Türkiye’de Kirlilik Yaratan Sektörlerin Dış Ticaretinin Analizi
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 257 - 275, 04.08.2021
Cihat Köksal
Guldenur Çetin
Bu çalışmanın amacı kirlilik yaratan sektörlerin dış ticaretini kirlilik sığınağı hipotezi kapsamında doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar ve ekonomik büyüme gibi değişkenler kullanarak test etmek ve Türkiye örneğinden yola çıkarak diğer gelişmekte olan ülkeler için politika önerileri sunmaktır. Bu çalışma, çok değişkenli regresyon modeli ile 1985-2017 dönemlerine ait yıllık verileri analiz edilerek gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan ampirik testler sonucunda Türkiye’nin incelenen dönemler içinde kirlilik üreten sektörlerde, çevresel düzenlemelerin çok sıkı olmamasından dolayı daha cazip bulunduğu ve doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar aracılığıyla bu sektörlerde daha fazla ihracat yapar hale geldiği görülmektedir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre Türkiye’nin, ilgili dönem için kirlilik sığınağı şeklinde nitelendirilebileceği ortaya konmuş olup, bu kapsamda çeşitli politika önerileri geliştirilmiştir.
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Turkey: A new perspective, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(26), 32933-32943. google scholar
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advantage. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2(3), 160-169. google scholar
- Polloni-Silva, E., Ferraz, D., Camioto, F. D. C., Rebelatto, D. A. D. N., & Moralles, H. F. (2021). Environmental kuznets curve and the pollution-halo/haven hypotheses: An investigation in Brazilian Municipalities. Sustainability, 13(8), 4114, 1-19 google scholar
- Repkine, A., & Min, D. (2020). Foreign-funded enterprises and pollution halo hypothesis: A spatial econometric analysis of thirty Chinese Regions. Sustainability, 12(12), 5048, 1-24. google scholar
- Sapkota, P., & Bastola, U. (2017). Foreign direct investment, income, and environmental pollution in developing countries: Data analysis of Latin America. Energy Economics, 64, 206-212. google scholar
- Şahinöz, A., & Fotourehchi, Z. (2014). Kirlilik Emisyonu ve Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları: Türkiye İçin “Kirlilik Sığınağı Hipotezi” Testi. Sosyoekonomi, 21(21), 187-210. google scholar
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- Xu, H., Zhao, G., Xie, R., & Zhu, K. (2020). A trade-related CO2 emissions and its composition: Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management, 270, 110893, 1-14. google scholar
- Xu, Y., Dietzenbacher, E., & Los, B. (2020). International trade and air pollution damages in the United States. Ecological Economics, 171, 106599. google scholar
- Yıldırım, M., Destek, M., & Nakıpoğlu, Ö. F. (2017). Doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar ve kirlilik sığınağı hipotezi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi veİdari Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), 99-111. google scholar
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- Zeren, F. (2015). Doğrudan yabancı yatırımların CO2emisyonunaetkisi: Kirlilik hale hipotezi mi kirlilik cenneti hipotezi mi?. Journal of Yaşar University, 10(37), 6442-6448. google scholar
The International Trade Analysis of Turkey’s Polluting Industries
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 257 - 275, 04.08.2021
Cihat Köksal
Guldenur Çetin
The aim of this study is to test the international trade of Turkey’s polluting sectors using variables such as foreign direct investments and economic growth within the scope of the pollution haven hypothesis and to present policy recommendations for other developing countries. This study analyzes the annual data for the 1985-2017 period by using the multivariate regression model. As a result of the empirical tests, it is seen that Turkey is more attractive in the polluting sectors because environmental regulations are not very strict during the examined periods, and it has become more likely to export in these sectors through foreign direct investments. According to the analysis results, it has been revealed that Turkey can be qualified as a pollution shelter for the relevant period, and various policy recommendations have been developed in this context.
