Text Construction in Arabic News About Cairo International Book Fair Based on the Perspective Language Functions of Halliday
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 42, 55 - 70, 17.12.2024
Balkis Azizah
Abdul Basid
The function of language in the millennial era tends to be neglected, impacting the drastic decline in language morality. This is because people are indifferent to the function of language in both text and expressions. Function, in general, is a fathet that people use language as a means of communication in everyday life so that the role of language functions is interrelated between one function and another; it must relate to itself and the descriptions of the situation when the language is used. The research method used is descriptive qualitative.The results obtained in this study are (1) there are two forms of choice and desire in the instrumental function; (2) there are two forms of control that lead to the function of the regulator; (3) there are two forms of interaction and planning in the interactional function; (4) there are two forms of hypothesis and question and answer on the heuristic function; (5) there are two forms of expression and feeling in personal functions; (6) there are two forms of imagination exploration and novel on imaginative function; (7) there are four forms of explanation and description of the representative function.
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- Nugroho, A., Wahyudi, A. S., & Faizah, A. S. (2021). Languange Function and Characteristics on Youth Motivation Discourse. International Conference on Economics, Business, Social and Humanities (pp. 243-250). Hong Kong: Atlantis Press. google scholar
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- Stipdonk, L. W., Dudink, J., Utens, E. M., Reiss, I. K., & Franken, M. C. (2020). Languange Function Deserve More Attention in Follow Up of Children Born Very Preterm. European Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 26, 75-81. google scholar
- Susanthi, I. G., Muliawan, M. S., & Suarjaya, A. A. (2021). The Languange Functions Used in Guiding Conversation: Pragmatk Approach. Retorika: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, 7(1), 1-9. google scholar
- Toha, M. (2022). Al Qubahu wa Mamtsalu Yunisef Yatafaqoddani Ansyitpthi Wadzirotul Tadhomani Min Biddauroti 53 Li Mu’rodil Kitabi. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. google scholar
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- Tuasa, N., Pattiasina, P. J., & Lelapary, H. L. (2020). Fungsi Bahasa Tana Dalam Upacara Adat Panas Pela Negeri Rumah Wei dan Negeri Kasieh Kecamatan Taniwel Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Mirlam, 1(1), 121-132. google scholar
- Umar, A.-S. (2022, Febuari Kamis). Tholibina Bilfirqotil Ula bittib.. Amid Thib Bin Suwif Yakromu Asghoru Muallifina Fi Mu’rodil Kitab. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Almasry Alyoum: https://www. almasryalyoum.com/news/details/2522707 google scholar
- Wahyuni, N. K., Ariyaningsih, N. N., & Jendra, I. M. (2021). Languange Function Found in Mulan Movie. Journal of Languange and Applies Linguistics, 2(2), 173-179. google scholar
- Wang, B., & Ma, Y. (2022). Introducing M.A.K Halliday. London: Routledge. google scholar
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 42, 55 - 70, 17.12.2024
Balkis Azizah
Abdul Basid
- Adil, P. T., Policarpio, P. H., & Pamintuan, C. F. (2020). A Communicative Analysis of LaLanguageunctions in The Chinese as A Foreign Languange (CFL) Textbooks: The Case of Happy Chinese. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(8), 3725-3733. google scholar
- Afa, Z., Srisudarno, M., & Hakim, P. K. (2022). Languange Function Analysis in Seventh Grade Student English Textbook. Interaction, 9(1), 141-147. google scholar
- Al Tayeb, I. (2022, Febuari Selasa). As Shihay: Taqdimu Hidmah Tobiah Li 40 Minal Mutarodddina ‘Ala Mu’rodil Kitabi Hilali 5 Ayyam. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Mashr El Youm: https://www. almasryalyoum.com/news/details/2516531 google scholar
- Allam, A. (2022). Yahdo’u Lifahushoti fil Mustasyfa Ahor Tatowwarotil Halatil Shohiati Lilfanani Samir Shobry. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. google scholar
- Allam, Y. (2022, Januari Selasa). Qobla 24 Sa’ah Min Iftitahi Mu’rodil Kitab. “Masr Al Youm Turshodu Ahoril Isti’dadat. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Masr El Youm: https://www.almasryalyoum. com/news/details/2511433 google scholar
- Ammasy, A. K., & Hatim, R. H. (2016). Siyaqul Hali Fit Tijahil Wadzhifi Michael Halliay “Anmuuzuja”. Jamiah Babil, 29, 133-139. google scholar
- Anggareni, N. N., & Suhartono. (2021). Keformalan dan Fungsi Bahasa Iklan Produk di Lazada. Bapala, 8(5), 143-152. google scholar
- Annesa, F. Z. (2018). Gaya Bahasa dan Fungsi Bahasa Caption Pada Akun Gosip di Instagram. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma. google scholar
- Bendi, R. K. (2017). Penggunaan Fungsi Heuristik Sederhana pada Permainan Tic-Tac-Toe. Malang: Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang. google scholar
- Bouguemra, U. (2017). Wadzahaiful Lughah Fi Dhoui Nadzariyatil Ti‘mali-Wadzhifatuhal Injazi Wal Hujjahi Anmuzija. Al Lisaniyat, 24(1), 9-47. google scholar
