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Field : Sport Sciences, Sport Psychology Type : Research Article

Yıl 2016, Cilt 4 - Sayı 1, 1 - 13, 26.03.2016



  • Bahram A, Shafizadeh M, Khalaji H, Sanatkaran A (2002). Determining the Validity and
  • Reliability of the Sport Orientations Scale. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, Physical
  • Education and Sport Sciences Institute.
  • Black SJ, Weiss MR (1992). The relationship among perceived coaching behaviors,
  • perceptions of ability, and motivation in competitive age-group swimmers. Journal of Sport
  • and Exercise Psychology, 14, 309-325
  • Frey M, Czech DR, Kent RG, Johnson M (2006). An Exploration of Female Athletes
  • Experiences and Perceptions of Male and Female Coaches. The Sports Journals. Retrieved
  • June, 27, 2011. From article/exploration-female-athleteexperiences
  • and perceptions.
  • Geme L (2010). Perceived Autonomy Support, Basic Needs Satisfaction, Motivation
  • Regulation and Well-Being: Verification of Self-Determination Theory in Dancers in Finland.
  • Master Thesis. University of Jyväskylä.
  • Gill DL (1986). Competitiveness among females and males in physical activity classes. Sex
  • Roles, 15, 243- 257.
  • Gill DL, Deeter TE (1988). Development of the Sport Orientation Questionnaire Research
  • Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 59(3), 191-202. Retrieved from
  • Gould D, Carson S (2011). Young athletes perceptions of the relationship between coaching
  • behaviors and developmental experiences International Journal of Coaching Science 5 (2) ,
  • -29
  • Haggar MS, Chatzisarantis NLD, Harris J (2006) From Psychological Need Satisfaction to
  • Intentional Behavior: Testing a Motivational Sequence in Two Behavioral Contexts.
  • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 32 (2) pp 131-148
  • Hollembeak J, Amorose AJ (2005). Perceived coaching behaviours and college athletes’
  • intrinsic motivation: A test of Self-Determination Theory. Journal of Applied Sport
  • Psychology, 17, 20-36.
  • Hassandra M, Goudas M, Chroni S (2003). Examining Factors Associated with Intrinsic
  • Motivation in Physical Education: a qualitative approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise,
  • : 211-223.
  • Jowett S, Paull G, Pensgaard (2005). “Coach-athlete relationship”. Applying sport
  • psychology. Champaign , IL: Human Kinetics. PP:153-170.
  • Kashef MM, Mazyari M, Ameri MHS. (2012). The Relationship between support behaviours
  • of physical education teachers and a motivation of students in physical education activities at
  • schools. The Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan, Oct 24-28, pp:426-432.
  • Leo FM, Sanchez PA, Sanchez D, Amado D, Calvo TG (2009). Influence of the Motivational
  • Climate Created by Coach in the Sport Commitment in Youth basketball Players. Faculty of
  • Sports Sciences. University of Extremadura.
  • Lewthwaite R, Wulf G (2012). Motor learning through a motivational lens . In A.M.
  • Williams, & N.J. Hodges (Eds.). Skill acquisition in sport: research, theory, and practice (p.
  • -192). New York: Rutledge.
  • Lirgg CD, Dibrezzo R, Smith AN (1994). Influence of gender of coach on perceptions of
  • basketball and coaching self-efficacy and aspirations of high school female basketball players.
  • Women, Sport, and Physical Activity Journal, 3, 1-14.
  • Marsh (1994). Sport motivation orientations: Beware of jingle-jangle fallacies. Journal of
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16, 365-380.
  • MacDonald DJ (2010). The Role of Enjoyment, Motivational Climate, and Coach Training in
  • Promoting the Positive Development of Young Athletes. Kinesiology & Health Studies
  • Graduate Theses Queen’s Theses and Dissertation.
  • Medwechuk N, Crossman J (1994) Effects of gender bias on the evaluation of male and
  • female swim coaches Perceptual and Motor Skills , 78, 163-169
  • Mazyari M, Kashef MM, Ameri MHS, Araghi M (2012). Student's Amotivation in physical
  • education activities and teacher's social support. Word Applied Sciences Journal, 20 : 1570-
  • Maziyari M (2012). The Relationship Between Social Support of Physical Education Teachers
  • and Lack of Motivation of Students to Take part in School Physical Activities. Master’s thesis,
  • Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department of Urmiah University.
  • Mir Husseini SMA, Hadavi F, Mozafari A (2012). Validity and Reliability of the Sport
  • Commitment Model for Athletic University Students. Sport Management Studies, no. 15: 121-
  • Norouzi Seyyed Husseini R, Fathi H, Sadeqi Boroujerdi S (2012). The Effect of Perceived
  • Leadership Behavious of Coaches on Sport Commitment, Achievement Motivation and
  • Satisfaction of Iranian Premier League Judo Athletes. Sport Management Studies, no. 16:
  • -206.
  • Norouzi Seyyed Husseini R, Kuzehchian H, Ihsani M, Feyz Asgari S, Norouzi Seyyed
  • Husseini A (2012). The Relationship between Coaches’ Autonomy-Supportive Behavious and
  • Sport Commitment of Elite Iranian Swordsmen. Sport Management Studies, no. 4 (14): 139-
  • Nicaise V, Bois JE, Fairclough SJ, Amorose AJ, Cogérino G (2007). Girls’ and boys’
  • perceptions of physical education teachers’ feedback: Effects on performance and
  • psychological responses. Journal of Sport Sciences, 25, 915–926.
  • Olympiou A, Jowet T, Duda JL (2008). The Psycological Interface Between the coachCreated
  • Motivational Climate and coach- Athlete Relationship in Team Sports. The sport
  • psychologist, 22: 423-438.
  • Pelletier LG, Fortier MS, Vallerand RJ, Briere NM (2001). Assocations Among Perceived
  • Autonomy Support, forms of self- Regulation, and Persistence: A prospective study.
  • Motivation and Emotion, 4: 279- 306.
  • Reeve J M (2005). Understanding Motivation and Emotion. New York: Wiley.
  • Sage G (1977). Introduction to motor behavior: A Neuropsychological Approach (2nd ed.).
  • Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Sarafino EP (1998). Health Psychology, Third Edition, NewYork, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Scanlan TK, Simons JP, Carpenter PJ, Schmidt GW, Keeler B (1993). The sport commitment
  • model: Measurement development for the youth-sport domain. Journal of Sport & Exercise
  • Psychology, 15, 16-38.
  • Shen B, Li W, Sun H, Rukavina P (2010) A service learning based project to change implicit
  • and explicit bias toward obese individuals in Kinesiology pre-professionals Journal of
  • Teaching in Physical Education 29 417-432
  • Sousa C, Torregrosa M, Vilderch C, Villamarin F, Cruz J (2007). “Commitment of young
  • soccer players”. Psicothema, 19 (2), PP: 256-262.
  • Tomlinson A, Yorganci I (1997) Male Coach/Female Athlete Relations: Gender And Power
  • Relations In Competitive Sport. Journal of Sport and Social Issues vol. 21 (2) 134-155.
  • Toumanis NN (2004). A prospective study of participation in optional school physical
  • education using a self-determination theory frame work. Journal Education Psychology,1- 40.
  • Weinberg RS, Gould D (2011) Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Human Kinetics
  • Weiss W, Halupnik D (2013) Commitment to Strength and Conditioning: A Sport
  • Commitment Model Perspective. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: March 2013
  • - Volume 27 - Issue 3 - p 718–722
  • Wigglesworth JC, Young BW, Medic N, Grove JR (2012). Examining gender differences in
  • the determinants of Masters swimmers’ sport commitment. International Journal of Sport and
  • Exercise Psychology, 10(3), 1-15
  • Williams L (2013). Commitment to Sport and Exercise: Re-examining the Literature for a
  • Practical and Parsimonious Model J Prev Med Public Health. 2013 Jan; 46(Suppl 1): S35–
  • S42. Published online 2013 Jan 30.
  • Wilson DK, Williams J, Evans A, Mixon G, Rheaume C (2005). A Qualitative study of
  • Gender Preferences and Motivational Factors for Physical Activity in Underserved
  • Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 30 (3) 293-297.
  • Wilson PM, Rodgers WM, Carpenter PJ, Hall C, Hardy J, Fraser SN (2004).The Relationship
  • between Commitment and Exercise Behaviors. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 5, 405- 421.
  • Zardoshtian Sh, Ahmadi B, Azadi A (2012). The Relationship of Autonomy-Supportive
  • Behavious of Coaches with Autonomy Motivation and Sport Commitment of Female Elite
  • Players of Handball League. Research on Sport Management and Motor Behaviors, no. 3, (19
  • consecutive): 156-171.

