İslam’ın Klasik Çağında Ṣāḥibu Sünne Unvanı: Sünnîlik Nasıl Oluştu
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 887 - 907, 28.09.2023
Çevirmen: Musa Eşit
Ṣāḥibu sünne terimine klasik Arapça biyografik kaynaklarda sıkça rastlanır. Bu makalede aṣḥābu sünne olarak nitelendirilen İslam âlimleri grubunu, böylesi bir isimlendirme almamış olan âlimlerle karşılaştırmaktayım. Sonuçlar, aṣḥābu sünne’nin ulemanın ayrı bir grubunu oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Aṣḥābu sünne’nin oluşumunun halife Me’mūn tarafından başlatılan Miḥne ile daha da hızlandığını öne sürüyorum. Aṣḥābu sünne’nin Miḥne’ye karşı koyuşu, Sünnîlerin itikatlarını kendisiyle tarif ettikleri daha ayrıntılı bir kalıp olan ehlu’s-sünne ve’l-cemā‘a’nın gelişimine katkıda bulunmuştur.
Çevirinin izin süreçlerindeki yardımları için makalenin yazarı John A. Nawas’a ve yayın izni için BRILL Hak ve İzin Koordinatörü Tanja Cowall’a teşekkür ederim. Ayrıca beni bu çeviriyi yapmaya teşvik eden ve ilk versiyonlarını okuyarak katkılarını sunan kıymetli Hocam Dr. Öğr. Üy. Muhammet Emin Eren’e içten şükranlarımı arz ederim. Çevirinin yayın süreçlerindeki rehberlik ve yardımları için de Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hamdi Furat ve Dr. Öğr. Üy. Nilüfer Kalkan Yorulmaz’a teşekkürlerimi sunarım.
- Bağdadı, el-Hatîb el-. Ta’rıhu Bağdad. 14 Cilt. Kahire: Mektebetu’l-Hâncî & Dâru’l-Kutubi’l-'İlmiyye, 1349. google scholar
- Bağdadî, el-Hatîb el-. Ta’rıhu Bağdad. thk. Beşşâr 'Avvâd Ma'rûf. 17 Cilt. Beyrut: Dâru’l-Ğarbi’l-lslâmî, 1422. google scholar
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- Brown, Jonathan A.C. The Canonization of al-Bukhari and Muslim: The Formation and Function of the Sunni Hadith Canon. Leiden: Brill, 2007. google scholar
- Caskel, Werner. Ğamharat an-Nasab: Das Genealogische Werk des Hisam Ibn Muhammad al-Kalbı. 2 Cilt. Leiden: Brill, 1966. google scholar
- Crone, Patricia. “Mawla”. Encyclopaedia of Islam Second Edition [EI2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- 46 Martin Hinds, “Mihna”, Encyclopaedia of İslam Second Edition [EI2] (Leiden: Brill, ts.). google scholar
- 47 261/875’te vefat eden el-'lclî, Ahmed b. Hanbel’in kendisinin de bir şahibu sünne olduğunu bize haber verir. bk. el-'lclî, Tarîhuş-Şikât, ts., 49. google scholar
- 48 Halifenin ulemaya karşı argümanları, onlara nasıl karşı çıktığı ve aşağılamaya çalıştığı, dahası ulemanın bu saldırılara verdiği tepkiler hakkında bk. Nawas, Al-Ma’mün, theInquisition, and the Quest for Caliphal Authority; Nawas, “A Reexamination of Three Current Explanations”. google scholar
- Freedman, David vd. Statistics: Third Edition. New York & London: W.W. Norton, 1998. google scholar
- Gilbert, J. “Institutionalization of Muslim Scholarship and Professionalization of the 'Ulama' in Medieval Damascus”. Studia Islamica 52 (1980), 105-135. google scholar
- Goldziher, Ignaz. Muslim Studies [Muhammedanische Studien]. çev. C.R. Barber - S.M. Stern. 2 Cilt. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1967. google scholar
- Hinds, Martin. “Mihna”. Encyclopaedia of İslam SecondEdition [EI2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- İbn Ebî Ya'la. Tabakâtu’l-Hanâbile. 4 Cilt. Beyrut: Daru’l-Ma'rife, ts. google scholar
- İbn Hacer. Tehzibu ’t-Tehzib. 12 Cilt. Haydarabad, 1325. google scholar
- İbnu’n-Nedîm. Kitâbu’l-Fihrist. thk. Eyman Fu'ad Seyyid. 4 Cilt. London: al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 2009. google scholar
