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Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 47, 109 - 121, 10.01.2024


The present study aims to use dendrochronological methods to reconstruct the precipitation history of Elmacık Mountain of Northwest Türkiye and its immediate surroundings. This research is the first dendroclimatological study in Türkiye regarding total annual precipitation reconstruction in the current literature. The study created three Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L. ssp. hamata) site chronologies (214-, 233-, and 248-year spans) using samples from Elmacık Mountain before combining the site chronologies into one regional chronology. The study calculated relations between this regional chronology and the total annual precipitation data of the Bolu, Düzce, and Sakarya meteorological stations using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. As the results are statistically suitable for reconstructing the total annual precipitation data in Bolu and Düzce, the total rainfall reconstruction of these stations was carried out over a 158 year span from 1858-2015. Low- and high-precipitation years were also revealed for 1858-1950 when the stations were not in operation. Accordingly, the years in which the annual total precipitation was at least one standard deviation unit below the average for both stations were 1860-1861, 1875, 1878, 1887, 1893, 1904-1905, 1907, 1909, 1935, 1942, 1945, and 1949. Meanwhile, 1865, 1873, 1877, 1885, 1910, 1912-1914, 1917, 1919, 1922, 1939-1940 were the years when the total annual rainfall was at least one standard deviation unit above the average. In 1901 and 1936, total annual rainfall was two standard deviations above average.

Destekleyen Kurum

Karabük Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası



We thank the Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Forestry and Karabuk University for permission and supports. We also thank the Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Forestry Faculty Forest Botany Department, especially Nesibe KÖSE, for their valuable supports during our laboratory studies.


