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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 71 Sayı: 4, 101 - 105, 11.11.2011


Amaç: Akne vulgaris’te plazma ET-1 ve NOx (nitrik oksidin metabolitleri olan nitrat/nitrit) konsantrasyon düzeylerini
tayin etmek, ayrıca bu iki parametre ve hastalığın derecesi arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını incelemek.
Gereç ve yöntem: Akne vulgaris tanısı konmuş 30 hasta ile 20 sağlıklı kişinin plazma örneklerinde ET-1 ve NOx
Bulgular: Akne vulgarisli hastalarda kontrol grubuna göre plazma ET-1 ve NOx düzeyleri anlamlı (p < 0,01) bir artış
gösterdi. Kontrol grubunda ET-1 ve NOx arasında zayıf, fakat anlamlı bir negatif korelasyon (r= -0,456, p < 0,05)
bulundu. Çalışma grubunda ise ET-1 ve NOx düzeyleri arasında bir korelasyon bulunmadı (r= -0,195, p= 0,302).
Ayrıca, çalışma grubunda ET-1, NOx düzeyleri ve hastalık süresi arasında anlamlı korelasyonlar (r= 0,412, p < 0,05
ve r= 0,570, p < 0,01) olduğu gözlendi. Akne lezyonlarının derecesi ve ET-1, NOx düzeyleri arasında bir korelasyon
Sonuç:Akne vulgariste görülen plazma ET-1 ve NOx düzeylerindeki yükseliş muhtemelen artmış duktal hiperkornifikasyon,
hiperkeratinizasyon ve sebum birikiminin sebebi ve/veya sonucu olabilir. Artmış olan ET-1 ve NOx üretimi
keratinositlerde büyük olasılıkla büyüme, sitotoksik ve mitojenik factor gibi davranıyor olabilir. Çalışma grubunda
ET-1 ve NOx arasında korelasyonun bulunmaması, akne lezyonlarının oluşmasına yol açan bu iki parametre
arasındaki dengenin bozulduğunu yansıtmaktadır


