It is forbidden to interfere with the human body. One of the exceptions to this prohibition is medical interventions. In order for a medical intervention to be considered lawful, it must meet some conditions. One of these conditions is that the medical intervention is directed towards legally stipulated purposes. Accordingly, medical intervention will be legal only in the presence of medical necessity. This is called an indication in teaching. Medical interventions without an indication are illegal. Therefore, they face legal and penal sanctions. The physician who intervenes without indication will be held legally and criminally liable even if the intervention carries other conditions of compliance with the law. However, in some interventions, social or psychological indications may replace medical indication. In some cases, the indication requirement overrides other legal compliance requirements. In some cases, it competes with other conditions. In these cases, medical intervention is required as soon as possible without waiting for consent. It can be said that the most important of the conditions of the compliance of the medical intervention with the law is the indication and the other conditions are additional conditions. Therefore, the first condition to be examined in order to determine whether a medical intervention is legal or not is an indication condition.