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Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 187 - 229, 13.07.2016


Sığınma olgusu, sığınma ihtiyacı içerisinde olan bireyin temel haklarını ikame etmektedir ve doğası gereği insan hakları ile sıkı bir ilişki içerisindedir. Bu ilişkiye rağmen uluslararası hukukta sığınma hakkı, devletin egemenlik hakkının bir uzantısı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu hâliyle, birey açısından sığınma arama ve sığınmadan faydalanma hakkı olarak anlaşılan sığınma hakkı, devletlere sığınmacıyı ülkeye kabul etme ve sığınma sağlama sorumluluğunu yüklememiştir. Sığınma hakkının doğası ve devlet egemenliği ekseninde şekillenen uluslararası hukuktaki görünümü gereği sahip olduğu bu iki boyutlu anlam, sığınma hakkını düzenleyen Avrupa Birliği Temel haklar Şartı’nın 18. maddesinin hangi boyutta ele alınması gerektiği noktasında soru işaretleri oluşmasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Zira Temel Haklar Şartı’nda yer alan sığınma hakkına ilişkin düzenlemenin lafzı bu hususta yeterince açık değildir. Ancak Şart’ta yer alan düzenlemenin yorumlanması neticesinde, bu düzenlemenin uluslararası hukuktaki sığınma hakkının bir yansıması olduğu ve Avrupa Birliği’nin uluslararası koruma hususunda var olan sorumluluklarından daha fazlasını ortaya koymadığı anlaşılmaktadır


  • Albrecht, Hans Jörg: “Fortress Europe? –Controlling Illegal Immigration, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 2002, C.10, S.1, ss.1-22.
  • Allain, Jean: The Jus Cogens Nature of Non-Refoulement, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2001, C.13, S.4, ss. 533-558.
  • Battjes, Hemme: European Asylum Law and International Law, Leiden 2006.
  • Baykal, Sanem: “Temel Haklar”, içinde, kçay, B./Bayraktaroğlu zçelik G. (eds.): Lizbon Antlaşması Sonrası Avrupa Birliği Serbest Dolaşım ve Politikalar, Ankara 2010, ss. 371-399.
  • Boed, Roman: “The State of the Right of Asylum in International Law”, Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, 1994-1995, C. 5, S. 5, ss. 1-33.
  • Caviedes, Alexander: “The Open Method of Co-ordination in Immigration Policy: A Tool For Prying Open Fortress Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, 2004, C.11, S.2, ss.289-310.
  • Chalmers, Damian / Davies, Gareth / Monti, Giorgio: European Union Law, Cambridge 2010.
  • Chowdhury, Subrata Roy: A Response to the Refugee Problems in Post Cold War Era: Some Existing and Emerging Norms of International Law, International Journal of Refugee Law, 1995, C. 7, S. 1, ss. 100-118.
  • Clayton, Gina: Textbook on Immigration and Asylum Law, Oxford 2010.
  • Çiçekli, Bülent: Uluslararası Hukukta Mülteciler ve Sığınmacılar, Ankara 2009.
  • Di Federico, Giacomo: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, From Declaration to Binding Instrument HeidelbergLondon-New York, 2011
  • Dummet, Ann / Nicol, Andrew: Subjects, Citizens, Aliens and Others, London 1990.
  • Dworkin, Ronald: Life’s Dominion: An Argument About Abortion, Euthanasia and Individual Freedom, New YorkToronto 1993.
  • Dworkin, Ronald: “Life is Sacred: That’s the Easy Part”, New York Times Magazine, May 16 1993.
  • Edwards, Alice: Human Rights, Refugees and the Right "to Enjoy" Asylum, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2005, C. 17, S. 2, , ss. 293-330.
  • Ersava, Füsun: “AB’nin Anayasallaşma Sürecinde Temel Haklar Şartı”, Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Bahar 2004, C. 3, S. 2, ss. 1-9.
  • European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), Position on Sharing the Responsibility: Protecting Refugees and Displaced Persons in the Context of Large Scale Arrivals, March 1996, (07.05.2012).
  • Foster, Michelle: International Refugee Law and Socio-Economic Rights, Refugee from Deprivation, Cambridge 2007. Gil-Bazo, Maria - Teresa: “The Charter of Fundamental Rights of The European Union and The Right To Be Granted Asylum in The Union’s Law”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2008, C. 27, S.3, ss.33-52.
