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The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy

Yıl 2023, , 55 - 66, 15.12.2023


Intertextuality is a concept that has emerged in postmodernism and since become an integral part of postmodern theory. It refers to how each text is shaped by its relationship with other texts, as well as to the cultural and historical contexts in which it was produced. Postmodernism questions the notion that a text has a singular, objective meaning, suggesting that each text can be interpreted in multiple ways. This study approaches the translation of intertextuality by examining the intertextual connections in the first and retranslations. The corpus of this study is composed of the famous works of Paul Auster, an American postmodernist writer, namely "City of Glass," "Ghosts," and "The Locked Room" known as the “New York Trilogy”. This study aims to analyze the dynamics of retranslation of postmodern literature to present a different understanding of retranslation contrary to the retranslation hypothesis asserted by Berman (1990), Bensimon (1990), and Gambier (1994) as it seems outdated. As postmodernism is a contemporary movement of literature, the first and retranslations of the prevalent narrative techniques require a different understanding from the traditional point of view. This different understanding is related to contemporary approaches to retranslation asserted by Kaisa Koskinen, Outi Paloposki, Tahir Gürçağlar, and Siobhan Brownlie. In the comparative analysis of the examples taken from the “New York Trilogy,” the methodology of Hatim and Mason (2001) is utilized.


  • Allen, G. (2000) Intertextuality. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Alvstad, C.; Assis Rosa, A. (2015) Voice in retranslation: An Overview and Some Trends. Target. 27. pp. 3-24. google scholar
  • Auster, P. (1991) Cam Kent. Tr. Yusuf Eradam. İstanbul: Aylak Adam Publishing. google scholar
  • (2004) Cam Kent. Tr. İlknur Özdemir. İstanbul: Can Publishing. google scholar
  • (1985) City of Glass. London: Penguin Books. google scholar
  • (1987) Ghosts. London: Penguin Books. google scholar
  • (1993) Hayaletler. Tr. Fatih Özgüven. İstanbul: Aylak Adam Publishing. google scholar
  • (2004) Hayaletler. Tr. İlknur Özdemir. İstanbul: Can Publishing. google scholar
  • (1993) Kilitli Oda. Tr. Yusuf Eradam. İstanbul: Aylak Adam Publishing. google scholar
  • (2004) Kilitli Oda. Tr. İlknur Özdemir. İstanbul: Can Publishing google scholar
  • (1982) The Invention of Solitude. Los Angeles: Sun and Moon Press. google scholar
  • (1987) The Locked Room. London: Penguin Books. google scholar
  • Barthes, R. (1977) “The Death of the Author”. In Image, Music and Text. Trans. S. Heath. London: Fontana. pp. 142-148. google scholar
  • Barrie, J.M. (2020). Peter Pan. Tr. A. Konaç. YKY. google scholar
  • Beaugrande, R.; Wolfgang D. (1981) Introduction to Text Linguistics. New York: Longman. google scholar
  • Berman, A. (1990) La Retraduction comme Espace de la Traduction. Palimpsestes. 4/1. pp. 1-7. google scholar
  • Bernstein, S. (1999). The Question is the Story Itself: Postmodernism and Intertextuality in Auster’s New York Trilogy. Detecting Texts: The Metaphysical Detective Story From Poe to Postmodernism. Ed. P. Marivale & S.E. Sweeney. Philadelphia: University of Pennyslyvania Press. google scholar
  • Bloom, H. (1997) The Anxiety of Influence. New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Bourdieu, P.; Wacquant, L. (2003) Duşunumsel Bir Antropoloji İçin Cevaplar, Tr. N. Ökten, İstanbul: İletişim Publishing. google scholar
  • Brownlie, S. (2006). “Narrative Theory and Retranslation Theory”. Across Languages and Cultures. 7/2. pp. 145-170. google scholar
  • Derrida, J. (1976). Of Grammatology. Trans. G. Spivak. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore& London. google scholar
  • Du-Nour, M. (1995). “Retranslation of Children’s Books as Evidence of Changes of Norms”. Target. 7/2. pp. google scholar
  • Genette, G. (1992). The Architect: An Introduction. Tr. Jane E. Lewin. Berkeley CA: University of California Press. google scholar
  • Hatim, B.& Mason, I. (2001) Discourse and the Translator. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Hermans, T. (2003) Translation, Equivalence and Intertextuality, Wasafiri, 18:40, 39-41, Doi: 10.1080/02690050308589868 google scholar
  • Hogue, L. W. (2007). Postmodernism, Paul Auster’s The New York Trilogy, and the Construction of the Black/Woman of Color as Primal Other. Women& Others: Perspectives on Race, Gender and Empire. Ed. C.R. Deileader et al. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Hutcheon, L. (1988). A Poetics of Modernism: History, Theory and Fiction. New York& London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Koskinen, K.; Paloposki, O. (2003). Retranslations in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Cadernos de Traduçao. 1/11, pp. 19-38. google scholar
  • Kristeva, J. (1974). La Revolution du Langage Poetique. Paris: Editions du Seuil. google scholar
  • Mallia, J. (1988). Paul Auster by Joseph Mallia. Online: Access: 22.12.2022 google scholar
  • Martin, B. (2008). Paul Auster’s Postmodernity. London& New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • O’Neill, P. (2005) Polyglot Joyce: Fictions of Translation. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 2005. google scholar
  • Orr, M. (2003). Intertextuality: Debates and Contexts. Cambridge: Polity Press. google scholar
  • Özbay, E. (2020) Postmodern Edebiyat Bağlamında Paul Auster’ın Romanlarına Genel Bir Bakış, Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 13:2, pp. 86-95. google scholar
  • Platt, L. & Upstone, S. (2015). Postmodern Literature and Race. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Russell, A. (1990) Deconstructing the New York Trilogy: Paul Auster’s Anti-Detective Fiction. Critique. 21: (2). pp. 71-84. google scholar
  • Sweeney, S.; Marivale, P. (1999). Detecting Texts: The Metaphysical Detective Story from Poe to Postmodernism. Pennsylvania: The University of Pennsylvania Press. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. (2009) Translation, Intertextuality, Interpretation. Romance Studies, 27: 3. pp. 157-173. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. (2013) Retranslations: The Creation of Value. Translation Changes Everything: Theory and Practice. pp. 96-109. google scholar
  • Zhang, H.; Ma, H. (2018) Intertextuality in Retranslation. Perspectives, 26: 2. pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2018.1448875 google scholar

