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Yıl 2017, , 159 - 186, 31.12.2017


20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı, devletler için yeni ekonomik gücün gelişimine şahitlik
etmiştir. Kitlelerin örgütlü seyahatleri yeni bir sanayi doğurmuştur: turizm. Turizm
devletlerin ekonomik büyümesindeki en önemli ve yenilikçi unsurlardan bir hâline
geldiğinde, turizm ile alâkalı konuları örgütlemek ve düzenlemek de önemli hâle gelmiştir.
Böylelikle, bu ihtiyaç kendisini Dünya Turizm Örgütü olarak hükûmetler-arası bir örgüte
dönüştürmüştür. Gerçekte, kurulmasından evvel, bu alanda hükûmetler dışı uluslararası bir
örgüt vardır ve bu örgüt Birleşmiş Milletler’in de yardımıyla kendisini Dünya Turizm
Örgütü’ne çevirmiştir. Önemine rağmen, görüldüğü üzere, Dünya Turizm Örgütü kendi
çapında ihmal edilmiştir. Bu ihmal edilmişliğin göstergesi, gerek özellikle diğer uzmanlık
örgütleriyle mukayese edildiğinde üye sayısının azlığında, gerek gerçek statüsü hakkında
global medya organlarında çıkan yanıltıcı bilgilerde gözlemlenebilir. Bununla birlikte, bu
makale, büyük öneme sahip nadir bir uzmanlık örgütünü, Dünya Turizm Örgütü’nü kısaca
tariflemekte, öz bir biçimde kuruluş tarihçesini, üyeliğe ilişkin özelliklerini, örgütün ana
yapısını, hukukî statüsünü ve aynı zamanda Birleşmiş Milletler ile olan ilişkisini
içermektedir. Dahası, bu örgüt tüm uluslararası kurumsal hukuk tarihindeki en etkileyici
dönüşümü de temsil etmektedir.


  • ARCHER C., International Organizations, 3rd edition, London, 2001.
  • BEN-ARI R.H., The Legal Status of International Non-Governmental Organizations: Analysis of Past and Present Initiatives (1912-2012), Leiden, 2013.
  • BLANCHFIELD L. & BROWNE M.A., Membership in the United Nations and Its Specialized Agencies, Congressional Research Service, June 19 2014 via (ziyaret tarihi: 30/08/17).
  • CASTAÑEDA J., Une nouvelle méthode pour le création d’organismes internationaux: le cas récent de l’U.I.O.O.T., Annuaire français de droit international, vol. 16, 1970, s. 625-632.
  • DAVIES M. & WOODWARD R., International Organizations: A Companion, Padstowe, 2014.
  • FELDMAN D., International Personality, Recueil des cours, vol. 191, 1985-II, 1985, s. 343-413.
  • GEE C.Y. & FAYOS-SOLÁ E. (eds.), International Tourism: A Global Perspective, Madrid, 1997.
  • GILMOUR D.R., The World Tourism Organization: International Constitutional Law with a Difference, Netherlands International Law Review, vol. 18/3, 1971, s. 275-298.
  • GRANT J.P. & BAKER J.C., Parry and Grant Encyclopædic Dictionary of International Law, 3rd edition, New York, 2009.
  • HÜFNER K., Specialized Agencies, in A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, 2nd revised edition, edited by Volger, Leiden, 2010, s. 670-675.
  • KLABBERS J., An Introduction to International Institutional Law, Cambridge, 2005. (3rd printing from 2002 edition)
  • KLEIN E., United Nations, Specialized Agencies, Encyclopedia of Public International Law: International Organizations in General-Universal International Organizations and Cooperation, vol. 5, edited by Bernhardt, Amsterdam, 1983, s. 349-369.
  • KLEIN E., United Nations, Specialized Agencies, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, August 2006 via (ziyaret tarihi: 01/07/17).
  • LANQUAR R.G., The Organizational Development of the World Tourism Organization, Texas A&M University, 1983. (yayınlanmamış doktora tezi)
  • LINDBLOM K., Non-Governmental Organizations in International Law, Cambridge, 2005.
  • MAGLIVERAS K.D., Membership in International Organizations, in Research Handbook on the Law of International Organizations, edited by Klabbers & Wallendahl, Surrey, 2011, s. 84-107.
  • OPPENHEIM L., International Law: A Treatise, vol. I (Peace), London, 1912.
  • PAZARCI H., Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri, II. Kitap, Gözden Geçirilmiş 6. Baskı, Ankara, 1999.
  • PAZARCI H., Uluslararası Hukuk, 14. Baskı, Ankara, 2015.
  • PEASLEE A.J., International Governmental Organizations: Constitutional Documents, revised 3rd edition (Part V-Communications-Transport-Travel) , The Hague, 1976.
  • PORTMANN R., Legal Personality in International Law, Cambridge, 2010.
  • SCHECTER M.G., Historical Dictionary of International Organizations, 2nd edition, Lanham, 2010.
  • SCHERMERS H.G., International Organizations, in International Law: Achievements and Prospects, edited by Bedjaoui, Paris, 1991, s. 67-100.
  • SCHERMERS H.G. & BLOKKER N.G., International Institutional Law: Unity within Diversity, 5th Revised Edition, Leiden, 2011.
  • SCHIAVONE G., International Organizations: A Dictionary and Directory, 7th edition, New York, 2008.
  • SUR M., Uluslararası Hukukun Esasları, 9. Baskı, İstanbul, 2015.
  • SZAZI E., NGOs: Legitimate Subjects of International Law, Leiden, 2012.
  • TABORY M., The Addition of Arabic as an Official and Working Language of the UN General Assembly and at Diplomatic Conferences, Israel Law Review, vol. 13/3, 1978, s. 391-410.
  • TURNER E.A.L., Why Has the Number of International Non-Governmental Organizations Exploded since 1960?, Cliodynamics: Journal of Theoretical & Mathematical History, vol. 1(1), 2010, s. 81-91 via (ziyaret tarihi: 08/09/17).
  • “UNWTO Basic Documents”, vol. I (Statutes/Rules of Procedures/Agreements), 5th edition, Madrid, Febuary 2016 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/08/17).
  • VELLAS P., Tourism, Encyclopedia of Public International Law: International Relations and Legal Cooperation in General-Diplomacy and Consular Relations, vol. 9, edited by Bernhardt, Amsterdam, 1986, s. 376-378.
  • VOLGER H., UNWTO-World Tourism Organization, in A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, 2nd revised edition, edited by Volger, Leiden, 2010, s. 838-840.
  • VRANCKEN P., Tourism, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, February 2011 via (ziyaret tarihi: 01/07/17).
  • WALTER C., Subjects of International Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2008 via (ziyaret tarihi: 05/04/08).