  • Gilbert, Geoff: “Right of Asylum: A Change of Direction”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 1983, C. 32, ss. 633-650.
  • Goodin, Robert E.: “What is so Special about Our Fellow Countrymen?”, Ethics, 1998, C. 98, S.4, s. 663-686. Goodwin--Gill, Guy S. / McAdam Jane: The Refugee in International Law, New York 2007.
  • Göçmen, İlke: Avrupa Birliği Hukukunda Direktiflerin Bireyler Arasındaki İlişkilere Etkileri, Ankara 2008.
  • Göçmen, İlke: Keeping a(n) (Un)Fair Balance between the “Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters” and Fundamental Rights: The Contributions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, The Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies Conference on Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2012 Old Borders – New Frontiers (yayımlanmamış tebliğ metni), 3-5 September 2012, Passau, Germany, s. 20. Tebliğ metninin tamamına n.pdf adresinden ulaşılabilir.
  • Grahl Madsen, Atle: Territorial Asylum, London 1980 (Territorial Asylum).
  • Grahl Madsen, Atle: The Status of Refugees in International Law, Leiden 1972.
  • Griffin, James: Well-Being, Its Meaning, Measurement and Moral Importance, New York 2002.
  • Guild, Elspeth: “The Europeanisation of Europe’s Asylum Policy”, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2006, C. 18, S. 3-4, ss. 630-651.
  • Hannum, Hurst: “Status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in National and International Law”, 1995-1996, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, C. 25, ss. 287-398.
  • Hathaway, James C.: The Law of Refugee Status, Toronto-Vancouver 1991.
  • Henkel, Christoph: “Constitutionalism of The European Union: Judicial Legislation and Political Decision Making by the European Court of Justice”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 2000-2001, C. 19, S.2, ss. 153-180.
  • Hepple, Bob: “(European Developments) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Industrial Law Journal, 2001, C. 30, S.2, ss. 225-231.
  • Humphrey, John: No Distant Millenium: The International Law of Human Rights, Paris 1989.
  • Humphrey, John: “The International Bill of Rights: Scope and Implementation”, William and Mary Law Review, 1976, C. 17, ss. 527-541.
  • Hurwitz, Agnés: The Collective Responsibility of States to Protect Refugees, Oxford 2009.
  • Islam, Shada: “Fortress Europe”, Index on Censorship , 1994, C. 23, S. 3, ss. 37–43
  • Juss, Satvinder S.: “The Decline and Decay of European Refugee Policy”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2005, C. 25, S. 4, ss. 749-792.
  • Nayar, Kaladharan M. G.: “The Right of Asylum in International Law, Its Status and Prospects”, Saint Louis University Law Journal, 1972-1973, C. 17, ss. 17-46.
  • Kohen, Ari: In Defense of Human Rights a Non Religious Grounding in a Pluralistic World, Routledge Innovations in Political Theory, New York 2007.
  • Köktaş, Arif / Yılmaz, Ömer: “Avrupa Birliği Entegre Sınır Yönetimi Modeli”, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010, C.12, S.2, ss. 1-21.
  • Lambert, Héléne / Messineo, Francesco ve Tiedemann, Paul: “Comparative Perspectives of Constitutional Asylum in France, Italy, and Germany: Requiescat in Pace?”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2008, C. 27, S.3, ss. 16-32.
  • Lauterpacht, Hersch: “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, British Year Book of International Law, 1948, C. 5, ss. 354-381.
  • Lauterpacht, Elihu / Bethlehem Daniel: “The Scope and Content of the Principle of Non-Refoulement: Opinion”, içinde, Feller, E/ ürk, V. ve Ni holson F. (eds.): Refugee Protection in International Law UNHCR’s Global Consultations on International Protection, Cambridge 2003, ss. 87-177
  • Lerch, Marika: “European Identity in International Society- A Constructivist Analysis of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Web Papers on Constitutionalism & Governance Beyond the State, S.2, 2003.
  • McAdam, Jane: Complementary Protection in International Refugee Law, Oxford-NewYork 2007. Meron, Theodor: Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms as Customary Law, Oxford 1989.
  • Metin, Yüksel: “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartı”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 2002, C. 57, S. 4, ss. 35-63.
  • Morgenstern, Felice: “The Right of Asylum”, British Yearbook of International Law, 1949, C.26, ss. 327-357.
