Yıl 2024,
, 1 - 44, 09.12.2024
Arzu Çalışkan
Mehmet Küçükmehmetoğlu
Türkiye is frequently exposed to earthquakes due to its location in one of the most active earthquake zones in the world. Following the recent earthquakes in the southeastern part of the country, the need to quickly recover from the losses in the local and regional economies of the affected areas makes it extremely important to analyze economic structure to ensure a planned economic development. In view of this, this study aims to investigate the key economic sectors that should be prioritized for investment in the reconstruction process of these places for an effective and efficient economic recovery. In doing so, a static explicit Input-Output (I-O) Model based on Leontief's work is adopted. The key sectors that require investment priority for the recovery and development of local economies in the shortest possible time have been identified using a categorical classification methodology based on the unbalanced growth model proposed by Hirschman.
- AFAD. (2014). Aciklamali Afet Yonetimi Terimleri Sozlugu. T.C. Basbakanlik Afet ve Acil Durum Yonetimi Baskanligi (pp. 23).
- Altan, S. (1996). Girdi-cikti analizinde girdi katsayilarinin tahmininde degisik bir yontem ve uygulamasi [Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University]. Türkiye.
- Arto, I., Andreoni, V., & Rueda Cantuche, J. M. (2014). Worldwide economic tsunami from the 2011 Japanese disaster. In 22nd International Input-Output Conference (pp. 14-18).
- Arto, I., Andreoni, V., & Rueda Cantuche, J. M. (2015). Global impacts of the automotive supply chain disruption following the Japanese earthquake of 2011. Economic Systems Research, 27(3), 306-323.
- Aydogus, O. (2010). Girdi cikti modellerine giris (3rd ed.). Efil Publisher, Ankara.
- Bazzazan, F., Alavinasab, M., & Banouei, A. A. (2005). Construction of regional Input-Output table and its applications: the case of Yazd Province. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques.
- Bocutoglu, E. (1990). Endustrilerarasi iktisat: teori ve Türkiye uygulamalari. Karadeniz Technical University.
- Boisvert, R. (1992). Indirect losses from a catastrophic earthquake and the local, regional, and national interest. Indirect economic consequences of a catastrophic earthquake, 207-265.
- Chenery, H. B., & Watanabe, T. (1958). International comparisons of the structure of production. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 487-521.
- Cochrane, H. C. (1974). Predicting the economic impact of earthquakes. Social Science Perspectives on the Coming San Francisco Earthquake, Natural Hazards Research Paper, 25.
- Cochrane, H. C. (1997). Forecasting the economic impact of a Midwest earthquake. Economic consequences of earthquakes: Preparing for the unexpected, 223-247.
- Caliskan, A. (2022). Depremlerin ekonomik etkilerinin belirlenmesinde girdi-cikti modelinin kullanimi: Kocaeli ili ornegi [Master’s thesis, Gebze Technical University]. Türkiye.
- Demir, N. (2019). Adana bolgesi icin girdi-cikti analizi [Master's thesis, Cukurova University]. Türkiye.
Divitcioglu, S. (1966). Antalya bolgesi girdi-cikti analizi. Istanbul University.
- Ersungur, S. M. (1996). Erzurum alt bolgesi girdi-cikti analizi [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Ataturk University.
- Flegg, A. T., Webber, C. D., & Elliott, M. V. (1995). On the appropriate use of location quotients in generating regional input-output tables. Regional studies, 29(6), 547-561.
- Fritz, O., Kurzmann, R., Zakarias, G., & Streicher, G. (2003). Constructing regional input-output tables for Austria. Austrian Economic Quarterly, 1(1-39).
- Gordon, P., Richardson, H. W., & Davis, B. (1998). Transport-related impacts of the Northridge earthquake. Journal of Transportation and Statistics, 1(2), 21-36.
- Hallegatte, S. (2008). An adaptive regional input‐output model and its application to the assessment of the economic cost of Katrina. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 28(3), 779-799.
- Hirschman, A. O. (1958). The Strategy of Economic Development. Yale University Press.
- Izmir Development Agency. (2012). Izmir Bolgesi Girdi Cikti Analizi.
- Isard, W., Azis, I. J., Drennan, M. P., Miller, R. E., Saltzman, S. & Thorbecke, E. (1998). Methods of interregional and regional analysis (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Iloglu, H. (1993). Kilit Sektor Belirlenmesi ve Türkiye Ekonomisine Uygulanmasi, Girdi Cikti Cozumlemesiyle [Unpublished master's thesis]. Gazi University.
- Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute. (2023). Recent Earthquakes in Türkiye.
- Karagoz, K. (2007). 1999 Marmara Depreminin Ekonomik Etkileri: Ekonometrik Bir Yaklasim. In TMMOB Afet Sempozyumu (pp. 423-432). Ankara.
- Kawashima, K., Sugita, H., & Kanoh, T. (1991). Estimation of earthquake induced economic damage. Report of Public Works Research Institute, 186, 1-57.
- Korum, U. (1967). Türkiye'de Input-Output Analizi ve DPT 1963 Input-Output Calismasi: Bir "Review" Makale. Ankara Universitesi SBF Dergisi, 22(4), 27-46.
- Leontief, W. (1949). Structural matrices of national economies. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 273-282.
- Miller, R. E. & Blair, P. D. (2009). Input-output analysis: foundations and extensions (2rd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
- Okuyama, Y., Hewings, G. J. D., Kim, T. J., Boyce, D. E., Ham, H., & Sohn, J. (1999). Economic impacts of an earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone: An overview. In Annual Meetings of the North American Regional Science Association (pp. 7-8).
- Okuyama, Y. (2004). Modeling spatial economic impacts of an earthquake: input-output approaches. Disaster Prevention and Management, 13 (4), 297-306.
- Okuyama, Y. (2009). Economic impacts of natural disasters: development issues and empirical analysis. In 17th International Input-Output Conference.
- Okuyama, Y. (2014). Disaster and economic structural change: case study on the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Economic Systems Research, 26(1), 98-117.
- Okuyama, Y. (2015). How shaky was the regional economy after the 1995 Kobe earthquake? A multiplicative decomposition analysis of disaster impact. Annals of Regional Science, 55(2-3), 289-312.
- Ozturk, A. (1978). Bolgesel Girdi-Cikti Analizi; Dogu Anadolu Bolgesine Uygulama. Bursa Iktisadi ve Ticari Ilimler Akademisi.
- Ozyurt, H. (1982). Trabzon Alt Bolgesi Girdi-Cikti Modeli ve Alt Bolge Planlamasinda Kullanilmasi [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Karadeniz Technical University.
- Republic of Türkiye Presidential Strategy and Budget Department. (2023). 2023 Kahramanmaraş and Hatay Earthquakes Report.
- Rose, A., Benavides, J., Chang, S. E., Szczesniak, P., & Lim, D. (1997). The regional economic impact of an earthquake: Direct and indirect effects of electricity lifeline disruptions. Journal of regional Science, 37(3), 437-458.
- Rose, A., & Benavides, J. (1998). Regional economic impacts. Engineering and socioeconomic impacts of earthquakes, 95-123.
- Savas, V. (1987). Kalkinma Ekonomisi. Beta Publisher, Istanbul.
- Sel, A. (2015). Sivas ili temel sektorlerinin girdi-cikti yontemiyle analizi [Master’s thesis, Cumhuriyet University]. Türkiye.
- The New York Times. (2023). Mapping the Damage From the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
- Toraman, A. (1973). Dogu marmara bolgesi girdi cikti analizi [Doctoral dissertation, Ataturk University]. Türkiye.
- TURKSTAT. (2021). Il Bazinda Gayrisafi Yurtici Hasila.
- Web 1. (2022). (Date of Access: 22/07/2023).
- Western Black Sea Development Agency. (2014). TR81 Duzey 2 Bolgesinin Sektorel Yapi ve Rekabet Gucunun Girdi Cikti Modeli ile Analizi.
- Wilson, R. (1982). Earthquake vulnerability analysis for economic impact assessment. Information Resources Management Office, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
- Wu, J., Li, N., Hallegatte, S., Shi, P., Hu, A., & Liu, X. (2012). Regional indirect economic impact evaluation of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 161-172.
- Yilanci, V. (2008). Türkiye ekonomisi icin kilit sektorun belirlenmesi -Girdi cikti analizi yaklasimi-. Istanbul Universitesi Iktisat Fakultesi Mecmuasi, 58(2), 75-86.
