Cilt: 6 Sayı: 6, 1.07.2016

Yıl: 2016

Araştırma Makalesi


2. Integrated Marketing Information and Communication System: New Quality of the Communication Interaction


3. Marketing Techniques in Management of Enterprises Engaged in Tourism


4. New Management Model of Modern Russian Economy: Regional Aspect


5. The Methodology for the Formation of the Regional Food-producing Clusters


6. Logistics Management as a Tool to Achieve Competitive Advantages of the Enterprise Trade


7. Some Problems of Anti-recessionary Public Management in Russia at Present


8. State Authorities and Legal Informational Marketing in Conditions of Transition to Democratic: The Social and Cultural Aspects


9. Crisis Management on the Basis of the Marketing Approach for Development of Innovative Potential of the Organization


10. Human Resource Management Features of an Innovative Cluster


11. The Development of the Enterprise Client-orientated Management Instruments of the Tourist Branch


12. Small Business in the Economic System of the Country


13. The Innovative Control Management of Travel Companies


15. Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Management by Objectives for the Regional Socio-economic Systems Development


16. The Theory and Practice of Customer Loyalty Management and Customer Focus in the Enterprise Activity


18. Services and Their Role in the National Economy: Notions Transformation


19. Socio-economic and Public-power Aspects of the State and Society Relations in Modernizing Russia


21. Special Aspects of Leasing Activities and Its Meaning in Conditions of Enterprise Competitiveness

Konferans Bildirisi

24. Management of Innovations and Innovative Process: Concept, Essence, Classification and Diffusion


25. Small Business: Essence, Formation and Development

Konferans Bildirisi

26. Prospects of the Agro-industrial Complex Development: Economic Diversification, Business Development, Mono-industry Town Strengthening and Expansion


27. The Criminal Law Influence on the Modern Electronic and Information Society of the Russian Federation


28. Features of the Purposes Formation of the Education Management System


29. The Republic of Kazakhstan in the System of International Regional Integration Associations

Konferans Bildirisi

30. Administration Management in the Innovation Cluster


31. Modern Institutes and Regulatory Forms of Social and Labor Relations in Russian Society


32. Agro-town Development as a Technology of Life Support and Socio-economic Policy of the Country

Konferans Bildirisi

33. Spatial-economic and Geopolitical Interests of Russia, The USA and China in Central Asia: Competition, Coincidence of Wants and Strategies in a Changing World


34. Perception of Neighbouring Ethnic Groups in Polyethnic Regions


35. Marketing Management in the Sphere of Hotel and Tourist Services


36. The Formation of User Model in Scientifi c Recommender Systems


37. Market Mechanisms Elements of Effectiveness and Quality Increase of Region’s Recreation Services in the Health Resort and Touristic Cluster


38. Marketing Management as the Realization Process of Research, Production and Sale Activity of the Enterprise


41. The Formation of Cluster Systems of Education in the Russian Federation


42. Conditions and Factors of the Positive Investment Climate Formation of Social and Economic System of the Region


43. Building Strategic Workforce Reserve and Other Tasks of Modern Education


44. The Place the Competency-based Approach of Education in the Educational Management System


46. Services Infrastructure Forming in the Process of Transport Logistics Stock Movement