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İsviçre, Almanya ve Türkiye'nin Entegrasyon Politikalarının Mukayeseli Analizi: Türkiye, Bir Göç Ülkesi mi?

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 22 - 45, 07.03.2025


Bu makalede, İsviçre, Almanya ve Türkiye’nin göç politikalarını inceleyerek, göç politikalarının önemini değerlendirmek için karşılaştırmalı bir analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nispeten yeni bir göç konumu olan Türkiye, göçmenleri düzenleme ve kamuoyu tepkileri arasında mücadele ederek zorluklarla karşı karşıyadır. Geçmiş siyasi dinamiklerin incelenmesinin temel amacı, Türkiye’nin politika oluşturma sürecine ilişkin öğrenilecek yolların olduğunu göstermektir; zira Türkiye’nin göç deneyimleri yalnızca yeni değil, aynı zamanda 2013 tarihli Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu (YUKK) gibi yeni mevzuatlarla da şekillenmiştir. YUKK göçü düzenlese de, uyum politikaları sunmamaktadır. Bu analiz, Türkiye’nin göç deneyimlerini İsviçre ve Almanya gibi ülkelerin göç politikada başarı ve eksikliklerine bakarak daha geniş bir bağlamda konumlandırmaktadır. Daha önemlisi, bu analiz, göçü geçici bir olgu olarak gören Türkiye’nin politika çerçevesi için önemli iç görüler sunmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, 2011’de Suriye çatışmasının başlaması, Türk toplumunun göç konusunda ki önemli eleştirisini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu noktada, Türkiye’nin göç deneyimleri, İsviçre ve Almanya’nın geçmişteki varsayımlarına benzer şekilde, göçmenlerin bir gün geri döneceği düşüncesiyle entegrasyon politikalarını göz ardı ettiğidir. İzolasyon teorisine dayalı bu analiz, entegrasyon politikalarına başlamanın, kendi ülkemizi bir göç ülkesi olarak kabul etmenin ilk adımı olduğunu göstermektedir. Analizin temel sorusu, Türkiye’nin göç politikalarının İsviçre ve Almanya göç deneyimlerinden alınan karşılaştırmalı dersler temelinde uzun vadeli entegrasyon zorluklarını ele almak üzere nasıl geliştiğidir. Analizin önemli bir bulgusu, Türk hükümetinin İsviçre ve Almanya göç tarihinin benzeri şekilde kısa vadeli, düzenleyici mevzuatlara güveniyor olmasıdır. Bu yaklaşım Türkiye’nin kendini kalıcı bir göç ülkesi olarak kabullenmesini engellediği için, kapsamlı sosyal entegrasyon politikaları benimsemesinin önemini vurgulamaktadır.


  • Aka, H. B., & Özkural, N. (2015). Turkey and the European Union: A review of Turkey’s readmission agreement. The European Legacy, 20(3), 255–272.
  • Aksu, E., Erzan, R., & Kırdar, M. G. (2022). The impact of mass migration of Syrians on the Turkish labor market. Labour Economics, 76, 102183.
  • Barker-Ruchti, N., Barker, D., Sattler, S., Gerber, M., & Pühse, U. (2015). Second generation immigrant girls’ negotiations of cultural proximity in Switzerland: A Foucauldian reading. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16, 1213–1229.
  • Bauer, T., Larsen, C., & Matthiessen, P. C. (2004). Immigration policy and Danish and German immigration. Migrants, Work and the Welfare State, 31–74.
  • Baykal, S., & Yılmaz, L. (2020). Yabancılar ve uluslararası koruma kanunu ile göç idaresi bağlamında Türkiye’nin yeni göç siyaseti. Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 633–652.
  • Boenigk, S., Fisk, R., Kabadayi, S., Alkire, L., Cheung, L., Corus, C., Finsterwalder, J., Kreimer, A. A., Luca, N., & Omeira, M. (2021). Rethinking service systems and public policy: A transformative refugee service experience framework. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40(2), 165–183.
  • Borkert, M., & Bosswick, W. (2011). The case of Germany. Migration Policymaking in Europe, 95.