- Degaf, A. (2020). Languange Functtions Used by The Caretakers of Autistic Children in “Miracle Run”. Elticcs” Journal of English Languange Teaching and English Linguistic, 1(1), 44-62. google scholar
- Dunn, K., Rumbach, A., & Finch, E. (2022). Languange Function in The Acute Phase Following Non-Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Communication Disorders, 96. google scholar
- Hamdi, R. (2022). 70 Alfun Zairun Limu’rodil Qohirptid Dauli Lilkitabi Fi Tsalisi Ayamihi. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. google scholar
- Hamdi, R. (2022, Januari Senin). Roisu Haiatul Kitab: Al Husul ‘Ala Liqohi Fairuz Korona Syartu Liduhuli Mu’rodul Kitab. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Mashr El Youm: https://www.almasryalyoum. com/news/details/2505752 google scholar
- Junieles, R., & Nafarin, S. F. (2020). Register Kesehatan Era Pandemi Covid-19 Dalam Komunikasi Berbagai Media Online. Tabasa: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya, 1(1), 81-95. google scholar
- Kadek, N. L., Wayan, M. N., & Gede, M. N. (2021). Konflik Antar Pribadi Pada Tokoh dalam Film Kamui Gaiden. Daruma: Linguistik, Sastra dan Budaya Jepang, 1(2), 31-46. google scholar
- Kambuna, A. A. (2020). Language Function of Selected Cosmetics Advertisement in Online Media. Makassar: Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin. google scholar
- Kanaza, F. U. (2020). The Analysis of Conative Function in Meghan Markle’s Speech. Etnolingual, 4(1), 54-73. google scholar
- Khoiria, I. (2020). Fungsi Bahasa Iklan dalam Perspektif Gender. Prosiding Seminar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (SENASBASA) (pp. 201-208). Malang: SENASBASA. google scholar
- Menggo, S., Suastra, I. M., Budiarsa, M., & Padmadewi, N. N. (2019). Speaking for Academic Purposes Course: An Analysisis of Languange Function. e-Journal of Linguistics, 13(2), 314-332. google scholar
- Musahil, M. A. (2022). Al Manbuzatu, Riwayatu Haula Hiyanatil Zauziyati Wa Idtohadi Al Mujtami. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. google scholar
- Musahil, M. A. (2022, Febuari Rabu). Alfu Lailati Wa Lailati Min Aksaro Mubiian wa Iqbali Kasififin ‘Ala Rowai’it Tarikhi Fi Mu’rodil Kitabi. Kaioro: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Mashr El Youm: https:// www.almasryalyoum.com/news/details/2517177 google scholar
- Musahil, M. A. (2022, Febuari Rabu). Alfu Lailati Wa Lailati Min Aksaro Mubiian wa Iqbali Kasififin ‘Ala Rowai’it Tarikhi Fi Mu’rodil Kitabi. Kaioro: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Mashr El Youm. google scholar
- Nugroho, A., Wahyudi, A. S., & Faizah, A. S. (2021). Languange Function and Characteristics on Youth Motivation Discourse. International Conference on Economics, Business, Social and Humanities (pp. 243-250). Hong Kong: Atlantis Press. google scholar
- Ramadhan, B. (2022). Tarikhu Tashmiimul Malabisi Fi Mishro BiQosooqies Lijamalil Bandari. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. google scholar
- Santos, R. I. (2022). Demographic Factors And Parents’ Communicatave Acts: Their Impliactions On Models Of Child’s Use Of Languange. IJHS: International Journal of Humanity Studies, 5(2), 206-224. google scholar
- Setyawan, M. (2021). Peran Strategis Mesir dalam Mempertahankan Identitas Budaya dan Bahasa Arab (Kajian Budaya Arab). Rihlah, 9(2), 1-12. google scholar
- Stipdonk, L. W., Dudink, J., Utens, E. M., Reiss, I. K., & Franken, M. C. (2020). Languange Function Deserve More Attention in Follow Up of Children Born Very Preterm. European Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 26, 75-81. google scholar
- Susanthi, I. G., Muliawan, M. S., & Suarjaya, A. A. (2021). The Languange Functions Used in Guiding Conversation: Pragmatk Approach. Retorika: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, 7(1), 1-9. google scholar
- Toha, M. (2022). Al Qubahu wa Mamtsalu Yunisef Yatafaqoddani Ansyitpthi Wadzirotul Tadhomani Min Biddauroti 53 Li Mu’rodil Kitabi. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. google scholar
- Toha, M. (2022, Febuari Kamis). Mudirul Mu’rodil Kitab: Ziyadatu ‘Adadin Nasyiriinal Ajanibi. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from AlMasry Alyoum: https://www.almasryalyoum.com/news/details/2523309\ google scholar
- Toha, M. (2022). Tafashilu Ihktiyaru Afdolu Nasyiru Arabi Bimu’rodil Qohiroti Lil Kitab. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Masr El Youm. google scholar
- Tuasa, N., Pattiasina, P. J., & Lelapary, H. L. (2020). Fungsi Bahasa Tana Dalam Upacara Adat Panas Pela Negeri Rumah Wei dan Negeri Kasieh Kecamatan Taniwel Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Mirlam, 1(1), 121-132. google scholar
- Umar, A.-S. (2022, Febuari Kamis). Tholibina Bilfirqotil Ula bittib.. Amid Thib Bin Suwif Yakromu Asghoru Muallifina Fi Mu’rodil Kitab. Kairo: Mashr El Youm. Retrieved from Almasry Alyoum: https://www. almasryalyoum.com/news/details/2522707 google scholar
- Wahyuni, N. K., Ariyaningsih, N. N., & Jendra, I. M. (2021). Languange Function Found in Mulan Movie. Journal of Languange and Applies Linguistics, 2(2), 173-179. google scholar
- Wang, B., & Ma, Y. (2022). Introducing M.A.K Halliday. London: Routledge. google scholar