In the treatment of sexual identity disorders, a series of surgeries are performed according to the need to change the body appearance and physical functions of the patients in order to obtain a similar appearance to the physical characteristics of the desired gender. It is necessary to have general information about these surgeries, to inform patients, to make treatment plans and guide them. This article summarizes general information about gender reassignment surgeries.
1. Winter S, Diamond M, Green J, et al. Transgender people: health at the margins of society. Lancet 2016;388:390-400. [CrossRef]
2. Redfern JS, Jann MW. The Evolving Role of Pharmacists in Transgender Health Care. Transgend Health 2019;4:118-30. [CrossRef]
3. Schechter LS, D’Arpa S, Cohen MN, Kocjancic E, Claes KEY, Monstrey S. Gender Confirmation Surgery: Guiding Principles. J Sex Med 2017;14:852-6. [CrossRef]
4. Kaariainen M, Salonen K, Helminen M, Karhunen-Enckell, U. Chest-wall contouring surgery in female-to-male transgender patients: A one-center retrospective analysis of applied surgical techniques and results. Scand J Surg 2017;106:74-9. [CrossRef]
5. Monstrey S, Selvaggi G, Ceulemans P, et al. Chest-wall contouring surgery in female-to-male transsexuals: a new algorithm. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008;121:849-59. [CrossRef]
6. Hage JJ. Metaidoioplasty: an alternative phalloplasty technique in transsexuals. Plast Reconstr Surg 1996;97:161- 7. [CrossRef]
7. Perovic SV, Djordjevic ML. Metoidioplasty: a variant of phalloplasty in female transsexuals. BJU Int 2003;92:981-5. [CrossRef]
8. Van Caenegem E, Verhaeghe E, Taes Y, et al. Long-term evaluation of donor-site morbidity after radial forearm flap phalloplasty for transsexual men. J Sex Med 2013;10:1644- 51. [CrossRef]
9. Hage JJ, De Graaf FH. Addressing the ideal requirements by free flap phalloplasty: some reflections on refinements of technique. Microsurgery 1993;14:592-8. [CrossRef]
10. Lee GK, Lim AF, Bird ET. A novel single-flap technique for total penile reconstruction: the pedicled anterolateral thigh flap. Plast Reconstr Surg 2009;124:163-6. [CrossRef]
11. Schmidt M, Grohmann M, Huemer GM. Pedicled superficial inferior epigastric artery perforator flap for salvage of failed metoidioplasty in female-to-male transsexuals. Microsurgery 2015;35:403-6. [CrossRef]
12. Bajpai M. “Bird-Wing” abdominal phalloplasty: A novel surgical technique for penile reconstruction. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2013;18:49-52. [CrossRef]
13. Monstrey S, Hoebeke P, Selvaggi G, et al. Penile reconstruction: is the radial forearm flap really the standard technique? Plast Reconstr Surg 2009;124:510-8.
14. Manero I, Labanca T, Trivino JM. Aesthetic Refinements after Radial Free Flap Phalloplasty: Optimizing the Donor Site and the Phallus. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2017;5:e1611. [CrossRef]
15. Monstrey SJ, Ceulemans P, Hoebeke P. Sex Reassignment Surgery in the Female-to-Male Transsexual. Semin Plast Surg 2011;25:229-44. [CrossRef]
16. Akoz T, Kargi,E. Phalloplasty in a female-to-male transsexual using a double-pedicle composite groin flap. Ann Plast Surg 2002;48:423-27; discussion 427. [CrossRef]
17. Selvaggi G, Dhejne C, Landen M, Elander A. The 2011 WPATH Standards of Care and Penile Reconstruction in Female-to-Male Transsexual Individuals. Adv Urol 2012;2012:581712. [CrossRef]
18. Hage JJ, Winters HA, Van Lieshout J. Fibula free flap phalloplasty: modifications and recommendations. Microsurgery 1996;17:358-65. [CrossRef]
19. Papadopulos NA, Schaff J, Biemer E. The use of free prelaminated and sensate osteofasciocutaneous fibular flap in phalloplasty. Injury 2008;39(Suppl 3):S62-7. [CrossRef]
20. Papadopulos NA, Schaff J, Biemer E. Usefulness of free sensate osteofasciocutaneous forearm and fibula flaps for neophallus construction. J Reconstr Microsurg 2001;17:407- 12. [CrossRef]