  • Mubanga-Chipoya, CLC: Final Report, The Right of Everyone to Leave any Country, Including His Own and Return to His Country: UN Doc.E/C.4/Sub.2/1988/35; June 1988, ss. 103-106, naklen, Clark, Tom: “Human Rights and Expulsion: Giving Content to the Concept of Asylum”, International Journal of Refugee Law, 1992, C. 4, S. 2, ss. 189-204.
  • Noll, Gregor: “Risky Games? A Theoretical Approach to BurdenSharing in the Asylum Field”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 2003, C. 16, S. 3, ss. 236-252.
  • Özcan, Mehmet: Avrupa Birliği Sığınma Hukuku Ortak Bir Sığınma Hukukunun Ortaya Çıkışı, Ankara 2005.
  • Peers, Steve: “Human Rights, Asylum and European Community Law”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2005, C. 24, S.2, ss. 24-38.
  • Peers, Steve: EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, Oxford-New York 2011, ss. 99-101 (JHA Law).
  • Peker, Bülent / Sancar, Mithat: Mülteciler ve İltica Hakkı Yaşamın Kıyısındakilere Hoşgeldin Diyebilmek, Ankara 2001. Perry, Michael J.: The Idea of Human Rights Four Inquiries, New York 1998.
  • Schachter, Oscar: International Law in Theory and Practice, Dordrecht 1991.
  • Shacknove, Andrew E.: “Who is a Refugee?”, Ethics, January 1985, C. 95, S. 2, ss. 274- 284.
  • Shah, Prakash A.: Refugees, Race and the Legal Concept of Asylum in Britain, London 2000.
  • Sidorenko, Olga Ferguson: The Common European Asylum System: Background, Current State of Affairs, Future Direction, The Hague 2007.
  • Sohn, Louis B.: “The Human Rights Law of the Charter”, Texas International Law Journal, 1977, C. 12, ss. 129-140.
  • Suhrke, Astri: “Burden-Sharing During Refugee Emergencies: The Logic of Collective versus National Action”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 1998, C. 11, S. 4, ss. 396-415.
  • Tally, Kritzman A. / Yonatan, Berman: “Responsibility Sharing and the Rights of Refugees: The Case of Israel”, George Washington International Law Review, 2009, C. 41, S.3, ss. 619-649.
  • Taneri, Gökhan: Uluslararası Hukukta Mülteci ve Sığınmacıların Geri Gönderilmemesi (non-refoulement) İlkesi, Ankara 2012.
  • Taşdemir, Hakan / Demir, Hasan: “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartı”, Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Güz 2002, C.2, S.3, ss. 85-100.
  • Thieleman, Eiko R.: Burden Sharing: The International Politics of Refugee Protection, The Centre for Comparative Immigration Studies Working Paper, No. 134, San Diego 2006 (Paper prepared for the Conference “Immigration Policy after 9/11: US and European Perspectives”, University of Texas Austin, 2-3 March 2006).
  • Thielemann, Eiko R. / Dewan, Torun: “The Myth of Free-Riding: Refugee Protection and Implicit Burden Sharing”, West European Politics, March 2006, C. 29, S. 2, ss. 351-369.
  • Thielemann, Eiko R.: “Between Interests and Norms: Explaining Burden-Sharing in the European Union”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 2003, C.16, S. 3, ss. 253-273
  • Tokuzlu, Lami Bertan: Non-Refoulement Principle in a Changing European Legal Environment with Particular Emphasis on Turkey, A Candidate Country at the External Borders of The EU, İstanbul 2006 (yayımlanmamış doktora tezi).
  • Waldock, Humphrey: Human Rights in Contemporary International Law and the Significance of the European Convention, içinde, The European Convention of Human Rights, London 1965.
  • Weis, Paul: “The United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum”, Canada Yearbook of International Law, 1969, C.7, ss. 92-149.
