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Yunan Medyasında Şubat 2023 Türkiye Depremleri: Yeni Bir Deprem Diplomasisi mi?

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 1611 - 1632, 30.09.2024


Geçmişteki sorunlara ilişkin bellek, günümüzün Yunan-Türk ilişkilerine temel bir bağlam sağlamaktadır. Meydana gelen büyük bir felaketin haber değeri diğer ülkelere oranla komşu ülkesinde daha yüksektir. Geçmişten günümüze büyük felaketlerden sonra her iki tarafta da hatırı sayılır bir kamuoyu empatisi sağlanmış ve bu durum medya aracılığıyla yansıtılmıştır. Bu makalede; 1999 depremlerinden sonra yürütülen “deprem diplomasisi” faaliyetlerinin Şubat 2023 Türkiye depremlerinden sonra da icra edilip edilmediğinin tespiti için ilgili haberlerin Yunan medyasında yer alış şekli incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda örneklem olarak Kathimerini, Avgi ve Naftemporiki gazeteleri üç hafta boyunca içerik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz bulguları, gazetelerin deprem haberlerini coğrafi ve duygusal yakınlık değerleri doğrultusunda aktardığını göstermektedir. Depremzedelerin hikâyeleri okuyucu ile duygusal bir bağ kurma arayışı içerisinde ele alınmıştır. Üst düzey yetkililerin temaslarına gazetelerde geniş şekilde yer verilmiş ancak bu temaslarda yer alan açıklamalar, her iki tarafın iyi niyet dilekleri ile deprem konularının dışına çıkamamıştır. Ayrıca, ikili ilişkilerde bir katalizör olan Yunan medyasındaki yazıların, Türk hükümetine yönelik önemli miktarda eleştiri içermesi ilişkilerin yönü açısından olumsuz bir faktör olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Gazetelerde yer alan tartışmalı konular ile ilintili söylemlerin çoğunluğunun, mevcut sorunlar için diğer tarafı suçlamaya ve bu sorunların çözümü için çok az sorumluluk almaya yoğunlaştığı görülmüştür. Az miktardaki olumlu söylemlerin sınırlı kapsamı ise ikili ilişkilerdeki muhtemel bir ivme için etkisiz görünmektedir. Sonuç olarak, 2023 yılındaki koşulların 1999 yılından farklı olması ve ikili ilişkiler açısından yeterince elverişli olmaması nedeniyle, iki ülke arasında yeni bir yakınlaşma aşaması için yeterli deprem diplomasisi faaliyeti gerçekleştirilemediği görülmüştür.


  • Adams, W. C. (1986). Whose Lives Count? TV. Coverage of Natural Disasters. Journal of Communication, 36(2), 113–122.
  • Aydogan, M. (2023, 12 February). "Türkiye says Ankara, Athens should not wait for another quake to mend fences." Anadolu Agency.
  • Aksu, F. (2001). Turkish-Greek Relations: From Conflict to Détente, the Last Decade, Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, 6, 167-201. Decade
  • Avgi (Η Αυγή). (2024, 8 February). "Practical Assistance From Greek Society." 11.
  • Bakar, B. (2008). Zor Zamanlarda İyi Komşuluk Örneği: İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye’den Yunanistan’a Yapılan Yardımlar. Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, XXIV, 413-444.
  • Barchard, D. (1985). Turkey and the West, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Batur, N. (2003, 13 January). "Winds of Friendship over the Aegean: Words that are Closing an Era," Hürriyet, 1, 26.
  • Berberakis, S. (2022, 28 September). "Yunanistan'dan Ege'de dört ayrı tatbikat: Erdoğan ve Miçotakis'in Prag'da görüşme ihtimali ortadan kalktı mı?" BBC News Türkçe.
  • Berberakis, S. (2023, 21 February). " ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Blinken Atina'da Türkiye ve Yunanistan'a diyalog çağrısı yaptı: Anlaşmazlıklar diplomatik yollarla çözülmeli." BBC Türkce,
  • Bridges, J.A. and Bridges, L.W. (1997). 'Changes in news use on the front pages of the American daily newspaper, 1986–1993', Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 74(4): 826–838.
