This bibliographic study includes the works of A. Kurtkan Bilgiseven (1927-2005) who is one of the prominent scholars in the modern time Turkish sociology. Bilgiseven wrote various books on General Sociology, Sociology of Economics, Rural and urban sociology, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Education, and Methodology of Social Science. She also wrote books and articles on religion, theosophy, ethic, etc. She translated books and articles from English, and she wrote children stories.
Her understanding of sociology has a national character; she is one of the sociologists those who observe and analyse the Turkish society with regard to the methods of general sociology. She does not only determine the problems of the Turkish society but at the same time, she puts forward some solutions come out from the dynamics of Turkish society.
This article includes her published works under five sub-sections entitled respectively books, articles, translated books and articles, children stories and thesis done about her. In this context, bibliographical order was organised with regard to the chronological order starting from beginning to her last days. The versions of books, translations and children books which I could find were placed in the lists by adding the name of publishers, places and dates of publishing, and numbers of pages.
The list of articles was made by searching journals, books and collected papers dedicated to different scholars. We also searched catalogue of theses on the web page of YÖK (Council of High Education).