  • Zalimiene, Skirgaile: Competence of the National Court to Act on Its Own Motion in a European Context, Direct Applicability of Articles 18 and 47 of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, Seminar on the “Asylum and Immigration Law: the National Judge between National and European Standards”, Association of the Councils of State and the Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, Brussels, 17 December 2010, imiene.pdf (02.02.2011)

Evaluation of the Right to Asylum in Article 18 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 187 - 229, 13.07.2016


Asylum is significantly related to human rights and deserves to be an individual right as it provides substitute protection of fundamental rights for those who lack the protection of their states of origin. However, the perception of the right of asylum in international law has not developed in accordance with the nature of the concept of asylum. Right of asylum in international law refers to the right of the state to grant asylum, being nothing more than a reflection of the state sovereignty. Within this context, individual asylum seeker is donated only with the right to seek and enjoy asylum. Since the nature of asylum and its perception in international law has developed through different directions; right to asylum, designated in article 18 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of The European Union, needs to be clarified. The reason for the need of such clarification is due to the ambiguous wording of the Charter’s relevant provision. Although the inclusion of right to asylum in the Charter was welcomed with some hope for constituting a challenge to the traditional perception in international law, it turns out to be a disappointment when the provision is fully interpreted. This is because; the right to asylum in the aforementioned provision brings nothing new to the traditional concept of right of asylum in international law


  • Albrecht, Hans Jörg: “Fortress Europe? –Controlling Illegal Immigration, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 2002, C.10, S.1, ss.1-22.
  • Allain, Jean: The Jus Cogens Nature of Non-Refoulement, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2001, C.13, S.4, ss. 533-558.
  • Battjes, Hemme: European Asylum Law and International Law, Leiden 2006.
  • Baykal, Sanem: “Temel Haklar”, içinde, kçay, B./Bayraktaroğlu zçelik G. (eds.): Lizbon Antlaşması Sonrası Avrupa Birliği Serbest Dolaşım ve Politikalar, Ankara 2010, ss. 371-399.
  • Boed, Roman: “The State of the Right of Asylum in International Law”, Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, 1994-1995, C. 5, S. 5, ss. 1-33.
  • Caviedes, Alexander: “The Open Method of Co-ordination in Immigration Policy: A Tool For Prying Open Fortress Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, 2004, C.11, S.2, ss.289-310.
  • Chalmers, Damian / Davies, Gareth / Monti, Giorgio: European Union Law, Cambridge 2010.
  • Chowdhury, Subrata Roy: A Response to the Refugee Problems in Post Cold War Era: Some Existing and Emerging Norms of International Law, International Journal of Refugee Law, 1995, C. 7, S. 1, ss. 100-118.
  • Clayton, Gina: Textbook on Immigration and Asylum Law, Oxford 2010.
  • Çiçekli, Bülent: Uluslararası Hukukta Mülteciler ve Sığınmacılar, Ankara 2009.
  • Di Federico, Giacomo: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, From Declaration to Binding Instrument HeidelbergLondon-New York, 2011
  • Dummet, Ann / Nicol, Andrew: Subjects, Citizens, Aliens and Others, London 1990.
  • Dworkin, Ronald: Life’s Dominion: An Argument About Abortion, Euthanasia and Individual Freedom, New YorkToronto 1993.
  • Dworkin, Ronald: “Life is Sacred: That’s the Easy Part”, New York Times Magazine, May 16 1993.
  • Edwards, Alice: Human Rights, Refugees and the Right "to Enjoy" Asylum, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2005, C. 17, S. 2, , ss. 293-330.
  • Ersava, Füsun: “AB’nin Anayasallaşma Sürecinde Temel Haklar Şartı”, Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Bahar 2004, C. 3, S. 2, ss. 1-9.
  • European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), Position on Sharing the Responsibility: Protecting Refugees and Displaced Persons in the Context of Large Scale Arrivals, March 1996, (07.05.2012).
  • Foster, Michelle: International Refugee Law and Socio-Economic Rights, Refugee from Deprivation, Cambridge 2007. Gil-Bazo, Maria - Teresa: “The Charter of Fundamental Rights of The European Union and The Right To Be Granted Asylum in The Union’s Law”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2008, C. 27, S.3, ss.33-52.
  • Gilbert, Geoff: “Right of Asylum: A Change of Direction”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 1983, C. 32, ss. 633-650.
  • Goodin, Robert E.: “What is so Special about Our Fellow Countrymen?”, Ethics, 1998, C. 98, S.4, s. 663-686. Goodwin--Gill, Guy S. / McAdam Jane: The Refugee in International Law, New York 2007.
  • Göçmen, İlke: Avrupa Birliği Hukukunda Direktiflerin Bireyler Arasındaki İlişkilere Etkileri, Ankara 2008.
  • Göçmen, İlke: Keeping a(n) (Un)Fair Balance between the “Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters” and Fundamental Rights: The Contributions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, The Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies Conference on Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2012 Old Borders – New Frontiers (yayımlanmamış tebliğ metni), 3-5 September 2012, Passau, Germany, s. 20. Tebliğ metninin tamamına n.pdf adresinden ulaşılabilir.