  • Anggard E. Nitric oxide: mediator, murderer and medicine. Lancet 1994; 343: 1199-1206.
  • Basal E, Jain A, Kaushal GP. Antibody response to crude cell lysate of propionibacterium acnes and induction of pro-inf- lammatory cytokines in patients with acne and normal he- althy subjects. J Microbiol 2004; 42: 117-25.
  • Bialecka A, Mak M, Biedron R, Bobek M, Kasprowicz A, Marcinkiewicz J. Different pro-inflammatory and immuno- genic potentials of Propionibacterium acnes and Stapylococ- cus epidermidis: Implications for chronic inflammatory ac- ne. Arch Immunol Ther Exp 2005; 53: 79-85.
  • Bonifati C, Mussi A, Carducci M, Pittarello A, D’Auria L, Venuti A, Bagnato A, Salani D, Fazio M, Ameglio F. Endot- helin-1 levels are increased in sera and lesional skin extracts of psoriatic patients and correlate with disease severity. Ac- ta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 1998; 78: 22-26.
  • Bruch-Gerharz D, Ruzicka T, Kolb- Bachofen V. Nitric oxi- de and its implications in skin homeostasis and disease. Arch Dermatol Res 1998; 290: 643-651.
  • Bull HA, Hottershall J, Chowdhurry N, Cohen J, Dowd PM. Neuropeptides induce release of nitric oxide from human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. J Invest Dermatol 1996;106: 655-660.
  • Bull HA, Terenghi G, Bunker CB, Properzi G, Facer P, Po- lak JM, Dowd PM. Receptor binding by human cutaneus microvascular endothelium. J Invest Dermatol 1991;96: 999-103.
  • Gandhi CR, Berkowitz DE, Watkins D. Endothelins: Bioc- hemistry and pathophysiologic actions. Anestesiology 1994; 80: 892- 905.
  • Graham GM, Farrar MD, Cruse- Sawyer JE, Holland KT, Ingham E. Proinflammatory cytokine production by human keratinocytes stimulated with Propionibacterium acnes and P. Acnes GroEL. Br J Dermatol 2004; 150: 421-428.
  • Grisham MB, Johnson GG, Lancaster JR. Quantitation of nitrate and nitrite in extracelluler fluids. Methods Enzymol 1996; 268: 237-246.
  • Ignarro, J.L. Signal transduction mechanisms involving nit- ric oxide. Biochem Pharmacol 1991; 15; 41: 485-90.
  • Imokawa G, Yada Y, Kimura M, Morisaki N. Granulocy- te/macrophage colony stimulating factor is an intrinsic kera- tinocyte-derived growth factor for human melanocytes in UVA- induced melanosis. Biochem J 1996; 313: 625-631.
  • Imokawa G, Yada Y, Kimura M. Signaling mechanism of en- dothelin- induced mitogenesis and melanogenesisin human melanocytes. Biochem J 1996; 314: 305-312.
  • Imokawa G, Yada Y, Miyagishi M. Endothelins secreted from human keratinocytes are intrinsic mitogens for human melanocytes. J Biol Chem 1992; 267: 24675-24680.
  • Jeremy AH, Holland DB, Roberts SG, Thomson KF, Cunlif- fe WJ: İnflammatory events are involved in acne lesion ini- tiation. J Invest Dermatol 2003; 121:20-27.
  • Holland DB, Jeremy AH: The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of acne and acne scarring. Semin Cutan Med Surg 2005; 24: 79-83.
  • Kim J, Ochoa MT, Krutzik SR, Takeuchi O, Uematsu S, Le- gaspi AJ, Brightbill HD, Holland D, Cunliffe WJ, Akira S, Sieling PA, Godowski PJ, Modlin RL. Activation of toll-li- ke receptor 2 in Acne Triggers inflammatory cytokine res- ponses. J Immunol 2002; 169: 1535-1541.
  • Mills OH, Kligman AM. Ultraviolet phototheraphy and pho- tochemoteraphy of acne vulgaris. Arch Dermatol 1978; 114: 221-223.
  • Morhenn VB. Langerhans cells may trigger the psoriatic di- sease process via production of nitric oxide. Immunol Today 1997; 18: 433-436.
  • Notas G, Xidakis C, Valatas V, Kouroumalis A, Kourouma- lis E. Levels of circulating endothelin-1 and nitrates/nitrites in patients with virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. J Vi- ral Hepatitis 2001; 8: 63-69.
  • Orem A, Aliyazicioglu R, Kiran E, Vanizor B, Cimnocodeit G, Deger O. The relationship between nitric oxide producti- on and activity of the disease in patients with psoriasis. Arch Dermatol 1997;133:1606-1607.
  • Qureshi AA, Lerner LH, Lerner EA. From bedside to the benchand back. Nitric oxide and the cutis. Arch Dermatol 1996; 132:889-893.
  • Schaller M, Loewenstein M, Borelli C, Jacob K, Vogeser M, Burgdorf WH, Plewig G. Induction of a chemoattractive pro- inflammatory cytokine response after stimulation of kerati- nocytes with Propionibacterium acnes and coproporphyrin III. Br J Dermatol 2005; 153: 66-71.
  • Sirsjö A, Karlsson M, Gidlöf A, Rollman O, Torma H. Inc- reased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in psori- atic skin and cytokine-stimulated cultured keratinocytes. Br J Dermatol 1996; 134: 643-648.
  • Suh DH, Kwon TE, Youn JI. Changes of comedonal cytoki- nes and sebum secretion after UV irradiation in acne pati- ents. Eur J Dermatol 2002; 12: 139-144.
  • Takuwa N, Takuwa Y, Yanagisawa M, Yamashita K, Masaki T. A novel vasoactive peptide endothelin stimulates mitoge- nesis through lipid turnover in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. J Biol Chem 1989; 264: 7856- 7861.
  • Tsuboi R, Sato C, Shi C. Endothelin-1 acts as an autocrine growht factor for normal keratinocytes. J Cell Physiol 1994; 159: 213-220.
  • Ural AU, Yalcin A, Beyan C, Isimer A, Bayhan H. Plasma Endothelin –1 concentrations in patients with Behçet’s dise- ase. Scand J Rheumatol 1994; 23: 322-325.
  • Vural P, Erzengin D, Canbaz M, Selcuki D. Nitric oxide and endothelin –1,2 in actinic keratosis and basal cell carcinoma: changes in nitric oxide/ endothelin ratio. Int J Dermatol 2001; 40: 704-708.
  • Wang R, Chahary A, Shen YJ, Scott PG, Tregdet EE. Human dermal fibroblasts produce nitric oxide synthase isoforms. J Invest Dermatol 1996; 106: 419-427.
  • Weller R. Nitric oxide- a newly discovered chemical trans- mitter in human skin. Br J Dermatol 1997; 137: 665-672.
  • Yada Y, Higuchi K, Imokawa G. Effects of endothelins in signal transduction and proliferation in human melanocytes. J Biol Chem 1991; 266:18352- 18357.
  • Zamora M, Morelli JG, Norris DA, Yohn JJ. Cultured human keratinocytes syntheise and secrete endothelin-1. J Invest Dermatol 1992; 98: 646-56.
Yıl 2008, Cilt: 71 Sayı: 4, 101 - 105, 11.11.2011



