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Understanding Iran-Hamas Relations from a Defensive Neo-Realist Approach

Yıl 2020, , 385 - 409, 31.12.2020


This paper aims at understanding the dynamics behind the Iranian support for the Sunni Palestinian group Hamas by analyzing the mutual relations from a defensive neo-realist approach. The paper begins with a historical overview of Iran-Hamas relations and the periods that saw these relations being improved or deteriorated. It then addresses the defensive neo-realist approach in terms of the basic ideas proposed by Kenneth Waltz, the founder of the theory of neo-realism, and the differences between his view and the offensive approach suggested by John Mearsheimer and others. The third part of the paper examines the defensive neo-realist analysis on the relation between states and non-state actors by testing Iran as an inspector for soft power in the Sunni-majority region, and, the probable threat that can be defended by this relation. It also deals with the difficulties averting Iran from becoming the sole hegemon in the region and how Iran takes advantage of this relationship to maintain a dominant role in the Middle East and how the latest rapprochement between two Gulf countries and Israel would contribute to consolidate that relation.


  • Dunne, Tim & Kurki, Milja & Smith, Steve. International Relations Theory: Discipline and Diversity, Oxford University Press, third edition, 2013.
  • Ghazi J., Widad. “The Iranian position of the Palestinian parties: Hamas movement as a model.” Al-Mustansiriya Journal of Arab and International Studies, 17 (2020): 1-28.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics New York: W.W. Norton, 2001.
  • Rudloff, Peter. “Offensive Realism, Defensive Realism, and the Role of Constraints”. The Midsouth Political Science Review 14 (2013): 45-77.
  • Snyder, Jack. Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and International Ambition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.
  • Trevino, Rusty. “Is Iran Offensive or Defensive Realist, “A Theoretical Reflection on Iranian Motives of Creating Instability,” Journal of Strategic Security 5, no. 6 (2013): 382-392.
  • Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics, New York: McGraw Hill, 1979.
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  • “1992’s Mass Deportation of Hamas Members,” Maan News Agency, Dec, 21, 2010, accessed: April 2, 2020,
  • “A look back: Iran-Hamas relations throughout history,” Qpost News, Jan. 3, 2020, accessed: Sept. 5, 2020,
  • “Arouri: Hamas visit to Iran historic and strategic.” Arabi 21, June 22, 2019, accessed: Sept. 5, 2020,
  • “Hamas rejects Arab FMs’ classification of Hezbollah as terrorist organization.” Russia Today, November 20, 2017, accessed: Sept. 17, 2020,
  • “Hamas welcomes Houthi rebels to exchange Saudi soldiers with Hamas members.” Aljezeera, March 26, 2020, accessed: Sept. 17, 2020,
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  • Abo Rezeg, Ali. “Iran Needs Hamas More Than Hamas Needs It.” Daily Sabah, December 28, 2018, accessed: April 7, 2020,
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  • Anbari, Sabir. “Iran and the Arab Train towards Normalization ... Winning and Losing Accounts.” Al-Jazeera, December 18, 2017, accessed: January 11, 2020
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  • Haniyeh, Mahmoud. “Hamas and Iran: Dialectic of the relationship and its roots.” Al-Mayadeen, January 9, 2020, accessed: September 19, 2020,
  • Ilyas, Firas. “Iran-Hamas and Relations Overtaking Sectarian Limits.” Noon Post, July 29, 2019, accessed: Sept. 10, 2020,
  • Mahmoud, Ahmed, “Most Famous Assassination Attempts Against Iranian Scientists.” Sasa Post, January 6, 2015, accessed: January 16, 2020,
  • Ouf, Mervat. “Why does Iran back Hamas military wing, Al-Qassam, not Hamas as a whole?,” Sasa Post, May 10, 2017, accessed: April 20,
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Savunmacı Neo-Realist Bir Yaklaşımla İran-Hamas İlişkilerini Anlamak