  • Casarico, A., Facchini, G., & Frattini, T. (2015). Illegal immigration: Policy perspectives and challenges. CESifo Economic Studies, 61(3–4), 673–700.
  • Christin, T., & Trechsel, A. H. (2002). Joining the EU? Explaining public opinion in Switzerland. European Union Politics, 3(4), 415–443.
  • Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Suriye Devlet Başkanı Esad ile ailece görüşebiliriz. (2024, June 28). Euronews. esad-ile-ailece-gorusebiliriz
  • Davy, U. (2005). Integration of immigrants in Germany: A slowly evolving concept. Eur. J. Migration & L., 7, 123.
  • De Bruycker, P. (2022). The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: What it is not and what it could have been. 33–42.
  • De Haas, H. (2021). A theory of migration: The aspirations-capabilities framework. Comparative Migration Studies, 9(1), 8.
  • Eatwell, R., & Mudde, C. (2004). Western democracies and the new extreme right challenge. Routledge London.
  • Ellermann, A. (2021). The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choicesin Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Fagetti, G. (2016). Die Überfremdungs-und Integrationspolitik in der Schweiz (1900-Gegenwart): Ein echter Paradigmenwechsel im Laufe eines Jahrhunderts?
  • Feindt, G. (2017). From ‘flight and expulsion’to migration: Contextualizing German victims of forced migration. European Review of History: Revue Européenne d’histoire, 24(4), 552–577.
  • Fischer, A., Nicolet, S., & Sciarini, P. (2002). Europeanisation of a non-EU country: The case of Swiss immigration policy. West European Politics, 25(4), 143–170.
  • Givens, T. E. (2022). Post-War Transitions: The Conflation of Immigration and Race. In The Roots of Racism (pp. 62–74). Bristol University Press.
  • Glynn, I. (2012). The genesis and development of Article 1 of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Journal of Refugee Studies, 25(1), 134–148.
  • Gokcekuyu, E. (2023). The Effects of Populism on Muslim Minorities: How Politicians’ Distrust in Islam Affects Muslim Attitudes Towards Violence in the Netherlands? Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 6(2), 159–173.
  • Göç İdaresi Bakanlığı (2024).
  • Göksel, G. U. (2015). Post-Immigration Policies in Turkey: Integration versus Harmonization. 76–82.
  • Green, S. (2013). Germany: A changing country of immigration. German Politics, 22(3), 333–351.
  • Gross, D. M. (2006). Immigration policy and foreign population in Switzerland (Vol. 3853). World Bank Publications.
  • Gurieva, L. K., & Dzhioev, A. V. (2015). Economic theories of labor migration. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6), S7.
  • Halla, M., Wagner, A. F., & Zweimüller, J. (2012). Immigration and voting for the extreme right. Working paper.
  • Heck, G., & Hess, S. (2017). Tracing the effects of the EU-Turkey Deal. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 3(2), 35–56.
  • Heifetz, I., & Jaffe, P. G. (2023). Exploring the impact of industrialization on social mobility in rural com-munities: Towards inclusive and sustainable economic transformation. Law and Economics, 17(3), 218–236.
  • Hoffmann-Nowotny, H.-J. (1995). Switzerland: A non-immigration immigration country. The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, 302–307.
  • Hotzy, F., Hengartner, M. P., Hoff, P., Jaeger, M., & Theodoridou, A. (2019). Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics associated with involuntary admissions in Switzerland between 2008 and 2016: An observational cohort study before and after implementation of the new legislation. European Psychiatry, 59, 70–76.
  • Immergut, E. M. (2010). Political institutions. The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, 227–240.
  • Implementation of Türkiye-EU Agreement of 18 March 2016. (n.d.). Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Kahanec, M., & Zimmermann, K. F. (2011). High-skilled immigration policy in Europe. BR Chiswick, High-Skilled Immigration in a Globalized Labor Market, American Enterprise Institute, Washington DC, 264–314.
  • Kalicki, K. (2020). Trading liberty: Assisted repatriation in liberal democracies. Government and Opposition, 55(4), 711–731.