21. Selvaggi G, Ceulemans P, De Cuypere G, et al. Gender identity disorder: general overview and surgical treatment for vaginoplasty in male-to-female transsexuals. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005;116:135e-145e. [CrossRef]
22. Karim RB, Hage JJ, Mulder JW. Neovaginoplasty in Male Transsexuals: Review of Surgical Techniques and Recommendations Regarding Eligibility. Annals of Plastic Surgery 1996;37:659-75. [CrossRef]
23. Karim RB, Hage JJ, Bouman FG, de Ruyter R, van Kesteren PJ. Refinements of pre-, intra-, and postoperative care to prevent complications of vaginoplasty in male transsexuals. Ann Plast Surg 1995;35:279-84. [CrossRef]
24. Perovic SV, Stanojevic DS, Djordjevic ML. Vaginoplasty in male transsexuals using penile skin and a urethral flap. BJU Int 2000;86:843-50. [CrossRef]
25. Huang TT. Twenty years of experience in managing gender dysphoric patients: I. Surgical management of male transsexuals. Plast Reconstr Surg 1995;96:921-30; discussion 931-24. [CrossRef]
26. Wee JT, Joseph VT. A new technique of vaginal reconstruction using neurovascular pudendal-thigh flaps: a preliminary report. Plast Reconstr Surg 1989;83:701-9. [CrossRef]
27. Selvaggi G, Bellringer J. Gender reassignment surgery: an overview. Nat Rev Urol 2011;8:274-82. [CrossRef]
Cinsel kimlik bozuklukları tedavisinde, istenen cinsiyetin fiziksel özelliklerine benzer görünüm kazanmak amacıyla, hastaların beden görünümleri ve bedensel fonksiyonlarının, değiştirilmesi için ihtiyaca göre bir dizi ameliyat yapılır. Bu ameliyatlar hakkında genel bilgi sahibi olmak, hastaların bilgilendirilmesi, tedavi planı yapılması ve doğru yönlendirilmesi için gereklidir. Bu makalede cinsiyet değiştirme ameliyatları hakkında genel bilgiler özetlenmiştir.
1. Winter S, Diamond M, Green J, et al. Transgender people: health at the margins of society. Lancet 2016;388:390-400. [CrossRef]
2. Redfern JS, Jann MW. The Evolving Role of Pharmacists in Transgender Health Care. Transgend Health 2019;4:118-30. [CrossRef]
3. Schechter LS, D’Arpa S, Cohen MN, Kocjancic E, Claes KEY, Monstrey S. Gender Confirmation Surgery: Guiding Principles. J Sex Med 2017;14:852-6. [CrossRef]
4. Kaariainen M, Salonen K, Helminen M, Karhunen-Enckell, U. Chest-wall contouring surgery in female-to-male transgender patients: A one-center retrospective analysis of applied surgical techniques and results. Scand J Surg 2017;106:74-9. [CrossRef]
5. Monstrey S, Selvaggi G, Ceulemans P, et al. Chest-wall contouring surgery in female-to-male transsexuals: a new algorithm. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008;121:849-59. [CrossRef]
6. Hage JJ. Metaidoioplasty: an alternative phalloplasty technique in transsexuals. Plast Reconstr Surg 1996;97:161- 7. [CrossRef]
7. Perovic SV, Djordjevic ML. Metoidioplasty: a variant of phalloplasty in female transsexuals. BJU Int 2003;92:981-5. [CrossRef]
8. Van Caenegem E, Verhaeghe E, Taes Y, et al. Long-term evaluation of donor-site morbidity after radial forearm flap phalloplasty for transsexual men. J Sex Med 2013;10:1644- 51. [CrossRef]
9. Hage JJ, De Graaf FH. Addressing the ideal requirements by free flap phalloplasty: some reflections on refinements of technique. Microsurgery 1993;14:592-8. [CrossRef]
10. Lee GK, Lim AF, Bird ET. A novel single-flap technique for total penile reconstruction: the pedicled anterolateral thigh flap. Plast Reconstr Surg 2009;124:163-6. [CrossRef]
11. Schmidt M, Grohmann M, Huemer GM. Pedicled superficial inferior epigastric artery perforator flap for salvage of failed metoidioplasty in female-to-male transsexuals. Microsurgery 2015;35:403-6. [CrossRef]
12. Bajpai M. “Bird-Wing” abdominal phalloplasty: A novel surgical technique for penile reconstruction. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2013;18:49-52. [CrossRef]
13. Monstrey S, Hoebeke P, Selvaggi G, et al. Penile reconstruction: is the radial forearm flap really the standard technique? Plast Reconstr Surg 2009;124:510-8.
