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Ms. 13. - 19. yy. Derbend Şehrinin Rus mezarlığında Dağıstan Mezar Taşlarının Yazılı Yazıt ve Dekoratif Unsurlarının Oluşumunda Görsel Boyutun Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 52, 94 - 119, 31.12.2024


İslami mezar taşlarının görsel boyutunun ve yazılı yazıt içeriğinin ve dekoratif unsurlarının oluşumuna etkisinin incelenmesi, birçok tarihi ve dini olaya çağdaş olması ve ekonomik durumu çıkarması nedeniyle büyük önem taşımaktadır. Ayrıca içeriği sorgulanması zor olan önemli bir arkeolojik kaynak olarak kabul edilir. Yazılı yazıtların ve piktogramların içeriği, insanların ölümden önceki işlevlerini gösterir ve dini, günah çıkarma dogmalarını, siyasi ve idari konumlarını yansıtır. Mezar taşı imalatında el san-atları otoritesi, oymacı, kazıcı, hattat ve Hamal ile dekoratör, renkçi, kopyacı ve fotoğrafçı arasın-da değişiyordu; bu, özellikle askeri olmak üzere ikonik logoları seçmekten ve siyasi ve sosyal boyutlara göre tasarlamaktan sorumludur. genel halkın tahrif etmemesini sağlamak onları.
Tasarımcılar ayrıca mezar taşı stillerinin görsel boyutunu, boyutlarını, mezar taşının dört satırındaki yazılı yazıtların birleşimini ve mekansal boyutlarını da dikkate almaya özen gösterdiler. Bu yazıda görsel boyutun mezar taşı üslupları ve mezar mekanlarının tasarımı üzerindeki etkisine ışık tutarken, yazım üslubunu, kaligrafi ve Gravür üslubunun kalitesini ziyaretçilerin gözüyle okumak için uygun boyuta uyacak şekilde seçmenin yanı sıra diğer birçok yardımcı unsuru da kullanıyorum. yazılı yazıtların dağılımı ve yeniden düzenlenmiş dilleri, miktarı, yazıtlarının içeriği, dekoratif unsurları ve grafik logoları olarak.

Proje Numarası



  • Aboelkhier, (Muhammad): Islamic Gravestones in the Cemetery of Derbend City, in Dage-stan Region, Southern Russia during the twelfth century AH/ Eighteenth century AD: “A Study of Form and Content.” MA. diss., University of Fayoum, 2022, 265-269.
  • Aboelkhier, (Muhammad): Shiite Inscriptions of Derbent Tombstones During the Safavid Era Until the Ifsharid Era. Eliva Press (November 9, 2023), p. 68.
  • Ahmed (Ameen): Mamlūk Ranks: Motives of usage and their visual impact, Abydos journal, Vol. 1 (2019), 12.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Gadzhiev, M. Darband Epigraphy II: Dar-E Qiāmat Shrine. Re-trieved online on 16 January 2012, from
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Nikiforov, L. Alekseyevich. Peter I. Retrieved February 6, 2022 from
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Savory, R.M. & Gandjeï, T. Ismāʿīl I. Retrieved online on 08 February 2022
  • Gadzhiev (Murtazali): The title "shamkhal" in the light of historical tradition and historical reality. (Dagestan), Bulletin of Islamic Studies, Dagestan State University, Vol. 3 (2012), 180. (Russian).
  • H. (Üyesi): Ahlatin Fethi Ve Ahlatli Alimler, Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 7 Sayi 5, (2020), 423. (Turkish).
  • Icomos: Evaluations of Cultural Properties: world heritage convention world heritage committee. Derbent (Russian Federation), online edition, 2003, No 1070. 83-85. file:///C:/Users/Mohamed%20Nasser/Downloads/1070-ICOMOS-1247-en.pdf
  • Khalil. (Walid): Islam and Islamic Traditions in The Spiritual and Material Culture of The Population of Medieval Derbent (Vii –Xiii Century).” PHD. diss., Southern Federal Univer-sity, Rostov-on-Don, 2009, 9. (Russian).
  • M. (Bayramov): Caucasian Politics of the Seljuk State in Turkish Historiography, Historical Sciences, Scientific journal "GLOBUS", Vol. 7 (2021), 9-12. (Russian).
  • Y. (Bedirhan): Selçuklu Türkmenlerinin Kafkasya Ve Kafkas Elleriyle Münasebetleri, Inter-national Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, Vol. 9 (2014), 165-86. (Turkish).