  • Kaya, R. (2024, July 1). Kayseri’de çocuğa cinsel istismarda bulunduğu gerekçesiyle yakalanan Suriyeli zanlı tutuklandı. anadoluajans. cinsel-istismarda-bulundugu-gerekcesiyle-yakalanan-suriyeli-zanli-tutuklandi/3262946
  • Kirişci, K. (2007). Turkey: A country of transition from emigration to immigration. Mediterranean Politics, 12(1), 91–97.
  • Kır, M. (2017). A Reconsideration of Turkey’s Geographical Limitation to the 1951 Geneva Convention.
  • Kohlmeier, M., Heine, J., Mananashvili, S., & Hecht, H. (2006, February). 2005 Policy Analysis Report on Migration and Asylum. German National Contact Point of the European Migration Network. Retrieved from
  • Leumann, C. (2021). Swiss Science: Quo Vadis after Exclusion from the European Framework Program? Chimia, 75(9), 810–811.
  • Long, K. (2013). When refugees stopped being migrants: Movement, labour and humanitarian protection. Migration Studies, 1(1), 4–26.
  • Martin, P. L. (2002). Germany: Managing migration in the 21st century.
  • Mayer, K. B. (1965). Postwar migration from Italy to Switzerland. The International Migration Digest, 2(1), 5–13.
  • Memişoğlu, F., & Yavçan, B. (2022). Beyond ideology-a comparative analysis of how local governance can expand national integration policy: The case of Syrian refugees in Istanbul. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(3), 503–523.
  • Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu: Esad ile çalışmayı değerlendirebiliriz. (2018, December 16). Milligazete.
  • Muftuler-Bac, M. (2022). Externalization of migration governance, Turkey’s migration regime, and the protection of the European Union’s external borders. Turkish Studies, 23(2), 290–316.
  • Nagle, J. D. (1970). The National Democratic Party: Right Radicalism in the Federal Republic of Germany. Univ of California Press.
  • O’Laughlin, B. (2021). Making People’s ‘Surplus Population’ In Southern Africa. Reclaiming Development Studies, 113.
  • Parlak, B., & Şahin, A. U. (2015, Temmuz). Türkiye iltica ve göç mevzuatının coğrafi kısıtlama uygulaması yönünden analizi. Tesam Akademi Dergisi - Turkish Journal of TESAM Academy, 2(2), 65-79.
  • Piore, M. J. (1983). Labor market segmentation: To what paradigm does it belong? The American Economic Review, 73(2), 249–253.
  • Ravenstein, E. G. (1889). The laws of migration. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 52(2), 241–305.
  • Rothberg, M. (2014). Multidirectional memory in migratory settings: The case of post-Holocaust Germany. Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales, 123–145.
  • Rygiel, K., Baban, F., & Ilcan, S. (2016). The Syrian refugee crisis: The EU-Turkey ‘deal’and temporary protection. Global Social Policy, 16(3), 315–320.
  • Schmidt, M. G. (1987). West Germany: The policy of the middle way. Journal of Public Policy, 7(2), 135–177.
  • Skenderovic, D. (1945). Constructing Boundaries in a Multicultural Nation: The Discourse of ‘Overforeignization’in Switzerland. European Encounters: Migrants, Migration and European Societies
  • Since 1945, 186–209.
  • Spicka, M. E. (2013). City policy and guest workers in Stuttgart, 1955–1973. German History, 31(3), 345–365.
  • Uzun, A. A. (2015). Günümüzün sosyal ve ekonomik sorunu olan Suriyelilerin mülteci ve ekonomi hukuku bakımından değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 1.
  • Yavcan, B. (2016). On Governing the Syrian Refugee Crisis Collectively: The View from Turkey. Near Futures Online, 1(8), 201.
  • Yavuzekinci, M., & Gursoy, F. (2022). Concepts of Migration and Temporary Protection. Recent Research Studies In, 3.
  • Yeung, S. (2016). From cultural distance to skills deficits:“Expatriates,”“Migrants” and Swiss integration policy. Multilingua, 35(6), 723–746.
  • Zelinsky, W. (1971). The hypothesis of the mobility transition. Geographical Review, 219–249.
