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Yarı Zamanlı Paradoks: Kadınların Yarı Zamanlı İstihdamındaki Artışı ve Bunun Almanya'nın İşgücü Piyasası Üzerindeki Etkileri

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 1725 - 1752, 30.09.2024


Almanya'da kadınlar %76,6'lık bir istihdam oranına rağmen, yarı zamanlı çalışma, üst düzey yönetimde yetersiz temsil ve ücret farkları gibi önemli sorunlar devam etmektedir. Bu makale, 2000-2022 yılları arasındaki Alman İstatistik Ofisi verilerini kullanarak, kadınlar arasında yarı zamanlı çalışmanın artışını ve bunun sonuçlarını incelemektedir. Makale, ekonomik koşullar, iş ve aile yaşamını uzlaştırma ihtiyacı ve yasal düzenlemeler nedeniyle sağlık ve eğitim gibi kadınların yoğun olduğu sektörlerde yarı zamanlı çalışmanın yaygın olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu durum, kadınların daha düşük ücretlerle ve sınırlı kariyer fırsatlarıyla karşılaşmasına neden olmaktadır. İş ve aile sorumluluklarını dengeleme gerekliliği, kadınların kariyer gelişimini engelleyerek iş performanslarını ve işyerine bağlılıklarını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu dinamikler, işgücü piyasasında cinsiyet eşitsizliklerinin devam etmesine katkıda bulunmakta ve kadınların işyerinde tam potansiyellerini gerçekleştirmelerini engellemektedir. Bu makalenin literatüre katkısı, Almanya işgücü piyasasında yarı zamanlı çalışma ve cinsiyet eşitsizlikleri arasındaki karmaşık ilişkinin detaylı bir analizini sunmasıdır. 2019'da yürürlüğe giren Geçici Yarı Zamanlı Çalışma Yasası gibi yasal düzenlemelerin, yarı zamanlı çalışmanın kadınlar üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini nasıl hafifletebileceğine dair değerli içgörüler sunmaktadır. Araştırmanın özgünlüğü, uzun bir dönemi kapsayan geniş veri analizi ve yarı zamanlı çalışmanın sosyo-ekonomik dinamikleri, yasal çerçevesi ve cinsiyet eşitliği üzerindeki etkisinin kapsamlı bir incelemesinde yatmaktadır. Bu meselelerin ayrıntılı bir şekilde anlaşılmasını sağlayarak, kadınların işgücü piyasasında karşılaştıkları devam eden zorlukları vurgulamakta ve cinsiyet eşitliğini teşvik etmek için potansiyel politika müdahaleleri önermektedir. Bu makale, kadınların kariyer ilerlemesini desteklemek ve yarı zamanlı çalışmanın olumsuz etkilerini hafifletmek için hedeflenmiş önlemlere duyulan ihtiyacı vurgulamakta ve böylece daha adil bir işgücü piyasasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Ahrens, P., & Scheele, A. (2022). Game-Changers for Gender Equality in Germany’s Labour Market? Corporate Board Quotas, Pay Transparency and Temporary Part-Time Work. German Politics, 31(1), 157–176.
  • Allbright Stiftung. (2024). Kaum Frauen an der Spitze von Familienunternehmen, 1-12. https://www.allbright- (12.04.2024)
  • Anadolu Ajansı. (2024). Ifo, Almanya'nın büyüme tahminini düşürdü. Anadolu Ajansı. (12/09/2024)
  • Ara, N., Das, S. (2022). Collision of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown on the Economic Conditions among Women: A Sociological Perception. Afro Eurasian Studies, 9 (3),182-194.
  • Auth, D., & Peukert, A. (2021). Gender Equality in the Field of Care: Policy Goals and Outcomes During the Merkel Ea. German Politics, 31(1), 177–196.
  • Bächmann, A.-C. (2022). Are Female-Dominated Occupations a Secure Option? Occupational Gender Segregation, Accompanied Occupational Characteristics, and the Risk of Becoming Unemployed. European Sociological Review, 39(6), 876-889.
  • Bahmann, R. (2012). Studie zur Analyse der geringfügigen Beschäftigungsverhältnisse: Forschungsvorhaben im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Arbeit, Integration und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. RWI Projektberichte, 1-150.
  • Barišić, M., & Consiglio, V. S. (2020). Women in the German Labor Market: The Cost of Being a Mother. Expert Briefing.Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1-12.
  • Bellmann, L., Bellmann, L., & Hübler, O. (2023). Labour Mobility in German Establishments During the COVID- 19 Crisis: Panel Data Analyses with Special Reference to Short-Time Work and Working From Home. IZA Discussion Paper No. 15935. Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). (12/09/2024)
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  • Bosch, G., & Lehndorff, S. (2001). Working-Time Reduction and Employment: Experiences in Europe and Economic Policy Recommendations. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 25(2), 209–243.
  • Bothfeld, S., & Rouault, S. (2015). Families Facing the Crisis: Is Social Investment a Sustainable Social Policy Strategy? Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 22(1), 60–85.
  • Caliendo, M., & Kritikos, A. (2010). Start-ups by the Unemployed: Characteristics, Survival and Direct Employment Effects. Small Business Economics, 35, 71–92.
  • Cammarata, P. (2020). Raus aus der Mental-Load-Falle: Wie gerechte Arbeitsteilung in der Familie gelingt. Beltz.
  • Chhaochharia, V., Kim, D., & Korniotis, G. (2019). Mood, Firm Behavior, and Aggregate Economic Outcomes. Journal of Financial Economics, 132(2), 427–450.
  • Cook, R., & Grimshaw, D. (2020). A gendered lens on COVID-19 Employment and Social Policies in Europe. European Societies, 23(sup1), 215–227.
  • Consiglio, V. S., & Göbler, K. (2021). Minijobs in Deutschland: Die Entwicklung und Struktur einer umstrittenen Beschäftigungsform. Factsheet. Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1-5.
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  • Eichhorst, W., & Marx, P. (2011). Reforming German Labour Market Institutions: A Dual Path to Flexibility. Journal of European Social Policy, 21(1), 73–87.
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Part-Time Paradox: The Rise of Female Part-Time Employment and Its Impacts on Germany's Labor Market

