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BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 17, 117 - 134, 29.12.2022



  • American Society for Testing and Materials. (2014). ASTM F2575 -14 Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Brown, M. K. (2003). Trends in Writing for Translation. Multilingual 14 (7). 4-8. google scholar
  • Condé Nast. 2022. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Coriander L., A. M. (2017). The Localization Industry and its impact on our daily life. Circuit 134. https:// impact-on-our-daily-life (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cox, H. & Mowatt S. (2012). Vogue in Britain: Authenticity and the creation of competitive advantage in the UK magazine industry. Business History 54(1). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and Globalization. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Czinkota, M R. & Ronkainen I. A. (2012). International Marketing. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. google scholar
  • De la Cova, E. (2016). Translation Challenges in the Localization of Web Applications. Sendebar 27. https:// (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Doherty, S. & F. G. (2013). Which Approach to Human Translation Quality Evaluation and Why? Globalization and Localization Association. https://www.gala- articles/which-approach-human-translation-quality (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Esselink, B. (2000). A Practical Guide to Localization. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • European Commission. (2020). European Language Industry Survey. files/2020_language_industry_survey_report.pdf (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2018). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 27 November 2018. analysis/conde-nast-to-combine-us-and-international-businesses (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2019). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 21 November 2019. (accessed 20/9/2022). google scholar
  • Fernie, J. & Sparks, L. (2019). Retail Logistics: Changes and challenges. Gender and public space in a bilingual school. In John Fernie and Leight Sparks (eds.), Logistics and Retail Management. London: Kogan Page. google scholar
  • Godart, F. C. & Mears, A. 2009. How Do Cultural Producers Make Creative Decisions? Lessons from the Catwalk. Social Forces 88(2). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grant, R. M. & Venzin, M. (2009). Strategic and Organisational Challenges of Internationalisation in Financial Services. Long Range Planning 42(5-6). pii/S0024630109000946?via%3Dihub (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grinin, L. & Korotayev A. (2013). Origins of Globalization. In Leonid E. Grinin, Ilya V. Ilyin, and Andrey V. Korotayev (eds.). Globalistics and Globalization Studies. Volgograd: Uchitel. google scholar
  • Hill, D. D. (2004). As seen in Vogue: A century of American fashion in advertising. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press. google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 17100:2015 Translation services - Requirements for translation services (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems -Requirements. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jafari Sadeghi, V. et. al. (2018). How does export compliance influence the internationalization of firms: is it a thread or an opportunity? Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 8(3). 1-15. s40497-018-0089-3 (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2009). The evaluation of pragmatic and functionalist aspects in localization: towards a holistic approach to Quality Assurance. The Journal of Internationalization and Localization 1(1). https:// (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2011a). To adapt or not to adapt in web localization: a contrastive genre-based study of original and localised legal sections in corporate websites. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 15. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. (2011b). “A Corpus-Based Error Typology: Towards a More Objective Approach to Measuring Quality in Localization.” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 19 (4): 315-38. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2013). Translation and Web Localization. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Kuipers, Giselinde, Yiu F. Chow & Elise van der Laan. (2014). Vogue and the possibility of cosmopolitics: race, health and cosmopolitan engagement in the global beauty industry. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(12). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Leontiales, J. (2001). Going global - Global strategies vs national strategies. Long Range Planning 19(6). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Leser, D. (2015). A Life in Vogue. 15 October 2015. news-story/d85d4d5e53954710c92bb307604b78d1 (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • LISA. (2003). The Localization Industry Primer. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. Carouge: LISA. google scholar
  • Matthews David, A. (2015). Vogue’s New World: American Fashionability and the Politics of Style. Fashion Theory, 10(1-2). google scholar
  • Nimdzi. (2019). The Cost of Mistakes. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • O’Hagan, M. & Chandler H. (2016). Game localization research and translation studies loss and gain under an interdisciplinary lens. In Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • O’Hagan, M. (2005). Multidimensional Translation: A Game Plan for Audiovisual Translation in the Age of GILT. Paper presented at MuTra 2005 - Challenges of Multidimensional Translation, Saarland University, 2-6 May. google scholar
  • Ohmae, K. (1989), Managing in a borderless world. Harvard Business Review May/June. 152-61. google scholar
  • Okazaki, S. (2005). “Searching the Web for Global Brands: How American Brands Standardise Their Web Sites in Europe”. European Journal of Marketing 39 (1-2): 87-109. google scholar
  • Oliva, A. & Angeletti, N. (2012). In Vogue: An Illustrated History of the World’s Most Famous Fashion Magazine. New York: Rizzoli. google scholar
  • Patil, Vikas M. & Patil A. V. (2018). SEO: On-Page + Off-Page Analysis. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information, Communication, Engineering and Technology (ICICET). Text and Talk at Work, eal College of Engineering and Research, 29-31 August. google scholar
  • Pym, A. (2014). Exploring Translation Theories. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Rocamora, A. (2006). “Over to You”: Writing Readers in French Vogue. Fashion Theory - The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture 10(1-2). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Saito, H. (2011). An Actor-Network Theory of Cosmopolitanism. Sociological Theory 29 (2). https://doi. org/10.1111%2Fj.1467-9558.2011.01390.x (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Seebohm, C. (1982). The man who was Vogue. New York: Vogue Viking Press. google scholar
  • TAUS. (2012). Everything You Need To Know About DQF. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Taylor, W. (1991), The logic of global business. Harvard Business Review March/April. 90-105. google scholar
  • Vignali, C., Vrontis D. & Dana L. (1999). An International Marketing Reader. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University. google scholar
  • Vogue. (2022). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Wang, H. J., Moshchuk A. & Bush A. (2009). Convergence of Desktop and Web Applications on a Multi-Service OS. Paper presented at Hotsec ‘09 Conference, Montreal (Canada), 10-14 August. google scholar
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 17, 117 - 134, 29.12.2022