Etkin ve Verimli Toparlanma İçin Depremden Etkilenen Bölgenin Ekonomik Yapısının İncelenmesine İlişkin Bir Girdi-Çıktı Modeli
Yıl 2024,
, 1 - 44, 09.12.2024
Arzu Çalışkan
Mehmet Küçükmehmetoğlu
Türkiye, dünyanın en aktif deprem kuşaklarından birinde yer alması nedeniyle sık sık depreme maruz kalmaktadır. Ülkenin güneydoğu kesiminde meydana gelen son depremlerin ardından, etkilenen bölgelerin yerel ve bölgesel ekonomilerindeki kayıpların hızla telafi edilmesi ihtiyacı, planlı bir ekonomik kalkınmanın sağlanması için ekonomik yapının analiz edilmesini son derece önemli hale getirmektedir. Bunu göz önünde bulunduran bu çalışma, etkili ve verimli bir ekonomik toparlanma için bu yerlerin yeniden yapılandırılması sürecinde yatırım için öncelik verilmesi gereken kilit ekonomik sektörleri araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bunu yaparken, Leontief'in çalışmasına dayanan statik bir açık Girdi-Çıktı (I-O) Modeli benimsenmiştir. Yerel ekonomilerin mümkün olan en kısa sürede toparlanması ve kalkınması için yatırım önceliği gerektiren kilit sektörler, Hirschman tarafından önerilen dengesiz büyüme modeline dayanan kategorik bir sınıflandırma metodolojisi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir.
- AFAD. (2014). Aciklamali Afet Yonetimi Terimleri Sozlugu. T.C. Basbakanlik Afet ve Acil Durum Yonetimi Baskanligi (pp. 23).
- Altan, S. (1996). Girdi-cikti analizinde girdi katsayilarinin tahmininde degisik bir yontem ve uygulamasi [Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University]. Türkiye.
- Arto, I., Andreoni, V., & Rueda Cantuche, J. M. (2014). Worldwide economic tsunami from the 2011 Japanese disaster. In 22nd International Input-Output Conference (pp. 14-18).
- Arto, I., Andreoni, V., & Rueda Cantuche, J. M. (2015). Global impacts of the automotive supply chain disruption following the Japanese earthquake of 2011. Economic Systems Research, 27(3), 306-323.
- Aydogus, O. (2010). Girdi cikti modellerine giris (3rd ed.). Efil Publisher, Ankara.
- Bazzazan, F., Alavinasab, M., & Banouei, A. A. (2005). Construction of regional Input-Output table and its applications: the case of Yazd Province. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques.
- Bocutoglu, E. (1990). Endustrilerarasi iktisat: teori ve Türkiye uygulamalari. Karadeniz Technical University.
- Boisvert, R. (1992). Indirect losses from a catastrophic earthquake and the local, regional, and national interest. Indirect economic consequences of a catastrophic earthquake, 207-265.
- Chenery, H. B., & Watanabe, T. (1958). International comparisons of the structure of production. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 487-521.
- Cochrane, H. C. (1974). Predicting the economic impact of earthquakes. Social Science Perspectives on the Coming San Francisco Earthquake, Natural Hazards Research Paper, 25.
- Cochrane, H. C. (1997). Forecasting the economic impact of a Midwest earthquake. Economic consequences of earthquakes: Preparing for the unexpected, 223-247.
- Caliskan, A. (2022). Depremlerin ekonomik etkilerinin belirlenmesinde girdi-cikti modelinin kullanimi: Kocaeli ili ornegi [Master’s thesis, Gebze Technical University]. Türkiye.
- Demir, N. (2019). Adana bolgesi icin girdi-cikti analizi [Master's thesis, Cukurova University]. Türkiye.
Divitcioglu, S. (1966). Antalya bolgesi girdi-cikti analizi. Istanbul University.
- Ersungur, S. M. (1996). Erzurum alt bolgesi girdi-cikti analizi [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Ataturk University.
- Flegg, A. T., Webber, C. D., & Elliott, M. V. (1995). On the appropriate use of location quotients in generating regional input-output tables. Regional studies, 29(6), 547-561.
- Fritz, O., Kurzmann, R., Zakarias, G., & Streicher, G. (2003). Constructing regional input-output tables for Austria. Austrian Economic Quarterly, 1(1-39).
- Gordon, P., Richardson, H. W., & Davis, B. (1998). Transport-related impacts of the Northridge earthquake. Journal of Transportation and Statistics, 1(2), 21-36.
- Hallegatte, S. (2008). An adaptive regional input‐output model and its application to the assessment of the economic cost of Katrina. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 28(3), 779-799.
- Hirschman, A. O. (1958). The Strategy of Economic Development. Yale University Press.
- Izmir Development Agency. (2012). Izmir Bolgesi Girdi Cikti Analizi.