  • Bogatyreva, O. (2022). Humanitarian Diplomacy: Modern Concepts and Approaches. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 92, Suppl. 14, 1349–1366.
  • Cohen, A. and Cohen, A. (2012). Foreign News on Television. 1st edn. Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. & Kirişçi, K. (2020). The View from Turkey: Perceptions of Greeks and Greek-Turkish Rapprochement by the Turkish Public. In Rubin, B., & Çarkoglu, A. (edt). Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Détente. Taylor and Francis.
  • Doulgkeri, F. (2023, 16 May). "Can an earthquake once again improve relations between Turkey and Greece?" Euronews, between-turkey-and-greece
  • Drosopoulos, M. (2023, 13 March). "Greece and Turkey, disaster diplomacy." Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, /eng/Areas/Greece/Greece-and-Turkey-disaster- diplomacy-223967
  • DW. (2023, 07 February). "Turkey and Greece revive earthquake diplomacy." Deutsche Welle,
  • Ekatimerini. (2022, 27 September). "Turkey is 'alone in this game,' says Greek PM, calling Ankara out over aggressive stance." turkey-is-alone-in-this-game-says- greek-pm-calling-ankara-out-over-aggressive-stance/
  • Ekatimerini. (2024, 15 January). "Kathimerini, Milliyet editors write for each other’s audience."
  • Evin, A.Ö. (2020). Changing Greek Perspectives on Turkey: An Assessment of the post-Earthquake Rapprochement. In Rubin, B., & Çarkoglu, A. (edt). Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Détente. Taylor and Francis.
  • Gilboa, E. (2001). Diplomacy in the media age: Three models of uses and effects, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 12:2, 1-28,
  • Harcup, T., & O'Neill, D. (2001). What is news? Galtung and Ruge revisited. Journalism Studies, 2(2), 261–280.
  • Hargrove, T. and Stempel, G. H. (2002). 'Exploring reader interest in international news,' Newspaper Research Journal, 23(4): 46–51.
  • Heraclides, A. (1980). "Socialization to Conflict: A Case Study of the National Historical Ingroup-Outgroup Images in the Educational System of Greece," The Greek Review of Social Research, 38, 16–42.
  • Keridis, D. (2006). Earthquakes, Diplomacy, and New Thinking in Foreign Policy. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 30(1), 207–214.
  • Kinzer, S. (1999, 13 September). "Earthquakes Help Warm Greek-Turkish Relations," New York Times.
  • Kostarella, I. (2007). Framing the other: Turkey in the Greek Press. GMI: Mediterranian Edition, 2 (1), 23-32. Turkey_in_the_Greek_press
  • Kostidis, M. (2022, 06 September). "Erdogan doubles down on islands threat." Ekatimerini, /1192654/erdogan-doubles-down-on-islands-threat/
  • Koukis, T., Kelman, I. & Ganapati, N.E. (2016). Greece–Türkiye Disaster Diplomacy from Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 17, August 2016, 24-32. Kelman_Koukisetal.IJDRRAccepted.pdf
  • Krippendorff, K. (1989). Content Analysis. Pp. 403-407 in Erik Barnouw et al. (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Communication, Vol. 1. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Lichter, S. R. (2017). 'Theories of Media Bias', in Kate Kenski, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Political Communication, Oxford Handbooks,
  • McCombs, M. & Shaw, D.L. (2017). Agenda setting function of mass media. The Agenda Setting Journal, 1 (2), 105 - 116.
  • Mavrogenis, S. & I. Kelman. (2013). "Perceptions of Greece-Turkey Disaster Diplomacy: Europeanization and the Underdog Culture." Balkanistica, 26, 73-104.
  • MFA (Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs), (2023). Relations between Türkiye and Greece.
  • Morton, L. P., & Warren, J. (1992). Proximity: Localization vs. Distance in PR News Releases. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 69(4), 1023-1028.
