeven, L. ve Rajan, R.G. (2006, December). Entry regulation as a barrier to entrepreneurship. Journal of Financial Economics, 82(3), 591-629.
  • Knack, S. (2002, October). Social capital and the quality of government: Evidence from the states. American Journal of Political Science, 46(4), 772-785.
  • Kumlin, S. ve Rothstein, B. (2005, May). Making and breaking social capital. The impact of welfare state institutions. Comparative Political Studies, 38(4), 339-365.
  • Leibrecht, M. ve Scharler, J. (2013). When are fiscal adjustments successful? The role of social capital. Applied Economics Letters, 20(18), 1640-1643.
  • Mauro, Paolo (1995, August). Corruption and growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(3), 681-712.
  • Myrdal, G. (1968). Asian drama: An inquiry into the overty of nations. New York: Twentieth Century Fund.
  • North, D. C. (2010). Kurumlar, Kurumsal Değişim ve Ekonomik Performans. (G. Ç. Güven, Çev.) İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Olken, B. A. (2009, October). Do television and radio destroy social capital? Evidence from Indonesian villages. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(4), 1-33.
  • Oskarsson, S., Öberg, P.O. - Svensson, T. (2009, May). Making capitalism work: Fair institutions and trust. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30(2), 294-320.
  • Pitlik, H. ve Kouba, L. (2015, June). Does social distrust always lead to a stronger support for government intervention?. Public Choice, 163(3), 355-377.
  • Putnam, R. (1993). Making democracy work: Civic traditions in modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Rothstein, B. (2003, March). Social capital, economic growth and quality of government: The causal mechanism. New Political Economy, 8(1), 49-71.
  • Rothstein, B. ve Stolle, D. (2008, July). The state and social capital: An institutional theory of generalised trust. Comparative Politics, 40(4), 441-479.
  • Sabel, C.F. (1993, September). Studied trust: Building new forms of cooperation in a volatile economy. Human Relations, 46(9), 1133-1170.
  • Tanzi, V. (2011). Government versus Markets: The changing economic role of the state. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tabellini, G. (2008a, April-May). Presidential address: Institutions and culture. Journal of the European Economic Association, 6,(2-3), 255-294.
  • Tabellini, G. (2008b, August). The Scope of Cooperation: Values and Incentives”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(3), 905-950.
  • Torgler, B. (2004). Tax morale, trust and corruption: Empirical evidence from transition countries. CREMA Working Paper No. 2004-05. Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts, Basel.
  • Uslaner, E. M. (1999). Democracy and social capital. Mark, E.W. (Ed.), Democracy and trust (s.121-150). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Uslaner, E. M. (2008). Corruption, Inequality and the Rule of Law. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Voigt, S. (2009, December). Explaining Constitutional Garrulity. International Review of Law and Economics, 29(4), 290-303.
  • Wei, S-J. (2000, February). How taxing is corruption on international investors?. Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(1), 1-11.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nurullah Gür Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gür, N. (2017). Güven, Bürokrasi ve Refah Devleti. İnsan Ve Toplum, 7(1), 89-115.