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Yıl 2024, , 90 - 112, 09.12.2024


The performance of enterprises in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) areas affects all other stakeholders, especially investors. As a result, the financial structures of enterprises are affected by this situation. This study examines the impact of environmental, social, and governance performance on capital structure. For this purpose, the data of firms operating outside the financial sector in BRICS-T countries (Brazil, Russia, India, People's Republic of China, South Africa and Turkey) between 2014 and 2021 are taken into account, and a panel data analysis is conducted over a total of 6230 firm-year observations. As a result of the study, it is concluded that environmental performance score, social performance score, and ESG score have a negative and statistically significant effect on long-term debt ratio. However, the impact of governance performance score on long-term debt ratio is statistically insignificant.


  • Adeneye, Y. B., Kammoun, I., & Ab Wahab, S. N. A. (2023). Capital structure and speed of adjustment: The impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(5): 945-977.
  • Ateş, S. (2021). Kurumsal sosyal performansin borçlanma maliyetlerine etkisi. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 20(62): 191-206.
  • Bae, K.-H., Kang, J.-K., & Wang, J. (2011). Employee treatment and firm leverage: A test of the stakeholder theory of capital structure. Journal of financial economics, 100(1): 130-153.
  • Benlemlih, M. (2017a). Corporate social responsibility and firm debt maturity. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(3): 491-517.
  • Benlemlih, M. (2017b). Corporate social responsibility and firm financing decisions: A literature review. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 42: 1-10.
  • Benlemlih, M., & Cai, L. (2020). Corporate environmental performance and financing decisions. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(2): 248-265.
  • Bilyay-Erdogan, S. (2022). Corporate ESG engagement and information asymmetry: The moderating role of country-level institutional differences. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 1-37.
  • Borsa İstanbul. (2014). Şirketler için sürdürülebilirlik rehberi. Borsa İstanbul.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Report of the world commission on environment and development - Our common future. United Nations, chapter 2: towards sustainable development. Oxford University Press.
  • Doh, J. P., Littell, B., & Quigley, N. R. (2015). CSR and sustainability in emerging markets: Societal, institutional, and organizational influences. Organizational Dynamics, 44(2): 112-120.
  • Dyllick, T., & Hockerts, K. (2002). Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability. Business strategy and the environment, 11(2): 130-141.
  • Grabinska, B., Kedzior, D., Kedzior, M., & Grabinski, K. (2021). The impact of csr on the capital structure of high-tech companies in Poland. Sustainability, 13(10): 5467.
  • Hamrouni, A., Boussaada, R., & Toumi, N. B. F. (2019). Corporate social responsibility disclosure and debt financing. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 20(4): 394-415.
  • Harjoto, M. A. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and degrees of operating and financial leverage. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 49(2): 487-513.
  • Ho, K.-C., Wang, Q., Sun, X., & Wang, L. F. (2022). How does corporate social responsibility affect firm leverage? Kybernetes, 51(10): 2902-2926.
  • Hsu, S.-C., Wu, K.-T., Wang, Q., & Chang, Y. (2023). Is capital structure associated with corporate social responsibility? International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 8(1): 6.
  • IFAC. (2011). Sustainability framework 2.0. Professional accountants as integrators. Risk Management and Insurance Review, 12(1).
  • Jensen, M., & Meckling, W. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of financial economics, 3(4): 305-360.
  • Lindkvist, L., & Saric, O. (2020). Sustainability performance and capital structure: An analysis of the relationship between ESG rating and debt ratio.
  • Mahmood, A. N., Arslan, H. M., Younas, Z. I., Komal, B., Ali, K., & Mubeen, M. (2023). Understanding the dynamics of capital structure, corporate governance, and corporate social responsibility in high- and low-leveraged US and Chinese firms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(16): 46204-46221.
  • Mansour, K., & Sayed, E. (2022). The Effect of corporate social responsibility on debt finance: The moderating effect of accounting conservatism. Journal of Accounting, Business & Management, 29(1).
  • Minh, T., Ngoc, N., Tuan, A., & Dao, T. (2022). Corporate social responsibility, market rivalry and firm leverage: new evidence from a fixed-effect quantile regression approach. Finance Research Letters, 47 (2022): 102794.
  • Naeem, N. (2021). The relatıonshıp between the esg performance and fınancıal performance of envıronmentally sensitive industries; a comparison between emerging and developed markets. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, İstanbul
  • Ndebele, N. C. (2020). Is corporate social responsibility a determinant of the capital structure of global systemically important banks?
  • Nguyen, V. H., Agbola, F. W., & Choi, B. (2019). Does corporate social responsibility reduce information asymmetry? Empirical evidence from Australia. Australian Journal of Management, 44(2): 188-211.
  • Oware, K. M., & Mallikarjunappa, T. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and debt financing of listed firms: A quantile regression approach. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 19(4): 615-639.
  • Özer, G., Aktaş, N. ve Çam, İ., (2023). Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores and financial performance of publicly listed companies in Turkey”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 18(2): 337 – 353.
  • Özer, G., Aktaş, N., & Çam, İ. (2024). Corporate environmental, social, and governance activities and financial reporting quality: An international investigation. Borsa Istanbul Review, 24(3): 549-560.
  • Pijourlet, G. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and financing decisions. JEL Classification G, 32, M14. Pirnea, I. C., Olaru, M., & Moisa, C. (2011). Relationship between corporate social responsibility and social sustainability. Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 14(1).
  • Refinitiv Eikon, F. (2021). Environmental, social and governance scores from Refinitiv.
  • Sheikh, S. (2019). Corporate social responsibility and firm leverage: The impact of market competition. Research in International Business and Finance, 48: 496-510.
  • Siew, R. Y. J., Balatbat, M. C. A., & Carmichael, D. G. (2016). The impact of ESG disclosures and institutional ownership on market information asymmetry. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 23(4): 432-448.
  • Tatoğlu Yerdelen, F. (2013). Panel veri ekonometrisi Stata uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın.
  • Verwijmeren, P., & Derwall, J. (2010). Employee well-being, firm leverage, and bankruptcy risk. Journal of Banking & Finance, 34(5): 956-964.
  • Yang, S., He, F., Zhu, Q., & Li, S. (2018). How does corporate social responsibility change capital structure? Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 25(3-4): 352-387.
  • Yıldız, A. (2023). Bist sürdürülebilirlik endeksinde yer alan mevduat bankalarının sürdürülebilirlik (esg) skorları ile finansal performanslarının incelenmesi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sivas.


