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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 4 - İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Dış Ticaret Dergisi, 51 - 74, 29.12.2023


Avrupa Birliği Rekabet Hukuku’nda “ayrımcılık yasağı”, etkin ve sağlıklı bir rekabet ortamının sağlanabilmesinin yanı sıra Birliğin amaçları ışığında bir iç pazarın oluşumu için önemli bir kural haline gelmiştir. Rekabet Hukuku’nda genel olarak refah ve tüketicinin korunması hedefleri ön plana atılmakta ancak eşitlik ilkesi rekabet ortamının etkin bir şekilde işleyebilmesi için gereklidir. Çevrimiçi satışların da artması ile beraber eşit bir rekabet ortamının gerekliliği birçok Divan ve Komisyon kararı ile gündeme gelmiştir. Dolayısıyla, eşitlik, sadece Birlik içerisinde önemli bir ilke olarak kalmamakta, küreselleşen ticaret alanında da uyulması gereken önemli bir kriter haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Rekabet Hukuku’nda ayrımcılığın yeri saptanarak Divan ve Komisyon kararlarına, doktrin görüşlerine yer verilmiş ve ayrımcılık yasağının rekabet üzerindeki konumu belirlenmiştir.


  • Ahlborn C., Boutin X., Egerton-Doyle, V., Ravıchandran, N. (2021). Conditional Rebates under EU Competition Law: A retrospective on Michelin I, Michelin II and BA/Virgin, Draft report prepared for the 2021 Annual Conference of the GCLC, s. 7.
  • Anastasıadıs, V. (2023). Online Marketplace Bans: Mapping the Landscape under the Light of the Commission’s E- commerce Sector Inquiry
  • Antitrust: Commission sends Statement of Objections to Meta (2022, Aralık 19)
  • Bergkvıst, S.. (2019). Collective Dominance and EU Competition Law An assessment of the concept and the challenge facing the European Court of Justice, s. 17.
  • Colıno, M., S. (2010). Vertical Agreements and Competition Law A Comparative Study of the EU and US Regimes” Hart Publishing, s. 18-21.
  • Commisison fines Valve: (2022, Aralık, 10)
  • Competition and Markets Authority: Amazon Marketplace online sellers fined £160k for price-fixing (2023, Mart, 11)
  • Dadomo, C. ve Quenıvet, N. (2020). European Union Law, Hall and Stott Publishing Ltd, 3. Baskı, a. 223.
  • De Faverı, C. (2014). The Assessment of Selective Distribution Systems Post-Pierre Fabre, Global Antitrust Review, s. 180.
  • De Luca, N., (2020). The Intel Case: A Significant Step Towards A More Economic Approach in the Area of Fidelity Rebates, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Cattedra di European Business Law, s. 39.
  • Dertwınkel-Kalt, M., Haucap, J., Wey, C., (2015) Procompetitive dual pricing, Springer Science+Business Media New York, s. 538. Discrimination in EU Competition Law” Yearbook of European Law, Volume 36, s. 689.
  • Eden, L. ve Byrnes, W. (2018). Transfer pricing and state aid: The unintended consequences of advance pricing agreements, Article in Transnational Corporations, s. 9-10.
  • Explanatory note on the newVBER and Vertical Guidelines (2023, Nisan 11)
  • Ezrachı, A., (2018). EU Competition Law: An Analytical Guide to the Leading Cases, Hart Publishing, 6. Bası, s. 12, 99, 154, 527.
  • Faırhurst, J. (2016). Law of the European Union, Pearson Education Limited, s. 672
  • Fry, W., (2017). The EU State Aid Regime: An Overview, s. 1-2.
  • Funk, M., (2018). The More Economic Approach To Predatory Pricing, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, volume 14 (2), s. 292-298
  • Geradın, D., (2017). European Union Competition Law, Intellectual Property law and Standardization Forthcoming in J. Contreras Ed., Cambridge Handbook on Technical Standardization Law, s. 2-7.
  • Geradın, D., Petıt, N., (2005). Price Discrimination under EC Competition Law: The Need for a caseby-
  • Graef, I,. (2019). Rethinking the Essential Facilities Doctrine for the EU Digital Economy”, s. 59, Çevrimiçi Erişim Tarihi: 27.02.23
  • Härö, O. (2017). Advance Pricing Agreements and the Selectivity Criterion in EU State Aid Rules, University of Helsinki Faculty of Law, Master´s Thesis in EU Law, s. 13.