  • Anggard E. Nitric oxide: mediator, murderer and medicine. Lancet 1994; 343: 1199-1206.
  • Basal E, Jain A, Kaushal GP. Antibody response to crude cell lysate of propionibacterium acnes and induction of pro-inf- lammatory cytokines in patients with acne and normal he- althy subjects. J Microbiol 2004; 42: 117-25.
  • Bialecka A, Mak M, Biedron R, Bobek M, Kasprowicz A, Marcinkiewicz J. Different pro-inflammatory and immuno- genic potentials of Propionibacterium acnes and Stapylococ- cus epidermidis: Implications for chronic inflammatory ac- ne. Arch Immunol Ther Exp 2005; 53: 79-85.
  • Bonifati C, Mussi A, Carducci M, Pittarello A, D’Auria L, Venuti A, Bagnato A, Salani D, Fazio M, Ameglio F. Endot- helin-1 levels are increased in sera and lesional skin extracts of psoriatic patients and correlate with disease severity. Ac- ta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 1998; 78: 22-26.
  • Bruch-Gerharz D, Ruzicka T, Kolb- Bachofen V. Nitric oxi- de and its implications in skin homeostasis and disease. Arch Dermatol Res 1998; 290: 643-651.
  • Bull HA, Hottershall J, Chowdhurry N, Cohen J, Dowd PM. Neuropeptides induce release of nitric oxide from human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. J Invest Dermatol 1996;106: 655-660.
  • Bull HA, Terenghi G, Bunker CB, Properzi G, Facer P, Po- lak JM, Dowd PM. Receptor binding by human cutaneus microvascular endothelium. J Invest Dermatol 1991;96: 999-103.
  • Gandhi CR, Berkowitz DE, Watkins D. Endothelins: Bioc- hemistry and pathophysiologic actions. Anestesiology 1994; 80: 892- 905.
  • Graham GM, Farrar MD, Cruse- Sawyer JE, Holland KT, Ingham E. Proinflammatory cytokine production by human keratinocytes stimulated with Propionibacterium acnes and P. Acnes GroEL. Br J Dermatol 2004; 150: 421-428.
  • Grisham MB, Johnson GG, Lancaster JR. Quantitation of nitrate and nitrite in extracelluler fluids. Methods Enzymol 1996; 268: 237-246.
  • Ignarro, J.L. Signal transduction mechanisms involving nit- ric oxide. Biochem Pharmacol 1991; 15; 41: 485-90.
  • Imokawa G, Yada Y, Kimura M, Morisaki N. Granulocy- te/macrophage colony stimulating factor is an intrinsic kera- tinocyte-derived growth factor for human melanocytes in UVA- induced melanosis. Biochem J 1996; 313: 625-631.
  • Imokawa G, Yada Y, Kimura M. Signaling mechanism of en- dothelin- induced mitogenesis and melanogenesisin human melanocytes. Biochem J 1996; 314: 305-312.
  • Imokawa G, Yada Y, Miyagishi M. Endothelins secreted from human keratinocytes are intrinsic mitogens for human melanocytes. J Biol Chem 1992; 267: 24675-24680.
  • Jeremy AH, Holland DB, Roberts SG, Thomson KF, Cunlif- fe WJ: İnflammatory events are involved in acne lesion ini- tiation. J Invest Dermatol 2003; 121:20-27.
  • Holland DB, Jeremy AH: The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of acne and acne scarring. Semin Cutan Med Surg 2005; 24: 79-83.
  • Kim J, Ochoa MT, Krutzik SR, Takeuchi O, Uematsu S, Le- gaspi AJ, Brightbill HD, Holland D, Cunliffe WJ, Akira S, Sieling PA, Godowski PJ, Modlin RL. Activation of toll-li- ke receptor 2 in Acne Triggers inflammatory cytokine res- ponses. J Immunol 2002; 169: 1535-1541.
  • Mills OH, Kligman AM. Ultraviolet phototheraphy and pho- tochemoteraphy of acne vulgaris. Arch Dermatol 1978; 114: 221-223.
  • Morhenn VB. Langerhans cells may trigger the psoriatic di- sease process via production of nitric oxide. Immunol Today 1997; 18: 433-436.
  • Notas G, Xidakis C, Valatas V, Kouroumalis A, Kourouma- lis E. Levels of circulating endothelin-1 and nitrates/nitrites in patients with virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. J Vi- ral Hepatitis 2001; 8: 63-69.
  • Orem A, Aliyazicioglu R, Kiran E, Vanizor B, Cimnocodeit G, Deger O. The relationship between nitric oxide producti- on and activity of the disease in patients with psoriasis. Arch Dermatol 1997;133:1606-1607.
  • Qureshi AA, Lerner LH, Lerner EA. From bedside to the benchand back. Nitric oxide and the cutis. Arch Dermatol 1996; 132:889-893.
  • Schaller M, Loewenstein M, Borelli C, Jacob K, Vogeser M, Burgdorf WH, Plewig G. Induction of a chemoattractive pro- inflammatory cytokine response after stimulation of kerati- nocytes with Propionibacterium acnes and coproporphyrin III. Br J Dermatol 2005; 153: 66-71.
  • Sirsjö A, Karlsson M, Gidlöf A, Rollman O, Torma H. Inc- reased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in psori- atic skin and cytokine-stimulated cultured keratinocytes. Br J Dermatol 1996; 134: 643-648.
  • Suh DH, Kwon TE, Youn JI. Changes of comedonal cytoki- nes and sebum secretion after UV irradiation in acne pati- ents. Eur J Dermatol 2002; 12: 139-144.
  • Takuwa N, Takuwa Y, Yanagisawa M, Yamashita K, Masaki T. A novel vasoactive peptide endothelin stimulates mitoge- nesis through lipid turnover in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. J Biol Chem 1989; 264: 7856- 7861.
  • Tsuboi R, Sato C, Shi C. Endothelin-1 acts as an autocrine growht factor for normal keratinocytes. J Cell Physiol 1994; 159: 213-220.
  • Ural AU, Yalcin A, Beyan C, Isimer A, Bayhan H. Plasma Endothelin –1 concentrations in patients with Behçet’s dise- ase. Scand J Rheumatol 1994; 23: 322-325.
  • Vural P, Erzengin D, Canbaz M, Selcuki D. Nitric oxide and endothelin –1,2 in actinic keratosis and basal cell carcinoma: changes in nitric oxide/ endothelin ratio. Int J Dermatol 2001; 40: 704-708.
  • Wang R, Chahary A, Shen YJ, Scott PG, Tregdet EE. Human dermal fibroblasts produce nitric oxide synthase isoforms. J Invest Dermatol 1996; 106: 419-427.
  • Weller R. Nitric oxide- a newly discovered chemical trans- mitter in human skin. Br J Dermatol 1997; 137: 665-672.
  • Yada Y, Higuchi K, Imokawa G. Effects of endothelins in signal transduction and proliferation in human melanocytes. J Biol Chem 1991; 266:18352- 18357.
  • Zamora M, Morelli JG, Norris DA, Yohn JJ. Cultured human keratinocytes syntheise and secrete endothelin-1. J Invest Dermatol 1992; 98: 646-56.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Klinik Araştırma