Yıl 2024, , 90 - 112, 09.12.2024


İşletmelerin çevresel, sosyal ve yönetişim (ESG) alanlarında göstermiş olduğu performans başta yatırımcılar olmak üzere diğer tüm paydaşları etkilemekte ve bunun sonucu olarak işletmelerin finansal yapıları bu durumdan etkilenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı çevresel, sosyal ve yönetişim performansının sermaye yapısı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, BRICS-T ülkelerinde (Brezilya, Rusya, Hindistan, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, Güney Afrika ve Türkiye) finansal sektör dışında faaliyet gösteren firmaların 2014-2021 yılları arası verileri dikkate alınmış ve toplam 6230 firma-yıl gözlemi üzerinden panel veri analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda çevresel performans skoru, sosyal performans skoru ve ESG skorunun uzun vadeli borç oranını negatif yönde ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ancak, yönetişim performans skorunun uzun vadeli borç oranı üzerindeki etkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamsız bulunmuştur.


  • Adeneye, Y. B., Kammoun, I., & Ab Wahab, S. N. A. (2023). Capital structure and speed of adjustment: The impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(5): 945-977.
  • Ateş, S. (2021). Kurumsal sosyal performansin borçlanma maliyetlerine etkisi. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 20(62): 191-206.
  • Bae, K.-H., Kang, J.-K., & Wang, J. (2011). Employee treatment and firm leverage: A test of the stakeholder theory of capital structure. Journal of financial economics, 100(1): 130-153.
  • Benlemlih, M. (2017a). Corporate social responsibility and firm debt maturity. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(3): 491-517.
  • Benlemlih, M. (2017b). Corporate social responsibility and firm financing decisions: A literature review. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 42: 1-10.
  • Benlemlih, M., & Cai, L. (2020). Corporate environmental performance and financing decisions. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(2): 248-265.
  • Bilyay-Erdogan, S. (2022). Corporate ESG engagement and information asymmetry: The moderating role of country-level institutional differences. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 1-37.
  • Borsa İstanbul. (2014). Şirketler için sürdürülebilirlik rehberi. Borsa İstanbul.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Report of the world commission on environment and development - Our common future. United Nations, chapter 2: towards sustainable development. Oxford University Press.
  • Doh, J. P., Littell, B., & Quigley, N. R. (2015). CSR and sustainability in emerging markets: Societal, institutional, and organizational influences. Organizational Dynamics, 44(2): 112-120.
  • Dyllick, T., & Hockerts, K. (2002). Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability. Business strategy and the environment, 11(2): 130-141.
  • Grabinska, B., Kedzior, D., Kedzior, M., & Grabinski, K. (2021). The impact of csr on the capital structure of high-tech companies in Poland. Sustainability, 13(10): 5467.
  • Hamrouni, A., Boussaada, R., & Toumi, N. B. F. (2019). Corporate social responsibility disclosure and debt financing. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 20(4): 394-415.
  • Harjoto, M. A. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and degrees of operating and financial leverage. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 49(2): 487-513.
  • Ho, K.-C., Wang, Q., Sun, X., & Wang, L. F. (2022). How does corporate social responsibility affect firm leverage? Kybernetes, 51(10): 2902-2926.
  • Hsu, S.-C., Wu, K.-T., Wang, Q., & Chang, Y. (2023). Is capital structure associated with corporate social responsibility? International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 8(1): 6.
  • IFAC. (2011). Sustainability framework 2.0. Professional accountants as integrators. Risk Management and Insurance Review, 12(1).
  • Jensen, M., & Meckling, W. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of financial economics, 3(4): 305-360.
