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On the Concept of Noahide Laws’s Origin

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 200 - 224, 01.03.2012



  • Agus, Jacob B., “Review of Pharisaism in the Making”, Conservative Judaism 28:3, 60-65.
  • Agus, Jacob Bernard, Jewish identity in an age of ideologies, New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1978.
  • Agus, Jacob Bernard, The evolution of Jewish thought: from Biblical times to the opening of the Modern Era, New York: Abelard Schuman, 1959.
  • Avi-Yonah, Michael, “Lydda”, Encyclopaedia Judaica (EJ), 2. bsk., XIII, 294.
  • Baron, Salo Wittmayer, A social and religious history of the Jews, New York: Columbia UP, 1958.
  • Blech, R. Benjamin, Geçmişten günümüze Yahudi tarihi ve kültürü, çev. E.S. Vali, İstanbul: Gözlem, 2004.
  • Cohen, Boaz, Jewish and Roman law: a comparative study, New York: JTSA, 1966.
  • De-Fano, Menahem Azariyah, Sefer Asarah Maamarot, Amsterdam, 1649.
  • Donaldson, Terence L., Judaism and the Gentiles: Jewish patterns of universalism (to 135 CE), Waco: Baylor UP, 2007.
  • Feldman, Louis H., Jew and Gentile in the ancient world: attitudes and interactions from Alexander to Justinian, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, “Some Examples of the Maccabean Halaka”, Journal of Biblical Literature 49:1, (1930): 20-42.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, “The book of Jubilees and the Rabbinic Halaka”, The Harvard Theological Review 16:1, (1923): 60-61.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, Akiba: scholar, saint and martyr, New York: Covici Friede Publishers, 1936.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, Pharisaism in the making: selected essays, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1972.
  • Ginzburgh, Yitzhak, Kabbalah and the meditation for the nations, haz. Moshe Genuth, Jerusalem: Gal Einai, 5767/2006.
  • Goodman, Martin, Rome and Jerusalem: the clash of ancient civilizations, London: Penguin Books, 2007.
  • Greenbaum, Aharon, “Şıloşim Mitzvot şel Bney Noaḫ lefi Rav Şemuel ben Hofni Gaon”, Sinai 37 (1973): 203-221.
  • Hasanov, Eldar, “Yahudi ahit geleneğinde Nuh Kanunları ve Nuhilik”, Doktora tezi, M.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2012.
  • Hoenig, Sidney B., “Conversion during the Talmudic period”, Conversion to Judaism: a history and analysis, haz. David Max Eichhorn, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1965, 33-66.
  • Husik, Isaac, “The Law of Nature, Hugo Grotius and The Bible”, Hebrew Union College Annual 2, (1925): 381-417.
  • Josephus: Complete Works, çev. William Whiston, Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1960.
  • Kadushin, Max, Organic Thinking: a study in Rabbinic mind, New York: Bloch Publishig Company, 1972.
  • Kadushin, Max, Worship and ethics: a study in Rabbinic Judaism, New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1963.
  • Klausner, Joseph, From Jesus to Paul, çev. William F. Stinespring, Boston: Beacon Press, 1961.
  • Lehrmann, Manfred R., “Abraham's Purchase of Machpelah and Hittite Law”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 129 (1953): 15-18.
  • Lieberman, Saul, “How much Greek in Jewish Palestine?”, Biblical and other studies, [ed. Alexander Altmann], Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1963, 123-141.
  • Lieberman, Saul, Greek in Jewish Palestine: Studies in the life and manners of Jewish Palestine in the II–IV Centuries C.E., New York: Philipp Feldheim, 1965.
  • Mekilta de-Rabbi Ishmael, çev. Jacob Z. Lauterbach, Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1976, I-III.
  • Novak, David, “The origin of the Noahide Laws”, Perspectives on Jews and Judaism: essays in honor of Wolfe Kelman, haz. Arthur A. Chiel, New York: The Rabbinic Assembly, 1978, 301-310.
  • Novak, David, Law and theology in Judaism, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1974.
  • Novak, David, The image of non-Jew in Judaism: a historical and constructive study of the Noahide Laws, New York: The Edwin Melen Press, 1983.
  • Rapaport, Uriel, Taamulah datit şel Yahudim u-tnuat ha-hitgayrut beyamey ha-Bayit ha-Şeni, Doktora Tezi, Universitat İvrit, 1965.
  • Reynolds, Joyse ve Tannenbaum, Robert, Jews and God-Fearers at Aphrodisias, The Cambridge Philological Society, 1987.
  • Sanders, Ed Parish, Jewish and Christian self-definition II: aspects of Judaism in the Greco-Roman period, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.
  • Schultz, Joseph P., “Two views of the Patriarchs”, Texts and Responses: studies presented to Nahum N. Glatzer on the occasion of his Seventieth birthday by his students, haz. Michael A. Fishbane, Paul R. Flohr, Leiden: Brill, 1975, 43-59.
  • Schultz, Joseph P., Judaism and the Gentile faiths: comparative studies in religion, New Jersey: Associated UP, 1981.
  • Sifre: a Tannaitic commentary to the Book of Deuteronomy, haz. Reuven Hammer, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1986.
  • Smith, Morton, “The Gentiles in Judaism 125 BCE-CE 66”, The Cambridge history of Judaism III: the early Roman period, haz. W. Horbury, W.D. Davies, J. Sturdy, Cambridge UP, 2001, 192-249.
  • The Essential Agus: the writings of Jacob B. Agus, haz. Steven K. Katz, New York: New York UP, 1997.
  • Tşernovitz, Haim, Toldot ha-Halaḳah: ḳolel şalşelet ha-kabalah ve hitpatḫut ha-Torah şebe-al peh mitoḥ şıroşeyha u-mekoroteyha me-reşitah ad ḫatimat ha-Talmud, New York: Vaad ha-Yovel, 1945.
  • Wilf, Steven, The law before the law, Lanham: Lexinton Books, 2008. Yalkut Şim‘oni: Midraş al Tora, Neviim ve Ketuvim, Yeruşalayim I-II.