  • Akkemik, Ü. (2004) Dendrokronoloji, İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Akkemik, Ü. and Aras, A. (2005) Reconstruction (1689-1994) of April-August precipitation in southwestern part of central Turkey. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 537-548. https://doi. org/10.1002/joc.1145. google scholar
  • Akkemik, Ü., Dağdeviren, N. andAras, A. (2005)A preliminary reconstruction (A.D. 1635-2000) of spring precipitation using oak tree rings in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. International Journal of Biometeorology, 49, 297-302. google scholar
  • Akkemik, Ü., Köse, N., Aras, A. and Dalfes, H.N. (2005) Anadolu’nun son 350 yılında yaşanan önemli kurak ve yağışlı yıllar. Türkiye Kuvaterner Sempozyumu V, 02-03 Haziran 2005 İstanbul, (Ed. O. Tüysüz and M.K. Erturaç), 129-135. google scholar
  • Alkan, İ. and İrdem, C. (2023). The effect of climate on tree-ring of Fir, Spruce and Scotch pine in Karçal Mountains . Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 24 (1), 206-217, https://doi. org/10.17474/artvinofd.1246843 google scholar
  • Belokopytova, L., Zhirnova, D., Kostyakova, T. and Babushkina, E. (2018) Dynamics of moisture regime and its reconstruction from a tree-ring width chronology of Pinus sylvestris in the downstream basin of the Selenga River, Russia. Journal of And Land, 10(6), 877-91. google scholar
  • Bozkurt, A.E., Şahan, E.A., Köse, N. (2021) Growth responses of Pinus sylestris L. to climate from the Southeastern limit of its natural distribution area, Turkey. Dendrochronologia, 70:125897, https:// google scholar
  • Briffa, K.R. and Jones, P.D. (1990) Basic chronology statistics and assessment, in: Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the EnvironmentalSciences. Edited by: Cook, E. and Kairiukstis, L. A., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 137-152. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-94-015-7879-0. google scholar
  • Cook, E. (1985) A time series analysis approach to tree-ring standardization. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson. google scholar
  • Cook, E., Shiyatov, S. and Mazepa, V. (1990) Estimation of the mean chronology, in: Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the Environmental Sciences. Edited by: Cook, E. and Kairiukstis, L. A., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 123-132, 1990. https:// google scholar
  • Cook, E.R., Seager, R., Kushnir, Y., Briffa, K.R., Büntgen, U., Frank, D., Krusic, P.J., Tegel, W., van der Schrier, G., Andreu Hayles, L., Baillie, M., Baittinger, C., Bleicher, N., Bonde, N., Brown, D., Carrer, M., Cooper, R., Cufar, K., Dittmar, C., Esper, J., Griggs, C., Gunnarson, B., Günther, B., Gutierrez, E., Haneca, K., Helama, S., Herzig, F., Heussner, K.U., Hofmann, J., Janda, P., Kontic, R., Köse, N., Kyncl, T., Levanic, T., Linderholm, H., Manning, S., Melvin, T. M., Miles, D., Neuwirth, B., Nicolussi, K., Nola, P., Panayotov, M., Popa, I., Rothe, A., Seftigen, K., Seim, A., Svarva, H., Svoboda, M., Thun, T., Timonen, M., Touchan, R., Trotsiuk, V, Trouet, V, Walder, F., Wazny, T., Wilson, R. and Zang, C. (2015) Old World megadroughts and pluvials during the Common Era. Science Advances, 1, 10, e1500561, google scholar
  • D’Arrigo, R. and Cullen, H.M. (2001). A 350-year (AD 1628-1980) reconstruction of Turkish precipitation. Dendrochronologia, 19(2), 169-177. google scholar
  • Eckstein, D. and Bauch, J. (1969) Beitrag zur rationalisierung eines dendrochronologischen verfahrens und zur analyse seiner aussagesicherheit. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt, 88, 230250, google scholar
  • Fritts, H.C. (1976) Tree Rings and Climate. Academic Press London. google scholar
  • Gönüllü, A.R. (2010) Osmanli Devleti’nin son döneminde meydana gelen sel baskınları (1857-1913). Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 28, 351-373. google scholar
  • Griggs, C., De Gaetano, A., Kuniholm, P. and Newton, M. (2007) A regional high-frequency reconstruction of May-June precipitation in the north Aegean from oak tree rings, A.D. 1809-1989. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 1075-1089. https://doi. org/10.1002/joc.1459. google scholar
  • Grissino-Mayer, H.D. (2001) Evaluating crossdating accuracy: a manual and tutorial for the computer program Cofecha. Tree-Ring Research, 57(2), 205-221. google scholar
  • Holmes, R. L. (1983) “Computer-assisted quality control in tree-ring data and measurements. Tree-ringBulletin, 43, 69-78. google scholar
  • Holmes, R. L. (1992) Dendrochronology Program Library, Version 1992-1 Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, google scholar
  • Hughes, M.K., Kuniholm, P.I., Garfin, G.M., Latini, C. and Eischeid, J. (2001) Aegean tree-ring signature years explained. Tree-Ring Research, 57 (1):67-73. google scholar
  • Kostyakova, T.V., Touchan, R, Babushkina E.A, Belokopytova, L.V. (2018) Precipitation reconstruction for the Khakassia region, Siberia, from tree rings. Holocene. 28(3), 377-85. https://doi. org/10.1177/0959683617729. google scholar
  • Köse, N., Akkemik, Ü., and Dalfes, H.N. (2005) Anadolu’nun iklim tarihinin son 500 yılı: Dendroklimatolojik ilk sonuçlar. Türkiye Kuvaterner Sempozyumu-TURQUA-V, 02-03 Haziran 2005, Bildiriler Kitabı, 136-142, 2005 (in Turkish). google scholar
  • Köse, N. (2007) Batı Anadolu’da iklim değişkenliği de yıllık halka gelişimi, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Köse, N., Akkemik, Ü., Dalfes, H.N. and Özeren, M.S. (2011) Tree-ring reconstructions of May-June precipitation of western Anatolia. Quaternary Research, 75, 438-450, 2011. yqres.2010.12.005. google scholar
  • Köse N., Akkemik Ü., Güner H.T., Dalfes H.N., Grissino-Mayer H.D. and Özeren M.S (2013) An improved reconstruction of May-June precipitation using tree-ring data from western Turkey and its links to volcanic eruptions. International Journal of Biometeorology, 57, 691-701. google scholar
  • Köse, N., Güner, H.T., Harley, G.L., Guiot, J. (2017) Spring temperature variability over turkey since 1800 ce reconstructed from a broad network of tree- ring data. Climate ofThe Past, 13:1-15, https://doi. org/10.5194/cp-13-1-2017 google scholar
  • Ljungqvist, F.C., Piermattei, A., Seim, A. Krusic, P.J., Büntgen, U., He, M., Kirdyanov, A.V., Luterbacher, J., Schneider, L., Seftigen, K., Stahle, D.W., Villalba, R., Yang, B., and Esper, J. (2020). Ranking of tree-ring based hydroclimate reconstructions of the past millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 230, 106074, google scholar
  • Martin-Benito, D., Ummenhofer C.C., Köse, N., Güner, H. T., and Pederson, N. (2016) Tree-ring reconstructed May-June precipitation in the Caucasus since 1752 CE, Climate Dynamics, 47, 3011-3027, google scholar
  • Özel, H.B., Yaman, B., Varol, T. (2021) The effect of climate on radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) In a coastal mixed stand in Kapısuyu, Bartın, Turkey. Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 8(2): 187-197, google scholar
  • Pallant, J. (2017) SPSS kullanma kilavuzu: SPSS ile adim adim veri analizi, (Çev.:Balcı, S. and Ahi, B.) Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara. google scholar
  • Schweingruber, F.H. (1988) Tree rings: basics and applications of dendrochronology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 978-07923-0559-0 Dordrecht, Holland. google scholar
  • Sungur, O. (2010) Korelasyon Analizi, (Ed. Şeref Kalaycı), SPSS Uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri, ISBN:978-605-122-153-3, Dinamik Akademi, Ankara. google scholar
  • Tamkeviciute, M., Edvardsson, J., Pukiene, R., Taminskas, J., Stoffel, M., Corona, C, and Kibirkstis, G. (2018) Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) based reconstruction of 130 years of water table fluctuations in a peatland and its relevance for moisture variability assessments. Journal of Hydrology, 558(x), 509-19. jhydrol.2018.01.067. google scholar
  • Tekin, S. (2015) 19. Yüzyılın sonu 20. yüzyılın başlarında Batı Anadolu’da yaşanan kuraklık olayları. Internatioanl Journal of Social Sciences, 33, 329-341. google scholar
  • Touchan, R., Garfin, G.M., Meko, D.M. Funkhouser, G., Erkan, N., Hughes, M.K. and Wallin, B.S. (2003) Preliminary reconstructions of spring precipitation in southwestern Turkey from tree-ring width. International Journal of Climatology, 23: 157-171. http://dx.doi. org/10.1002/joc.850. google scholar
  • Trenard, Y. (1982) Making Wood Speak: An introduction to dendrochronology. CFSForestryAbstracts, 43, 12. google scholar
  • Yaman, B., Metin, S. (2004) Dendroclimatological studies in Bartın-Kumluca Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Anadolu Uni. Journal of Science and Tech. 5(1):129-135. google scholar
  • Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, A., Uğurca, E., Çiçek, İ., Atakan, C. (2021). Precipitation cycles in Turkey. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 143:1299-1314. google scholar

