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China’s Policy on Iran Nuclear Issue: The Balance Between National Interest and “Responsible Great Power”

Yıl 2018, , 11 - 35, 29.12.2018




The importance of
China’s policy toward Iran’s Nuclear Program has gradually increased because of
China’s permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the
increase of interest areas in the Middle East, and being one of the biggest
challenging countries to the global position of the US. Besides, an active
diplomacy of China in the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” (JCPOA), the
increase in interest areas in the international system, and rise of its
political position shows that China pursues a more active diplomacy. While
China defends the nuclear program of Iran for the use of civilian purposes, it
also prioritizes the regime of the continuation of nuclear weapons. China also
aims to improve its mutual relationship with Iran, which is subject to
international sanctions, in the field of energy and economy. On the other hand,
it not only aims to protect the image of “responsible great power”, but also
continue its positive relationship with the US. After unilaterally the
withdrawal of the USA from the JCPOA, China’s policy toward Iran’s nuclear
program based on the balance between national interests and the image of
“responsible great power” has gained much more importance.
  In this paper, I analyze the impact of the
parameters of China’s changing position in international system, the
relationship between China and the US, national interests at the level of local
/global and the image of “responsible great power” on China’s policy toward
Iran’s nuclear program. This article argues that China’s policy toward Iran’s
nuclear program is determined by the balance between national interests and the
image of “responsible great power” of the rising actor. China’s relationship
with Iran remains limited because China prioritizes the relationship with the
US, and aims to protect the image of “responsible great power”.


