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A Qualitative Research on Online Complaints

Yıl 2022, , 391 - 410, 31.12.2022


Customers intensely voice their complaints about product/service dissatisfaction online and
offline. For organisations, these complaints provide an opportunity to strengthen their
relations with customers. Organisations strengthen both their product/service content, their
interactions, ties with their stakeholders by evaluating and resolving the complaints addressed
to them. Listening to customers and providing answers during the complaint management
process will also positively affect the organisational reputation. In order to ensure customer
loyalty, maintain the positive relationship with the stakeholders or change the negative
relationship complaint management process should be taken into consideration by the

organisations. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the complaints on the website and to analyse the prominent themes in these complaints. The complaints
against the two companies operating in the e-commerce and transportation sectors and with
the highest number of complaints were analysed through the MAXQDA 2020 program based
on the document analysis technique. According to the results of the research, the themes such
as “product or service problems”, “technical problems”, “customer services”, “failure to
delivery of the cargo to the receiver”, “delivery problems” and “not paying attention to the
cargo” became prominent. In both sectors, it was determined that women reported more
complaints than men.


  • Altheide, D., Coyle, M., DeVriese, K., & Schneider, C. (2008). Emergent Qualitative Document Analysis. S. N. Hesse-Biber and P. Leavy (Ed.), Handbook of Emergent Methods (pp. 127-151). Guilford Press.
  • Alvarez, L. S., Casielles, R., & Martín, A. (2011). Analysis of the Role of Complaint Management in the Context of Relationship Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 27(1-2), 143-164.
  • Au, N., Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2014). Online Complaining Behavior in Mainland China Hotels: The Perception of Chinese and Non-Chinese Customers. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 15(3), 248-274.
  • Bell, S. J., & Luddington, J. A. (2006). Coping With Customer Complaints. Journal of Service Research, 8(3), 221-233.
  • Bell, S. J., Mengüç, B., & Stefani, S. L. (2004). When Customers Disappoint: A Model of Relational Internal Marketing and Customer Complaints. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(2), 112-126.
  • Ben Youssef, K., Leicht, T., & Marongiu, L. (2019). Storytelling in the Context of Destination Marketing: An Analysis of Conceptualisations and Impact Measurement. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27(8), 696-713.
  • Bickart, B., & Schindler, R. (2001). Internet Forums as Influential Sources of Consumer Information. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(3), 31-40.
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Cambra-Fierro, J., Melero-Polo, I., & Sese, F. J. (2016). Can Complaint-Handling Efforts Promote Customer Engagement?. Service Business, 10(4), 847-866.
  • Carney, S. (1996). Westminster City Council: Improving Quality Through Complaint Management. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 6(4), 20-22.
  • Chu, S. C., & Kim, J. (2018). The Current State of Knowledge on Electronic Word-Of-Mouth in Advertising Research. International Journal of Advertising, 37(1), 1-13.
  • Connelly, L. M. (2016). Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research. Medsurg Nursing, 25(6), 435-437. Retrieved from
  • Cook, S. (2012). Complaint Management Excellence: Creating Customer Loyalty Through Service Recovery. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Cook, S., & Macaulay, S. (1997). Practical Steps to Empowered Complaint Management. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 7(1), 39-42.
  • Davidow, M. (2003). Organizational Responses to Customer Complaints: What Works and What Doesn’t. Journal of Service Research, 5(3), 225-250.
  • Dick, A. S., & Basu, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dooley, L. M. (2002). Case Study Research and Theory Building. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(3), 335-354.
  • Doyle, C. (2011). A Dictionary of Marketing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Duff, P. A., & Anderson, T. (2015). Case-Study Research. J. D. Brown and C. Coombe (Ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Research in Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 112-118). Cambridge University Press.
  • Einwiller, S. A., & Steilen, S. (2015). Handling Complaints on Social Network Sites–An Analysis of Complaints and Complaint Responses on Facebook and Twitter Pages Of Large US Companies. Public Relations Review, 41(2), 195-204.
  • Ellinger, A. D., Watkins, K., & Marsick, V. (2005). Case Study Research Methods. R. A. Swanson and E. Holton (Ed.), Research in Organizations: Foundations and Methods of Inquiry (pp. 327-350). Berret-Koehler Publishers.
  • Felbermayr, A., & Nanopoulos, A. (2016). The Role of Emotions for the Perceived Usefulness in Online Customer Reviews. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 36, 60-76.
  • Forero, R., Nahidi, S., De Costa, J., Mohsin, M., Fitzgerald, G., Gibson, N., & Aboagye-Sarfo, P. (2018). Application of Four-Dimension Criteria to Assess Rigour of Qualitative Research in Emergency Medicine. BMC Health Services Research, 18(120), 1-1.
  • Fornell, C., & Wernerfelt, B. (1987). Defensive Marketing Strategy by Customer Complaint Management: A Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 24(4), 337–346.