Sarıçam Yıllık Halkaları Kullanılarak Elmacık Dağı ve Yakın Çevresinin 1858-2015 Dönemi Yıllık Toplam Yağış Rekonstrüksiyonu

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 47, 109 - 121, 10.01.2024


Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin kuzeybatısında yer alan Elmacık Dağı ve yakın çevresi için dendrokronolojik yöntemlerle yağışın geriye dönük yapılandırılımasını amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, yapılan literatür taramasına göre yıllık toplam yağış rekonstrüksiyonu açısından Türkiye’de ilk dendroklimatolojik çalışmadır. Çalışmada Elmacık Dağı’ndan örneklerle 3 sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L. ssp. hamata) yöre kronolojisi (214, 233 ve 248 yıllık) oluşturulmuştur. Ardından yöre kronolojileri birleştirilerek bir bölgesel kronolojiye dönüştürülmüştür. Bu bölgesel kronoloji ile Bolu, Düzce ve Sakarya meteoroloji istasyonlarının yıllık toplam yağış verileri arasındaki ilişkiler Pearson korelasyon katsayısı yöntemi kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlar Bolu ve Düzce yıllık toplam yağış verileri için istatistik açıdan rekonstrüksiyon yapmaya uygun bulunduğundan, bu istasyonların yıllık toplam yağışlarının 158 yıllık (MS 1858-1915) geriye dönük tahmini yapılmış, aletsel dönem öncesi (1858-1950) az yağışlı ve yağışlı yıllar belirlenmiştir. Buna göre 1860-1861, 1875, 1878, 1887, 1893, 1904-1905, 1907, 1909, 1935, 1942, 1945 ve 1949 yılları ortalamadan en az bir standart sapma az yağışlı; 1865, 1873, 1877, 1885, 1910, 1912-1914, 1917, 1919, 1922 ve 1939- 1940 yılları ortalamadan en az bir standart sapma çok yağışlı yıllar olarak belirlenmiştir. 1901 ve 1936 yıllarında yıllık toplam yağış, ortalamanın en az 2 standart sapma üzerindedir.