The Perception of Same Gender Coaches by Iranian Skaters and its Influence on Sport Achievement Motivation and Commitment

Yıl 2016, Cilt 4 - Sayı 1, 1 - 13, 26.03.2016


Aim: To examine the relationship between the perception of same gender coaches by male and female Iranian skaters and their sport achievement motivation and commitment. Participants: Fifty two female and forty two male skaters, age range 13 to 18 years, from the province of Isfahan in Iran. Materials: The following 3 questionnaires, tested for reliability and validity for the Iranian population and adapted for Farsi, were used: i) Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand and Briere (2001) Interpersonal Behaviour Scale to measure social support of trainers, ii) Gill and Deeter (1988) Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) to measure achievement motivation, and iii) Scanlan, Simons, Carpenter, Schmidt and Keeler (1993) Sport Commitment Model to measure sport commitment. Procedure: The questionnaires were administered to participants in person by the first author after training sessions in sport stadiums. Results: There was a significant positive correlation between perceived coaches' social support and sport achievement motivation and commitment for both male and female participants. However, on all of the above measures females scored significantly more positive ratings than their male counterparts. Results of regression analyses conducted separately for males and females showed that relatedness support is the strongest predictor for sport achievement motivation and commitment for males, whereas autonomy support was the strongest predictor for sport commitment amongst females. Implications: These findings are of particular interest in understanding the impact of perceived coaching support for young male and female athletes, especially if coached exclusively by the same gender.