  • Grady, M. P. (1998). Qualitative and Action Research: A Practitioner Handbook. USA: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
  • Gruber, T., Szmigin, I., & Voss, R. (2009). Developing a Deeper Understanding of the Attributes of Effective Customer Contact Employees in Personal Complaint‐Handling Encounters. Journal of Services Marketing, 23(6), 422–435.
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K., Walsh, G., & Gremler, D. (2004). Electronic Word-of-Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers to Articulate Themselves on the İnternet? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(1), 38–52.
  • Hsiao, Y. H., Chen, L. F., Choy, Y. L., & Su, C. T. (2016). A Novel Framework for Customer Complaint Management. The Service Industries Journal, 36(13-14), 675-698.
  • adresine 21-29 Şubat 2021 tarihleri arasında alınmıştır.
  • Jin, L. (2010). Determinants of Customers’ Complaint Intention. Nankai Business Review International, 1(1), 87-99.
  • Knox, G., & van Oest, R. (2014). Customer Complaints and Recovery Effectiveness: A Customer Base Approach. Journal of Marketing, 78(5), 42-57.
  • Lee, Y. L., & Song, S. (2010). An Empirical Investigation of Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Informational Motive and Corporate Response Strategy. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(5), 1073-1080.
  • Lock, I., & Seele, P. (2018). Gauging the Rigor of Qualitative Case Studies in Comparative Lobbying Research. A Framework and Guideline for Research and Analysis. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(4), 1-5.
  • Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. (2016). Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • Moore, T. S., Lapan, S., & Quartaroli, M. (2012). Case Study Research. S. D. Lapan, M. T. Quartaroli ve F. J. Riemer (Eds.), Qualitative Research: An Introductiont to Methods and Design (pp. 243-270). Jossey-Bass.
  • Ogbeide, G. C., Böser, S., Harrinton, R., & Ottenbacher, M. (2017). Complaint Management in Hospitality Organizations: The Role of Empowerment and Other Service Recovery Attributes Impacting Loyalty and Satisfaction. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(2), 204-216.
  • Park, C., & Lee, T. (2009). Information Direction, Website Reputation and Ewom Effect: A Moderating Role of Product Type. Journal of Business Research, 62(1), 61-67.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1999). Enhancing the Quality and Credibility of Qualitative Analysis. Health Services Research, 24(5), 1189-1208. Retrieved from ttps://
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods (3rd ed.). Sage.
  • QuiÖntão, C., Andrade, P., & Almeida, F. (2020). How to Improve the Validity and Reliability of a Case Study Approach. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(2), 264-275.
  • Ren, L., Zhang, H., & Ye, B. (2015). Understanding Customer Satisfaction With Budget Hotels Through Online Comments: Evidence From Home İnns in China. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(1), 45-62.
  • Richins, M., & Root-Shaffer, T. (1988). The Role of Involvement and Opinion Leadership in Consumer Word-of-Mouth: An Implicit Model Made Explicit. Advances in Consumer Research(15), 32–36. Retrieved from
  • Roller, M. R., & Lavrakas, P. (2015). Applied Qualitative Research Design: A Total Quality Framework Approach (1st ed.). The Guilford Press.
  • Safman, R. M., & Sobal, J. (2004). Qualitative Sample Extensiveness in Health Education Research. Health Education & Behavior, 31(1), 9-21.
  • Schoch, K. (2019). Case Study Research. In G. J. Burkholder, K. A. Cox, L. M. Crawford ve J. H. Hitchcock (Eds), Research Design and Methods: An Applied Guide for the Scholar-Practitioner (pp. 245-258). Sage.
  • Sharma, G. (2017). Pros and Cons of Different Sampling Techniques. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(7), 749-752. Retrieved from
  • Shenton, A. K. (2004). Strategies for Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research Projects. Education for Information(22), 63-75.
  • Soares, A. M., Pinho, J., & Nobre, H. (2012). From Social to Marketing Interactions: The Role of Social Networks. Journal of Transnational Management, 17(1), 45-62.
  • Stauss, B., & Seidel, W. (2019). Effective Complaint Management: The Business Case For Customer Satisfaction (1st ed.). Switzerland: Springer.
  • Stokes, D., & Lomax, W. (2002). Taking Control of Word of Mouth Marketing: The Case of an Entrepreneurial Hotelier. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9(4), 349-357.
  • Sutton, J., & Austin, Z. (2015). Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management. The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 68(3), 226-231.
  • Thomas, D. R. (2003). A general Inductive Approach for Qualitative Data Analysis. Retrieved from
  • Ticaret Bakanlığı Tüketicinin Korunması ve Piyasa Gözetimi Genel Müdürlüğü. (2021). 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun ve İkincil Mevzuatı.
  • Vos, J. F. J., Huitema, G. B., & de Lange‐Ros, E. (2008). How Organisations Can Learn From Complaints. The TQM Journal, 20(1), 8-17.
  • Wang, S., Cunningham, N., & Eastin, M. (2015). The Impact of Ewom Message Characteristics on the Perceived Effectiveness of Online Consumer Reviews. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 15(2), 151-159.
  • Williams, M., & Moser, T. (2019). The Art of Coding and Thematic Exploration in Qualitative Research. International Management Review, 15(1), 45-55. Retrieved from
  • Yin, R. K. (2012). Applications of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Yin, R. K. (2016). Qualitative Research from Start to Finish (2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.