Proje Numarası



  • Akkemik, Ü. (2004) Dendrokronoloji, İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Akkemik, Ü. and Aras, A. (2005) Reconstruction (1689-1994) of April-August precipitation in southwestern part of central Turkey. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 537-548. https://doi. org/10.1002/joc.1145. google scholar
  • Akkemik, Ü., Dağdeviren, N. andAras, A. (2005)A preliminary reconstruction (A.D. 1635-2000) of spring precipitation using oak tree rings in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. International Journal of Biometeorology, 49, 297-302. google scholar
  • Akkemik, Ü., Köse, N., Aras, A. and Dalfes, H.N. (2005) Anadolu’nun son 350 yılında yaşanan önemli kurak ve yağışlı yıllar. Türkiye Kuvaterner Sempozyumu V, 02-03 Haziran 2005 İstanbul, (Ed. O. Tüysüz and M.K. Erturaç), 129-135. google scholar
  • Alkan, İ. and İrdem, C. (2023). The effect of climate on tree-ring of Fir, Spruce and Scotch pine in Karçal Mountains . Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 24 (1), 206-217, https://doi. org/10.17474/artvinofd.1246843 google scholar
  • Belokopytova, L., Zhirnova, D., Kostyakova, T. and Babushkina, E. (2018) Dynamics of moisture regime and its reconstruction from a tree-ring width chronology of Pinus sylvestris in the downstream basin of the Selenga River, Russia. Journal of And Land, 10(6), 877-91. google scholar
  • Bozkurt, A.E., Şahan, E.A., Köse, N. (2021) Growth responses of Pinus sylestris L. to climate from the Southeastern limit of its natural distribution area, Turkey. Dendrochronologia, 70:125897, https:// google scholar
  • Briffa, K.R. and Jones, P.D. (1990) Basic chronology statistics and assessment, in: Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the EnvironmentalSciences. Edited by: Cook, E. and Kairiukstis, L. A., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 137-152. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-94-015-7879-0. google scholar
  • Cook, E. (1985) A time series analysis approach to tree-ring standardization. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson. google scholar
  • Cook, E., Shiyatov, S. and Mazepa, V. (1990) Estimation of the mean chronology, in: Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the Environmental Sciences. Edited by: Cook, E. and Kairiukstis, L. A., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 123-132, 1990. https:// google scholar
  • Cook, E.R., Seager, R., Kushnir, Y., Briffa, K.R., Büntgen, U., Frank, D., Krusic, P.J., Tegel, W., van der Schrier, G., Andreu Hayles, L., Baillie, M., Baittinger, C., Bleicher, N., Bonde, N., Brown, D., Carrer, M., Cooper, R., Cufar, K., Dittmar, C., Esper, J., Griggs, C., Gunnarson, B., Günther, B., Gutierrez, E., Haneca, K., Helama, S., Herzig, F., Heussner, K.U., Hofmann, J., Janda, P., Kontic, R., Köse, N., Kyncl, T., Levanic, T., Linderholm, H., Manning, S., Melvin, T. M., Miles, D., Neuwirth, B., Nicolussi, K., Nola, P., Panayotov, M., Popa, I., Rothe, A., Seftigen, K., Seim, A., Svarva, H., Svoboda, M., Thun, T., Timonen, M., Touchan, R., Trotsiuk, V, Trouet, V, Walder, F., Wazny, T., Wilson, R. and Zang, C. (2015) Old World megadroughts and pluvials during the Common Era. Science Advances, 1, 10, e1500561, google scholar
  • D’Arrigo, R. and Cullen, H.M. (2001). A 350-year (AD 1628-1980) reconstruction of Turkish precipitation. Dendrochronologia, 19(2), 169-177. google scholar
  • Eckstein, D. and Bauch, J. (1969) Beitrag zur rationalisierung eines dendrochronologischen verfahrens und zur analyse seiner aussagesicherheit. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt, 88, 230250, google scholar
  • Fritts, H.C. (1976) Tree Rings and Climate. Academic Press London. google scholar
  • Gönüllü, A.R. (2010) Osmanli Devleti’nin son döneminde meydana gelen sel baskınları (1857-1913). Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 28, 351-373. google scholar
  • Griggs, C., De Gaetano, A., Kuniholm, P. and Newton, M. (2007) A regional high-frequency reconstruction of May-June precipitation in the north Aegean from oak tree rings, A.D. 1809-1989. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 1075-1089. https://doi. org/10.1002/joc.1459. google scholar
  • Grissino-Mayer, H.D. (2001) Evaluating crossdating accuracy: a manual and tutorial for the computer program Cofecha. Tree-Ring Research, 57(2), 205-221. google scholar
  • Holmes, R. L. (1983) “Computer-assisted quality control in tree-ring data and measurements. Tree-ringBulletin, 43, 69-78. google scholar