The Influence of Visual Dimension in The Formation of Dagestan Tombstones Written In-scriptions and Decorative Elements in The Russian Cemetery of Derbend City During the 13th-19th AD

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 52, 94 - 119, 31.12.2024


The study of the visual dimension and its impact on the formation of written inscriptions contents and decorative elements of Islamic tombstones is of great importance because it is con-temporary to many historical and religious events, as well as infers the economic situation. Also considered an important archaeological source whose content is difficult to question. The content of written inscriptions and pictograms indicates people's functions before death and reflects their religious, confessional dogmas and political and administrative positions. Crafts authority in tombstone manufacturing varied between engraver, digger, calligrapher and Porter, as well as the decorator, colorist, copyist, and photographer, who is primarily responsible for choosing iconic logos, specifically military, and designing according to political and social dimensions, to ensure that the general public does not falsify them.
Designers also took care to take into account the visual dimension of tombstone styles, their sizes, the content of written inscriptions on the tombstone's four lines and the spatial dimen-sions. In this paper, I shed light on the influence of visual dimension on the design of tombstone styles and burial spaces, in addition to choosing the writing style, the quality of calligraphy and Engraving style to suit the appropriate dimension to read them with visitors' eyes, while employ-ing many other auxiliary elements such as the distribution of written inscriptions and their rec-orded languages, quantity, the content of their inscriptions, decorative elements and graphic log-os.

Proje Numarası



  • Aboelkhier, (Muhammad): Islamic Gravestones in the Cemetery of Derbend City, in Dage-stan Region, Southern Russia during the twelfth century AH/ Eighteenth century AD: “A Study of Form and Content.” MA. diss., University of Fayoum, 2022, 265-269.
  • Aboelkhier, (Muhammad): Shiite Inscriptions of Derbent Tombstones During the Safavid Era Until the Ifsharid Era. Eliva Press (November 9, 2023), p. 68.
  • Ahmed (Ameen): Mamlūk Ranks: Motives of usage and their visual impact, Abydos journal, Vol. 1 (2019), 12.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Gadzhiev, M. Darband Epigraphy II: Dar-E Qiāmat Shrine. Re-trieved online on 16 January 2012, from
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Nikiforov, L. Alekseyevich. Peter I. Retrieved February 6, 2022 from
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Savory, R.M. & Gandjeï, T. Ismāʿīl I. Retrieved online on 08 February 2022
  • Gadzhiev (Murtazali): The title "shamkhal" in the light of historical tradition and historical reality. (Dagestan), Bulletin of Islamic Studies, Dagestan State University, Vol. 3 (2012), 180. (Russian).
  • H. (Üyesi): Ahlatin Fethi Ve Ahlatli Alimler, Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 7 Sayi 5, (2020), 423. (Turkish).
  • Icomos: Evaluations of Cultural Properties: world heritage convention world heritage committee. Derbent (Russian Federation), online edition, 2003, No 1070. 83-85. file:///C:/Users/Mohamed%20Nasser/Downloads/1070-ICOMOS-1247-en.pdf
  • Khalil. (Walid): Islam and Islamic Traditions in The Spiritual and Material Culture of The Population of Medieval Derbent (Vii –Xiii Century).” PHD. diss., Southern Federal Univer-sity, Rostov-on-Don, 2009, 9. (Russian).
  • M. (Bayramov): Caucasian Politics of the Seljuk State in Turkish Historiography, Historical Sciences, Scientific journal "GLOBUS", Vol. 7 (2021), 9-12. (Russian).
  • Y. (Bedirhan): Selçuklu Türkmenlerinin Kafkasya Ve Kafkas Elleriyle Münasebetleri, Inter-national Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, Vol. 9 (2014), 165-86. (Turkish).

البعد البصري وأثره في تشكيل النقوش الكتابية والعناصر الزخرفية على شواهد القبور الداغستانية بمقبرة مدينة دربند الروسية خلال ق13ه/19م