- 'İclî el-. Tânhuş-Sikât, ts. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “An Excursus on the Ahl as-Sunna in Connection with Van Ess, Theologie und Gesellschaft, Vol. IV”. Der İslam 75 (1998), 318-330. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Muslim’s Introduction to his Sahîh, Translated and Annotated with an Excursus on the Chronology of Fitna and Bid‘a”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and lslam 5 (1984), 263-311. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Shu'ba b. al-Hajjaj (d. 160/776) and his Position among the Traditionists of Basra”. Le Museon 111 (1998), 187-226. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Shu'ba b. al-Hajjaj”. Encyclopaedia ofİslam Second Edition [Eİ2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Some New Ideas on the Development of Sunna as a Technical Term in Early Islam”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and İslam 10 (1987), 97-118. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Sunna”. Encyclopaedia ofİslam Second Edition [Eİ2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. Encyclopedia of CanonicalHadith. Leiden: Brill, 2007. google scholar
- Lucas, Scott C. Constructive Critics, Hadith Literatüre, and the Articulation of Sunni İslam: The Legacy of the Generation of İbnSad İbnMa‘in, andİbnHanbal. Leiden: Brill, 2004. google scholar
- Makdisi, G. The Rise of Colleges: İnstitutions of Learning in İslam and the West. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1981. google scholar
- Melchert, C. “The Piety of the Hadith Folk”. İnternational Journal of Middle East Studies 34 (2002), 425-439. google scholar
- Mizzî el-. Tahzibu’l-Kemâl fi Esmâi’r-Ricâl. 36 Cilt. Beyrut: Mu’essesetu’r-Risale, 1992. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. - Bernards, Monique. “A Preliminary Report of the Netherlands Ulama Project (NUP): The Evolution of the Class of 'Ulama' in Islam with Special Emphasis on the Non-Arab Converts (Mawalî) from the First through Fourth Century A.H”. Law, Christianity andModernism in İslamic Society: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et İslamisants. ed. U. Vermeulen -J.M.F. Van Reeth. 97-107. Leuven: Peeters, 1998. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. - Bernards, Monique. “Een Illustratie uit het Netherlands Ulama Project (NUP): Gecomputeriseerd Onderzoek Gekoppeld aan een Geografisch Informatie Systeem (GIS) [= An Illustration of the Netherlands Ulama Project (NUP): Computerized Research Linked to a Geographic Information System (GIS)]”. Sharqiyyât: Journal of the Dutch Association for Middle Eastern andİslamic Studies 9 (1997), 54-68. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “A Client’s Client: The Process of Islamization in Early and Classical Islam”. Journal of Abbasid Studies 1 (2014), 143-158. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “A Profile of the Mawali Ulama”. Patronate andPatronage in Early and Classical İslam. ed. google scholar
- Monique Bernards - John A. Nawas. 454-480. Leiden: Brill, 2005. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “A Reexamination of Three Current Explanations for al-Ma’mûn’s Introduction of the Mihna”. International Journal of Middle East Studies 26 (1994), 615-629. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Appellation Şahib Sunna in Classical İslam: How Sunnism Came To Be”. Islamic Law and Society 23/1 (2016), 1-22. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Birth of an Elite: Mawali and Arab Ulama”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 31 (2006), 74-91. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Contribution of the Mawalî to the Six Sunnite Canonical Hadîth Collections”. Ideas, Images, and Methods of Portrayal: Insights into Classical Arabic Literature and Islam. ed. Sebastian Günther. 141-152. Leiden: Brill, 2005. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Development of the İslamic Religious Sciences in Early and Classical İslam: A Comparative Approach”. al-Masâq 11 (1999), 159-169. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Mihna of 218 A.H./833 A.D. Revisited: An Empirical Study”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1996), 698-708. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. Al-Ma'mün, the Inquisition, and the Questfor CaliphalAuthority. Atlanta, GA: Lockwood Press, 2015. google scholar
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- Turner, John P. Inquisition in Early Islam: The Competition for Political and Religious Authority in the Abbasid Empire. London: İ.B. Tauris, 2013. google scholar