  • Holmes, R. L. (1992) Dendrochronology Program Library, Version 1992-1 Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, google scholar
  • Hughes, M.K., Kuniholm, P.I., Garfin, G.M., Latini, C. and Eischeid, J. (2001) Aegean tree-ring signature years explained. Tree-Ring Research, 57 (1):67-73. google scholar
  • Kostyakova, T.V., Touchan, R, Babushkina E.A, Belokopytova, L.V. (2018) Precipitation reconstruction for the Khakassia region, Siberia, from tree rings. Holocene. 28(3), 377-85. https://doi. org/10.1177/0959683617729. google scholar
  • Köse, N., Akkemik, Ü., and Dalfes, H.N. (2005) Anadolu’nun iklim tarihinin son 500 yılı: Dendroklimatolojik ilk sonuçlar. Türkiye Kuvaterner Sempozyumu-TURQUA-V, 02-03 Haziran 2005, Bildiriler Kitabı, 136-142, 2005 (in Turkish). google scholar
  • Köse, N. (2007) Batı Anadolu’da iklim değişkenliği de yıllık halka gelişimi, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Köse, N., Akkemik, Ü., Dalfes, H.N. and Özeren, M.S. (2011) Tree-ring reconstructions of May-June precipitation of western Anatolia. Quaternary Research, 75, 438-450, 2011. yqres.2010.12.005. google scholar
  • Köse N., Akkemik Ü., Güner H.T., Dalfes H.N., Grissino-Mayer H.D. and Özeren M.S (2013) An improved reconstruction of May-June precipitation using tree-ring data from western Turkey and its links to volcanic eruptions. International Journal of Biometeorology, 57, 691-701. google scholar
  • Köse, N., Güner, H.T., Harley, G.L., Guiot, J. (2017) Spring temperature variability over turkey since 1800 ce reconstructed from a broad network of tree- ring data. Climate ofThe Past, 13:1-15, https://doi. org/10.5194/cp-13-1-2017 google scholar
  • Ljungqvist, F.C., Piermattei, A., Seim, A. Krusic, P.J., Büntgen, U., He, M., Kirdyanov, A.V., Luterbacher, J., Schneider, L., Seftigen, K., Stahle, D.W., Villalba, R., Yang, B., and Esper, J. (2020). Ranking of tree-ring based hydroclimate reconstructions of the past millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 230, 106074, google scholar
  • Martin-Benito, D., Ummenhofer C.C., Köse, N., Güner, H. T., and Pederson, N. (2016) Tree-ring reconstructed May-June precipitation in the Caucasus since 1752 CE, Climate Dynamics, 47, 3011-3027, google scholar
  • Özel, H.B., Yaman, B., Varol, T. (2021) The effect of climate on radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) In a coastal mixed stand in Kapısuyu, Bartın, Turkey. Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 8(2): 187-197, google scholar
  • Pallant, J. (2017) SPSS kullanma kilavuzu: SPSS ile adim adim veri analizi, (Çev.:Balcı, S. and Ahi, B.) Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara. google scholar
  • Schweingruber, F.H. (1988) Tree rings: basics and applications of dendrochronology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 978-07923-0559-0 Dordrecht, Holland. google scholar
  • Sungur, O. (2010) Korelasyon Analizi, (Ed. Şeref Kalaycı), SPSS Uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri, ISBN:978-605-122-153-3, Dinamik Akademi, Ankara. google scholar
  • Tamkeviciute, M., Edvardsson, J., Pukiene, R., Taminskas, J., Stoffel, M., Corona, C, and Kibirkstis, G. (2018) Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) based reconstruction of 130 years of water table fluctuations in a peatland and its relevance for moisture variability assessments. Journal of Hydrology, 558(x), 509-19. jhydrol.2018.01.067. google scholar
  • Tekin, S. (2015) 19. Yüzyılın sonu 20. yüzyılın başlarında Batı Anadolu’da yaşanan kuraklık olayları. Internatioanl Journal of Social Sciences, 33, 329-341. google scholar
  • Touchan, R., Garfin, G.M., Meko, D.M. Funkhouser, G., Erkan, N., Hughes, M.K. and Wallin, B.S. (2003) Preliminary reconstructions of spring precipitation in southwestern Turkey from tree-ring width. International Journal of Climatology, 23: 157-171. http://dx.doi. org/10.1002/joc.850. google scholar
  • Trenard, Y. (1982) Making Wood Speak: An introduction to dendrochronology. CFSForestryAbstracts, 43, 12. google scholar
  • Yaman, B., Metin, S. (2004) Dendroclimatological studies in Bartın-Kumluca Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Anadolu Uni. Journal of Science and Tech. 5(1):129-135. google scholar
  • Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, A., Uğurca, E., Çiçek, İ., Atakan, C. (2021). Precipitation cycles in Turkey. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 143:1299-1314. google scholar
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fiziksel Coğrafya ve Çevre Jeolojisi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Cemil İrdem 0000-0003-4796-0618