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 52, 94 - 119, 31.12.2024


تُعد دراسة البعد البصري وأثره في تشكيل مضامين النقوش الكتابية والعناصر الزخرفية على شواهد القبور الإسلامية على جانب كبير من الأهمية، نظراً لكونها معاصرة لكثير من الأحداث التاريخية والدينية، ويُستدل منها كذلك على الحالة الاقتصادية، وأيضاً تُعتبر مصدرًا أثرياُ مهمًا من الصعب التشكيك في محتواه. وتُشير محتوى نقوشها الكتابية ورسوم شعاراتها المصورة إلى الوظائف التي تقلدها الأشخاص قُبيل وفاتهم، وتعكس عقائدهم الدينية والمذهبية ومكانتهم السياسية والإدارية. وقد تنوعت وظائف الهيئة الحرفية العاملة في صناعة وزخرفة شواهد القبور بين النقّاش والحفّار والخطّاط والحمّال، فضلاً عن المُزخرف والمُلون والنسّاخ، والمصور وهو المسؤول الأول عن اختيار الشعارات الأيقونية وخاصة العسكرية وتصميمها وفق أبعاد سياسية واجتماعية، حرصاً منه على عدم تقليدها من عامة الناس أو تزييفها.
ولم يتوقف دور الطائفة الحرفية عند هذا فقط، بل تعداه إلى مراعاة البعد الإنساني في اختيار مساحات الدفن، كذلك حرص المُصممون على مراعاة البعد البصري في تصميم هيئات شواهد القبور ومقاساتها العامة، ومحتوي نقوشها الكتابية وأسلوب توزيعها على الواجهات الأربع وفي الأبعاد الفراغية لشواهد القبور. وفي هذا البحث أوضح دراسة تأثير البعد البصري ودوره في تصميم أشكال شواهد القبور ومساحات الدفن الخاصة بها، بالإضافة إلى دوره في اختيار أسلوب الكتابة ونوعية الخط وأسلوب الحفر الذي يلائم مع البعد المناسب لقراءتها من قِبل عيون زوار الجبانة، مع توظيف عناصر مُتعددة أخري مساعدة مثل طريقة توزيع النقوش الكتابية ولغاتها المُسجلة بها، وكميتها، ومحتوي نقوشها، بجانب العناصر الزخرفية ورسوم الشعارات المُصورة.

Proje Numarası



  • Aboelkhier, (Muhammad): Islamic Gravestones in the Cemetery of Derbend City, in Dage-stan Region, Southern Russia during the twelfth century AH/ Eighteenth century AD: “A Study of Form and Content.” MA. diss., University of Fayoum, 2022, 265-269.
  • Aboelkhier, (Muhammad): Shiite Inscriptions of Derbent Tombstones During the Safavid Era Until the Ifsharid Era. Eliva Press (November 9, 2023), p. 68.
  • Ahmed (Ameen): Mamlūk Ranks: Motives of usage and their visual impact, Abydos journal, Vol. 1 (2019), 12.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Gadzhiev, M. Darband Epigraphy II: Dar-E Qiāmat Shrine. Re-trieved online on 16 January 2012, from
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Nikiforov, L. Alekseyevich. Peter I. Retrieved February 6, 2022 from
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Savory, R.M. & Gandjeï, T. Ismāʿīl I. Retrieved online on 08 February 2022
  • Gadzhiev (Murtazali): The title "shamkhal" in the light of historical tradition and historical reality. (Dagestan), Bulletin of Islamic Studies, Dagestan State University, Vol. 3 (2012), 180. (Russian).
  • H. (Üyesi): Ahlatin Fethi Ve Ahlatli Alimler, Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 7 Sayi 5, (2020), 423. (Turkish).
  • Icomos: Evaluations of Cultural Properties: world heritage convention world heritage committee. Derbent (Russian Federation), online edition, 2003, No 1070. 83-85. file:///C:/Users/Mohamed%20Nasser/Downloads/1070-ICOMOS-1247-en.pdf
  • Khalil. (Walid): Islam and Islamic Traditions in The Spiritual and Material Culture of The Population of Medieval Derbent (Vii –Xiii Century).” PHD. diss., Southern Federal Univer-sity, Rostov-on-Don, 2009, 9. (Russian).
  • M. (Bayramov): Caucasian Politics of the Seljuk State in Turkish Historiography, Historical Sciences, Scientific journal "GLOBUS", Vol. 7 (2021), 9-12. (Russian).
  • Y. (Bedirhan): Selçuklu Türkmenlerinin Kafkasya Ve Kafkas Elleriyle Münasebetleri, Inter-national Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, Vol. 9 (2014), 165-86. (Turkish).
Toplam 12 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Arapça
Konular Asya Kültürü Çalışmaları, Ulus ve Bölgenin Kültürel Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammad Naser Aboelkhier 0000-0001-8037-0287

Proje Numarası 16
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 24 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 52

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Naser Aboelkhier, Muhammad. “البعد البصري وأثره في تشكيل النقوش الكتابية والعناصر الزخرفية على شواهد القبور الداغستانية بمقبرة مدينة دربند الروسية خلال ق13ه/19م”. İslam Medeniyeti Dergisi 10/52 (Aralık 2024), 94-119.
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İslam Medeniyeti Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.


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