  • “The Iran Nuclear Issue: The View from Beijing“, Crisis Group Asia Briefing, No. 100, 17 February 2010.
  • Alperen, Ümit, Bir Kuşak Bir Yol” Girişimi ve Çin’in Orta Asya Politikası, Bilge Strateji, Cilt 10, Sayı 9, (Güz 2018): 17-38.
  • Alperen, Ümit, Reel Politik Düzenlemde İran-Çin İlişkileri, IRAM, Şubat 2018.
  • Alterman, Jon B., John W. Garver, The Vital Triangle: China, the United States, and the Middle East, Washington D.C.: The CSIS Press, 2008.
  • Bates, Bill, Rising Star: China’s new security diplomacy, Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2007.
  • Caravelli, Jack, Beyond Sand and Oil: The Nuclear Middle East: The Nuclear Middle East, Oxford: Praeger, 2011.
  • Garver, John W., China's Quest: The History of the Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of China, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Garver, John W., Is China Playing a Dual Game in Iran?, The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 34, No.1, (Winter 2011): 75-88.
  • Garver, John, Flynt Leverett, and Hillary Mann Leverett, Moving (Slightly) Closer to Iran China’s Shifting Calculus for Managing Its “Persian Gulf Dilemma, Edwin Reischauer Center, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, October 2009.
  • Harold, Scott and Alireza Nader, China and Iran: Economic, Political, and Military Relations, RAND, Center for Middle East Public Policy, 2012.
  • Kemende, Willem van, Iran’s Relations with China and the West Cooperation and Confrontation, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, The Hague, November 2009.
  • Ningthoujam, Alvite Singh, “Iranian Nuclear Program: A Chronology”, Contemporary Review of the Middle East 3(1) (2016): 111–122. Samore, Gary (ed.), Iran's Strategic Weapons Programmes: A Net Assessment, London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2005.
  • Shariatinia, Mohsen, The JCPOA in Crisis: Implications for Sino-Iranian Relations, Alsharq Forum, May 2018.
  • Vaez, Ali, Karim Sadjadpour, Iran’s Nuclear Odyssey: Costs and Risks, Carnegie Endownment, New York, 2013.
  • Hua Liming, Yilang He Wenti Yu Zhongguo Zhongdong Waijiao, Alabo Shijie Yanjiu, Di6Qi, (2014Nian11Yue): 4-16. (华黎明, 伊朗核问题与中国中东外交, 阿拉伯世界研究, 第 6 期, (2014 年 11 月): 4-16.)
  • Hua Liming, Yilang He Wenti Jingji Dui Daguo Guangxi De Yingxiang, Heping Yu Fazhan, Di2Qi, Zongdi 114, (2010Nian4Yue): 35-42. (华黎明, 伊朗核问题前景及对大国关系的影响, 和平与发展, 第2期, 总第114, (2010年 4月): 35-42.)
  • Yang Xingli, Xiandai Zhongguo Yu Yilang Guanxi, Beijing: Shishi Chubanshi, 2013. (杨兴礼, 现代中国与伊朗关系, 北京: 时事出版社, 2013.)
  • Zhen Junhua- Yang Xingli, Xin Shiqi Zhongguo - Yilang Guanxi De Zhanlue Dingli Fenxie, Shijie Jingji Yu Zhengzhi Luntan, Di2Qi, (2009Nian): 71-76. (陈俊华 – 杨兴礼, 新时期中国 – 伊朗关系的战略 定理分析, 世界经济与政治论坛, 第2 期, (2009 年): 71-76.)
  • İnternet Kaynakları
  • “ABD Başkanı Trump İran Nükleer Antlaşması’ndan çekildiklerini açıkladı”, BBC News Türkçe, 08 Mayıs 2018, Erişim: 20 Ağustos 2018, “BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2014”, BP, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2018, country/de_de/PDFs/brochures/BP-statistical-review-of-world-energy-2014-full-report.pdf.
  • “China pumps billions into Iranian economy as Western firms hold off”, SCMP, 01 December 2017, Erişim: 05 Ocak 2018,
  • “Chinese Company Signs Rail Deal With Iran”, Financial Tribune, 03 January 2018, 05 Ocak 2018,
  • “Iran’s Nuclear Programme: A Collection of Documents”, Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2005, Erişim: 20 Temmuz 2017,
  • “Iran“, EIA, 09 April 2018, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2018,
  • “Iran-China trade hit $37b in 2017”, Iran Daily, 17 March 2018, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2018,
  • “Isfahan Nuclear Technology Center", NTI, 01 Jan 2001, Erişim: 05 Nisan 2015,
  • “NuclearWeapons: Who Has What at a Glance”, Arms Control Association, 21 June 2018, Erişim: 05 Eylül 2018,
  • “Obama dodges question on Israeli nuclear Capability”, The Huffington Post, 9 February 2009,
  • “Prospects very bright for Iran-China ties: ambassador”, Mehrnews, 17 September 2007, Erişim: 10 Nisan 2018, ambassador
  • “Security Council Briefed by Iran Sanctions Committee Chair; Members Voice Concern about Nuclear Activities, but Underscore Commitment to Negotiated Solution”, United Nations Press Release SC/10029, 15 September 2010, Erişim: 10 Nisan 2018,
  • “Security Council Demands Iran Suspends Uranium Enrichment by 31 August, or Face Possible Economic, Diplomatic Sanctions“, United Nations Press Release SC/8792, 31 July 2006, Erişim: 10 Nisan 2018,
  • “Security Council Imposes Additional Sanctions on Iran, Voting 12 in Favour to 2 Against, with 1 Abstention”, United Nations Security Council, SC/99948, 9 June 2010, http://www. “State Dept aims to cut Iran oil exports to zero but leaves wiggle room for some importers”, CNBC, 02 July 2018, Erişim: 18 Eylül 2018,
  • “Trump's challenge of Iran deal impedes int'l non-proliferation, erodes U.S. credibility”, Xinhuanet, 14 October 2017, Erişim: 11 Nisan 2018,
  • “Who Was Buying Iranian Oil And What Happens Next?”, Oil Price, 09 May 2018, Erişim: 18 Eylül 2018,
  • “中国今年进口伊朗石油或创纪录 预计增加5%”, IFENG, 2017年01月07日, Erişim: 18 Eylül 2018, “China”, EIA, 14 May 2015,
  • Branigin, William, “Iran set to scrap $34 billionworth of civilian projects", Washington Post, May 30, 1979, Erişim: 18 Ocak 2016,
  • Landay, Jonathan S., “China to Halt Nuclear Deal With Iran, US Officials Say”, Christian Science Monitor, 19 December 1996, Erişim: 04 Şubat 2014,
  • Mackenzie, Peter, A Closer Look at China-Iran Relations, CNA Roundtable Report: China’s Relations with Iran, September 2010, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2016,
  • United Nation Security Council, UNSC S/487/1981, UN, 19 June 1981,
  • Wagner, Alex, “Bush Labels North Korea, Iran, Iraq an 'Axis of Evil’”, Arms Control Association, March 1, 2002, Erişim: 20 Temmuz 2017,

Çin’in İran Nükleer Politikası: Ulusal Çıkar ve “Sorumlu Büyük Güç” Arasında Denge