Mücahit Coşkun 0000-0002-7881-6742

Proje Numarası KBÜBAP-17-DR-071
Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 47

Kaynak Göster

APA İrdem, C., & Coşkun, M. (2024). Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings. Journal of Geography(47), 109-121.
AMA İrdem C, Coşkun M. Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings. Journal of Geography. Ocak 2024;(47):109-121. doi:10.26650/JGEOG2023-1263882
Chicago İrdem, Cemil, ve Mücahit Coşkun. “Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings”. Journal of Geography, sy. 47 (Ocak 2024): 109-21.
EndNote İrdem C, Coşkun M (01 Ocak 2024) Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings. Journal of Geography 47 109–121.
IEEE C. İrdem ve M. Coşkun, “Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings”, Journal of Geography, sy. 47, ss. 109–121, Ocak 2024, doi: 10.26650/JGEOG2023-1263882.
ISNAD İrdem, Cemil - Coşkun, Mücahit. “Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings”. Journal of Geography 47 (Ocak 2024), 109-121.
JAMA İrdem C, Coşkun M. Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings. Journal of Geography. 2024;:109–121.
MLA İrdem, Cemil ve Mücahit Coşkun. “Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings”. Journal of Geography, sy. 47, 2024, ss. 109-21, doi:10.26650/JGEOG2023-1263882.
Vancouver İrdem C, Coşkun M. Annual Mean Total Precipitation Reconstruction of the Elmacık Mountain and Its Surroundings for 1858-2015 Using Scotch Pine Tree Rings. Journal of Geography. 2024(47):109-21.