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Yıl 2015, Sayı: 4, 39 - 52, 19.07.2015


Polyethylene glycol (PEG) pre-impregnation, followed by freeze-drying (lyophilisation) method is one of the most reliable methods for conservation of the waterlogged wood. Following the PEG impregnation procedure, the process of dehydration was performed by a freeze-drier used for the first time in Turkey by the Istanbul University scientists at the Ship Conservation and Reconstruction Laboratory. This paper presents treatment technique and its effects on the wood from Çamaltı Burnu 1 Wreck have been treated with pre-impregnation with PEG and freeze-drying methods, which were performed by Istanbul University's scientists


  • Almkvist G. 2013. Iron removal from waterlogged wood, Uppsala: Swedish University of
  • Agricultural Sciences, SLU Repro. Ambrose, W.R. 1990. “Application of freeze-drying to archaeological wood”, In: Rowell,
  • R.M., Barbour, R.J. (Eds.), Archaeological Wood: Properties, Chemistry and Preservation, Advances in Chemistry Series, Washington: American Chemical Society, 225, 235-263. Astrup E. E. 1994. ‘‘A Medieval Log House in Oslo–Conservation of Waterlogged
  • Softwoods with Polyethylene Glycol’’, Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, ed. P. Hoffmann, T.,Daley, T. Grant, Maine, Portland, 41- Cronyn, J. M. 1990. The Elements of Archaeological Conservation, London: Routledge.
  • Giorgi R., Chelazzi, D., Baglioni, P. 2005. “Nanoparticles of Calcium Hydroxide for Wood
  • Conservation The Deacidification of the Vasa Warship”, Langmuir, 21: 10743-10748.
  • Günsenin N. 2005. “A 13 th. Century Wine Carrier : Camalti Burnu, Turkey”, Archaeology
  • Beneath the Seven Seas , ed. George Bass, Thames and Hudson, 118-123. Hamilton D. L. 1999. “Methods of Conserving Archaeological Material from Underwater
  • Sites”, Conservation of Archaeological Resources I, Revision Number 1 January 1, Anthropology 605, Texas, 22-30. Jensen, P., Jensen, J.B. 2006. “Dynamic Model for Vacuum Freeze Drying of Waterlogged
  • Archaeological Wooden Artefacts”, Journal of Cultural Heritage 1(3): 156-165. Jensen, P. K., Strætkvern, Schnell, U., Jensen, J. B. 2009. ‘‘Technical Spesifications for
  • Equipment Vacuum Freeze Drying of Peg Impregnated Waterlogged Organic Materials’’, Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, ed. K. Strætkvern, Amsterdam: D.J. Huisman Jong J. D.- W. Eenkhorn, A. J. M. Wevers . 1982. “The Conservation Of Shipwrecks at the Museum of Maritime Archaeology at Ketelhaven”, Rapporten İnzake de Inrichting en
  • Ontwikkeling Van de Ijsselmeerpolders en Andere Landaanwinningswerken, Smedinghuis. Kocabaş U. 2005. Çamaltı Burnu 1 Batığı Demir Çapalarının Tarihsel İncelemesi, Koruma,
  • Onarım ve Tıpkıyapım Çalışmaları, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul. McConnachie G. - R. Eaton - M. Jones 2008. ‘‘A Re-Evaluation of the Use of Maximum
  • Moisture Content Data for Assessing the Condition of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood’’, e-Preservation Science, 5. Mortensen N.M. 2009. Stabilization of Polyethylene glycol in Archaeological Wood,
  • Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Denmark: Danish Polymer Centre Rodgers, B. A. 2004. The Archaeologist’s Manuel for Conservation, A Guide to Non-Toxic,
  • Minimal Intervention Artifact Stabilization, Kluwer Academic, Newyork: Plenum Publishers. Schnell, U., Jensen, P. 2007. “Determination of Maximum Freeze Drying Temperature for
  • PEG-Impregnated Archaeological Wood”, Studies in Conservation, 52: 50-58. Smith, C. W. 2003. Polymers Practical Applications for Organic Artifact Stabilization, Texas:
  • A&M University Press Unger, A., Schniewind, A. P., Unger, W. 1994. Conservation Of Wood Artifact, New York: Springer.