Yıl 2018, , 11 - 35, 29.12.2018



Çin’in Birleşmiş
Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi’nin (BMGK) daimî üyesi olması, Ortadoğu’da çıkar
alanlarının artması ve uluslararası sistemin mevcut başat aktörü ABD’nin
küresel konumuna en büyük meydan okuyucu ülkelerden birisi olması nedeniyle
İran Nükleer Programı’na yönelik politikasının önemi gün geçtikçe artmaktadır.
Ayrıca Çin’in “Kapsamlı Ortak Eylem Planı Antlaşması” (KOEP) sürecindeki
politikası, uluslararası sistemde çıkar alanlarının artması ve siyasi konumunun
yükselmesi ile daha aktif bir diplomasi izlediğinin ve izleyeceğinin
işaretidir. Çin, sivil amaçlı nükleer programın İran’ın hakkı olduğunu
savunurken, aynı zamanda nükleer silahların yayılmasının önlenmesi rejiminin
sürdürülmesine önem vermektedir. Ayrıca uluslararası yaptırımlara maruz kalan
İran ile ikili enerji ve ekonomik ilişkilerini geliştirmek isterken, diğer
yandan da hem “sorumlu büyük güç” imajını hem de ABD ile ilişkilerini korumak
istemektedir. ABD’nin KOEP’den tek taraflı olarak çekilmesinden sonra, Çin’in
ulusal çıkarları ile sorumlu büyük güç imajı arasında nasıl bir denge
sağlayacağı daha fazla önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Çin’in İran Nükleer
Programı politikasında uluslararası sistemdeki değişen konumunun, Çin-ABD
ilişkilerinin, bölgesel/küresel düzeydeki ulusal çıkarlarının ve “sorumlu büyük
güç” imajı parametrelerinin etkileşimi sonucunda nasıl belirlendiği analiz
edilmektedir. Bu makale, Çin’in İran Nükleer Politikasını ulusal çıkarları ve
yükselen aktörün “sorumlu büyük güç” imajı arasındaki dengeyi gözeterek
belirlediğini savunmaktadır. Çin’in ABD ile ilişkilerini daha öncelikli görmesi
ve “sorumlu büyük güç” imajının zarar görmemesi için İran ile ilişkileri
sınırlı kalmaktadır.