  • Hıldebrand, D. (2017). The Equality and Social Fairness Objectives in EU Competition Law: The European School of Thought, Concurrences No 1, s. 3
  • Hjärtström, M. ve Noway, J., (2019). General Principles of EU Law in EU Antitrust Law, Lund University Legal Research Paper Series, s. 15.
  • Hofmann, H. ve Mıcheau, C., (2016). State Aid Law of the European Union, Oxford University Press, s., 65, 129. Horspool, M., Humphreys, M., Wells-Greco M., (2012) European Union Law, Oxford University Press, Seventh Edition, s. 440, 473.
  • Hou, L. (2010). Refusal to Deal within EU Competition Law, Çevrimiçi, Erişim Tarihi: 19.02.23
  • Iacobuccı, E., Wınter,. R. (2016). European Law on Selective Distribution and Internet Sales: An Economic Perspective”, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol. 81, s. 59.
  • Kaya, A., (2018) Rekabet Hukukunda Ayrımcılık Suretiyle Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması, On İki Levha Yayınları, 1. Bası, s. 239.
  • Kleın, T. Resale Price Maintenance (RPM), Global Dictionary of Competition Law, Concurrences, Art. N° 12338, Çevrimiçi,sets%20the%20resale%20price%20downstream. Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.23
  • Kostecka-Jurczyk, D., (2020). Selective Distribution Restrictions in EU Competition Law, University of Wrocławski, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, Wrocław, Vol. 12, No. 2, s. 264.
  • Lamadrıd, A. ve Colomo, S., I,. (2023, Haziran 22). The General Court in Case T‑612/17, Google Shopping: the rise of a doctrine of equal treatment in Article 102 TFEU
  • Lampecco, N., (2021). Self-Favouring By a Vertically Integrated Undertaking: From Discrimination to Self-Preferencing, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, s., 5.
  • Levine, M., (2001). Price Discrimination Without Market Power, John M. Olin Center For Law, Economics, Law and Business, Discussion Paper No. 276 6/2001, s. 6, Çevrimiçi Erişim Tarihi 01.04.23
  • Lorenz, M. (2013). An Introduction to EU Competition Law, Cambridge University Press, s. 68, 309. Madıega, T., (2018), Geo-blocking and discrimination among customers in the EU” European Parliamentary Research Service, EU Legislation in Progress, s. 2. Maıer-Rıgaudi, F. ve Loertscher, B., (2020) Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies, CPI ANTITRUST CHRONICLE, s. 4
  • Mandrescu D. (2020). Tying and bundling by online platforms –Distinguishing between lawful expansion strategies and anti-competitive practices”, Europa Institute, Leiden University, Elsevier Ltd., The Netherlands, s. 9. O’donoghue, R. ve Padılla, J., (2020). Law and Economics of Article 102 TFEU, Hart Publishing, 3. Baskı, s. 699-1108.
  • OECD (1997) Policy Roundtables, Resale Price Maintenance, Paris, s. 9-10, 110.
  • OECD (2016) Round Table on “Price Discrimination, s. 24 OECD (2020) Merger Control in Dynamic Markets, s. 33, OECD (2007) Refusal to Deal, 2007, s. 3. Petit, N. (2015). INTEL, LEVERAGING REBATES AND THE GOALS OF ARTICLE 102 TFEU, Çevrimiçi, s. 7 Erişim Tarihi 14.03.23.
  • Practical Law Competition (2023, Temmuz 20), EU cartels and restrictive agreements
  • Rival Under Unilateral Conduct Laws”, 9th Annual Conference of the ICN , s. 16.
  • Steppe, R. ve Bostoen, F., Price Discrimination, Global Dictionary of Competition Law, Concurrences, Art. N° 85413, Çevrimiçi, Erişim Tarihi: 04.04.23
  • The Unilateral Conduct Working Group (2010) Report on the Analysis of Refusal to Deal with a
  • Townley, C., Marrıson, E., Yeung., K., (2017) Big Data and Personalized Price
  • Vesterdorf, B., (2015) Theories of Self-Preferencing and Duty to Deal – Two Sides of the Same Coin?, Competition Law & Policy Debate, Volume 1, Issue 1, s. 4-5.