Yıl 2015, Sayı: 4, 39 - 52, 19.07.2015


Polietilen glikol (PEG) ön emdirmesi sonrasında uygulanan dondurarak kurutma (liyofilizasyon) uygulaması suya doymuş ahşap konservasyonunda kullanılan en güvenilir yöntemlerdendir. Bu teknik, Türkiye’de ilk kez İstanbul Üniversitesi Gemi Konservasyon ve Rekonstrüksiyon Laboratuvarında İstanbul Üniversitesi uzmanlarınca Çamaltı Burnu 1 batığı ahşaplarında uygulanmıştır. Bu makalede İstanbul Üniversitesi uzmanlarınca gerçekleştirilen PEG ön emdirmesi sonrası dondurarak kurutma yönteminin Çamaltı Burnu 1 batığı ahşapları üzerinde uygulanma tekniği ve sonuçları yer almaktadır.


  • Almkvist G. 2013. Iron removal from waterlogged wood, Uppsala: Swedish University of
  • Agricultural Sciences, SLU Repro. Ambrose, W.R. 1990. “Application of freeze-drying to archaeological wood”, In: Rowell,
  • R.M., Barbour, R.J. (Eds.), Archaeological Wood: Properties, Chemistry and Preservation, Advances in Chemistry Series, Washington: American Chemical Society, 225, 235-263. Astrup E. E. 1994. ‘‘A Medieval Log House in Oslo–Conservation of Waterlogged
  • Softwoods with Polyethylene Glycol’’, Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, ed. P. Hoffmann, T.,Daley, T. Grant, Maine, Portland, 41- Cronyn, J. M. 1990. The Elements of Archaeological Conservation, London: Routledge.
  • Giorgi R., Chelazzi, D., Baglioni, P. 2005. “Nanoparticles of Calcium Hydroxide for Wood
  • Conservation The Deacidification of the Vasa Warship”, Langmuir, 21: 10743-10748.
  • Günsenin N. 2005. “A 13 th. Century Wine Carrier : Camalti Burnu, Turkey”, Archaeology
  • Beneath the Seven Seas , ed. George Bass, Thames and Hudson, 118-123. Hamilton D. L. 1999. “Methods of Conserving Archaeological Material from Underwater
  • Sites”, Conservation of Archaeological Resources I, Revision Number 1 January 1, Anthropology 605, Texas, 22-30. Jensen, P., Jensen, J.B. 2006. “Dynamic Model for Vacuum Freeze Drying of Waterlogged
  • Archaeological Wooden Artefacts”, Journal of Cultural Heritage 1(3): 156-165. Jensen, P. K., Strætkvern, Schnell, U., Jensen, J. B. 2009. ‘‘Technical Spesifications for
  • Equipment Vacuum Freeze Drying of Peg Impregnated Waterlogged Organic Materials’’, Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, ed. K. Strætkvern, Amsterdam: D.J. Huisman Jong J. D.- W. Eenkhorn, A. J. M. Wevers . 1982. “The Conservation Of Shipwrecks at the Museum of Maritime Archaeology at Ketelhaven”, Rapporten İnzake de Inrichting en
  • Ontwikkeling Van de Ijsselmeerpolders en Andere Landaanwinningswerken, Smedinghuis. Kocabaş U. 2005. Çamaltı Burnu 1 Batığı Demir Çapalarının Tarihsel İncelemesi, Koruma,
  • Onarım ve Tıpkıyapım Çalışmaları, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul. McConnachie G. - R. Eaton - M. Jones 2008. ‘‘A Re-Evaluation of the Use of Maximum
  • Moisture Content Data for Assessing the Condition of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood’’, e-Preservation Science, 5. Mortensen N.M. 2009. Stabilization of Polyethylene glycol in Archaeological Wood,
  • Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Denmark: Danish Polymer Centre Rodgers, B. A. 2004. The Archaeologist’s Manuel for Conservation, A Guide to Non-Toxic,
  • Minimal Intervention Artifact Stabilization, Kluwer Academic, Newyork: Plenum Publishers. Schnell, U., Jensen, P. 2007. “Determination of Maximum Freeze Drying Temperature for
  • PEG-Impregnated Archaeological Wood”, Studies in Conservation, 52: 50-58. Smith, C. W. 2003. Polymers Practical Applications for Organic Artifact Stabilization, Texas:
  • A&M University Press Unger, A., Schniewind, A. P., Unger, W. 1994. Conservation Of Wood Artifact, New York: Springer.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Namik Kılıç

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Temmuz 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Temmuz 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Kılıç, Namik. “ÇAMALTI BURNU 1 BATIĞININ KONSERVASYONU”. Art - Sanat, sy. 4 (Temmuz 2015): 39-52.