  • Bahram A, Shafizadeh M, Khalaji H, Sanatkaran A (2002). Determining the Validity and
  • Reliability of the Sport Orientations Scale. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, Physical
  • Education and Sport Sciences Institute.
  • Black SJ, Weiss MR (1992). The relationship among perceived coaching behaviors,
  • perceptions of ability, and motivation in competitive age-group swimmers. Journal of Sport
  • and Exercise Psychology, 14, 309-325
  • Frey M, Czech DR, Kent RG, Johnson M (2006). An Exploration of Female Athletes
  • Experiences and Perceptions of Male and Female Coaches. The Sports Journals. Retrieved
  • June, 27, 2011. From article/exploration-female-athleteexperiences
  • and perceptions.
  • Geme L (2010). Perceived Autonomy Support, Basic Needs Satisfaction, Motivation
  • Regulation and Well-Being: Verification of Self-Determination Theory in Dancers in Finland.
  • Master Thesis. University of Jyväskylä.
  • Gill DL (1986). Competitiveness among females and males in physical activity classes. Sex
  • Roles, 15, 243- 257.
  • Gill DL, Deeter TE (1988). Development of the Sport Orientation Questionnaire Research
  • Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 59(3), 191-202. Retrieved from
  • Gould D, Carson S (2011). Young athletes perceptions of the relationship between coaching
  • behaviors and developmental experiences International Journal of Coaching Science 5 (2) ,
  • -29
  • Haggar MS, Chatzisarantis NLD, Harris J (2006) From Psychological Need Satisfaction to
  • Intentional Behavior: Testing a Motivational Sequence in Two Behavioral Contexts.
  • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 32 (2) pp 131-148
  • Hollembeak J, Amorose AJ (2005). Perceived coaching behaviours and college athletes’
  • intrinsic motivation: A test of Self-Determination Theory. Journal of Applied Sport
  • Psychology, 17, 20-36.
  • Hassandra M, Goudas M, Chroni S (2003). Examining Factors Associated with Intrinsic
  • Motivation in Physical Education: a qualitative approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise,
  • : 211-223.
  • Jowett S, Paull G, Pensgaard (2005). “Coach-athlete relationship”. Applying sport
  • psychology. Champaign , IL: Human Kinetics. PP:153-170.
  • Kashef MM, Mazyari M, Ameri MHS. (2012). The Relationship between support behaviours
  • of physical education teachers and a motivation of students in physical education activities at
  • schools. The Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan, Oct 24-28, pp:426-432.
  • Leo FM, Sanchez PA, Sanchez D, Amado D, Calvo TG (2009). Influence of the Motivational
  • Climate Created by Coach in the Sport Commitment in Youth basketball Players. Faculty of
  • Sports Sciences. University of Extremadura.
  • Lewthwaite R, Wulf G (2012). Motor learning through a motivational lens . In A.M.
  • Williams, & N.J. Hodges (Eds.). Skill acquisition in sport: research, theory, and practice (p.
  • -192). New York: Rutledge.
  • Lirgg CD, Dibrezzo R, Smith AN (1994). Influence of gender of coach on perceptions of
  • basketball and coaching self-efficacy and aspirations of high school female basketball players.
  • Women, Sport, and Physical Activity Journal, 3, 1-14.
  • Marsh (1994). Sport motivation orientations: Beware of jingle-jangle fallacies. Journal of
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16, 365-380.
  • MacDonald DJ (2010). The Role of Enjoyment, Motivational Climate, and Coach Training in
  • Promoting the Positive Development of Young Athletes. Kinesiology & Health Studies
  • Graduate Theses Queen’s Theses and Dissertation.
  • Medwechuk N, Crossman J (1994) Effects of gender bias on the evaluation of male and
  • female swim coaches Perceptual and Motor Skills , 78, 163-169
  • Mazyari M, Kashef MM, Ameri MHS, Araghi M (2012). Student's Amotivation in physical
  • education activities and teacher's social support. Word Applied Sciences Journal, 20 : 1570-
  • Maziyari M (2012). The Relationship Between Social Support of Physical Education Teachers
  • and Lack of Motivation of Students to Take part in School Physical Activities. Master’s thesis,
  • Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department of Urmiah University.
  • Mir Husseini SMA, Hadavi F, Mozafari A (2012). Validity and Reliability of the Sport
  • Commitment Model for Athletic University Students. Sport Management Studies, no. 15: 121-
  • Norouzi Seyyed Husseini R, Fathi H, Sadeqi Boroujerdi S (2012). The Effect of Perceived