  • Zincone, G., & Caponio, T. (2006a). 10. The multilevel governance of migration. The Dynamics of International Migration and Settlement in Europe, 269.
  • Zincone, G., & Caponio, T. (2006b). Immigrant and immigration policy-making: The case of Italy. Amsterdam: IMISCOE Working Papers.

Comparative Analysis of Integration Policies in Switzerland, Germany, and Türkiye: Is Türkiye a Country of Immigration?

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 22 - 45, 07.03.2025


This article performs a comparative analysis to evaluate the importance of immigration policies by studying the experiences of Swiss, German, and Turkish immigration policies. As a relatively recent immigration destination, Türkiye faces challenges and the resultant struggles between regulating immigrants and public sentiments. The central objective of this exploration of past political dynamics aims to demonstrate the paths to be learned regarding policymaking for Türkiye, where Turkish experiences are not only new but are also marked by new legislation such as the 2013 Law on Foreigners and International Protection (YUKK). While YUKK regulates immigration, it does not offer integration policies. This analysis situates Türkiye’s immigration experiences in a broader context by looking at the successes and shortcomings of Swiss and German immigration policies. More importantly the study presents crucial insights for Türkiye’s policy framework, which views immigration as a temporary phenomenon. Nevertheless, the inception of the Syrian conflict in 2011 revealed Turkish society to have enacted significant public scrutiny regarding immigration. Turkish immigration experiences at this point in time overlook integrationist policies comparable to the past Swiss and German assumption that someday immigrants will return home. The analysis based on insulation theory shows that starting integration policies is the first step to Turks acknowledging their own country as an immigration country. The central question of the analysis is how Türkiye’s immigration policies have evolved to address long-term integration challenges by drawing on comparative lessons from Swiss and German immigration experiences. One important finding from the analysis is that the Turkish government relies on short-term regulative legislation similar to the historical Swiss and German immigration policies. This approach renders Türkiye unable to accept itself as a permanent immigration country, thereby underlining the importance of adopting comprehensive social integration policies.


  • Aka, H. B., & Özkural, N. (2015). Turkey and the European Union: A review of Turkey’s readmission agreement. The European Legacy, 20(3), 255–272.
  • Aksu, E., Erzan, R., & Kırdar, M. G. (2022). The impact of mass migration of Syrians on the Turkish labor market. Labour Economics, 76, 102183.
  • Barker-Ruchti, N., Barker, D., Sattler, S., Gerber, M., & Pühse, U. (2015). Second generation immigrant girls’ negotiations of cultural proximity in Switzerland: A Foucauldian reading. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16, 1213–1229.
  • Bauer, T., Larsen, C., & Matthiessen, P. C. (2004). Immigration policy and Danish and German immigration. Migrants, Work and the Welfare State, 31–74.
  • Baykal, S., & Yılmaz, L. (2020). Yabancılar ve uluslararası koruma kanunu ile göç idaresi bağlamında Türkiye’nin yeni göç siyaseti. Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 633–652.
  • Boenigk, S., Fisk, R., Kabadayi, S., Alkire, L., Cheung, L., Corus, C., Finsterwalder, J., Kreimer, A. A., Luca, N., & Omeira, M. (2021). Rethinking service systems and public policy: A transformative refugee service experience framework. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40(2), 165–183.
  • Borkert, M., & Bosswick, W. (2011). The case of Germany. Migration Policymaking in Europe, 95.
  • Casarico, A., Facchini, G., & Frattini, T. (2015). Illegal immigration: Policy perspectives and challenges. CESifo Economic Studies, 61(3–4), 673–700.
  • Christin, T., & Trechsel, A. H. (2002). Joining the EU? Explaining public opinion in Switzerland. European Union Politics, 3(4), 415–443.
  • Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Suriye Devlet Başkanı Esad ile ailece görüşebiliriz. (2024, June 28). Euronews. esad-ile-ailece-gorusebiliriz
  • Davy, U. (2005). Integration of immigrants in Germany: A slowly evolving concept. Eur. J. Migration & L., 7, 123.