- Isard, W., Azis, I. J., Drennan, M. P., Miller, R. E., Saltzman, S. & Thorbecke, E. (1998). Methods of interregional and regional analysis (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Iloglu, H. (1993). Kilit Sektor Belirlenmesi ve Türkiye Ekonomisine Uygulanmasi, Girdi Cikti Cozumlemesiyle [Unpublished master's thesis]. Gazi University.
- Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute. (2023). Recent Earthquakes in Türkiye.
- Karagoz, K. (2007). 1999 Marmara Depreminin Ekonomik Etkileri: Ekonometrik Bir Yaklasim. In TMMOB Afet Sempozyumu (pp. 423-432). Ankara.
- Kawashima, K., Sugita, H., & Kanoh, T. (1991). Estimation of earthquake induced economic damage. Report of Public Works Research Institute, 186, 1-57.
- Korum, U. (1967). Türkiye'de Input-Output Analizi ve DPT 1963 Input-Output Calismasi: Bir "Review" Makale. Ankara Universitesi SBF Dergisi, 22(4), 27-46.
- Leontief, W. (1949). Structural matrices of national economies. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 273-282.
- Miller, R. E. & Blair, P. D. (2009). Input-output analysis: foundations and extensions (2rd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
- Okuyama, Y., Hewings, G. J. D., Kim, T. J., Boyce, D. E., Ham, H., & Sohn, J. (1999). Economic impacts of an earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone: An overview. In Annual Meetings of the North American Regional Science Association (pp. 7-8).
- Okuyama, Y. (2004). Modeling spatial economic impacts of an earthquake: input-output approaches. Disaster Prevention and Management, 13 (4), 297-306.
- Okuyama, Y. (2009). Economic impacts of natural disasters: development issues and empirical analysis. In 17th International Input-Output Conference.
- Okuyama, Y. (2014). Disaster and economic structural change: case study on the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Economic Systems Research, 26(1), 98-117.
- Okuyama, Y. (2015). How shaky was the regional economy after the 1995 Kobe earthquake? A multiplicative decomposition analysis of disaster impact. Annals of Regional Science, 55(2-3), 289-312.
- Ozturk, A. (1978). Bolgesel Girdi-Cikti Analizi; Dogu Anadolu Bolgesine Uygulama. Bursa Iktisadi ve Ticari Ilimler Akademisi.
- Ozyurt, H. (1982). Trabzon Alt Bolgesi Girdi-Cikti Modeli ve Alt Bolge Planlamasinda Kullanilmasi [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Karadeniz Technical University.
- Republic of Türkiye Presidential Strategy and Budget Department. (2023). 2023 Kahramanmaraş and Hatay Earthquakes Report.
- Rose, A., Benavides, J., Chang, S. E., Szczesniak, P., & Lim, D. (1997). The regional economic impact of an earthquake: Direct and indirect effects of electricity lifeline disruptions. Journal of regional Science, 37(3), 437-458.
- Rose, A., & Benavides, J. (1998). Regional economic impacts. Engineering and socioeconomic impacts of earthquakes, 95-123.
- Savas, V. (1987). Kalkinma Ekonomisi. Beta Publisher, Istanbul.
- Sel, A. (2015). Sivas ili temel sektorlerinin girdi-cikti yontemiyle analizi [Master’s thesis, Cumhuriyet University]. Türkiye.
- The New York Times. (2023). Mapping the Damage From the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
- Toraman, A. (1973). Dogu marmara bolgesi girdi cikti analizi [Doctoral dissertation, Ataturk University]. Türkiye.
- TURKSTAT. (2021). Il Bazinda Gayrisafi Yurtici Hasila.
- Web 1. (2022). (Date of Access: 22/07/2023).
- Western Black Sea Development Agency. (2014). TR81 Duzey 2 Bolgesinin Sektorel Yapi ve Rekabet Gucunun Girdi Cikti Modeli ile Analizi.
- Wilson, R. (1982). Earthquake vulnerability analysis for economic impact assessment. Information Resources Management Office, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
- Wu, J., Li, N., Hallegatte, S., Shi, P., Hu, A., & Liu, X. (2012). Regional indirect economic impact evaluation of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 161-172.
- Yilanci, V. (2008). Türkiye ekonomisi icin kilit sektorun belirlenmesi -Girdi cikti analizi yaklasimi-. Istanbul Universitesi Iktisat Fakultesi Mecmuasi, 58(2), 75-86.