  • American Society for Testing and Materials. (2014). ASTM F2575 -14 Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Brown, M. K. (2003). Trends in Writing for Translation. Multilingual 14 (7). 4-8. google scholar
  • Condé Nast. 2022. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Coriander L., A. M. (2017). The Localization Industry and its impact on our daily life. Circuit 134. https:// impact-on-our-daily-life (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cox, H. & Mowatt S. (2012). Vogue in Britain: Authenticity and the creation of competitive advantage in the UK magazine industry. Business History 54(1). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and Globalization. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Czinkota, M R. & Ronkainen I. A. (2012). International Marketing. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. google scholar
  • De la Cova, E. (2016). Translation Challenges in the Localization of Web Applications. Sendebar 27. https:// (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Doherty, S. & F. G. (2013). Which Approach to Human Translation Quality Evaluation and Why? Globalization and Localization Association. https://www.gala- articles/which-approach-human-translation-quality (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Esselink, B. (2000). A Practical Guide to Localization. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • European Commission. (2020). European Language Industry Survey. files/2020_language_industry_survey_report.pdf (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2018). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 27 November 2018. analysis/conde-nast-to-combine-us-and-international-businesses (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2019). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 21 November 2019. (accessed 20/9/2022). google scholar
  • Fernie, J. & Sparks, L. (2019). Retail Logistics: Changes and challenges. Gender and public space in a bilingual school. In John Fernie and Leight Sparks (eds.), Logistics and Retail Management. London: Kogan Page. google scholar
  • Godart, F. C. & Mears, A. 2009. How Do Cultural Producers Make Creative Decisions? Lessons from the Catwalk. Social Forces 88(2). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grant, R. M. & Venzin, M. (2009). Strategic and Organisational Challenges of Internationalisation in Financial Services. Long Range Planning 42(5-6). pii/S0024630109000946?via%3Dihub (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grinin, L. & Korotayev A. (2013). Origins of Globalization. In Leonid E. Grinin, Ilya V. Ilyin, and Andrey V. Korotayev (eds.). Globalistics and Globalization Studies. Volgograd: Uchitel. google scholar
  • Hill, D. D. (2004). As seen in Vogue: A century of American fashion in advertising. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press. google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 17100:2015 Translation services - Requirements for translation services (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems -Requirements. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jafari Sadeghi, V. et. al. (2018). How does export compliance influence the internationalization of firms: is it a thread or an opportunity? Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 8(3). 1-15. s40497-018-0089-3 (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2009). The evaluation of pragmatic and functionalist aspects in localization: towards a holistic approach to Quality Assurance. The Journal of Internationalization and Localization 1(1). https:// (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2011a). To adapt or not to adapt in web localization: a contrastive genre-based study of original and localised legal sections in corporate websites. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 15. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. (2011b). “A Corpus-Based Error Typology: Towards a More Objective Approach to Measuring Quality in Localization.” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 19 (4): 315-38. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2013). Translation and Web Localization. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Kuipers, Giselinde, Yiu F. Chow & Elise van der Laan. (2014). Vogue and the possibility of cosmopolitics: race, health and cosmopolitan engagement in the global beauty industry. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(12). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Leontiales, J. (2001). Going global - Global strategies vs national strategies. Long Range Planning 19(6). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Leser, D. (2015). A Life in Vogue. 15 October 2015. news-story/d85d4d5e53954710c92bb307604b78d1 (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • LISA. (2003). The Localization Industry Primer. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. Carouge: LISA. google scholar
  • Matthews David, A. (2015). Vogue’s New World: American Fashionability and the Politics of Style. Fashion Theory, 10(1-2). google scholar
  • Nimdzi. (2019). The Cost of Mistakes. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • O’Hagan, M. & Chandler H. (2016). Game localization research and translation studies loss and gain under an interdisciplinary lens. In Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • O’Hagan, M. (2005). Multidimensional Translation: A Game Plan for Audiovisual Translation in the Age of GILT. Paper presented at MuTra 2005 - Challenges of Multidimensional Translation, Saarland University, 2-6 May. google scholar
  • Ohmae, K. (1989), Managing in a borderless world. Harvard Business Review May/June. 152-61. google scholar
  • Okazaki, S. (2005). “Searching the Web for Global Brands: How American Brands Standardise Their Web Sites in Europe”. European Journal of Marketing 39 (1-2): 87-109. google scholar
  • Oliva, A. & Angeletti, N. (2012). In Vogue: An Illustrated History of the World’s Most Famous Fashion Magazine. New York: Rizzoli. google scholar
  • Patil, Vikas M. & Patil A. V. (2018). SEO: On-Page + Off-Page Analysis. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information, Communication, Engineering and Technology (ICICET). Text and Talk at Work, eal College of Engineering and Research, 29-31 August. google scholar
  • Pym, A. (2014). Exploring Translation Theories. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Rocamora, A. (2006). “Over to You”: Writing Readers in French Vogue. Fashion Theory - The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture 10(1-2). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Saito, H. (2011). An Actor-Network Theory of Cosmopolitanism. Sociological Theory 29 (2). https://doi. org/10.1111%2Fj.1467-9558.2011.01390.x (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Seebohm, C. (1982). The man who was Vogue. New York: Vogue Viking Press. google scholar
  • TAUS. (2012). Everything You Need To Know About DQF. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Taylor, W. (1991), The logic of global business. Harvard Business Review March/April. 90-105. google scholar
  • Vignali, C., Vrontis D. & Dana L. (1999). An International Marketing Reader. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University. google scholar
  • Vogue. (2022). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Wang, H. J., Moshchuk A. & Bush A. (2009). Convergence of Desktop and Web Applications on a Multi-Service OS. Paper presented at Hotsec ‘09 Conference, Montreal (Canada), 10-14 August. google scholar

Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 17, 117 - 134, 29.12.2022


Global companies publishing content localized in different languages mainly focus their quality assurance efforts on a stage prior to publishing. While this approach has traditionally performed well, the increasing economic and deadline-related pressures in these contexts have led to a greater occurrence of mistakes in published content, sometimes with catastrophic consequences for the public image of these companies. Taking this premise into account, the objective of this research is to explore an analysis method for localized content working with a case study approach. For this purpose, a sample of 15 blog posts published by Vogue will be analyzed, Vogue being the most important fashion magazine in the world and a platform with global presence. The posts analyzed belong both to the Spanish version of the blog and to several English versions serving different locales. The result of this process allows us to understand an internationalization and localization strategy of a major brand and provides useful insights to easily improve quality assurance procedures in global companies with a moderate investment of resources and tim.


  • American Society for Testing and Materials. (2014). ASTM F2575 -14 Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Brown, M. K. (2003). Trends in Writing for Translation. Multilingual 14 (7). 4-8. google scholar
  • Condé Nast. 2022. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Coriander L., A. M. (2017). The Localization Industry and its impact on our daily life. Circuit 134. https:// impact-on-our-daily-life (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cox, H. & Mowatt S. (2012). Vogue in Britain: Authenticity and the creation of competitive advantage in the UK magazine industry. Business History 54(1). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and Globalization. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Czinkota, M R. & Ronkainen I. A. (2012). International Marketing. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. google scholar
  • De la Cova, E. (2016). Translation Challenges in the Localization of Web Applications. Sendebar 27. https:// (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Doherty, S. & F. G. (2013). Which Approach to Human Translation Quality Evaluation and Why? Globalization and Localization Association. https://www.gala- articles/which-approach-human-translation-quality (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Esselink, B. (2000). A Practical Guide to Localization. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • European Commission. (2020). European Language Industry Survey. files/2020_language_industry_survey_report.pdf (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2018). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 27 November 2018. analysis/conde-nast-to-combine-us-and-international-businesses (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2019). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 21 November 2019. (accessed 20/9/2022). google scholar
  • Fernie, J. & Sparks, L. (2019). Retail Logistics: Changes and challenges. Gender and public space in a bilingual school. In John Fernie and Leight Sparks (eds.), Logistics and Retail Management. London: Kogan Page. google scholar
  • Godart, F. C. & Mears, A. 2009. How Do Cultural Producers Make Creative Decisions? Lessons from the Catwalk. Social Forces 88(2). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grant, R. M. & Venzin, M. (2009). Strategic and Organisational Challenges of Internationalisation in Financial Services. Long Range Planning 42(5-6). pii/S0024630109000946?via%3Dihub (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grinin, L. & Korotayev A. (2013). Origins of Globalization. In Leonid E. Grinin, Ilya V. Ilyin, and Andrey V. Korotayev (eds.). Globalistics and Globalization Studies. Volgograd: Uchitel. google scholar