  • Wıtt, A,. (2021) Selective Distribution in the Age of E-Commerce: An Overview of EU and National Developments, e-Competitions Selective Distribution, Art. N° 99224, s. 5.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 4 - İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Dış Ticaret Dergisi, 51 - 74, 29.12.2023



  • Ahlborn C., Boutin X., Egerton-Doyle, V., Ravıchandran, N. (2021). Conditional Rebates under EU Competition Law: A retrospective on Michelin I, Michelin II and BA/Virgin, Draft report prepared for the 2021 Annual Conference of the GCLC, s. 7.
  • Anastasıadıs, V. (2023). Online Marketplace Bans: Mapping the Landscape under the Light of the Commission’s E- commerce Sector Inquiry
  • Antitrust: Commission sends Statement of Objections to Meta (2022, Aralık 19)
  • Bergkvıst, S.. (2019). Collective Dominance and EU Competition Law An assessment of the concept and the challenge facing the European Court of Justice, s. 17.
  • Colıno, M., S. (2010). Vertical Agreements and Competition Law A Comparative Study of the EU and US Regimes” Hart Publishing, s. 18-21.
  • Commisison fines Valve: (2022, Aralık, 10)
  • Competition and Markets Authority: Amazon Marketplace online sellers fined £160k for price-fixing (2023, Mart, 11)
  • Dadomo, C. ve Quenıvet, N. (2020). European Union Law, Hall and Stott Publishing Ltd, 3. Baskı, a. 223.
  • De Faverı, C. (2014). The Assessment of Selective Distribution Systems Post-Pierre Fabre, Global Antitrust Review, s. 180.
  • De Luca, N., (2020). The Intel Case: A Significant Step Towards A More Economic Approach in the Area of Fidelity Rebates, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Cattedra di European Business Law, s. 39.
  • Dertwınkel-Kalt, M., Haucap, J., Wey, C., (2015) Procompetitive dual pricing, Springer Science+Business Media New York, s. 538. Discrimination in EU Competition Law” Yearbook of European Law, Volume 36, s. 689.
  • Eden, L. ve Byrnes, W. (2018). Transfer pricing and state aid: The unintended consequences of advance pricing agreements, Article in Transnational Corporations, s. 9-10.
  • Explanatory note on the newVBER and Vertical Guidelines (2023, Nisan 11)
  • Ezrachı, A., (2018). EU Competition Law: An Analytical Guide to the Leading Cases, Hart Publishing, 6. Bası, s. 12, 99, 154, 527.
  • Faırhurst, J. (2016). Law of the European Union, Pearson Education Limited, s. 672
  • Fry, W., (2017). The EU State Aid Regime: An Overview, s. 1-2.
  • Funk, M., (2018). The More Economic Approach To Predatory Pricing, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, volume 14 (2), s. 292-298
  • Geradın, D., (2017). European Union Competition Law, Intellectual Property law and Standardization Forthcoming in J. Contreras Ed., Cambridge Handbook on Technical Standardization Law, s. 2-7.
  • Geradın, D., Petıt, N., (2005). Price Discrimination under EC Competition Law: The Need for a caseby-
  • Graef, I,. (2019). Rethinking the Essential Facilities Doctrine for the EU Digital Economy”, s. 59, Çevrimiçi Erişim Tarihi: 27.02.23
  • Härö, O. (2017). Advance Pricing Agreements and the Selectivity Criterion in EU State Aid Rules, University of Helsinki Faculty of Law, Master´s Thesis in EU Law, s. 13.
  • Hıldebrand, D. (2017). The Equality and Social Fairness Objectives in EU Competition Law: The European School of Thought, Concurrences No 1, s. 3
  • Hjärtström, M. ve Noway, J., (2019). General Principles of EU Law in EU Antitrust Law, Lund University Legal Research Paper Series, s. 15.
  • Hofmann, H. ve Mıcheau, C., (2016). State Aid Law of the European Union, Oxford University Press, s., 65, 129. Horspool, M., Humphreys, M., Wells-Greco M., (2012) European Union Law, Oxford University Press, Seventh Edition, s. 440, 473.
