Bu makale, 17 bağımsız toplumun politik organizasyonunu ve uygun standartlar ile hizmetlerin koordinasyonu yönündeki adımları dikkate alarak, İspanya'daki erken çocukluk müdahalesinin durumunu açıklamaktadır. Erken çocukluk müdahalesinin yasal temellerinin yanı sıra işbirliğinin gerekliliği vurgulanarak farklı kuruluşlar (sağlık, sosyal ve eğitim) tanımlanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, GAT/Real Patronato Sobre Discapacidad (2005) tarafında hazırlanan "Erken Müdahalenin Teknik İncelemesi" İspanya'daki hizmet çeşitliliği ve yapısını tek çatı altında toplama için önemli bir girişim olarak kabul edilebilir.
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Gutiez Cuevas, P. (2005). Atención Temprana: Prevención, Detección E Intervención En El Desarrollo (0-6) Y Sus Alteraciones. Madrid: Editorial Complutense.
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This paper describes the situation of ECI in Spain, taking into account the political organisation in 17 "autonomous" communities and steps towards comparable standards and coordination of services. Alongside with the legal basis of ECI diverse bodies (health, social and education) are described, highlighting the need of coordination. Within this context the "White paper on Early Intervention" by the GAT/Real Patronato Sobre Discapacidad (2005) can be seen as one major attempt, to create a "covering roof" within a diversity of services and structures in Spain.
Alonso Seco, J. M. (1997). Atención temprana. In: Realizaciones sobre discapacidad en España. Madrid: Real Patronato de Prevención y de Atención a Personas con Minusvalía.
Declaration of Alma-Ata of the UN (1978). Available on the http://www.righttohealthcare.org/Docs/DocumentsC.htm website, (retrieved 26.7.2010)
Declaration of the Rights of the Child, United Nations (UN) (1959). Available on the http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/UN-declaration/ website, (retrieved 26.7.2010)
Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, UN (1971). Available on the http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/t1drmrp.htm website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
European Charter of Children's Rights (1992). Available on the http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/alderson/ website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights (1996). Available on the http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/Treaties/Html/160.htm website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Grupo de atencón temprana (2000). Libro blanco de la Atención Temprana [White Paper on Early Assessment] Real Patronato de Prevención y de Atención a Personas con Minusvalía. Document Collection 55/2000.
Guralnick, M.J., & Bennett, F.C. (1987). Early intervention for at-risk and handicapped children: Current and future perspectives. In M. J. Guralnick & F.C. Bennett (Eds.), The effectiveness of early intervention for at-risk and handicapped children (pp. 365–382). New York: Academic Press
Gutiez Cuevas, P. (2005). Atención Temprana: Prevención, Detección E Intervención En El Desarrollo (0-6) Y Sus Alteraciones. Madrid: Editorial Complutense.
Law on Child and Adolescent Care Councils (1999). Available on the http://tv_mav.cnice.mec.es/pdf/Plan_Estrat_Inf_Ad.pdf website (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Law on Cohesion and Quality of the National Health System (2003). Available on the http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Admin/l16-2003.html website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Ley de Integración de Minusválidos (1982). Available on the http://www.lismi.es/website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación (2006). Available on the http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Admin/lo2-2006.html website (Law on Education), (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Ley Orgánica General del Sistema Educativo (LOGSE) (1990). Available on the http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_Org%C3%A1nica_de_Ordenaci%C3%B3n_Ge neral_del_Sistema_Educativo_de_Espa%C3%B1a website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Ley salud (1986). Available on the http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Admin/l14-1986.html website (retrieved 26.7..2010).
Organic Law Regulating the Right to Education (1985). Available on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_Law_(Spain) website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Organic Law on Legal Protection of Minors (1996). Available on the http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Privado/lo1-1996.html website (retrieved 26.7.2010).
The Spanish Consitution (1978). Available on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Constitution_of_1978 website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons, UN (1982). Available on the http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/37/a37r052.htm website, (retrieved 26.7.2010).
Zamarriego, J. y Arizcun, J. (1981). “Introducción al Simposium Internacional sobre Experiencias y Resultados en Programas de Prevención de la Subnormalidad”. Libro de Actas, 20-41. Madrid
Gutãez, P. (2010). Early Childhood Intervention in Spain: Standard needs and changes. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 2(2), 136-148. https://doi.org/10.20489/intjecse.107965