  • Grahl Madsen, Atle: Territorial Asylum, London 1980 (Territorial Asylum).
  • Grahl Madsen, Atle: The Status of Refugees in International Law, Leiden 1972.
  • Griffin, James: Well-Being, Its Meaning, Measurement and Moral Importance, New York 2002.
  • Guild, Elspeth: “The Europeanisation of Europe’s Asylum Policy”, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2006, C. 18, S. 3-4, ss. 630-651.
  • Hannum, Hurst: “Status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in National and International Law”, 1995-1996, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, C. 25, ss. 287-398.
  • Hathaway, James C.: The Law of Refugee Status, Toronto-Vancouver 1991.
  • Henkel, Christoph: “Constitutionalism of The European Union: Judicial Legislation and Political Decision Making by the European Court of Justice”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 2000-2001, C. 19, S.2, ss. 153-180.
  • Hepple, Bob: “(European Developments) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Industrial Law Journal, 2001, C. 30, S.2, ss. 225-231.
  • Humphrey, John: No Distant Millenium: The International Law of Human Rights, Paris 1989.
  • Humphrey, John: “The International Bill of Rights: Scope and Implementation”, William and Mary Law Review, 1976, C. 17, ss. 527-541.
  • Hurwitz, Agnés: The Collective Responsibility of States to Protect Refugees, Oxford 2009.
  • Islam, Shada: “Fortress Europe”, Index on Censorship , 1994, C. 23, S. 3, ss. 37–43
  • Juss, Satvinder S.: “The Decline and Decay of European Refugee Policy”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2005, C. 25, S. 4, ss. 749-792.
  • Nayar, Kaladharan M. G.: “The Right of Asylum in International Law, Its Status and Prospects”, Saint Louis University Law Journal, 1972-1973, C. 17, ss. 17-46.
  • Kohen, Ari: In Defense of Human Rights a Non Religious Grounding in a Pluralistic World, Routledge Innovations in Political Theory, New York 2007.
  • Köktaş, Arif / Yılmaz, Ömer: “Avrupa Birliği Entegre Sınır Yönetimi Modeli”, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010, C.12, S.2, ss. 1-21.
  • Lambert, Héléne / Messineo, Francesco ve Tiedemann, Paul: “Comparative Perspectives of Constitutional Asylum in France, Italy, and Germany: Requiescat in Pace?”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2008, C. 27, S.3, ss. 16-32.
  • Lauterpacht, Hersch: “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, British Year Book of International Law, 1948, C. 5, ss. 354-381.
  • Lauterpacht, Elihu / Bethlehem Daniel: “The Scope and Content of the Principle of Non-Refoulement: Opinion”, içinde, Feller, E/ ürk, V. ve Ni holson F. (eds.): Refugee Protection in International Law UNHCR’s Global Consultations on International Protection, Cambridge 2003, ss. 87-177
  • Lerch, Marika: “European Identity in International Society- A Constructivist Analysis of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Web Papers on Constitutionalism & Governance Beyond the State, S.2, 2003.
  • McAdam, Jane: Complementary Protection in International Refugee Law, Oxford-NewYork 2007. Meron, Theodor: Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms as Customary Law, Oxford 1989.
  • Metin, Yüksel: “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartı”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 2002, C. 57, S. 4, ss. 35-63.
  • Morgenstern, Felice: “The Right of Asylum”, British Yearbook of International Law, 1949, C.26, ss. 327-357.
  • Mubanga-Chipoya, CLC: Final Report, The Right of Everyone to Leave any Country, Including His Own and Return to His Country: UN Doc.E/C.4/Sub.2/1988/35; June 1988, ss. 103-106, naklen, Clark, Tom: “Human Rights and Expulsion: Giving Content to the Concept of Asylum”, International Journal of Refugee Law, 1992, C. 4, S. 2, ss. 189-204.
  • Noll, Gregor: “Risky Games? A Theoretical Approach to BurdenSharing in the Asylum Field”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 2003, C. 16, S. 3, ss. 236-252.
  • Özcan, Mehmet: Avrupa Birliği Sığınma Hukuku Ortak Bir Sığınma Hukukunun Ortaya Çıkışı, Ankara 2005.
  • Peers, Steve: “Human Rights, Asylum and European Community Law”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2005, C. 24, S.2, ss. 24-38.