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 1725 - 1752, 30.09.2024


Despite an employment rate of 76.6% for women in Germany, significant issues persist with regard to the labour market situation of women in the country. These include the prevalence of part-time work, the under-representation of women in senior management positions and the existence of pay gaps. This article employs data from the German Statistical Office spanning the period from 2000 to 2022 to examine the growth in part-time employment among women and its ramifications. The paper demonstrates that part-time work is a prevalent phenomenon in female-dominated sectors such as health and education. This is driven by a combination of economic conditions, the necessity to reconcile work and family life, and legal regulations. This situation consequently results in women facing lower remuneration and constrained career prospects. The necessity to balance work and family responsibilities represents a significant challenge for women, impeding their career development and negatively impacting their job performance and workplace commitment. These dynamics serve to perpetuate gender inequalities in the labour market, thereby preventing women from realising their full potential at work. This article makes a significant contribution to the existing literature on the relationship between part-time work and gender inequalities in the German labour market by providing a detailed analysis of this complex relationship. The article offers valuable insights into the potential of legal regulations, such as the Temporary Part-Time Work Act enacted in 2019, to alleviate the adverse effects of part-time work on women. The research is distinctive in its comprehensive examination of the socio-economic dynamics of part-time work, its legal framework, and its impact on gender equality, based on an extensive data analysis conducted over an extended period. By offering a detailed and nuanced understanding of these issues, the study draws attention to the ongoing challenges women face in the labour market and suggests potential policy interventions to promote gender equality. This article emphasises the necessity for targeted measures to facilitate women's career progression and offset the adverse consequences of part-time employment, thereby contributing to a more equitable labour market.