  • De Bruycker, P. (2022). The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: What it is not and what it could have been. 33–42.
  • De Haas, H. (2021). A theory of migration: The aspirations-capabilities framework. Comparative Migration Studies, 9(1), 8.
  • Eatwell, R., & Mudde, C. (2004). Western democracies and the new extreme right challenge. Routledge London.
  • Ellermann, A. (2021). The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choicesin Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Fagetti, G. (2016). Die Überfremdungs-und Integrationspolitik in der Schweiz (1900-Gegenwart): Ein echter Paradigmenwechsel im Laufe eines Jahrhunderts?
  • Feindt, G. (2017). From ‘flight and expulsion’to migration: Contextualizing German victims of forced migration. European Review of History: Revue Européenne d’histoire, 24(4), 552–577.
  • Fischer, A., Nicolet, S., & Sciarini, P. (2002). Europeanisation of a non-EU country: The case of Swiss immigration policy. West European Politics, 25(4), 143–170.
  • Givens, T. E. (2022). Post-War Transitions: The Conflation of Immigration and Race. In The Roots of Racism (pp. 62–74). Bristol University Press.
  • Glynn, I. (2012). The genesis and development of Article 1 of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Journal of Refugee Studies, 25(1), 134–148.
  • Gokcekuyu, E. (2023). The Effects of Populism on Muslim Minorities: How Politicians’ Distrust in Islam Affects Muslim Attitudes Towards Violence in the Netherlands? Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 6(2), 159–173.
  • Göç İdaresi Bakanlığı (2024).
  • Göksel, G. U. (2015). Post-Immigration Policies in Turkey: Integration versus Harmonization. 76–82.
  • Green, S. (2013). Germany: A changing country of immigration. German Politics, 22(3), 333–351.
  • Gross, D. M. (2006). Immigration policy and foreign population in Switzerland (Vol. 3853). World Bank Publications.
  • Gurieva, L. K., & Dzhioev, A. V. (2015). Economic theories of labor migration. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6), S7.
  • Halla, M., Wagner, A. F., & Zweimüller, J. (2012). Immigration and voting for the extreme right. Working paper.
  • Heck, G., & Hess, S. (2017). Tracing the effects of the EU-Turkey Deal. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 3(2), 35–56.
  • Heifetz, I., & Jaffe, P. G. (2023). Exploring the impact of industrialization on social mobility in rural com-munities: Towards inclusive and sustainable economic transformation. Law and Economics, 17(3), 218–236.
  • Hoffmann-Nowotny, H.-J. (1995). Switzerland: A non-immigration immigration country. The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, 302–307.
  • Hotzy, F., Hengartner, M. P., Hoff, P., Jaeger, M., & Theodoridou, A. (2019). Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics associated with involuntary admissions in Switzerland between 2008 and 2016: An observational cohort study before and after implementation of the new legislation. European Psychiatry, 59, 70–76.
  • Immergut, E. M. (2010). Political institutions. The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, 227–240.
  • Implementation of Türkiye-EU Agreement of 18 March 2016. (n.d.). Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Kahanec, M., & Zimmermann, K. F. (2011). High-skilled immigration policy in Europe. BR Chiswick, High-Skilled Immigration in a Globalized Labor Market, American Enterprise Institute, Washington DC, 264–314.
  • Kalicki, K. (2020). Trading liberty: Assisted repatriation in liberal democracies. Government and Opposition, 55(4), 711–731.
  • Kaya, R. (2024, July 1). Kayseri’de çocuğa cinsel istismarda bulunduğu gerekçesiyle yakalanan Suriyeli zanlı tutuklandı. anadoluajans. cinsel-istismarda-bulundugu-gerekcesiyle-yakalanan-suriyeli-zanli-tutuklandi/3262946
  • Kirişci, K. (2007). Turkey: A country of transition from emigration to immigration. Mediterranean Politics, 12(1), 91–97.
  • Kır, M. (2017). A Reconsideration of Turkey’s Geographical Limitation to the 1951 Geneva Convention.