- Van Ess, Josef. Der Eine und das Andere: Beobachtungen an islamischen haresiographischen Texten. 2 Cilt. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. google scholar
- Wright, W. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. 2 cilt 1’de Cilt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3. ed., 1896. google scholar
- Yücesoy, Hayrettin. MessianicBeliefs andImperialPolitics inMedievalİslam: The ‘AbbasidCaliphate in the Early Ninth Century. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 2009. google scholar
- Yücesoy, Hayrettin. Tetavvuru’l-Fikris-Siyâsî ‘irdeEhliS-Sünne. Amman: Daru’l-Beşîr, 1993. google scholar
- Zaman, M.Q. The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2002. google scholar
- Zehebî ez-. Siyeru A'lâmi’n-Nubelâ'. thk. Şu'ayb el-Arna’ût. 25 Cilt. Beyrut: Mu’essesetu’r-Risale, 1993. google scholar
- Bernards, Monique - Nawas, John A. “İlk Dört Hicri Asırda Müslüman Hukukçuların Coğrafi Dağılımı”. çev. Ahmet Hamdi Furat. İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (2007), 301-314. google scholar
- Goldziher, İgnaz. İslam Kültürü Araştırmaları. çev. Cihad Tunç - Mehmed Said Hatiboğlu. 2 Cilt. Ankara: OTTO, 1. Basım, 2019. google scholar
- Makdisi, George. Ortaçağ’da Yüksek Öğretim İslam Dünyası ve Hıristiyan Batı. çev. Ali Hakan Çavuşoğlu -Tuncay Başoğlu. İstanbul: Klasik, 2012. google scholar
- Melchert, Christopher. “Ehl-i Hadis’in Dindarlık Anlayışı”. çev. Abdulvahap Özsoy. Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 22 (2004), 303-324. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “Me’mûn’un Mihneyi Başlatmasında Rol Oynayan Üç Akımın Açıklamalarının Yeniden Bir İncelemesi”. çev. Mustafa Akgül. Bozok Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 8/8 (2015), 145-162. google scholar
- Zaman, Muhammed Kasım. Çağdaş Dünyada Ulema Değişimin Muhafızları. çev. Muhammed Habib Saçmalı. İstanbul: Klasik, 2018. google scholar
The Appellation Ṣāḥib Sunna in Classical Islam: How Sunnism Came To Be
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 887 - 907, 28.09.2023
Çevirmen: Musa Eşit
The term ṣāḥib sunna is frequently encountered in classical Arabic biographical dictionaries. In this article, I compare the group of Islamic religious scholars (ulama) identified as aṣḥāb sunna with comparable religious scholars who did not receive such a designation. The results show that the aṣḥāb sunna constituted a distinct group of Muslim religious scholars. I suggest that the formation of the aṣḥāb sunna was further prompted by the Miḥna initiated by the caliph al-Ma’mūn. The opposition of the aṣḥāb sunna to the Miḥna contributed to the development of the more elaborate formula ahl al-sunna wa-l-jamā‘a by which Sunnis define their creed.
- Bağdadı, el-Hatîb el-. Ta’rıhu Bağdad. 14 Cilt. Kahire: Mektebetu’l-Hâncî & Dâru’l-Kutubi’l-'İlmiyye, 1349. google scholar
- Bağdadî, el-Hatîb el-. Ta’rıhu Bağdad. thk. Beşşâr 'Avvâd Ma'rûf. 17 Cilt. Beyrut: Dâru’l-Ğarbi’l-lslâmî, 1422. google scholar
- Bernards, Monique - Nawas, John A. “The Geographic Distribution of Muslim Jurists during the First Four Centuries AH”. Islamic Law and Society 10 (2003), 168-181. google scholar
- Bravmann, M.M. The Spiritual Background of Early Islam: Studies in Ancient Arab Concepts. Leiden: Brill, 1972. google scholar
- Brown, Jonathan A.C. Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World. Oxford: Oneworld, 2009. google scholar
- Brown, Jonathan A.C. The Canonization of al-Bukhari and Muslim: The Formation and Function of the Sunni Hadith Canon. Leiden: Brill, 2007. google scholar
- Caskel, Werner. Ğamharat an-Nasab: Das Genealogische Werk des Hisam Ibn Muhammad al-Kalbı. 2 Cilt. Leiden: Brill, 1966. google scholar
- Crone, Patricia. “Mawla”. Encyclopaedia of Islam Second Edition [EI2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- 46 Martin Hinds, “Mihna”, Encyclopaedia of İslam Second Edition [EI2] (Leiden: Brill, ts.). google scholar