  • Ahrens, P., & Scheele, A. (2022). Game-Changers for Gender Equality in Germany’s Labour Market? Corporate Board Quotas, Pay Transparency and Temporary Part-Time Work. German Politics, 31(1), 157–176.
  • Allbright Stiftung. (2024). Kaum Frauen an der Spitze von Familienunternehmen, 1-12. https://www.allbright- (12.04.2024)
  • Anadolu Ajansı. (2024). Ifo, Almanya'nın büyüme tahminini düşürdü. Anadolu Ajansı. (12/09/2024)
  • Ara, N., Das, S. (2022). Collision of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown on the Economic Conditions among Women: A Sociological Perception. Afro Eurasian Studies, 9 (3),182-194.
  • Auth, D., & Peukert, A. (2021). Gender Equality in the Field of Care: Policy Goals and Outcomes During the Merkel Ea. German Politics, 31(1), 177–196.
  • Bächmann, A.-C. (2022). Are Female-Dominated Occupations a Secure Option? Occupational Gender Segregation, Accompanied Occupational Characteristics, and the Risk of Becoming Unemployed. European Sociological Review, 39(6), 876-889.
  • Bahmann, R. (2012). Studie zur Analyse der geringfügigen Beschäftigungsverhältnisse: Forschungsvorhaben im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Arbeit, Integration und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. RWI Projektberichte, 1-150.
  • Barišić, M., & Consiglio, V. S. (2020). Women in the German Labor Market: The Cost of Being a Mother. Expert Briefing.Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1-12.
  • Bellmann, L., Bellmann, L., & Hübler, O. (2023). Labour Mobility in German Establishments During the COVID- 19 Crisis: Panel Data Analyses with Special Reference to Short-Time Work and Working From Home. IZA Discussion Paper No. 15935. Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). (12/09/2024)
  • Bellmann, L., Gerner, H.-D., & Laible, M.-C. (2014). The German Labour Market Puzzle in the Great Recession. CEPREMAP Productivity Project. Preliminary Draft for the Conference, January 23, 2015. Institute for Employment Research (IAB).
  • Benkhoff, B., & Hermet, V. (2008). Zur Verbreitung und Ausgestaltung geringfügiger Beschäftigung im Einzelhandel. Eine explorative Studie aus der Perspektive von Management und Beschäftigten. Industrielle Beziehungen, 5–31.
  • Bispinck, R., & Schulten, T. (2011). Trade Union Responses to Precarious Employment in Germany (WSI Working Paper 178). The Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans Böckler Foundation, 1-59. (12.04.2024)
  • BMAS. (2024). Meldungen. (12.04.2024)
  • BMFSFJ. (2017). Second Gender Equality Report. gleichstellungsbericht-der-bundesregierung-eine-zusammenfassung-englisch-data.pdf (12.04.2024)
  • Bonin, H., Krause-Pilatus, A., & Rinne, U. (2021). Arbeitssituation und Belastungsempfinden von abhängig Beschäftigten im von der Corona-Pandemie geprägten Jahr 2021: Zentrale Ergebnisse repräsentativer Befragungen von Februar bis September 2021; Endbericht. (Forschungsbericht / Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, FB570/10). Berlin: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales; IZA Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH. (12/09/2024)
  • Bosch, G., & Lehndorff, S. (2001). Working-Time Reduction and Employment: Experiences in Europe and Economic Policy Recommendations. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 25(2), 209–243.
  • Bothfeld, S., & Rouault, S. (2015). Families Facing the Crisis: Is Social Investment a Sustainable Social Policy Strategy? Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 22(1), 60–85.
  • Caliendo, M., & Kritikos, A. (2010). Start-ups by the Unemployed: Characteristics, Survival and Direct Employment Effects. Small Business Economics, 35, 71–92.
  • Cammarata, P. (2020). Raus aus der Mental-Load-Falle: Wie gerechte Arbeitsteilung in der Familie gelingt. Beltz.
  • Chhaochharia, V., Kim, D., & Korniotis, G. (2019). Mood, Firm Behavior, and Aggregate Economic Outcomes. Journal of Financial Economics, 132(2), 427–450.
  • Cook, R., & Grimshaw, D. (2020). A gendered lens on COVID-19 Employment and Social Policies in Europe. European Societies, 23(sup1), 215–227.
  • Consiglio, V. S., & Göbler, K. (2021). Minijobs in Deutschland: Die Entwicklung und Struktur einer umstrittenen Beschäftigungsform. Factsheet. Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1-5.
  • Deutsche Bundesbank. (2024). Technical Paper (No. 02/2024). technical-paper-data.pdf (12/09/2024)
  • Duell, N., & Vetter, T. (2020). The Employment and Social Situation in Germany. Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, 1-60.
  • Effinger, P. (2009). Varieties of Undeclared Work in European Societies. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(1), 79-99. (12.04.2024)
  • Eichhorst, W., & Marx, P. (2011). Reforming German Labour Market Institutions: A Dual Path to Flexibility. Journal of European Social Policy, 21(1), 73–87.
  • Eichhorst, W., & Tobsch, V. (2015). Not So Standard Anymore? Employment Duality in Germany. Journal for Labour Market Research, 48(2), 81–95.
  • European Comission. (2024). Germany—Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion— European Commission. (12.04.2024)
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Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çalışma Ekonomisi, Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Zeynep Özmen Bol 0000-0002-5271-1344

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Özmen Bol, Z. (2024). Part-Time Paradox: The Rise of Female Part-Time Employment and Its Impacts on Germany’s Labor Market. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(3), 1725-1752.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.