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Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 15.09.2021

Yıl: 2021

Spor kültürü ve bilimi üzerine nitelikli araştırmalara yer vermek. 

Spor kültürü ve spor bilimine dair her türlü araştırmaya yer vermektedir. 

1)  Copyright & Responsibility: Submitting a manuscript to this journal means that the author(s) agree;

Ø    that this manuscript has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere;

Ø    they have responsibility of the contents and authenticity of the article;

Ø    the journal and author(s) have same right for the copyright of the article and either of the journal or author(s) can use it by anyway  without noting the other party.

Ø   Author (s) should clearly explain any contributions recieved from other parties, any financial support recieved either from individuals and/or institutions, and also any kinds of conflict of interest. 

Ø    Author(s) should add an explanation footnote to the title if the manuscript was presented in a conference or reproduced from a dissertation.


2) Originality: Submitting your manuscript to our journal, we understand that this it is an original manuscript and is unpublished work and is not under consideration elsewhere. Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author’s own work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not tolerated by the journal. Manuscripts submitted to the journal may be checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software. Our journal uses CrossCheck in order to ensure the originality and avoid any kinds of plagiarism. 


3) Open Access Policy: The journal is based on open access policy. All the articles published in this journal can be reached free of charge any time through a regular internet connection. Therefore, all our articles have free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, distribute, copy, share, print, search, on link to the full text of these articles, crawl them for indexing by ahy of the indexes and databases, or use them for any kinds of legal purpose without any financial, legal, or technical restrictions.  For the full details of this policy please refer to Budapest Open Access Initiative.


4) Publication Costs: There is NO FEE to publish articles in this journal. We don't ask for any charges under name of article submission or processing cost. 


5) Language: The first issue of IntJSCS was published exceptionally in Turkish. All the other issues are/will be published only in English. Manuscripts written by Turkish authors also may optionally have Turkish abstracts. Special issues may also be published in alternative languages, but English abstract will be necassary in this case. 


6) Manuscript Preparation

Ø    Each manuscript is suggested to include the following components, but not necessarily to follow it exactly;

(1) Title: including the complete article title; each author’s full name; institution(s) with which each author is affiliated, with city, state/province, zip code, and country; and the name, complete postal address, telephone number, and at least one email address for author(s). IT IS NECESSARY to have EACH AUTHOR's full contact details!

(2) Abstract (not less than 100 words and more than 200 words; including Background, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussions)

(3) Key Words (not less than 3 words and more than 8 words)

(4) Introduction

(5) Materials and Methods

(6) Findings / Results

(7) Discussions / Conclusions

(8) Acknowledgments (if applicable - And if there is a funding resource, it has UTMOST importance to explain it in this part!)) 

(9) References

Manuscript length for a research paper should be 5 to 15 pages.


Ø    Manuscripts Submission

Authors should register with this web site and upload article through “article submission”


Ø    Manuscript template

Manuscripts should be prepared with The Microsoft Word file; Font: Normal, Times New Roman, 12 pt, single space; Indent: Type 6 spaces in the beginning of each new paragraph; Page Setup: Paper-Letter size; Margins-2.5 cm each side; Title: Use Title Case in the title and subtitles (e.g. “The Relationship between Multiple Intelligence and Academic Motivation”); Figures and Tables: Use full word of figure and table (e.g. Figure 1. Relationship Diagram between MI and AM, Table 1. Annual Income of Target Groups)


Ø    References (APA style): Cite references in the text as “last name, year”, e.g. (Turkmen, 2003). For multiple authors and page numbers in the text, e.g. (Turkmen et al., 2013:65).

References should be listed in alphabetical order, and include all the authors’ last names and initials, title, journal, year, volume, issue, and pages etc.


Reference Examples:

Gardner H, Bozkus T (2012). Multiple intelligences: the theory in practice. New York: Basic Books.

Stanford P (2003). Multiple intelligence for every classroom. Journal of Education Psychology, 39(2): 81-89, http://www.iscs-a.org/content/39/2/80 (accessed May 14, 2013).