  • Mustafa, Z. (2006). Foreign Policy and Earthquake Diplomacy. Pakistan Horizon, 59(4), 29-38.
  • Nellas, D. (2023, 12 February). "Earthquake diplomacy: Greek foreign minister visits Turkey." The Associated Press. dc5c29677dba7ecd83198a1e2c0dde46
  • NTV. (2022, 02 November). "Çavuşoğlu'dan Yunanistan'daki ABD üslerine ilişkin açıklama." NTV Haber. aciklama,zuZfdmFxwkiMSzmWFn2xyQ
  • Ozgunes, N. & Terzis, G. (2000). "Constraints and Remedies for Journalists Reporting National Conflict: The Case of Greece and Turkey," Journalism Studies, 1 (3), 405–26,
  • Robinson, P. (2005). The CNN Effect: The Myth of News, Foreign Policy, and Intervention. London; New York: Routledge.
  • Shapiro, M. E., & Schofield, L. B. (1986). How proximity, circulation, and geographical distribution influenced coverage of Miami's Overtown disturbance. Newspaper Research Journal, 7(4), 55–61.
  • Shoemaker, P. J., Lee, J. H., Han, G., & Cohen, A. A. (2007). Proximity and scope as news values. In Media studies: Key issues and debates, Edt. Devereux, E. 1st edn. SAGE Publications. 231-248.
  • Stelgias, N. (2023). Momentary Partners: The Limitations of the Greek-Turkish Disaster Diplomacy In 2023. UPA Strategic Affairs, 4-2, 31-55.
  • Stevenson, R.L. (1984). Pseudo Debate, Journal of Communication, 34(1), March, 134–138,
  • Stover, W.J. (1981). Journalistic Diplomacy: Mass Media’s New Role in the Conduct of International Relations. Peace Research, 13(3), 113–118.
  • Tsakonas, P. (2010). The Incomplete Breakthrough in Greek-Turkish Relations: Grasping Greece's Socialization Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan. 10.1057/9780230278073
  • Vlasidis, V., Korneeva, A., Vounidi, T., Koutoudis, I. & Voutsikidis, V. (2022). Greek-Turkish Relations: The Role of the Media Amidst Two Crises. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, (8), 101-125. 70687/1006591
  • Waller, L. & Hess, K. (2017). Local Journalism in a Digital World: Theory and Practice in the Digital Age. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • World Data. (2023). Country comparison- Greece, Turkey. country-compariso

Coverage of February 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes in Greek Media: Is This a New Earthquake Diplomacy?

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 1611 - 1632, 30.09.2024


Past recollections of problems provide an essential context for present-day Greek-Turkish relations. The news value of a major disaster is higher in its neighboring country than in other countries. From the past to the present, on occasion of great disasters, considerable public empathy has been provided on both sides, and this situation has been reflected through the media. This article aims to analyze the news coverage of Greek media to determine whether the "earthquake diplomacy" activities were carried out after the February 2023 Türkiye earthquakes, as happened in the 1999 earthquakes. In this context, relevant news in the sample (Kathimerini, Avgi, Naftemporiki) newspapers were analyzed in content for three weeks. Analysis findings show that the newspapers convey earthquake news in line with geographical and emotional proximity values. Earthquake victims' stories have been covered in search of an emotional connection with the reader. The contacts of senior officials on both sides were widely covered in the newspapers, but the officials' statements could not go beyond the earthquake issues and the goodwill wishes. In addition, a significant amount of criticism of the Turkish government in the Greek media, which is a catalyst in bilateral relations, emerges as a negative factor in the direction of relations. It was observed that most of the discourse on disputed issues focused on blaming the other party for current problems and taking little responsibility for the solution of these problems. The limited scope of the small amount of positive discourse seems ineffective for a possible acceleration in bilateral relations. As a result, since the conditions in 2023 are different from those of 1999 and the conditions are not necessarily favorable for bilateral relations, it is perceived that adequate earthquake diplomacy activities cannot be carried out for a new rapprochement phase between the two countries.