  • Peers, Steve: EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, Oxford-New York 2011, ss. 99-101 (JHA Law).
  • Peker, Bülent / Sancar, Mithat: Mülteciler ve İltica Hakkı Yaşamın Kıyısındakilere Hoşgeldin Diyebilmek, Ankara 2001. Perry, Michael J.: The Idea of Human Rights Four Inquiries, New York 1998.
  • Schachter, Oscar: International Law in Theory and Practice, Dordrecht 1991.
  • Shacknove, Andrew E.: “Who is a Refugee?”, Ethics, January 1985, C. 95, S. 2, ss. 274- 284.
  • Shah, Prakash A.: Refugees, Race and the Legal Concept of Asylum in Britain, London 2000.
  • Sidorenko, Olga Ferguson: The Common European Asylum System: Background, Current State of Affairs, Future Direction, The Hague 2007.
  • Sohn, Louis B.: “The Human Rights Law of the Charter”, Texas International Law Journal, 1977, C. 12, ss. 129-140.
  • Suhrke, Astri: “Burden-Sharing During Refugee Emergencies: The Logic of Collective versus National Action”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 1998, C. 11, S. 4, ss. 396-415.
  • Tally, Kritzman A. / Yonatan, Berman: “Responsibility Sharing and the Rights of Refugees: The Case of Israel”, George Washington International Law Review, 2009, C. 41, S.3, ss. 619-649.
  • Taneri, Gökhan: Uluslararası Hukukta Mülteci ve Sığınmacıların Geri Gönderilmemesi (non-refoulement) İlkesi, Ankara 2012.
  • Taşdemir, Hakan / Demir, Hasan: “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartı”, Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Güz 2002, C.2, S.3, ss. 85-100.
  • Thieleman, Eiko R.: Burden Sharing: The International Politics of Refugee Protection, The Centre for Comparative Immigration Studies Working Paper, No. 134, San Diego 2006 (Paper prepared for the Conference “Immigration Policy after 9/11: US and European Perspectives”, University of Texas Austin, 2-3 March 2006).
  • Thielemann, Eiko R. / Dewan, Torun: “The Myth of Free-Riding: Refugee Protection and Implicit Burden Sharing”, West European Politics, March 2006, C. 29, S. 2, ss. 351-369.
  • Thielemann, Eiko R.: “Between Interests and Norms: Explaining Burden-Sharing in the European Union”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 2003, C.16, S. 3, ss. 253-273
  • Tokuzlu, Lami Bertan: Non-Refoulement Principle in a Changing European Legal Environment with Particular Emphasis on Turkey, A Candidate Country at the External Borders of The EU, İstanbul 2006 (yayımlanmamış doktora tezi).
  • Waldock, Humphrey: Human Rights in Contemporary International Law and the Significance of the European Convention, içinde, The European Convention of Human Rights, London 1965.
  • Weis, Paul: “The United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum”, Canada Yearbook of International Law, 1969, C.7, ss. 92-149.
  • Zalimiene, Skirgaile: Competence of the National Court to Act on Its Own Motion in a European Context, Direct Applicability of Articles 18 and 47 of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, Seminar on the “Asylum and Immigration Law: the National Judge between National and European Standards”, Association of the Councils of State and the Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, Brussels, 17 December 2010, imiene.pdf (02.02.2011)
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA34VD82GJ
Bölüm Makaleler

Neva Övünç Öztürk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Temmuz 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, N. Ö. (2016). Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 187-229.
AMA Öztürk NÖ. Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili. İnÜHFD. Temmuz 2016;3(2):187-229. doi:10.21492/inuhfd.239815
Chicago Öztürk, Neva Övünç. “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 3, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2016): 187-229.
EndNote Öztürk NÖ (01 Temmuz 2016) Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 3 2 187–229.
IEEE N. Ö. Öztürk, “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili”, İnÜHFD, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 187–229, 2016, doi: 10.21492/inuhfd.239815.
ISNAD Öztürk, Neva Övünç. “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 3/2 (Temmuz 2016), 187-229.
JAMA Öztürk NÖ. Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili. İnÜHFD. 2016;3:187–229.
MLA Öztürk, Neva Övünç. “Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 187-29, doi:10.21492/inuhfd.239815.
Vancouver Öztürk NÖ. Avrupa Birliği Temel Haklar Şartında Yer Alan Sığınma Hakkının Tahlili. İnÜHFD. 2016;3(2):187-229.