  • Hill, D. D. (2004). As seen in Vogue: A century of American fashion in advertising. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press. google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 17100:2015 Translation services - Requirements for translation services (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems -Requirements. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jafari Sadeghi, V. et. al. (2018). How does export compliance influence the internationalization of firms: is it a thread or an opportunity? Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 8(3). 1-15. s40497-018-0089-3 (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2009). The evaluation of pragmatic and functionalist aspects in localization: towards a holistic approach to Quality Assurance. The Journal of Internationalization and Localization 1(1). https:// (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2011a). To adapt or not to adapt in web localization: a contrastive genre-based study of original and localised legal sections in corporate websites. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 15. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. (2011b). “A Corpus-Based Error Typology: Towards a More Objective Approach to Measuring Quality in Localization.” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 19 (4): 315-38. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Jiménez Crespo, M. A. (2013). Translation and Web Localization. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Kuipers, Giselinde, Yiu F. Chow & Elise van der Laan. (2014). Vogue and the possibility of cosmopolitics: race, health and cosmopolitan engagement in the global beauty industry. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(12). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Leontiales, J. (2001). Going global - Global strategies vs national strategies. Long Range Planning 19(6). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Leser, D. (2015). A Life in Vogue. 15 October 2015. news-story/d85d4d5e53954710c92bb307604b78d1 (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • LISA. (2003). The Localization Industry Primer. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. Carouge: LISA. google scholar
  • Matthews David, A. (2015). Vogue’s New World: American Fashionability and the Politics of Style. Fashion Theory, 10(1-2). google scholar
  • Nimdzi. (2019). The Cost of Mistakes. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • O’Hagan, M. & Chandler H. (2016). Game localization research and translation studies loss and gain under an interdisciplinary lens. In Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • O’Hagan, M. (2005). Multidimensional Translation: A Game Plan for Audiovisual Translation in the Age of GILT. Paper presented at MuTra 2005 - Challenges of Multidimensional Translation, Saarland University, 2-6 May. google scholar
  • Ohmae, K. (1989), Managing in a borderless world. Harvard Business Review May/June. 152-61. google scholar
  • Okazaki, S. (2005). “Searching the Web for Global Brands: How American Brands Standardise Their Web Sites in Europe”. European Journal of Marketing 39 (1-2): 87-109. google scholar
  • Oliva, A. & Angeletti, N. (2012). In Vogue: An Illustrated History of the World’s Most Famous Fashion Magazine. New York: Rizzoli. google scholar
  • Patil, Vikas M. & Patil A. V. (2018). SEO: On-Page + Off-Page Analysis. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information, Communication, Engineering and Technology (ICICET). Text and Talk at Work, eal College of Engineering and Research, 29-31 August. google scholar
  • Pym, A. (2014). Exploring Translation Theories. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Rocamora, A. (2006). “Over to You”: Writing Readers in French Vogue. Fashion Theory - The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture 10(1-2). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Saito, H. (2011). An Actor-Network Theory of Cosmopolitanism. Sociological Theory 29 (2). https://doi. org/10.1111%2Fj.1467-9558.2011.01390.x (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Seebohm, C. (1982). The man who was Vogue. New York: Vogue Viking Press. google scholar
  • TAUS. (2012). Everything You Need To Know About DQF. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Taylor, W. (1991), The logic of global business. Harvard Business Review March/April. 90-105. google scholar
  • Vignali, C., Vrontis D. & Dana L. (1999). An International Marketing Reader. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University. google scholar
  • Vogue. (2022). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Wang, H. J., Moshchuk A. & Bush A. (2009). Convergence of Desktop and Web Applications on a Multi-Service OS. Paper presented at Hotsec ‘09 Conference, Montreal (Canada), 10-14 August. google scholar

Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 17, 117 - 134, 29.12.2022


Global companies publishing content localized in different languages mainly focus their quality assurance efforts on a stage prior to publishing. While this approach has traditionally performed well, the increasing economic and deadline-related pressures in these contexts have led to a greater occurrence of mistakes in published content, sometimes with catastrophic consequences for the public image of these companies. Taking this premise into account, the objective of this research is to explore an analysis method for localized content working with a case study approach. For this purpose, a sample of 15 blog posts published by Vogue will be analyzed, Vogue being the most important fashion magazine in the world and a platform with global presence. The posts analyzed belong both to the Spanish version of the blog and to several English versions serving different locales. The result of this process allows us to understand an internationalization and localization strategy of a major brand and provides useful insights to easily improve quality assurance procedures in global companies with a moderate investment of resources and tim.


  • American Society for Testing and Materials. (2014). ASTM F2575 -14 Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Brown, M. K. (2003). Trends in Writing for Translation. Multilingual 14 (7). 4-8. google scholar
  • Condé Nast. 2022. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Coriander L., A. M. (2017). The Localization Industry and its impact on our daily life. Circuit 134. https:// impact-on-our-daily-life (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cox, H. & Mowatt S. (2012). Vogue in Britain: Authenticity and the creation of competitive advantage in the UK magazine industry. Business History 54(1). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and Globalization. London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Czinkota, M R. & Ronkainen I. A. (2012). International Marketing. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. google scholar
  • De la Cova, E. (2016). Translation Challenges in the Localization of Web Applications. Sendebar 27. https:// (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Doherty, S. & F. G. (2013). Which Approach to Human Translation Quality Evaluation and Why? Globalization and Localization Association. https://www.gala- articles/which-approach-human-translation-quality (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Esselink, B. (2000). A Practical Guide to Localization. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • European Commission. (2020). European Language Industry Survey. files/2020_language_industry_survey_report.pdf (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2018). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 27 November 2018. analysis/conde-nast-to-combine-us-and-international-businesses (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Fernández, C. (2019). Vogue International Rebrands as Vogue Global Network. Business of Fashion, 21 November 2019. (accessed 20/9/2022). google scholar
  • Fernie, J. & Sparks, L. (2019). Retail Logistics: Changes and challenges. Gender and public space in a bilingual school. In John Fernie and Leight Sparks (eds.), Logistics and Retail Management. London: Kogan Page. google scholar
  • Godart, F. C. & Mears, A. 2009. How Do Cultural Producers Make Creative Decisions? Lessons from the Catwalk. Social Forces 88(2). (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grant, R. M. & Venzin, M. (2009). Strategic and Organisational Challenges of Internationalisation in Financial Services. Long Range Planning 42(5-6). pii/S0024630109000946?via%3Dihub (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • Grinin, L. & Korotayev A. (2013). Origins of Globalization. In Leonid E. Grinin, Ilya V. Ilyin, and Andrey V. Korotayev (eds.). Globalistics and Globalization Studies. Volgograd: Uchitel. google scholar
  • Hill, D. D. (2004). As seen in Vogue: A century of American fashion in advertising. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press. google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 17100:2015 Translation services - Requirements for translation services (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
  • International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems -Requirements. (accessed 20/09/2022). google scholar
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Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Oliver Carreira 0000-0003-1556-1524

Núria Molines Galarza

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 17

Kaynak Göster

APA Carreira, O., & Molines Galarza, N. (2022). Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue. IU Journal of Translation Studies(17), 117-134.
AMA Carreira O, Molines Galarza N. Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue. IU Journal of Translation Studies. Aralık 2022;(17):117-134. doi:10.26650/iujts.2022.1177822
Chicago Carreira, Oliver, ve Núria Molines Galarza. “Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 17 (Aralık 2022): 117-34.
EndNote Carreira O, Molines Galarza N (01 Aralık 2022) Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue. IU Journal of Translation Studies 17 117–134.
IEEE O. Carreira ve N. Molines Galarza, “Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 17, ss. 117–134, Aralık 2022, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2022.1177822.
ISNAD Carreira, Oliver - Molines Galarza, Núria. “Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 17 (Aralık 2022), 117-134.
JAMA Carreira O, Molines Galarza N. Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2022;:117–134.
MLA Carreira, Oliver ve Núria Molines Galarza. “Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 17, 2022, ss. 117-34, doi:10.26650/iujts.2022.1177822.
Vancouver Carreira O, Molines Galarza N. Internationalization & Localization Strategies: A Case Study on Vogue. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2022(17):117-34.