Çevrim İçi Şikâyetler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2022, , 391 - 410, 31.12.2022


Müşteriler ürün/hizmet memnuniyetsizliğine yönelik şikâyetlerini çevrim içi ve çevrim dışı olarak yoğun bir şekilde dile getirmektedir. Kurumlar açısından söz konusu şikâyetler müşteriler ile olan ilişkilerini pekiştirme yönünde bir fırsat sunmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle kurumlar kendilerine yöneltilen şikâyetleri değerlendirerek ve çözüme kavuşturarak hem ürün/hizmet içeriklerini hem de paydaşları ile olan etkileşimlerini ve bağlarını güçlendirmektedir. Şikâyet yönetimi sürecinde müşterileri dinlemek ve müşterilere çözümler sunmak kurum itibarını olumlu bir şekilde etkileyecektir. Müşteri sadakatini sağlamak, paydaşlar ile olan olumlu ilişkiyi sürekli kılmak ya da olumsuz ilişkiyi değiştirebilmek adına şikâyet yönetimi süreci kurumlar açısından dikkate alınması gereken bir süreçtir. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın amacı sitesindeki şikâyetleri değerlendirmek ve bu şikâyetlerde öne çıkan temaları incelemektir. Bahsi geçen amaç doğrultusunda e-ticaret ile taşımacılık sektörlerinde faaliyet gösteren ve şikâyet sayısı en fazla olan kurumlardan iki kuruma yönelik şikâyetler doküman analizi tekniğinden hareketle MAXQDA 2020 programı aracılığı ile incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre incelenen sektörlerde “ürün ya da hizmet sorunları”, “teknik sorunlar”, “müşteri hizmetleri”, “kargonun alıcıya teslim edilmemesi”, “dağıtım sorunları” ve “kargoya özen gösterilmemesi” gibi temalar ön plana çıkmıştır. Her iki sektörde de kadınların erkeklere kıyasla daha fazla sayıda şikâyet bildiriminde bulundukları belirlenmiştir.