Nuh Kanunları'nın Kökeniyle İlgili Görüşler Üzerine

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 200 - 224, 01.03.2012


Nuh Kanunları kavramı ilk olarak Rabbinik kaynaklarda zikredilmektedir. Fakat kaynaklarda yer alan bilgiler birbirileriyle ittifak halinde olmadığı gibi bazen bir kaynakta yer alan bilgiler kendi içerisinde de çelişmektedir. Bu nedenle Nuh Kanunları‟nın Yahudi ilahiyatında temel olmayıp sonradan çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı ortaya atıldığı iddia edenler olmuştur. Bu iddialar bahis konusu kavramın kökeni konusuna eğilmiş, onu ortaya çıkaran sebepleri bulmaya çalışmıştır. Makalede bu görüşler tanıtılarak tutarlılık bakımından analiz edilecektir


  • Agus, Jacob B., “Review of Pharisaism in the Making”, Conservative Judaism 28:3, 60-65.
  • Agus, Jacob Bernard, Jewish identity in an age of ideologies, New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1978.
  • Agus, Jacob Bernard, The evolution of Jewish thought: from Biblical times to the opening of the Modern Era, New York: Abelard Schuman, 1959.
  • Avi-Yonah, Michael, “Lydda”, Encyclopaedia Judaica (EJ), 2. bsk., XIII, 294.
  • Baron, Salo Wittmayer, A social and religious history of the Jews, New York: Columbia UP, 1958.
  • Blech, R. Benjamin, Geçmişten günümüze Yahudi tarihi ve kültürü, çev. E.S. Vali, İstanbul: Gözlem, 2004.
  • Cohen, Boaz, Jewish and Roman law: a comparative study, New York: JTSA, 1966.
  • De-Fano, Menahem Azariyah, Sefer Asarah Maamarot, Amsterdam, 1649.
  • Donaldson, Terence L., Judaism and the Gentiles: Jewish patterns of universalism (to 135 CE), Waco: Baylor UP, 2007.
  • Feldman, Louis H., Jew and Gentile in the ancient world: attitudes and interactions from Alexander to Justinian, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, “Some Examples of the Maccabean Halaka”, Journal of Biblical Literature 49:1, (1930): 20-42.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, “The book of Jubilees and the Rabbinic Halaka”, The Harvard Theological Review 16:1, (1923): 60-61.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, Akiba: scholar, saint and martyr, New York: Covici Friede Publishers, 1936.
  • Finkelstein, Louis, Pharisaism in the making: selected essays, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1972.
  • Ginzburgh, Yitzhak, Kabbalah and the meditation for the nations, haz. Moshe Genuth, Jerusalem: Gal Einai, 5767/2006.
  • Goodman, Martin, Rome and Jerusalem: the clash of ancient civilizations, London: Penguin Books, 2007.
  • Greenbaum, Aharon, “Şıloşim Mitzvot şel Bney Noaḫ lefi Rav Şemuel ben Hofni Gaon”, Sinai 37 (1973): 203-221.
  • Hasanov, Eldar, “Yahudi ahit geleneğinde Nuh Kanunları ve Nuhilik”, Doktora tezi, M.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2012.
  • Hoenig, Sidney B., “Conversion during the Talmudic period”, Conversion to Judaism: a history and analysis, haz. David Max Eichhorn, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1965, 33-66.
  • Husik, Isaac, “The Law of Nature, Hugo Grotius and The Bible”, Hebrew Union College Annual 2, (1925): 381-417.
  • Josephus: Complete Works, çev. William Whiston, Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1960.