  • Hou, L. (2010). Refusal to Deal within EU Competition Law, Çevrimiçi, Erişim Tarihi: 19.02.23
  • Iacobuccı, E., Wınter,. R. (2016). European Law on Selective Distribution and Internet Sales: An Economic Perspective”, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol. 81, s. 59.
  • Kaya, A., (2018) Rekabet Hukukunda Ayrımcılık Suretiyle Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması, On İki Levha Yayınları, 1. Bası, s. 239.
  • Kleın, T. Resale Price Maintenance (RPM), Global Dictionary of Competition Law, Concurrences, Art. N° 12338, Çevrimiçi,sets%20the%20resale%20price%20downstream. Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.23
  • Kostecka-Jurczyk, D., (2020). Selective Distribution Restrictions in EU Competition Law, University of Wrocławski, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, Wrocław, Vol. 12, No. 2, s. 264.
  • Lamadrıd, A. ve Colomo, S., I,. (2023, Haziran 22). The General Court in Case T‑612/17, Google Shopping: the rise of a doctrine of equal treatment in Article 102 TFEU
  • Lampecco, N., (2021). Self-Favouring By a Vertically Integrated Undertaking: From Discrimination to Self-Preferencing, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, s., 5.
  • Levine, M., (2001). Price Discrimination Without Market Power, John M. Olin Center For Law, Economics, Law and Business, Discussion Paper No. 276 6/2001, s. 6, Çevrimiçi Erişim Tarihi 01.04.23
  • Lorenz, M. (2013). An Introduction to EU Competition Law, Cambridge University Press, s. 68, 309. Madıega, T., (2018), Geo-blocking and discrimination among customers in the EU” European Parliamentary Research Service, EU Legislation in Progress, s. 2. Maıer-Rıgaudi, F. ve Loertscher, B., (2020) Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies, CPI ANTITRUST CHRONICLE, s. 4
  • Mandrescu D. (2020). Tying and bundling by online platforms –Distinguishing between lawful expansion strategies and anti-competitive practices”, Europa Institute, Leiden University, Elsevier Ltd., The Netherlands, s. 9. O’donoghue, R. ve Padılla, J., (2020). Law and Economics of Article 102 TFEU, Hart Publishing, 3. Baskı, s. 699-1108.
  • OECD (1997) Policy Roundtables, Resale Price Maintenance, Paris, s. 9-10, 110.
  • OECD (2016) Round Table on “Price Discrimination, s. 24 OECD (2020) Merger Control in Dynamic Markets, s. 33, OECD (2007) Refusal to Deal, 2007, s. 3. Petit, N. (2015). INTEL, LEVERAGING REBATES AND THE GOALS OF ARTICLE 102 TFEU, Çevrimiçi, s. 7 Erişim Tarihi 14.03.23.
  • Practical Law Competition (2023, Temmuz 20), EU cartels and restrictive agreements
  • Rival Under Unilateral Conduct Laws”, 9th Annual Conference of the ICN , s. 16.
  • Steppe, R. ve Bostoen, F., Price Discrimination, Global Dictionary of Competition Law, Concurrences, Art. N° 85413, Çevrimiçi, Erişim Tarihi: 04.04.23
  • The Unilateral Conduct Working Group (2010) Report on the Analysis of Refusal to Deal with a
  • Townley, C., Marrıson, E., Yeung., K., (2017) Big Data and Personalized Price
  • Vesterdorf, B., (2015) Theories of Self-Preferencing and Duty to Deal – Two Sides of the Same Coin?, Competition Law & Policy Debate, Volume 1, Issue 1, s. 4-5.
  • Wıtt, A,. (2021) Selective Distribution in the Age of E-Commerce: An Overview of EU and National Developments, e-Competitions Selective Distribution, Art. N° 99224, s. 5.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası Ticaret (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Aminat Bisultanova

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 4 - İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Dış Ticaret Dergisi

Kaynak Göster

APA Bisultanova, A. (2023). AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ REKABET HUKUKU’NDA AYRIMCILIK YASAĞI. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Dış Ticaret Dergisi, 1(4), 51-74.