Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 39, 1127 - 1148, 27.12.2020
Mustafa Özgenel
Pınar Mert
Hanifi Parlar
This research was carried out to make an inference about the role of school principals' leadership qualities in teacher performance. Relational survey model was used. 358 teachers (217 women and 141 men) attended in the study. T-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression were used. In this study, effective leadership qualities of school principals did not differ significantly according to teachers' gender, age, and professional seniority. However, undergraduate teachers perceived their leadership qualities more positively than graduate teachers. Teachers' performances do not differ about to their gender, age and seniority; The performance of undergraduate teachers is higher than the graduate teachers. The effective leadership qualities of school principals do not differ significantly about the school levels where the teachers work. Teachers' performances differ significantly according to the school levels they work at. There is a medium and positive relationship between the effective leadership qualities of the school principals and the performances of the teachers, and the effective leadership qualities of the school principals predict the performances of the teachers significantly.
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