  • Kadushin, Max, Organic Thinking: a study in Rabbinic mind, New York: Bloch Publishig Company, 1972.
  • Kadushin, Max, Worship and ethics: a study in Rabbinic Judaism, New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1963.
  • Klausner, Joseph, From Jesus to Paul, çev. William F. Stinespring, Boston: Beacon Press, 1961.
  • Lehrmann, Manfred R., “Abraham's Purchase of Machpelah and Hittite Law”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 129 (1953): 15-18.
  • Lieberman, Saul, “How much Greek in Jewish Palestine?”, Biblical and other studies, [ed. Alexander Altmann], Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1963, 123-141.
  • Lieberman, Saul, Greek in Jewish Palestine: Studies in the life and manners of Jewish Palestine in the II–IV Centuries C.E., New York: Philipp Feldheim, 1965.
  • Mekilta de-Rabbi Ishmael, çev. Jacob Z. Lauterbach, Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1976, I-III.
  • Novak, David, “The origin of the Noahide Laws”, Perspectives on Jews and Judaism: essays in honor of Wolfe Kelman, haz. Arthur A. Chiel, New York: The Rabbinic Assembly, 1978, 301-310.
  • Novak, David, Law and theology in Judaism, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1974.
  • Novak, David, The image of non-Jew in Judaism: a historical and constructive study of the Noahide Laws, New York: The Edwin Melen Press, 1983.
  • Rapaport, Uriel, Taamulah datit şel Yahudim u-tnuat ha-hitgayrut beyamey ha-Bayit ha-Şeni, Doktora Tezi, Universitat İvrit, 1965.
  • Reynolds, Joyse ve Tannenbaum, Robert, Jews and God-Fearers at Aphrodisias, The Cambridge Philological Society, 1987.
  • Sanders, Ed Parish, Jewish and Christian self-definition II: aspects of Judaism in the Greco-Roman period, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.
  • Schultz, Joseph P., “Two views of the Patriarchs”, Texts and Responses: studies presented to Nahum N. Glatzer on the occasion of his Seventieth birthday by his students, haz. Michael A. Fishbane, Paul R. Flohr, Leiden: Brill, 1975, 43-59.
  • Schultz, Joseph P., Judaism and the Gentile faiths: comparative studies in religion, New Jersey: Associated UP, 1981.
  • Sifre: a Tannaitic commentary to the Book of Deuteronomy, haz. Reuven Hammer, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1986.
  • Smith, Morton, “The Gentiles in Judaism 125 BCE-CE 66”, The Cambridge history of Judaism III: the early Roman period, haz. W. Horbury, W.D. Davies, J. Sturdy, Cambridge UP, 2001, 192-249.
  • The Essential Agus: the writings of Jacob B. Agus, haz. Steven K. Katz, New York: New York UP, 1997.
  • Tşernovitz, Haim, Toldot ha-Halaḳah: ḳolel şalşelet ha-kabalah ve hitpatḫut ha-Torah şebe-al peh mitoḥ şıroşeyha u-mekoroteyha me-reşitah ad ḫatimat ha-Talmud, New York: Vaad ha-Yovel, 1945.
  • Wilf, Steven, The law before the law, Lanham: Lexinton Books, 2008. Yalkut Şim‘oni: Midraş al Tora, Neviim ve Ketuvim, Yeruşalayim I-II.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Eldar Hasanov Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Hasanov, E. (2012). Nuh Kanunları’nın Kökeniyle İlgili Görüşler Üzerine. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 200-224.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.