  • Kohlmeier, M., Heine, J., Mananashvili, S., & Hecht, H. (2006, February). 2005 Policy Analysis Report on Migration and Asylum. German National Contact Point of the European Migration Network. Retrieved from
  • Leumann, C. (2021). Swiss Science: Quo Vadis after Exclusion from the European Framework Program? Chimia, 75(9), 810–811.
  • Long, K. (2013). When refugees stopped being migrants: Movement, labour and humanitarian protection. Migration Studies, 1(1), 4–26.
  • Martin, P. L. (2002). Germany: Managing migration in the 21st century.
  • Mayer, K. B. (1965). Postwar migration from Italy to Switzerland. The International Migration Digest, 2(1), 5–13.
  • Memişoğlu, F., & Yavçan, B. (2022). Beyond ideology-a comparative analysis of how local governance can expand national integration policy: The case of Syrian refugees in Istanbul. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(3), 503–523.
  • Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu: Esad ile çalışmayı değerlendirebiliriz. (2018, December 16). Milligazete.
  • Muftuler-Bac, M. (2022). Externalization of migration governance, Turkey’s migration regime, and the protection of the European Union’s external borders. Turkish Studies, 23(2), 290–316.
  • Nagle, J. D. (1970). The National Democratic Party: Right Radicalism in the Federal Republic of Germany. Univ of California Press.
  • O’Laughlin, B. (2021). Making People’s ‘Surplus Population’ In Southern Africa. Reclaiming Development Studies, 113.
  • Parlak, B., & Şahin, A. U. (2015, Temmuz). Türkiye iltica ve göç mevzuatının coğrafi kısıtlama uygulaması yönünden analizi. Tesam Akademi Dergisi - Turkish Journal of TESAM Academy, 2(2), 65-79.
  • Piore, M. J. (1983). Labor market segmentation: To what paradigm does it belong? The American Economic Review, 73(2), 249–253.
  • Ravenstein, E. G. (1889). The laws of migration. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 52(2), 241–305.
  • Rothberg, M. (2014). Multidirectional memory in migratory settings: The case of post-Holocaust Germany. Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales, 123–145.
  • Rygiel, K., Baban, F., & Ilcan, S. (2016). The Syrian refugee crisis: The EU-Turkey ‘deal’and temporary protection. Global Social Policy, 16(3), 315–320.
  • Schmidt, M. G. (1987). West Germany: The policy of the middle way. Journal of Public Policy, 7(2), 135–177.
  • Skenderovic, D. (1945). Constructing Boundaries in a Multicultural Nation: The Discourse of ‘Overforeignization’in Switzerland. European Encounters: Migrants, Migration and European Societies
  • Since 1945, 186–209.
  • Spicka, M. E. (2013). City policy and guest workers in Stuttgart, 1955–1973. German History, 31(3), 345–365.
  • Uzun, A. A. (2015). Günümüzün sosyal ve ekonomik sorunu olan Suriyelilerin mülteci ve ekonomi hukuku bakımından değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 1.
  • Yavcan, B. (2016). On Governing the Syrian Refugee Crisis Collectively: The View from Turkey. Near Futures Online, 1(8), 201.
  • Yavuzekinci, M., & Gursoy, F. (2022). Concepts of Migration and Temporary Protection. Recent Research Studies In, 3.
  • Yeung, S. (2016). From cultural distance to skills deficits:“Expatriates,”“Migrants” and Swiss integration policy. Multilingua, 35(6), 723–746.
  • Zelinsky, W. (1971). The hypothesis of the mobility transition. Geographical Review, 219–249.
  • Zincone, G., & Caponio, T. (2006a). 10. The multilevel governance of migration. The Dynamics of International Migration and Settlement in Europe, 269.
  • Zincone, G., & Caponio, T. (2006b). Immigrant and immigration policy-making: The case of Italy. Amsterdam: IMISCOE Working Papers.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ertuğrul Gökçekuyu 0000-0001-5037-499X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökçekuyu, E. (2025). Comparative Analysis of Integration Policies in Switzerland, Germany, and Türkiye: Is Türkiye a Country of Immigration?. İnsan Ve Toplum, 15(1), 22-45.