Yıl 2017, , 159 - 186, 31.12.2017


The last quarter of the 20th century has seen the development of a new economic power for states. The organized travels of masses have formed a new industry: tourism. When tourism has become one of the most important and innovative element in the economic growth of states, the need to organize and regulate tourism-related matters has also become vital. Hence, this demand has transformed itself into an inter-governmental organization i.e. World Tourism Organization. In fact, before its establishment, there was a non-governmental organization in this field, and with the help of the United Nations this organization has turned itself into World Tourism Organization. Apparently, despite its prominence, the World Tourism Organization has been neglected. The indications of this negligence can be seen either in the number of its member states, particularly comparing it to the other specialized agencies or in the misleading information about its real status in the global media. Nevertheless, this article contains a short description of a deviated specialized agency, which is World Tourism Organization, and also includes the brief history of its establishment, the features of its membership, the main structure of the organization, its legal status, and its relation with the United Nations, as well. Furthermore, this organization represents one of the most influential transformations in the whole history of international institutional law.


  • ARCHER C., International Organizations, 3rd edition, London, 2001.
  • BEN-ARI R.H., The Legal Status of International Non-Governmental Organizations: Analysis of Past and Present Initiatives (1912-2012), Leiden, 2013.
  • BLANCHFIELD L. & BROWNE M.A., Membership in the United Nations and Its Specialized Agencies, Congressional Research Service, June 19 2014 via (ziyaret tarihi: 30/08/17).
  • CASTAÑEDA J., Une nouvelle méthode pour le création d’organismes internationaux: le cas récent de l’U.I.O.O.T., Annuaire français de droit international, vol. 16, 1970, s. 625-632.
  • DAVIES M. & WOODWARD R., International Organizations: A Companion, Padstowe, 2014.
  • FELDMAN D., International Personality, Recueil des cours, vol. 191, 1985-II, 1985, s. 343-413.
  • GEE C.Y. & FAYOS-SOLÁ E. (eds.), International Tourism: A Global Perspective, Madrid, 1997.
  • GILMOUR D.R., The World Tourism Organization: International Constitutional Law with a Difference, Netherlands International Law Review, vol. 18/3, 1971, s. 275-298.
  • GRANT J.P. & BAKER J.C., Parry and Grant Encyclopædic Dictionary of International Law, 3rd edition, New York, 2009.
  • HÜFNER K., Specialized Agencies, in A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, 2nd revised edition, edited by Volger, Leiden, 2010, s. 670-675.
  • KLABBERS J., An Introduction to International Institutional Law, Cambridge, 2005. (3rd printing from 2002 edition)
  • KLEIN E., United Nations, Specialized Agencies, Encyclopedia of Public International Law: International Organizations in General-Universal International Organizations and Cooperation, vol. 5, edited by Bernhardt, Amsterdam, 1983, s. 349-369.
  • KLEIN E., United Nations, Specialized Agencies, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, August 2006 via (ziyaret tarihi: 01/07/17).
  • LANQUAR R.G., The Organizational Development of the World Tourism Organization, Texas A&M University, 1983. (yayınlanmamış doktora tezi)
  • LINDBLOM K., Non-Governmental Organizations in International Law, Cambridge, 2005.
  • MAGLIVERAS K.D., Membership in International Organizations, in Research Handbook on the Law of International Organizations, edited by Klabbers & Wallendahl, Surrey, 2011, s. 84-107.