  • Lindkvist, L., & Saric, O. (2020). Sustainability performance and capital structure: An analysis of the relationship between ESG rating and debt ratio.
  • Mahmood, A. N., Arslan, H. M., Younas, Z. I., Komal, B., Ali, K., & Mubeen, M. (2023). Understanding the dynamics of capital structure, corporate governance, and corporate social responsibility in high- and low-leveraged US and Chinese firms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(16): 46204-46221.
  • Mansour, K., & Sayed, E. (2022). The Effect of corporate social responsibility on debt finance: The moderating effect of accounting conservatism. Journal of Accounting, Business & Management, 29(1).
  • Minh, T., Ngoc, N., Tuan, A., & Dao, T. (2022). Corporate social responsibility, market rivalry and firm leverage: new evidence from a fixed-effect quantile regression approach. Finance Research Letters, 47 (2022): 102794.
  • Naeem, N. (2021). The relatıonshıp between the esg performance and fınancıal performance of envıronmentally sensitive industries; a comparison between emerging and developed markets. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, İstanbul
  • Ndebele, N. C. (2020). Is corporate social responsibility a determinant of the capital structure of global systemically important banks?
  • Nguyen, V. H., Agbola, F. W., & Choi, B. (2019). Does corporate social responsibility reduce information asymmetry? Empirical evidence from Australia. Australian Journal of Management, 44(2): 188-211.
  • Oware, K. M., & Mallikarjunappa, T. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and debt financing of listed firms: A quantile regression approach. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 19(4): 615-639.
  • Özer, G., Aktaş, N. ve Çam, İ., (2023). Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores and financial performance of publicly listed companies in Turkey”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 18(2): 337 – 353.
  • Özer, G., Aktaş, N., & Çam, İ. (2024). Corporate environmental, social, and governance activities and financial reporting quality: An international investigation. Borsa Istanbul Review, 24(3): 549-560.
  • Pijourlet, G. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and financing decisions. JEL Classification G, 32, M14. Pirnea, I. C., Olaru, M., & Moisa, C. (2011). Relationship between corporate social responsibility and social sustainability. Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 14(1).
  • Refinitiv Eikon, F. (2021). Environmental, social and governance scores from Refinitiv.
  • Sheikh, S. (2019). Corporate social responsibility and firm leverage: The impact of market competition. Research in International Business and Finance, 48: 496-510.
  • Siew, R. Y. J., Balatbat, M. C. A., & Carmichael, D. G. (2016). The impact of ESG disclosures and institutional ownership on market information asymmetry. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 23(4): 432-448.
  • Tatoğlu Yerdelen, F. (2013). Panel veri ekonometrisi Stata uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın.
  • Verwijmeren, P., & Derwall, J. (2010). Employee well-being, firm leverage, and bankruptcy risk. Journal of Banking & Finance, 34(5): 956-964.
  • Yang, S., He, F., Zhu, Q., & Li, S. (2018). How does corporate social responsibility change capital structure? Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 25(3-4): 352-387.
  • Yıldız, A. (2023). Bist sürdürülebilirlik endeksinde yer alan mevduat bankalarının sürdürülebilirlik (esg) skorları ile finansal performanslarının incelenmesi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sivas.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme , Finansal Muhasebe, Sürdürülebilirlik Muhasebesi ve Raporlama

Cengiz Kalyoncu 0000-0002-3356-5281

Ayşe Tansel Çetin 0000-0002-3819-4221

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kalyoncu, C., & Tansel Çetin, A. (2024). ÇEVRESEL, SOSYAL VE YÖNETİŞİM (ESG) PERFORMANSININ SERMAYE YAPISI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ: BRICS-T ÜLKELERİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. International Review of Economics and Management, 12(1), 90-112.