Mukaddes Canbaz. Bu kişi benim

Dilek K. Selçuki Bu kişi benim

Neslihan Saral Bu kişi benim

Pervin Vural Bu kişi benim

At All. Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Kasım 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Kasım 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 71 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Canbaz., M., Selçuki, D. K., Saral, N., Vural, P., vd. (2011). AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 71(4), 101-105.
AMA Canbaz. M, Selçuki DK, Saral N, Vural P, All. A. AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. Kasım 2011;71(4):101-105.
Chicago Canbaz., Mukaddes, Dilek K. Selçuki, Neslihan Saral, Pervin Vural, ve At All. “AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 71, sy. 4 (Kasım 2011): 101-5.
EndNote Canbaz. M, Selçuki DK, Saral N, Vural P, All. A (01 Kasım 2011) AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 71 4 101–105.
IEEE M. Canbaz., D. K. Selçuki, N. Saral, P. Vural, ve A. All., “AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, c. 71, sy. 4, ss. 101–105, 2011.
ISNAD Canbaz., Mukaddes vd. “AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 71/4 (Kasım 2011), 101-105.
JAMA Canbaz. M, Selçuki DK, Saral N, Vural P, All. A. AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2011;71:101–105.
MLA Canbaz., Mukaddes vd. “AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, c. 71, sy. 4, 2011, ss. 101-5.
Vancouver Canbaz. M, Selçuki DK, Saral N, Vural P, All. A. AKNE VULGARİSTE ENDOTELİN-1/NİTRİK OKSİT DENGESİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2011;71(4):101-5.

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Addressi: İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı, Turgut Özal Cad. 34093 Çapa, Fatih, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE


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