Metinlerarasılığın Yeniden Çevirisi: Paul Auster’ın New York Üçlemesi Örneği

Yıl 2023, , 55 - 66, 15.12.2023


Metinlerarasılık, postmodernizm bağlamında, akımın ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak ön plana çıkan bir kavramdır. Bu kavram, her metnin üretildiği kültürel ve tarihsel bağlamın yanında, diğer metinlerle olan ilişkisi üzerinden nasıl şekillendiğini ifade etmek üzere kullanılır. Postmodernizm, metinlere atfedilen tekil ve nesnel anlamı sorgulayarak, her metnin farklı şekilde yorumlanabileceğini, böylelikle çeşitli anlamlara açık olduğunu ileri sürer. Bu çalışmada metinlerarasılığın çevirisinde, ilk çeviriler ve yeniden çeviriler arasındaki metinlerarası ilişkiler ele alınacaktır. Çalışmanın amacı, Berman (1990), Bensimon (1990) ve Gambier (1994) tarafından ileri sürülen yeniden çeviri hipotezinden farklı bir yeniden çeviri algısı sunmak üzere, postmodernist eserlerin yeniden çevirilerinin doğasını ve dinamiklerini açıklamaktır. Postmodernizm daha güncel bir edebi akım olduğundan, akım içindeki anlatım teknikleri, geleneksel bakış açısının dışında farklı bir analiz gerektirmektedir. Bütünceyi ise Amerikalı postmodern yazar Paul Auster’ın New York Üçlemesi olarak da bilinen “Cam Kent”, “Hayaletler” ve “Kilitli Oda” adlı eserleri oluşturmaktadır. New York Üçlemesi’nden seçilen örneklerin karşılaştırmalı incelemesinde ise Hatim ve Mason (2001) tarafından ileri sürülen metinlerarasılık kategorilerinden yararlanılacaktır.