14. Manero I, Labanca T, Trivino JM. Aesthetic Refinements after Radial Free Flap Phalloplasty: Optimizing the Donor Site and the Phallus. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2017;5:e1611. [CrossRef]
15. Monstrey SJ, Ceulemans P, Hoebeke P. Sex Reassignment Surgery in the Female-to-Male Transsexual. Semin Plast Surg 2011;25:229-44. [CrossRef]
16. Akoz T, Kargi,E. Phalloplasty in a female-to-male transsexual using a double-pedicle composite groin flap. Ann Plast Surg 2002;48:423-27; discussion 427. [CrossRef]
17. Selvaggi G, Dhejne C, Landen M, Elander A. The 2011 WPATH Standards of Care and Penile Reconstruction in Female-to-Male Transsexual Individuals. Adv Urol 2012;2012:581712. [CrossRef]
18. Hage JJ, Winters HA, Van Lieshout J. Fibula free flap phalloplasty: modifications and recommendations. Microsurgery 1996;17:358-65. [CrossRef]
19. Papadopulos NA, Schaff J, Biemer E. The use of free prelaminated and sensate osteofasciocutaneous fibular flap in phalloplasty. Injury 2008;39(Suppl 3):S62-7. [CrossRef]
20. Papadopulos NA, Schaff J, Biemer E. Usefulness of free sensate osteofasciocutaneous forearm and fibula flaps for neophallus construction. J Reconstr Microsurg 2001;17:407- 12. [CrossRef]
21. Selvaggi G, Ceulemans P, De Cuypere G, et al. Gender identity disorder: general overview and surgical treatment for vaginoplasty in male-to-female transsexuals. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005;116:135e-145e. [CrossRef]
22. Karim RB, Hage JJ, Mulder JW. Neovaginoplasty in Male Transsexuals: Review of Surgical Techniques and Recommendations Regarding Eligibility. Annals of Plastic Surgery 1996;37:659-75. [CrossRef]
23. Karim RB, Hage JJ, Bouman FG, de Ruyter R, van Kesteren PJ. Refinements of pre-, intra-, and postoperative care to prevent complications of vaginoplasty in male transsexuals. Ann Plast Surg 1995;35:279-84. [CrossRef]
24. Perovic SV, Stanojevic DS, Djordjevic ML. Vaginoplasty in male transsexuals using penile skin and a urethral flap. BJU Int 2000;86:843-50. [CrossRef]
25. Huang TT. Twenty years of experience in managing gender dysphoric patients: I. Surgical management of male transsexuals. Plast Reconstr Surg 1995;96:921-30; discussion 931-24. [CrossRef]
26. Wee JT, Joseph VT. A new technique of vaginal reconstruction using neurovascular pudendal-thigh flaps: a preliminary report. Plast Reconstr Surg 1989;83:701-9. [CrossRef]
27. Selvaggi G, Bellringer J. Gender reassignment surgery: an overview. Nat Rev Urol 2011;8:274-82. [CrossRef]
Berköz, Ö., Edim Akalın, B., & Kozanoğlu, E. (2021). CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 84(S-1), 26-30.
Berköz Ö, Edim Akalın B, Kozanoğlu E. CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. Nisan 2021;84(S-1):26-30.
Berköz, Ömer, Bora Edim Akalın, ve Erol Kozanoğlu. “CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84, sy. S-1 (Nisan 2021): 26-30.
Berköz Ö, Edim Akalın B, Kozanoğlu E (01 Nisan 2021) CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84 S-1 26–30.
Ö. Berköz, B. Edim Akalın, ve E. Kozanoğlu, “CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, c. 84, sy. S-1, ss. 26–30, 2021.
Berköz, Ömer vd. “CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84/S-1 (Nisan 2021), 26-30.
Berköz Ö, Edim Akalın B, Kozanoğlu E. CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2021;84:26–30.
Berköz, Ömer vd. “CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, c. 84, sy. S-1, 2021, ss. 26-30.
Berköz Ö, Edim Akalın B, Kozanoğlu E. CİNSİYET DEĞİŞTİRME CERRAHİSİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2021;84(S-1):26-30.