  • Altheide, D., Coyle, M., DeVriese, K., & Schneider, C. (2008). Emergent Qualitative Document Analysis. S. N. Hesse-Biber and P. Leavy (Ed.), Handbook of Emergent Methods (pp. 127-151). Guilford Press.
  • Alvarez, L. S., Casielles, R., & Martín, A. (2011). Analysis of the Role of Complaint Management in the Context of Relationship Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 27(1-2), 143-164.
  • Au, N., Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2014). Online Complaining Behavior in Mainland China Hotels: The Perception of Chinese and Non-Chinese Customers. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 15(3), 248-274.
  • Bell, S. J., & Luddington, J. A. (2006). Coping With Customer Complaints. Journal of Service Research, 8(3), 221-233.
  • Bell, S. J., Mengüç, B., & Stefani, S. L. (2004). When Customers Disappoint: A Model of Relational Internal Marketing and Customer Complaints. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(2), 112-126.
  • Ben Youssef, K., Leicht, T., & Marongiu, L. (2019). Storytelling in the Context of Destination Marketing: An Analysis of Conceptualisations and Impact Measurement. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27(8), 696-713.
  • Bickart, B., & Schindler, R. (2001). Internet Forums as Influential Sources of Consumer Information. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(3), 31-40.
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Cambra-Fierro, J., Melero-Polo, I., & Sese, F. J. (2016). Can Complaint-Handling Efforts Promote Customer Engagement?. Service Business, 10(4), 847-866.
  • Carney, S. (1996). Westminster City Council: Improving Quality Through Complaint Management. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 6(4), 20-22.
  • Chu, S. C., & Kim, J. (2018). The Current State of Knowledge on Electronic Word-Of-Mouth in Advertising Research. International Journal of Advertising, 37(1), 1-13.
  • Connelly, L. M. (2016). Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research. Medsurg Nursing, 25(6), 435-437. Retrieved from
  • Cook, S. (2012). Complaint Management Excellence: Creating Customer Loyalty Through Service Recovery. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Cook, S., & Macaulay, S. (1997). Practical Steps to Empowered Complaint Management. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 7(1), 39-42.
  • Davidow, M. (2003). Organizational Responses to Customer Complaints: What Works and What Doesn’t. Journal of Service Research, 5(3), 225-250.
  • Dick, A. S., & Basu, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dooley, L. M. (2002). Case Study Research and Theory Building. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(3), 335-354.
  • Doyle, C. (2011). A Dictionary of Marketing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Duff, P. A., & Anderson, T. (2015). Case-Study Research. J. D. Brown and C. Coombe (Ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Research in Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 112-118). Cambridge University Press.
  • Einwiller, S. A., & Steilen, S. (2015). Handling Complaints on Social Network Sites–An Analysis of Complaints and Complaint Responses on Facebook and Twitter Pages Of Large US Companies. Public Relations Review, 41(2), 195-204.
  • Ellinger, A. D., Watkins, K., & Marsick, V. (2005). Case Study Research Methods. R. A. Swanson and E. Holton (Ed.), Research in Organizations: Foundations and Methods of Inquiry (pp. 327-350). Berret-Koehler Publishers.
  • Felbermayr, A., & Nanopoulos, A. (2016). The Role of Emotions for the Perceived Usefulness in Online Customer Reviews. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 36, 60-76.
  • Forero, R., Nahidi, S., De Costa, J., Mohsin, M., Fitzgerald, G., Gibson, N., & Aboagye-Sarfo, P. (2018). Application of Four-Dimension Criteria to Assess Rigour of Qualitative Research in Emergency Medicine. BMC Health Services Research, 18(120), 1-1.
  • Fornell, C., & Wernerfelt, B. (1987). Defensive Marketing Strategy by Customer Complaint Management: A Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 24(4), 337–346.
  • Grady, M. P. (1998). Qualitative and Action Research: A Practitioner Handbook. USA: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
  • Gruber, T., Szmigin, I., & Voss, R. (2009). Developing a Deeper Understanding of the Attributes of Effective Customer Contact Employees in Personal Complaint‐Handling Encounters. Journal of Services Marketing, 23(6), 422–435.
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K., Walsh, G., & Gremler, D. (2004). Electronic Word-of-Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers to Articulate Themselves on the İnternet? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(1), 38–52.
  • Hsiao, Y. H., Chen, L. F., Choy, Y. L., & Su, C. T. (2016). A Novel Framework for Customer Complaint Management. The Service Industries Journal, 36(13-14), 675-698.
  • adresine 21-29 Şubat 2021 tarihleri arasında alınmıştır.
  • Jin, L. (2010). Determinants of Customers’ Complaint Intention. Nankai Business Review International, 1(1), 87-99.