  • “The Iran Nuclear Issue: The View from Beijing“, Crisis Group Asia Briefing, No. 100, 17 February 2010.
  • Alperen, Ümit, Bir Kuşak Bir Yol” Girişimi ve Çin’in Orta Asya Politikası, Bilge Strateji, Cilt 10, Sayı 9, (Güz 2018): 17-38.
  • Alperen, Ümit, Reel Politik Düzenlemde İran-Çin İlişkileri, IRAM, Şubat 2018.
  • Alterman, Jon B., John W. Garver, The Vital Triangle: China, the United States, and the Middle East, Washington D.C.: The CSIS Press, 2008.
  • Bates, Bill, Rising Star: China’s new security diplomacy, Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2007.
  • Caravelli, Jack, Beyond Sand and Oil: The Nuclear Middle East: The Nuclear Middle East, Oxford: Praeger, 2011.
  • Garver, John W., China's Quest: The History of the Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of China, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Garver, John W., Is China Playing a Dual Game in Iran?, The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 34, No.1, (Winter 2011): 75-88.
  • Garver, John, Flynt Leverett, and Hillary Mann Leverett, Moving (Slightly) Closer to Iran China’s Shifting Calculus for Managing Its “Persian Gulf Dilemma, Edwin Reischauer Center, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, October 2009.
  • Harold, Scott and Alireza Nader, China and Iran: Economic, Political, and Military Relations, RAND, Center for Middle East Public Policy, 2012.
  • Kemende, Willem van, Iran’s Relations with China and the West Cooperation and Confrontation, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, The Hague, November 2009.
  • Ningthoujam, Alvite Singh, “Iranian Nuclear Program: A Chronology”, Contemporary Review of the Middle East 3(1) (2016): 111–122. Samore, Gary (ed.), Iran's Strategic Weapons Programmes: A Net Assessment, London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2005.
  • Shariatinia, Mohsen, The JCPOA in Crisis: Implications for Sino-Iranian Relations, Alsharq Forum, May 2018.
  • Vaez, Ali, Karim Sadjadpour, Iran’s Nuclear Odyssey: Costs and Risks, Carnegie Endownment, New York, 2013.
  • Hua Liming, Yilang He Wenti Yu Zhongguo Zhongdong Waijiao, Alabo Shijie Yanjiu, Di6Qi, (2014Nian11Yue): 4-16. (华黎明, 伊朗核问题与中国中东外交, 阿拉伯世界研究, 第 6 期, (2014 年 11 月): 4-16.)
  • Hua Liming, Yilang He Wenti Jingji Dui Daguo Guangxi De Yingxiang, Heping Yu Fazhan, Di2Qi, Zongdi 114, (2010Nian4Yue): 35-42. (华黎明, 伊朗核问题前景及对大国关系的影响, 和平与发展, 第2期, 总第114, (2010年 4月): 35-42.)
  • Yang Xingli, Xiandai Zhongguo Yu Yilang Guanxi, Beijing: Shishi Chubanshi, 2013. (杨兴礼, 现代中国与伊朗关系, 北京: 时事出版社, 2013.)
  • Zhen Junhua- Yang Xingli, Xin Shiqi Zhongguo - Yilang Guanxi De Zhanlue Dingli Fenxie, Shijie Jingji Yu Zhengzhi Luntan, Di2Qi, (2009Nian): 71-76. (陈俊华 – 杨兴礼, 新时期中国 – 伊朗关系的战略 定理分析, 世界经济与政治论坛, 第2 期, (2009 年): 71-76.)
  • İnternet Kaynakları
  • “ABD Başkanı Trump İran Nükleer Antlaşması’ndan çekildiklerini açıkladı”, BBC News Türkçe, 08 Mayıs 2018, Erişim: 20 Ağustos 2018, “BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2014”, BP, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2018, country/de_de/PDFs/brochures/BP-statistical-review-of-world-energy-2014-full-report.pdf.
  • “China pumps billions into Iranian economy as Western firms hold off”, SCMP, 01 December 2017, Erişim: 05 Ocak 2018,
  • “Chinese Company Signs Rail Deal With Iran”, Financial Tribune, 03 January 2018, 05 Ocak 2018,
  • “Iran’s Nuclear Programme: A Collection of Documents”, Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2005, Erişim: 20 Temmuz 2017,
  • “Iran“, EIA, 09 April 2018, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2018,
  • “Iran-China trade hit $37b in 2017”, Iran Daily, 17 March 2018, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2018,
  • “Isfahan Nuclear Technology Center", NTI, 01 Jan 2001, Erişim: 05 Nisan 2015,
  • “NuclearWeapons: Who Has What at a Glance”, Arms Control Association, 21 June 2018, Erişim: 05 Eylül 2018,
  • “Obama dodges question on Israeli nuclear Capability”, The Huffington Post, 9 February 2009,
  • “Prospects very bright for Iran-China ties: ambassador”, Mehrnews, 17 September 2007, Erişim: 10 Nisan 2018, ambassador
  • “Security Council Briefed by Iran Sanctions Committee Chair; Members Voice Concern about Nuclear Activities, but Underscore Commitment to Negotiated Solution”, United Nations Press Release SC/10029, 15 September 2010, Erişim: 10 Nisan 2018,
  • “Security Council Demands Iran Suspends Uranium Enrichment by 31 August, or Face Possible Economic, Diplomatic Sanctions“, United Nations Press Release SC/8792, 31 July 2006, Erişim: 10 Nisan 2018,
  • “Security Council Imposes Additional Sanctions on Iran, Voting 12 in Favour to 2 Against, with 1 Abstention”, United Nations Security Council, SC/99948, 9 June 2010, http://www. “State Dept aims to cut Iran oil exports to zero but leaves wiggle room for some importers”, CNBC, 02 July 2018, Erişim: 18 Eylül 2018,
  • “Trump's challenge of Iran deal impedes int'l non-proliferation, erodes U.S. credibility”, Xinhuanet, 14 October 2017, Erişim: 11 Nisan 2018,
  • “Who Was Buying Iranian Oil And What Happens Next?”, Oil Price, 09 May 2018, Erişim: 18 Eylül 2018,
  • “中国今年进口伊朗石油或创纪录 预计增加5%”, IFENG, 2017年01月07日, Erişim: 18 Eylül 2018, “China”, EIA, 14 May 2015,
  • Branigin, William, “Iran set to scrap $34 billionworth of civilian projects", Washington Post, May 30, 1979, Erişim: 18 Ocak 2016,
  • Landay, Jonathan S., “China to Halt Nuclear Deal With Iran, US Officials Say”, Christian Science Monitor, 19 December 1996, Erişim: 04 Şubat 2014,
  • Mackenzie, Peter, A Closer Look at China-Iran Relations, CNA Roundtable Report: China’s Relations with Iran, September 2010, Erişim: 05 Haziran 2016,
  • United Nation Security Council, UNSC S/487/1981, UN, 19 June 1981,
  • Wagner, Alex, “Bush Labels North Korea, Iran, Iraq an 'Axis of Evil’”, Arms Control Association, March 1, 2002, Erişim: 20 Temmuz 2017,
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ümit Alperen 0000-0002-4309-5180

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Alperen, Ü. (2018). Çin’in İran Nükleer Politikası: Ulusal Çıkar ve “Sorumlu Büyük Güç” Arasında Denge. İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 11-35.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY NC) International License.
İran Çalışmaları Dergisi bilginin yayılması ve zenginleşmesi için Açık Erişim Politikasına uymaktadır.