Yıl 2020, , 385 - 409, 31.12.2020


Bu makalenin amacı, İran ile Filistinli Sünni grup Hamas arasındaki ilişkileri ve İran’ın gruba verdiği desteğin ardındaki dinamikleri, neorealist bir bakış açısıyla analiz etmektir. Makalede, İran ve Hamas ilişkilerinin iyileştiği veya kötüye gittiği dönemler tarihsel bir bakış açısıyla ele alınmıştır. Neorealist teorinin kurucusu Kenneth Waltz tarafından savunulan temel fikirler ışığında, savunmacı neorealizm incelenerek Mearsheimer ve diğerleri tarafından savunulan saldırgan yaklaşım ile arasındaki farklar ortaya konmuştur. Makalenin üçüncü bölümünde, Sünni çoğunluğu barındıran bölgede yumuşak güç denetmeni olarak İran masaya yatırılmış ve bu bağlamda olası tehditler incelenerek savunmacı neorealizm bakış açıları ele alınmıştır. Son olarak İran'ın bölgede tek başına hakimiyet kurmasını engelleyen zorluklar, İran'ın bu ilişkiyi Orta Doğu'da dominant pozisyonunu sürdürmek için nasıl kullandığı ve yakın dönemde gerçekleşen iki Körfez ülkesi ile İsrail arasındaki yakınlaşmanın bu ilişkiyi pekiştirmeye nasıl katkıda bulunacağı incelenmiştir.