  • Adams, W. C. (1986). Whose Lives Count? TV. Coverage of Natural Disasters. Journal of Communication, 36(2), 113–122.
  • Aydogan, M. (2023, 12 February). "Türkiye says Ankara, Athens should not wait for another quake to mend fences." Anadolu Agency.
  • Aksu, F. (2001). Turkish-Greek Relations: From Conflict to Détente, the Last Decade, Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, 6, 167-201. Decade
  • Avgi (Η Αυγή). (2024, 8 February). "Practical Assistance From Greek Society." 11.
  • Bakar, B. (2008). Zor Zamanlarda İyi Komşuluk Örneği: İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye’den Yunanistan’a Yapılan Yardımlar. Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, XXIV, 413-444.
  • Barchard, D. (1985). Turkey and the West, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Batur, N. (2003, 13 January). "Winds of Friendship over the Aegean: Words that are Closing an Era," Hürriyet, 1, 26.
  • Berberakis, S. (2022, 28 September). "Yunanistan'dan Ege'de dört ayrı tatbikat: Erdoğan ve Miçotakis'in Prag'da görüşme ihtimali ortadan kalktı mı?" BBC News Türkçe.
  • Berberakis, S. (2023, 21 February). " ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Blinken Atina'da Türkiye ve Yunanistan'a diyalog çağrısı yaptı: Anlaşmazlıklar diplomatik yollarla çözülmeli." BBC Türkce,
  • Bridges, J.A. and Bridges, L.W. (1997). 'Changes in news use on the front pages of the American daily newspaper, 1986–1993', Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 74(4): 826–838.
  • Bogatyreva, O. (2022). Humanitarian Diplomacy: Modern Concepts and Approaches. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 92, Suppl. 14, 1349–1366.
  • Cohen, A. and Cohen, A. (2012). Foreign News on Television. 1st edn. Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. & Kirişçi, K. (2020). The View from Turkey: Perceptions of Greeks and Greek-Turkish Rapprochement by the Turkish Public. In Rubin, B., & Çarkoglu, A. (edt). Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Détente. Taylor and Francis.
  • Doulgkeri, F. (2023, 16 May). "Can an earthquake once again improve relations between Turkey and Greece?" Euronews, between-turkey-and-greece
  • Drosopoulos, M. (2023, 13 March). "Greece and Turkey, disaster diplomacy." Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, /eng/Areas/Greece/Greece-and-Turkey-disaster- diplomacy-223967
  • DW. (2023, 07 February). "Turkey and Greece revive earthquake diplomacy." Deutsche Welle,
  • Ekatimerini. (2022, 27 September). "Turkey is 'alone in this game,' says Greek PM, calling Ankara out over aggressive stance." turkey-is-alone-in-this-game-says- greek-pm-calling-ankara-out-over-aggressive-stance/
  • Ekatimerini. (2024, 15 January). "Kathimerini, Milliyet editors write for each other’s audience."
  • Evin, A.Ö. (2020). Changing Greek Perspectives on Turkey: An Assessment of the post-Earthquake Rapprochement. In Rubin, B., & Çarkoglu, A. (edt). Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Détente. Taylor and Francis.
  • Gilboa, E. (2001). Diplomacy in the media age: Three models of uses and effects, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 12:2, 1-28,
  • Harcup, T., & O'Neill, D. (2001). What is news? Galtung and Ruge revisited. Journalism Studies, 2(2), 261–280.
  • Hargrove, T. and Stempel, G. H. (2002). 'Exploring reader interest in international news,' Newspaper Research Journal, 23(4): 46–51.
  • Heraclides, A. (1980). "Socialization to Conflict: A Case Study of the National Historical Ingroup-Outgroup Images in the Educational System of Greece," The Greek Review of Social Research, 38, 16–42.
  • Keridis, D. (2006). Earthquakes, Diplomacy, and New Thinking in Foreign Policy. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 30(1), 207–214.
  • Kinzer, S. (1999, 13 September). "Earthquakes Help Warm Greek-Turkish Relations," New York Times.