  • OPPENHEIM L., International Law: A Treatise, vol. I (Peace), London, 1912.
  • PAZARCI H., Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri, II. Kitap, Gözden Geçirilmiş 6. Baskı, Ankara, 1999.
  • PAZARCI H., Uluslararası Hukuk, 14. Baskı, Ankara, 2015.
  • PEASLEE A.J., International Governmental Organizations: Constitutional Documents, revised 3rd edition (Part V-Communications-Transport-Travel) , The Hague, 1976.
  • PORTMANN R., Legal Personality in International Law, Cambridge, 2010.
  • SCHECTER M.G., Historical Dictionary of International Organizations, 2nd edition, Lanham, 2010.
  • SCHERMERS H.G., International Organizations, in International Law: Achievements and Prospects, edited by Bedjaoui, Paris, 1991, s. 67-100.
  • SCHERMERS H.G. & BLOKKER N.G., International Institutional Law: Unity within Diversity, 5th Revised Edition, Leiden, 2011.
  • SCHIAVONE G., International Organizations: A Dictionary and Directory, 7th edition, New York, 2008.
  • SUR M., Uluslararası Hukukun Esasları, 9. Baskı, İstanbul, 2015.
  • SZAZI E., NGOs: Legitimate Subjects of International Law, Leiden, 2012.
  • TABORY M., The Addition of Arabic as an Official and Working Language of the UN General Assembly and at Diplomatic Conferences, Israel Law Review, vol. 13/3, 1978, s. 391-410.
  • TURNER E.A.L., Why Has the Number of International Non-Governmental Organizations Exploded since 1960?, Cliodynamics: Journal of Theoretical & Mathematical History, vol. 1(1), 2010, s. 81-91 via (ziyaret tarihi: 08/09/17).
  • “UNWTO Basic Documents”, vol. I (Statutes/Rules of Procedures/Agreements), 5th edition, Madrid, Febuary 2016 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/08/17).
  • VELLAS P., Tourism, Encyclopedia of Public International Law: International Relations and Legal Cooperation in General-Diplomacy and Consular Relations, vol. 9, edited by Bernhardt, Amsterdam, 1986, s. 376-378.
  • VOLGER H., UNWTO-World Tourism Organization, in A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, 2nd revised edition, edited by Volger, Leiden, 2010, s. 838-840.
  • VRANCKEN P., Tourism, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, February 2011 via (ziyaret tarihi: 01/07/17).
  • WALTER C., Subjects of International Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2008 via (ziyaret tarihi: 05/04/08).
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Makaleler

Anıl Çamyamaç

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Eylül 2017
Kabul Tarihi 8 Kasım 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Çamyamaç, A. (2017). DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 159-186.
AMA Çamyamaç A. DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ. İnÜHFD. Aralık 2017;8(2):159-186. doi:10.21492/inuhfd.339082
Chicago Çamyamaç, Anıl. “DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 8, sy. 2 (Aralık 2017): 159-86.
EndNote Çamyamaç A (01 Aralık 2017) DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 159–186.
IEEE A. Çamyamaç, “DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ”, İnÜHFD, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 159–186, 2017, doi: 10.21492/inuhfd.339082.
ISNAD Çamyamaç, Anıl. “DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (Aralık 2017), 159-186.
JAMA Çamyamaç A. DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ. İnÜHFD. 2017;8:159–186.
MLA Çamyamaç, Anıl. “DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 159-86, doi:10.21492/inuhfd.339082.
Vancouver Çamyamaç A. DÜNYA TURİZM ÖRGÜTÜ. İnÜHFD. 2017;8(2):159-86.