  • Dunne, Tim & Kurki, Milja & Smith, Steve. International Relations Theory: Discipline and Diversity, Oxford University Press, third edition, 2013.
  • Ghazi J., Widad. “The Iranian position of the Palestinian parties: Hamas movement as a model.” Al-Mustansiriya Journal of Arab and International Studies, 17 (2020): 1-28.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics New York: W.W. Norton, 2001.
  • Rudloff, Peter. “Offensive Realism, Defensive Realism, and the Role of Constraints”. The Midsouth Political Science Review 14 (2013): 45-77.
  • Snyder, Jack. Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and International Ambition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.
  • Trevino, Rusty. “Is Iran Offensive or Defensive Realist, “A Theoretical Reflection on Iranian Motives of Creating Instability,” Journal of Strategic Security 5, no. 6 (2013): 382-392.
  • Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics, New York: McGraw Hill, 1979.
  • "Iran nuclear: Fire at Natanz plant 'caused by sabotage.” BBC, August 23, 2020, accessed: Sept. 18, 2020,
  • “1992’s Mass Deportation of Hamas Members,” Maan News Agency, Dec, 21, 2010, accessed: April 2, 2020,
  • “A look back: Iran-Hamas relations throughout history,” Qpost News, Jan. 3, 2020, accessed: Sept. 5, 2020,
  • “Arouri: Hamas visit to Iran historic and strategic.” Arabi 21, June 22, 2019, accessed: Sept. 5, 2020,
  • “Hamas rejects Arab FMs’ classification of Hezbollah as terrorist organization.” Russia Today, November 20, 2017, accessed: Sept. 17, 2020,
  • “Hamas welcomes Houthi rebels to exchange Saudi soldiers with Hamas members.” Aljezeera, March 26, 2020, accessed: Sept. 17, 2020,
  • “Iran and Palestinian Cause: the Candied Promises.” Al-Sharq Al-awsat, October 10, 2016, accessed: April 17, 2020, “Iran slams UAE-Israel deal.” Iran Daily, August 14, 2020, accessed: Sept. 8, 2020, “Iran, Hamas discuss UAE-Israel normalization deal.” Anadolu Agency, August 15, 2020, accessed: Sept. 8, 2020,
  • “Iran’s post-sanctions windfall may not benefit Hamas,” The Washington Post, August 31, 2015, accessed: April 20, 2020.
  • “Six charts that show how hard US sanctions have hit Iran.” BBC, December 9, 2019, accessed: April 7, 2020,
  • “The 2015 Arab Opinion Index”, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, December 21, 2015, accessed: January 11, 2020,
  • “The 2020 Arab Opinion Index”, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, October 2, 2020, accessed: Oct. 10, 2020,
  • “The Attack on Syria’s al-Kibar Nuclear Facility.” Jewish Policy Center, February 2, 2009, accessed: January 12, 2020,
  • “World GDP Ranking 2016” US-based Knoema company, 2016, accessed: January 10, 2020,
  • “Yassin from Tehran: Our Priority to Intensify Resistance Against the Occupation,” Archive of Al-Hayat Daily, accessed: January 5, 2020,
  • “Yemen’s Houthis overrun Southern Taiz,” Anadolu Agency, August 2, 2016, accessed: January 7, 2020,
  • Abo Rezeg, Ali “Israel-UAE spy base on Socotra targets Iran, China, Pakistan.” Anadolu Agency, accessed: Sept. 2, 2020,
  • Abo Rezeg, Ali. “Iran Needs Hamas More Than Hamas Needs It.” Daily Sabah, December 28, 2018, accessed: April 7, 2020,
  • Abu Amer, Adnan. “Aleppo Crisis makes Iran-Hamas Relations Cold Again.” Al-Monitor, December 29, 2016, accessed: January 5, 2020,
  • Abu Amer, Adnan. “Iran to continue Hamas support despite international outrage.” Adnan Abu Amer official website via Al-Monitor, February 12, 2018, accessed: Sept. 18, 2020,
  • Abu Hadid, Mohammed. “Why does Iran support Hamas?,” Al-Jazeera, January 19, 2020, accessed: April 17, 2020,
  • Abu Shanab, Hamzah. “What brings Hamas and Iran together.” Al-Mayadeen, January 15, 2020, accessed: Sept. 10, 2020,
  • Ali, Taghrid. “What is the secret behind Iran’s support for Hamas?” Hafryat, December 5, 2019, accessed:April 17, 2020,
  • Al-Rjoub, Awad. “Hamas and Iran: will the break continue?,” Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, July 26, 2015, accessed: April 7, 2020,
  • Al-Smadi, Fatma. “Hamas and Islamic Jihad Redefine Relations with Israel.” Al-Jazeera Center for Studies, September 20, 2015, accessed: January 11, 2020,
  • Anbari, Sabir. “Iran and the Arab Train towards Normalization ... Winning and Losing Accounts.” Al-Jazeera, December 18, 2017, accessed: January 11, 2020
  • Brandenburg, Rachel. “The Iran Primer, Iran and the Palestinians,” United States Institute of Peace, October 13, 2010, accessed: January 7,
  • Gasiorowski, Mark. “The New Aggressiveness In Iran’s Foreign Policy.”, Middle East Policy Council 14, no. 2, Summer 2007 Summer 2007, accessed: January 17, 2020,
  • Greenwood, Hannan. “Report: Israel, UAE setting up spy bases in Yemen, Israel Hayom,” Israel Hayom, August 31, 2020, accessed: Sept 15,2020,
  • Habboush, Mustafa. “Hamas' external relations: a way out of the bottleneck, Anadolu Agency, July 29, 2019, accessed: Sept. 14, 2020,
  • Hammoud, Tariq. “Differences between Hamas and Iran, Prospects of Future’s Relation 2010-2014.” Al-Zaytouna Center for Studies and Consultation, April 1, 2015, accessed: January 9, 2020,
  • Haniyeh, Mahmoud. “Hamas and Iran: Dialectic of the relationship and its roots.” Al-Mayadeen, January 9, 2020, accessed: September 19, 2020,
  • Ilyas, Firas. “Iran-Hamas and Relations Overtaking Sectarian Limits.” Noon Post, July 29, 2019, accessed: Sept. 10, 2020,
  • Mahmoud, Ahmed, “Most Famous Assassination Attempts Against Iranian Scientists.” Sasa Post, January 6, 2015, accessed: January 16, 2020,
  • Ouf, Mervat. “Why does Iran back Hamas military wing, Al-Qassam, not Hamas as a whole?,” Sasa Post, May 10, 2017, accessed: April 20,
  • Sandberg, Camilla. “The Defensive Iran: Rethinking Realism in the case of the Iranian Nuclear Program,” E-International Relations Students, August 10, 2013, accessed: January 16, 2020,
  • Suleiman, Dawood. “Resistance and the Political Trends in the Region.” Al-Jazeera, March 6, 2007, accessed: January 11, 2020,
  • Tafish, Abdulqadir. “Iran and Palestinian cause, the reality and variables.” Al-Jazeera Centre for Studies, December 13, 2012, accessed: January 9, 2020,
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Abo Rezeg 0000-0002-2226-9970

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Abo Rezeg, A. (2020). Understanding Iran-Hamas Relations from a Defensive Neo-Realist Approach. İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 385-409.

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