  • Leadership Behavious of Coaches on Sport Commitment, Achievement Motivation and
  • Satisfaction of Iranian Premier League Judo Athletes. Sport Management Studies, no. 16:
  • -206.
  • Norouzi Seyyed Husseini R, Kuzehchian H, Ihsani M, Feyz Asgari S, Norouzi Seyyed
  • Husseini A (2012). The Relationship between Coaches’ Autonomy-Supportive Behavious and
  • Sport Commitment of Elite Iranian Swordsmen. Sport Management Studies, no. 4 (14): 139-
  • Nicaise V, Bois JE, Fairclough SJ, Amorose AJ, Cogérino G (2007). Girls’ and boys’
  • perceptions of physical education teachers’ feedback: Effects on performance and
  • psychological responses. Journal of Sport Sciences, 25, 915–926.
  • Olympiou A, Jowet T, Duda JL (2008). The Psycological Interface Between the coachCreated
  • Motivational Climate and coach- Athlete Relationship in Team Sports. The sport
  • psychologist, 22: 423-438.
  • Pelletier LG, Fortier MS, Vallerand RJ, Briere NM (2001). Assocations Among Perceived
  • Autonomy Support, forms of self- Regulation, and Persistence: A prospective study.
  • Motivation and Emotion, 4: 279- 306.
  • Reeve J M (2005). Understanding Motivation and Emotion. New York: Wiley.
  • Sage G (1977). Introduction to motor behavior: A Neuropsychological Approach (2nd ed.).
  • Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Sarafino EP (1998). Health Psychology, Third Edition, NewYork, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Scanlan TK, Simons JP, Carpenter PJ, Schmidt GW, Keeler B (1993). The sport commitment
  • model: Measurement development for the youth-sport domain. Journal of Sport & Exercise
  • Psychology, 15, 16-38.
  • Shen B, Li W, Sun H, Rukavina P (2010) A service learning based project to change implicit
  • and explicit bias toward obese individuals in Kinesiology pre-professionals Journal of
  • Teaching in Physical Education 29 417-432
  • Sousa C, Torregrosa M, Vilderch C, Villamarin F, Cruz J (2007). “Commitment of young
  • soccer players”. Psicothema, 19 (2), PP: 256-262.
  • Tomlinson A, Yorganci I (1997) Male Coach/Female Athlete Relations: Gender And Power
  • Relations In Competitive Sport. Journal of Sport and Social Issues vol. 21 (2) 134-155.
  • Toumanis NN (2004). A prospective study of participation in optional school physical
  • education using a self-determination theory frame work. Journal Education Psychology,1- 40.
  • Weinberg RS, Gould D (2011) Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Human Kinetics
  • Weiss W, Halupnik D (2013) Commitment to Strength and Conditioning: A Sport
  • Commitment Model Perspective. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: March 2013
  • - Volume 27 - Issue 3 - p 718–722
  • Wigglesworth JC, Young BW, Medic N, Grove JR (2012). Examining gender differences in
  • the determinants of Masters swimmers’ sport commitment. International Journal of Sport and
  • Exercise Psychology, 10(3), 1-15
  • Williams L (2013). Commitment to Sport and Exercise: Re-examining the Literature for a
  • Practical and Parsimonious Model J Prev Med Public Health. 2013 Jan; 46(Suppl 1): S35–
  • S42. Published online 2013 Jan 30.
  • Wilson DK, Williams J, Evans A, Mixon G, Rheaume C (2005). A Qualitative study of
  • Gender Preferences and Motivational Factors for Physical Activity in Underserved
  • Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 30 (3) 293-297.
  • Wilson PM, Rodgers WM, Carpenter PJ, Hall C, Hardy J, Fraser SN (2004).The Relationship
  • between Commitment and Exercise Behaviors. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 5, 405- 421.
  • Zardoshtian Sh, Ahmadi B, Azadi A (2012). The Relationship of Autonomy-Supportive
  • Behavious of Coaches with Autonomy Motivation and Sport Commitment of Female Elite
  • Players of Handball League. Research on Sport Management and Motor Behaviors, no. 3, (19
  • consecutive): 156-171.
Toplam 109 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Negar Homayonı Izad Bu kişi benim

Rokhsareh Badamı Bu kişi benim

Bahman Baluch Bu kişi benim

Linda J. Duffy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Mart 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt 4 - Sayı 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Homayonı Izad, N., Badamı, R., Baluch, B., Duffy, L. J. (2016). The Perception of Same Gender Coaches by Iranian Skaters and its Influence on Sport Achievement Motivation and Commitment. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 4(1), 1-13.
IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).