- Asghari, M. (2013). Does FDI promote MENA region’s environment quality? Pollution halo or pollution haven hypothesis, International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences (IJSRES), 1 (6), 92-100. google scholar
- Atıcı, C., & Kurt, F. (2007). Türkiye’nin dış ticareti ve çevre kirliliği: Çevresel Kuznets eğrisi yaklaşımı. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 13(2), 61-69. google scholar
- Balsalobre-Lorente, D., Gokmenoglu, K. K., Taspinar, N., & Cantos-Cantos, J. M. (2019). An approach to the pollution haven and pollution halo hypotheses in MINT countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(22), 23010-23026. google scholar
- Cheng, Z., Li, L., & Liu, J. (2020). The impact of foreign direct investment on urban PM2.5 pollution in China. Journal of environmental management, 265, 110532, 1-13. google scholar
- Çetinkaya, Ş. (2018). Kirlilik sığınağı hipotezi ve kirli endüstrilerin Türkiye ekonomisindeki yeri, II. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi. google scholar
- Çınar, S., Yılmazer, M., & Fazlılar, T. A. (2012). Kirlilik yaratan sektörlerin ticareti ve çevre: Gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler karşılaştırması. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 13(2), 212-226. google scholar
- Dou, J., & Han, X. (2019). How does the industry mobility affect pollution industry transfer in China: Empirical test on Pollution Haven Hypothesis and Porter Hypothesis. Journal of cleaner production, 217, 105-115. google scholar
- Fang, J., Liu, C., & Gao, C. (2019). The impact of environmental regulation on firm exports: Evidence from environmental information disclosure policy in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(36), 37101-37113. google scholar
- Global Footprint Network (2021) Ecological footprint Oakland, USA, (2021, 11 Nisan) Erişim Adresi: https:// footprintnetwork.org/ google scholar
- Gökalp, M., & Yıldırım, A. (2004). “Dış ticaret-çevre etkileşimi ve kirlilik sığınakları hipotezi: Türkiye uygulaması”. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 11(2), 99-114. google scholar
- Hoffmann, R., Lee, C. G., Ramasamy, B., & Yeung, M. (2005). FDI and pollution: A Granger causality test using panel data, Journal of International Development, 17, 311-317. google scholar
- Keller, W., & Levinson, A. (1999). Environmental compliance costs and foreign direct investment inflows to U.S. States, NBER Working Paper Series, 1-42. google scholar
- Kisswani, K. M., & Zaitouni, M. (2021). Does FDI affect environmental degradation? Examining pollution haven and pollution halo hypotheses using ARDL modelling. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 1-27. google scholar
- Kivyiro, P., & Arminen, H. (2014). Carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, economic growth, and foreign direct investment: Causality analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy, 74, 595-606. google scholar
- Köksal, C., Işik, M., & Katircioğlu, S. (2020). The role of shadow economies in ecological footprint quality: Empirical evidence from Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 13457-13466. google scholar
- Köksal, C., Katircioğlu, S., & Katircioğlu, S. (2021). The role of financial efficiency in renewable energy demand: Evidence from OECD countries. Journal of EnvironmentalManagement, 285, 112-122. google scholar
- List, J.A., & Co, C.Y. (2000). The Effects Of Environmental Regulations On Foreign Direct Investment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 40(1), 1-20. google scholar
- Low, P., & Yeates, A. (1992). Do dirty industries migrate. P. Low (Ed.) International Trade and the Environment, World Bank Discussion Paper, No. 159, 89-104. google scholar
- Mert, M., & Caglar, A. E. (2020). Testing pollution haven and pollution halo hypotheses for google scholar
Turkey: A new perspective, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(26), 32933-32943. google scholar
- Nadeem, A. M., Ali, T., Khan, M. T., & Guo, Z. (2020). Relationship between inward FDI and environmental degradation for Pakistan: An exploration of pollution haven hypothesis through ARDL approach. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 27((13), 15407-15425. google scholar
- Pethig, R. (1976). Pollution, welfare, and environmental poolicy in the theory of comparative google scholar
advantage. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2(3), 160-169. google scholar
- Polloni-Silva, E., Ferraz, D., Camioto, F. D. C., Rebelatto, D. A. D. N., & Moralles, H. F. (2021). Environmental kuznets curve and the pollution-halo/haven hypotheses: An investigation in Brazilian Municipalities. Sustainability, 13(8), 4114, 1-19 google scholar
- Repkine, A., & Min, D. (2020). Foreign-funded enterprises and pollution halo hypothesis: A spatial econometric analysis of thirty Chinese Regions. Sustainability, 12(12), 5048, 1-24. google scholar
- Sapkota, P., & Bastola, U. (2017). Foreign direct investment, income, and environmental pollution in developing countries: Data analysis of Latin America. Energy Economics, 64, 206-212. google scholar
- Şahinöz, A., & Fotourehchi, Z. (2014). Kirlilik Emisyonu ve Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları: Türkiye İçin “Kirlilik Sığınağı Hipotezi” Testi. Sosyoekonomi, 21(21), 187-210. google scholar
- Tobey, J. A. (1990). The Effect of Domestic Environmental Policies, Kyklos, 43(2), 191-209. google scholar
- UN Comtrade. (2021). Commodity Trade Statistics Database, (2021, 11 Nisan) Erişim Adresi: comtrade.un.org google scholar
- Xu, H., Zhao, G., Xie, R., & Zhu, K. (2020). A trade-related CO2 emissions and its composition: Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management, 270, 110893, 1-14. google scholar
- Xu, Y., Dietzenbacher, E., & Los, B. (2020). International trade and air pollution damages in the United States. Ecological Economics, 171, 106599. google scholar
- Yıldırım, M., Destek, M., & Nakıpoğlu, Ö. F. (2017). Doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar ve kirlilik sığınağı hipotezi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi veİdari Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), 99-111. google scholar
- World Bank, (2021). World Development Indicators, (2021, 11 Nisan) Erişim Adresi: dataworldbank.org google scholar
- Zeren, F. (2015). Doğrudan yabancı yatırımların CO2emisyonunaetkisi: Kirlilik hale hipotezi mi kirlilik cenneti hipotezi mi?. Journal of Yaşar University, 10(37), 6442-6448. google scholar