- 47 261/875’te vefat eden el-'lclî, Ahmed b. Hanbel’in kendisinin de bir şahibu sünne olduğunu bize haber verir. bk. el-'lclî, Tarîhuş-Şikât, ts., 49. google scholar
- 48 Halifenin ulemaya karşı argümanları, onlara nasıl karşı çıktığı ve aşağılamaya çalıştığı, dahası ulemanın bu saldırılara verdiği tepkiler hakkında bk. Nawas, Al-Ma’mün, theInquisition, and the Quest for Caliphal Authority; Nawas, “A Reexamination of Three Current Explanations”. google scholar
- Freedman, David vd. Statistics: Third Edition. New York & London: W.W. Norton, 1998. google scholar
- Gilbert, J. “Institutionalization of Muslim Scholarship and Professionalization of the 'Ulama' in Medieval Damascus”. Studia Islamica 52 (1980), 105-135. google scholar
- Goldziher, Ignaz. Muslim Studies [Muhammedanische Studien]. çev. C.R. Barber - S.M. Stern. 2 Cilt. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1967. google scholar
- Hinds, Martin. “Mihna”. Encyclopaedia of İslam SecondEdition [EI2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- İbn Ebî Ya'la. Tabakâtu’l-Hanâbile. 4 Cilt. Beyrut: Daru’l-Ma'rife, ts. google scholar
- İbn Hacer. Tehzibu ’t-Tehzib. 12 Cilt. Haydarabad, 1325. google scholar
- İbnu’n-Nedîm. Kitâbu’l-Fihrist. thk. Eyman Fu'ad Seyyid. 4 Cilt. London: al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 2009. google scholar
- 'İclî el-. Tânhuş-Sikât, ts. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “An Excursus on the Ahl as-Sunna in Connection with Van Ess, Theologie und Gesellschaft, Vol. IV”. Der İslam 75 (1998), 318-330. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Muslim’s Introduction to his Sahîh, Translated and Annotated with an Excursus on the Chronology of Fitna and Bid‘a”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and lslam 5 (1984), 263-311. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Shu'ba b. al-Hajjaj (d. 160/776) and his Position among the Traditionists of Basra”. Le Museon 111 (1998), 187-226. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Shu'ba b. al-Hajjaj”. Encyclopaedia ofİslam Second Edition [Eİ2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Some New Ideas on the Development of Sunna as a Technical Term in Early Islam”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and İslam 10 (1987), 97-118. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. “Sunna”. Encyclopaedia ofİslam Second Edition [Eİ2]. Leiden: Brill, ts. google scholar
- Juynboll, G.H.A. Encyclopedia of CanonicalHadith. Leiden: Brill, 2007. google scholar
- Lucas, Scott C. Constructive Critics, Hadith Literatüre, and the Articulation of Sunni İslam: The Legacy of the Generation of İbnSad İbnMa‘in, andİbnHanbal. Leiden: Brill, 2004. google scholar
- Makdisi, G. The Rise of Colleges: İnstitutions of Learning in İslam and the West. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1981. google scholar
- Melchert, C. “The Piety of the Hadith Folk”. İnternational Journal of Middle East Studies 34 (2002), 425-439. google scholar
- Mizzî el-. Tahzibu’l-Kemâl fi Esmâi’r-Ricâl. 36 Cilt. Beyrut: Mu’essesetu’r-Risale, 1992. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. - Bernards, Monique. “A Preliminary Report of the Netherlands Ulama Project (NUP): The Evolution of the Class of 'Ulama' in Islam with Special Emphasis on the Non-Arab Converts (Mawalî) from the First through Fourth Century A.H”. Law, Christianity andModernism in İslamic Society: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et İslamisants. ed. U. Vermeulen -J.M.F. Van Reeth. 97-107. Leuven: Peeters, 1998. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. - Bernards, Monique. “Een Illustratie uit het Netherlands Ulama Project (NUP): Gecomputeriseerd Onderzoek Gekoppeld aan een Geografisch Informatie Systeem (GIS) [= An Illustration of the Netherlands Ulama Project (NUP): Computerized Research Linked to a Geographic Information System (GIS)]”. Sharqiyyât: Journal of the Dutch Association for Middle Eastern andİslamic Studies 9 (1997), 54-68. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “A Client’s Client: The Process of Islamization in Early and Classical Islam”. Journal of Abbasid Studies 1 (2014), 143-158. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “A Profile of the Mawali Ulama”. Patronate andPatronage in Early and Classical İslam. ed. google scholar