  • Allen, G. (2000) Intertextuality. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Alvstad, C.; Assis Rosa, A. (2015) Voice in retranslation: An Overview and Some Trends. Target. 27. pp. 3-24. google scholar
  • Auster, P. (1991) Cam Kent. Tr. Yusuf Eradam. İstanbul: Aylak Adam Publishing. google scholar
  • (2004) Cam Kent. Tr. İlknur Özdemir. İstanbul: Can Publishing. google scholar
  • (1985) City of Glass. London: Penguin Books. google scholar
  • (1987) Ghosts. London: Penguin Books. google scholar
  • (1993) Hayaletler. Tr. Fatih Özgüven. İstanbul: Aylak Adam Publishing. google scholar
  • (2004) Hayaletler. Tr. İlknur Özdemir. İstanbul: Can Publishing. google scholar
  • (1993) Kilitli Oda. Tr. Yusuf Eradam. İstanbul: Aylak Adam Publishing. google scholar
  • (2004) Kilitli Oda. Tr. İlknur Özdemir. İstanbul: Can Publishing google scholar
  • (1982) The Invention of Solitude. Los Angeles: Sun and Moon Press. google scholar
  • (1987) The Locked Room. London: Penguin Books. google scholar
  • Barthes, R. (1977) “The Death of the Author”. In Image, Music and Text. Trans. S. Heath. London: Fontana. pp. 142-148. google scholar
  • Barrie, J.M. (2020). Peter Pan. Tr. A. Konaç. YKY. google scholar
  • Beaugrande, R.; Wolfgang D. (1981) Introduction to Text Linguistics. New York: Longman. google scholar
  • Berman, A. (1990) La Retraduction comme Espace de la Traduction. Palimpsestes. 4/1. pp. 1-7. google scholar
  • Bernstein, S. (1999). The Question is the Story Itself: Postmodernism and Intertextuality in Auster’s New York Trilogy. Detecting Texts: The Metaphysical Detective Story From Poe to Postmodernism. Ed. P. Marivale & S.E. Sweeney. Philadelphia: University of Pennyslyvania Press. google scholar
  • Bloom, H. (1997) The Anxiety of Influence. New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Bourdieu, P.; Wacquant, L. (2003) Duşunumsel Bir Antropoloji İçin Cevaplar, Tr. N. Ökten, İstanbul: İletişim Publishing. google scholar
  • Brownlie, S. (2006). “Narrative Theory and Retranslation Theory”. Across Languages and Cultures. 7/2. pp. 145-170. google scholar
  • Derrida, J. (1976). Of Grammatology. Trans. G. Spivak. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore& London. google scholar
  • Du-Nour, M. (1995). “Retranslation of Children’s Books as Evidence of Changes of Norms”. Target. 7/2. pp. google scholar
  • Genette, G. (1992). The Architect: An Introduction. Tr. Jane E. Lewin. Berkeley CA: University of California Press. google scholar
  • Hatim, B.& Mason, I. (2001) Discourse and the Translator. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Hermans, T. (2003) Translation, Equivalence and Intertextuality, Wasafiri, 18:40, 39-41, Doi: 10.1080/02690050308589868 google scholar
  • Hogue, L. W. (2007). Postmodernism, Paul Auster’s The New York Trilogy, and the Construction of the Black/Woman of Color as Primal Other. Women& Others: Perspectives on Race, Gender and Empire. Ed. C.R. Deileader et al. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Hutcheon, L. (1988). A Poetics of Modernism: History, Theory and Fiction. New York& London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Koskinen, K.; Paloposki, O. (2003). Retranslations in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Cadernos de Traduçao. 1/11, pp. 19-38. google scholar
  • Kristeva, J. (1974). La Revolution du Langage Poetique. Paris: Editions du Seuil. google scholar
  • Mallia, J. (1988). Paul Auster by Joseph Mallia. Online: Access: 22.12.2022 google scholar
  • Martin, B. (2008). Paul Auster’s Postmodernity. London& New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • O’Neill, P. (2005) Polyglot Joyce: Fictions of Translation. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 2005. google scholar
  • Orr, M. (2003). Intertextuality: Debates and Contexts. Cambridge: Polity Press. google scholar
  • Özbay, E. (2020) Postmodern Edebiyat Bağlamında Paul Auster’ın Romanlarına Genel Bir Bakış, Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 13:2, pp. 86-95. google scholar
  • Platt, L. & Upstone, S. (2015). Postmodern Literature and Race. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Russell, A. (1990) Deconstructing the New York Trilogy: Paul Auster’s Anti-Detective Fiction. Critique. 21: (2). pp. 71-84. google scholar
  • Sweeney, S.; Marivale, P. (1999). Detecting Texts: The Metaphysical Detective Story from Poe to Postmodernism. Pennsylvania: The University of Pennsylvania Press. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. (2009) Translation, Intertextuality, Interpretation. Romance Studies, 27: 3. pp. 157-173. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. (2013) Retranslations: The Creation of Value. Translation Changes Everything: Theory and Practice. pp. 96-109. google scholar
  • Zhang, H.; Ma, H. (2018) Intertextuality in Retranslation. Perspectives, 26: 2. pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2018.1448875 google scholar
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dil Çalışmaları (Diğer)

İrem Ceren Doğan 0000-0003-4929-6159

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, İ. C. (2023). The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy. IU Journal of Translation Studies(19), 55-66.
AMA Doğan İC. The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy. IU Journal of Translation Studies. Aralık 2023;(19):55-66. doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1277640
Chicago Doğan, İrem Ceren. “The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 19 (Aralık 2023): 55-66.
EndNote Doğan İC (01 Aralık 2023) The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy. IU Journal of Translation Studies 19 55–66.
IEEE İ. C. Doğan, “The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 19, ss. 55–66, Aralık 2023, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2023.1277640.
ISNAD Doğan, İrem Ceren. “The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 19 (Aralık 2023), 55-66.
JAMA Doğan İC. The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023;:55–66.
MLA Doğan, İrem Ceren. “The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 19, 2023, ss. 55-66, doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1277640.
Vancouver Doğan İC. The Retranslation of Intertextuality: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023(19):55-66.