Turkmen M (2004). The effects of martial arts on children development. International Journal of Education Reviews, 8(3): 276-281.

.1) Copyright & Responsibility: Submitting a manuscript to this journal means that the author(s) agree;

Ø that this manuscript has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere;

Ø they have responsibility of the contents and authenticity of the article;

Ø the journal and author(s) have same right for the copyright of the article and either of the journal or author(s) can use it by anyway without noting the other party.

Ø Author (s) should clearly explain any contributions recieved from other parties, any financial support recieved either from individuals and/or institutions, and also any kinds of conflict of interest.

Ø Author(s) should add an explanation footnote to the title if the manuscript was presented in a conference or reproduced from a dissertation.

2) Originality: Submitting your manuscript to our journal, we understand that this it is an original manuscript and is unpublished work and is not under consideration elsewhere. Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author’s own work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not tolerated by the journal. Manuscripts submitted to the journal may be checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software. Our journal uses CrossCheck in order to ensure the originality and avoid any kinds of plagiarism.

3) Open Access Policy: The journal is based on open access policy. All the articles published in this journal can be reached free of charge any time through a regular internet connection. Therefore, all our articles have free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, distribute, copy, share, print, search, on link to the full text of these articles, crawl them for indexing by ahy of the indexes and databases, or use them for any kinds of legal purpose without any financial, legal, or technical restrictions. For the full details of this policy please refer to Budapest Open Access Initiative.

4) Publication Costs: There is NO FEE to publish articles in this journal. We don't ask for any charges under name of article submission or processing cost.

5) Language: The first issue of IntJSCS was published exceptionally in Turkish. All the other issues are/will be published only in English. Manuscripts written by Turkish authors also may optionally have Turkish abstracts. Special issues may also be published in alternative languages, but English abstract will be necassary in this case.

6) Manuscript Preparation

Ø Each manuscript is suggested to include the following components, but not necessarily to follow it exactly;

(1) Title: including the complete article title; each author’s full name; institution(s) with which each author is affiliated, with city, state/province, zip code, and country; and the name, complete postal address, telephone number, and at least one email address for author(s). IT IS NECESSARY to have EACH AUTHOR's full contact details!

(2) Abstract (not less than 100 words and more than 200 words; including Background, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussions)

(3) Key Words (not less than 3 words and more than 8 words)

(4) Introduction

(5) Materials and Methods

(6) Findings / Results

(7) Discussions / Conclusions

(8) Acknowledgments (if applicable - And if there is a funding resource, it has UTMOST importance to explain it in this part!))

(9) References

Manuscript length for a research paper should be 5 to 15 pages.

Ø Manuscripts Submission

Authors should register with this web site and upload article through “article submission”

Ø Manuscript template

Manuscripts should be prepared with The Microsoft Word file; Font: Normal, Times New Roman, 12 pt, single space; Indent: Type 6 spaces in the beginning of each new paragraph; Page Setup: Paper-Letter size; Margins-2.5 cm each side; Title: Use Title Case in the title and subtitles (e.g. “The Relationship between Multiple Intelligence and Academic Motivation”); Figures and Tables: Use full word of figure and table (e.g. Figure 1. Relationship Diagram between MI and AM, Table 1. Annual Income of Target Groups)

Ø References (APA style): Cite references in the text as “last name, year”, e.g. (Turkmen, 2003). For multiple authors and page numbers in the text, e.g. (Turkmen et al., 2013:65).

References should be listed in alphabetical order, and include all the authors’ last names and initials, title, journal, year, volume, issue, and pages etc.

Reference Examples:

Gardner H, Bozkus T (2012). Multiple intelligences: the theory in practice. New York: Basic Books.

Stanford P (2003). Multiple intelligence for every classroom. Journal of Education Psychology, 39(2): 81-89, http://www.iscs-a.org/content/39/2/80 (accessed May 14, 2013).

Turkmen M (2004). The effects of martial arts on children development. International Journal of Education Reviews, 8(3): 276-281.

IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).