- Monique Bernards - John A. Nawas. 454-480. Leiden: Brill, 2005. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “A Reexamination of Three Current Explanations for al-Ma’mûn’s Introduction of the Mihna”. International Journal of Middle East Studies 26 (1994), 615-629. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Appellation Şahib Sunna in Classical İslam: How Sunnism Came To Be”. Islamic Law and Society 23/1 (2016), 1-22. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Birth of an Elite: Mawali and Arab Ulama”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 31 (2006), 74-91. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Contribution of the Mawalî to the Six Sunnite Canonical Hadîth Collections”. Ideas, Images, and Methods of Portrayal: Insights into Classical Arabic Literature and Islam. ed. Sebastian Günther. 141-152. Leiden: Brill, 2005. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Development of the İslamic Religious Sciences in Early and Classical İslam: A Comparative Approach”. al-Masâq 11 (1999), 159-169. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “The Mihna of 218 A.H./833 A.D. Revisited: An Empirical Study”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1996), 698-708. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. Al-Ma'mün, the Inquisition, and the Questfor CaliphalAuthority. Atlanta, GA: Lockwood Press, 2015. google scholar
- Şîrazî eş-. Tabakâtu’l-Fukaha . thk. Alî Muhammed 'Umer. ez-Zahir, Mısır: Mektebetu’ş-Şekâfeti’d-Dîniyye, 1997. google scholar
- Tabeff et-. Târîhu’-Rusul ve’l-Mulük. thk. M.J. De Goeje. 15 Cilt. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1879. google scholar
- Turner, John P. Inquisition in Early Islam: The Competition for Political and Religious Authority in the Abbasid Empire. London: İ.B. Tauris, 2013. google scholar
- Van Ess, Josef. Der Eine und das Andere: Beobachtungen an islamischen haresiographischen Texten. 2 Cilt. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. google scholar
- Wright, W. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. 2 cilt 1’de Cilt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3. ed., 1896. google scholar
- Yücesoy, Hayrettin. MessianicBeliefs andImperialPolitics inMedievalİslam: The ‘AbbasidCaliphate in the Early Ninth Century. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 2009. google scholar
- Yücesoy, Hayrettin. Tetavvuru’l-Fikris-Siyâsî ‘irdeEhliS-Sünne. Amman: Daru’l-Beşîr, 1993. google scholar
- Zaman, M.Q. The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2002. google scholar
- Zehebî ez-. Siyeru A'lâmi’n-Nubelâ'. thk. Şu'ayb el-Arna’ût. 25 Cilt. Beyrut: Mu’essesetu’r-Risale, 1993. google scholar
- Bernards, Monique - Nawas, John A. “İlk Dört Hicri Asırda Müslüman Hukukçuların Coğrafi Dağılımı”. çev. Ahmet Hamdi Furat. İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (2007), 301-314. google scholar
- Goldziher, İgnaz. İslam Kültürü Araştırmaları. çev. Cihad Tunç - Mehmed Said Hatiboğlu. 2 Cilt. Ankara: OTTO, 1. Basım, 2019. google scholar
- Makdisi, George. Ortaçağ’da Yüksek Öğretim İslam Dünyası ve Hıristiyan Batı. çev. Ali Hakan Çavuşoğlu -Tuncay Başoğlu. İstanbul: Klasik, 2012. google scholar
- Melchert, Christopher. “Ehl-i Hadis’in Dindarlık Anlayışı”. çev. Abdulvahap Özsoy. Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 22 (2004), 303-324. google scholar
- Nawas, John A. “Me’mûn’un Mihneyi Başlatmasında Rol Oynayan Üç Akımın Açıklamalarının Yeniden Bir İncelemesi”. çev. Mustafa Akgül. Bozok Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 8/8 (2015), 145-162. google scholar
- Zaman, Muhammed Kasım. Çağdaş Dünyada Ulema Değişimin Muhafızları. çev. Muhammed Habib Saçmalı. İstanbul: Klasik, 2018. google scholar