  • Kostarella, I. (2007). Framing the other: Turkey in the Greek Press. GMI: Mediterranian Edition, 2 (1), 23-32. Turkey_in_the_Greek_press
  • Kostidis, M. (2022, 06 September). "Erdogan doubles down on islands threat." Ekatimerini, /1192654/erdogan-doubles-down-on-islands-threat/
  • Koukis, T., Kelman, I. & Ganapati, N.E. (2016). Greece–Türkiye Disaster Diplomacy from Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 17, August 2016, 24-32. Kelman_Koukisetal.IJDRRAccepted.pdf
  • Krippendorff, K. (1989). Content Analysis. Pp. 403-407 in Erik Barnouw et al. (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Communication, Vol. 1. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Lichter, S. R. (2017). 'Theories of Media Bias', in Kate Kenski, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Political Communication, Oxford Handbooks,
  • McCombs, M. & Shaw, D.L. (2017). Agenda setting function of mass media. The Agenda Setting Journal, 1 (2), 105 - 116.
  • Mavrogenis, S. & I. Kelman. (2013). "Perceptions of Greece-Turkey Disaster Diplomacy: Europeanization and the Underdog Culture." Balkanistica, 26, 73-104.
  • MFA (Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs), (2023). Relations between Türkiye and Greece.
  • Morton, L. P., & Warren, J. (1992). Proximity: Localization vs. Distance in PR News Releases. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 69(4), 1023-1028.
  • Mustafa, Z. (2006). Foreign Policy and Earthquake Diplomacy. Pakistan Horizon, 59(4), 29-38.
  • Nellas, D. (2023, 12 February). "Earthquake diplomacy: Greek foreign minister visits Turkey." The Associated Press. dc5c29677dba7ecd83198a1e2c0dde46
  • NTV. (2022, 02 November). "Çavuşoğlu'dan Yunanistan'daki ABD üslerine ilişkin açıklama." NTV Haber. aciklama,zuZfdmFxwkiMSzmWFn2xyQ
  • Ozgunes, N. & Terzis, G. (2000). "Constraints and Remedies for Journalists Reporting National Conflict: The Case of Greece and Turkey," Journalism Studies, 1 (3), 405–26,
  • Robinson, P. (2005). The CNN Effect: The Myth of News, Foreign Policy, and Intervention. London; New York: Routledge.
  • Shapiro, M. E., & Schofield, L. B. (1986). How proximity, circulation, and geographical distribution influenced coverage of Miami's Overtown disturbance. Newspaper Research Journal, 7(4), 55–61.
  • Shoemaker, P. J., Lee, J. H., Han, G., & Cohen, A. A. (2007). Proximity and scope as news values. In Media studies: Key issues and debates, Edt. Devereux, E. 1st edn. SAGE Publications. 231-248.
  • Stelgias, N. (2023). Momentary Partners: The Limitations of the Greek-Turkish Disaster Diplomacy In 2023. UPA Strategic Affairs, 4-2, 31-55.
  • Stevenson, R.L. (1984). Pseudo Debate, Journal of Communication, 34(1), March, 134–138,
  • Stover, W.J. (1981). Journalistic Diplomacy: Mass Media’s New Role in the Conduct of International Relations. Peace Research, 13(3), 113–118.
  • Tsakonas, P. (2010). The Incomplete Breakthrough in Greek-Turkish Relations: Grasping Greece's Socialization Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan. 10.1057/9780230278073
  • Vlasidis, V., Korneeva, A., Vounidi, T., Koutoudis, I. & Voutsikidis, V. (2022). Greek-Turkish Relations: The Role of the Media Amidst Two Crises. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, (8), 101-125. 70687/1006591
  • Waller, L. & Hess, K. (2017). Local Journalism in a Digital World: Theory and Practice in the Digital Age. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • World Data. (2023). Country comparison- Greece, Turkey. country-compariso
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gazetecilik, İletişim Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Oktay Kirazoluğu 0000-0002-9036-6019

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kirazoluğu, O. (2024). Coverage of February 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes in Greek Media: Is This a New Earthquake Diplomacy?. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(3), 1611-1632.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.