  • Knox, G., & van Oest, R. (2014). Customer Complaints and Recovery Effectiveness: A Customer Base Approach. Journal of Marketing, 78(5), 42-57.
  • Lee, Y. L., & Song, S. (2010). An Empirical Investigation of Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Informational Motive and Corporate Response Strategy. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(5), 1073-1080.
  • Lock, I., & Seele, P. (2018). Gauging the Rigor of Qualitative Case Studies in Comparative Lobbying Research. A Framework and Guideline for Research and Analysis. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(4), 1-5.
  • Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. (2016). Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • Moore, T. S., Lapan, S., & Quartaroli, M. (2012). Case Study Research. S. D. Lapan, M. T. Quartaroli ve F. J. Riemer (Eds.), Qualitative Research: An Introductiont to Methods and Design (pp. 243-270). Jossey-Bass.
  • Ogbeide, G. C., Böser, S., Harrinton, R., & Ottenbacher, M. (2017). Complaint Management in Hospitality Organizations: The Role of Empowerment and Other Service Recovery Attributes Impacting Loyalty and Satisfaction. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(2), 204-216.
  • Park, C., & Lee, T. (2009). Information Direction, Website Reputation and Ewom Effect: A Moderating Role of Product Type. Journal of Business Research, 62(1), 61-67.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1999). Enhancing the Quality and Credibility of Qualitative Analysis. Health Services Research, 24(5), 1189-1208. Retrieved from ttps://
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods (3rd ed.). Sage.
  • QuiÖntão, C., Andrade, P., & Almeida, F. (2020). How to Improve the Validity and Reliability of a Case Study Approach. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(2), 264-275.
  • Ren, L., Zhang, H., & Ye, B. (2015). Understanding Customer Satisfaction With Budget Hotels Through Online Comments: Evidence From Home İnns in China. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(1), 45-62.
  • Richins, M., & Root-Shaffer, T. (1988). The Role of Involvement and Opinion Leadership in Consumer Word-of-Mouth: An Implicit Model Made Explicit. Advances in Consumer Research(15), 32–36. Retrieved from
  • Roller, M. R., & Lavrakas, P. (2015). Applied Qualitative Research Design: A Total Quality Framework Approach (1st ed.). The Guilford Press.
  • Safman, R. M., & Sobal, J. (2004). Qualitative Sample Extensiveness in Health Education Research. Health Education & Behavior, 31(1), 9-21.
  • Schoch, K. (2019). Case Study Research. In G. J. Burkholder, K. A. Cox, L. M. Crawford ve J. H. Hitchcock (Eds), Research Design and Methods: An Applied Guide for the Scholar-Practitioner (pp. 245-258). Sage.
  • Sharma, G. (2017). Pros and Cons of Different Sampling Techniques. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(7), 749-752. Retrieved from
  • Shenton, A. K. (2004). Strategies for Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research Projects. Education for Information(22), 63-75.
  • Soares, A. M., Pinho, J., & Nobre, H. (2012). From Social to Marketing Interactions: The Role of Social Networks. Journal of Transnational Management, 17(1), 45-62.
  • Stauss, B., & Seidel, W. (2019). Effective Complaint Management: The Business Case For Customer Satisfaction (1st ed.). Switzerland: Springer.
  • Stokes, D., & Lomax, W. (2002). Taking Control of Word of Mouth Marketing: The Case of an Entrepreneurial Hotelier. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9(4), 349-357.
  • Sutton, J., & Austin, Z. (2015). Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management. The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 68(3), 226-231.
  • Thomas, D. R. (2003). A general Inductive Approach for Qualitative Data Analysis. Retrieved from
  • Ticaret Bakanlığı Tüketicinin Korunması ve Piyasa Gözetimi Genel Müdürlüğü. (2021). 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun ve İkincil Mevzuatı.
  • Vos, J. F. J., Huitema, G. B., & de Lange‐Ros, E. (2008). How Organisations Can Learn From Complaints. The TQM Journal, 20(1), 8-17.
  • Wang, S., Cunningham, N., & Eastin, M. (2015). The Impact of Ewom Message Characteristics on the Perceived Effectiveness of Online Consumer Reviews. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 15(2), 151-159.
  • Williams, M., & Moser, T. (2019). The Art of Coding and Thematic Exploration in Qualitative Research. International Management Review, 15(1), 45-55. Retrieved from
  • Yin, R. K. (2012). Applications of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Yin, R. K. (2016). Qualitative Research from Start to Finish (2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nurcan Yılmaz 0000-0003-4707-857X

Özgür Kılınç 0000-0002-8697-162X

Ozan Kocabaş 0000-0003-4966-7730

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, N., Kılınç, Ö., & Kocabaş, O. (2022). Çevrim İçi Şikâyetler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma. Intermedia International E-Journal, 9(17), 391-410.

Creative Commons Lisansı Intermedia International E-journal

Bu eser Creative Commons Alıntı-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.