Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2019, Sayı: 76, 159 - 180, 12.07.2019



  • Aalen, L. (2011). The politics of ethnicity in Ethiopia: Actors, power, and mobilization under ethnic federalism. Brill.
  • Ajulu, R. (2002). Politicized ethnicity, competitive politics and conflict in Kenya: A historical perspective. African Studies, 61(2), 251–268.
  • Ake C. (1993). What is the Problem of Ethnicity in Africa? Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 22. 74 2.
  • Ake, C. (2000). The Feasibility of Democracy in Africa. Dakar: CODESRIA.
  • Alwy A., & Schech S. (2004). Ethnic inequalities in education in Kenya. International Education Journal, 5(2).
  • Anderson, D. M. (2005). ‘Yours in Struggle for Majimbo’. Nationalism and the Party Politics of Decolonization in Kenya, 1955-64. Journal of Contemporary History, 40(3), 547–564.
  • Anyang 'Nyong'o, P. (Ed.). (1992). 30 years of independence in Africa: the lost decades?. Academy Science Publishers.
  • Auya, S., & Oino, P. (2013). The role of constituency development fund in rural development: Experiences from North Mugirango Constituency, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2(6). pp. 306–312.
  • Bates, R. (1983). Modernization, Ethnic Competition and the Rationality of Politics in Contemporary Africa. In D Rothchild & V Olorunsola (eds). State Versus Ethnic Claims: African Policy Dilemmas. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Bates, R. (1974). Ethnic Competition and Modernization in Contemporary Africa. Comparative Political Studies, 6(4), 457–484.
  • Bayart, J. F. (1993). The Politics of the Belly, New York, Longman Publishers
  • Bratton, M, Bhavnani, R., & Chen, T. (2011). Voting Intentions in Africa: Ethnic, Economic or Partisan? Afroba¬rometer Working Paper 127.
  • Brown, D. (2000). Contemporary Nationalism Civic, Ethnocultural & Multicultural Politics. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Carrier, N., & Kochore, H. H. (2014). Navigating ethnicity and electoral politics in northern Kenya: the case of the 2013 election. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 135–152.
  • Cheeseman, N. (2008). The Kenyan elections of 2007: an introduction. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2(2), 166–184.
  • Cheeseman, N., Kanyinga, K., Lynch, G., Ruteere, M., & Willis, J. (2019). Kenya’s 2017 elections: Winner-takes-all politics as usual?. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 13(2), 1–20.
  • Cheeseman, N., Lynch, G., & Willis, J. (2014). Democracy and its discontents: understanding Kenya's 2013 elections. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 2–24.
  • Chege, M. (2008). Kenya: back from the brink?. Journal of Democracy, 19(4), 125–139.
  • Chiriyankandath, J. (2008). Colonialism and post-colonial development. Politics in the Developing World, 36–52.
  • Chua A. (2002). World on fire: How exporting free markets and democracy breed hatred and global instability. New York, NY: Doubleday. Daily Nation, November 13, 1997. D'Arcy, M., & Cornell, A. (2016). Devolution and corruption in Kenya: Everyone's turn to eat?. African Affairs, 115(459), 246–273.
  • De Smedt, J. (2009). ‘No Raila, No Peace! ’Big man politics and election violence at the Kibera grassroots. African Affairs, 108(433), 581–598.
  • Dercon, S., & Gutiérrez-Romero, R. (2012). Triggers and characteristics of the 2007 Kenyan electoral violence. World Development, 40(4), 731–744.
  • Elischer, S. (2008). Ethnic coalitions of convenience and commitment: Political parties and party systems in Kenya.
  • Ferree, K. E., Gibson, C. C., & Long, J. D. (2014). Voting behavior and electoral irregularities in Kenya's 2013 election. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 153–172.
  • Foeken, D., & Dietz, T. (2000). Of ethnicity, manipulation, and observation: The 1992 and 1997 elections in Kenya. In Election observation and democratization in Africa (pp. 122–149). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Gachanga, T. (2012). Kenya: ethnic agendas and patronage ımpede the formation of a coherent Kenyan identity. At Issue E-Zine, 14(4).
  • Geertz, C. (1963). The integrative revolution: Primordial sentiments and civil politics in the new states. Old societies and new states: The quest for modernity in Asia and Africa, 105–157.
  • Geertzel, C. (1970): The Politics of Independent Kenya. Nairobi: East African Publishing House.
  • Gibson, C. C., & Long, J. D. (2009). The presidential and parliamentary elections in Kenya, December 2007. Electoral studies, 28(3), 497–502.
  • GoK. (1995) Country Position Paper-World Summit for Social Development. World Bank.
  • Haugerud, A. (1997). The culture of politics in modern Kenya(Vol. 84). Cambridge University Press.
  • Hazlewood, A. (1979). The economy of Kenya: the Kenyatta era. Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Hechter M. (1978). Group formation and the cultural division of labour. American Journal of Sociology, 84(2), 293–318.
  • Himbara, D. (1994). Kenyan Capitalists: The State and Development. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers
  • Holmquist, F., & Githinji, M. W. (2009). The default politics of ethnicity in Kenya. Brown J. World Aff., 16, 101.
  • Hornsby, C. (2013). Kenya: A history since independence. IB Tauris.
  • Horowitz, D. L. (2000). Ethnic groups in conflict, updated edition with a new preface. Univ of California Press.
  • Isaacs, H., (1975) "Basic group identity: The idols of the tribe" in ethnicity: Theory and experience. N. Glazer and D.P. Moynihan, eds., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 29–52.
  • Ivanov, I. M., & Moiseev, P. P. (1979). Agrarian reforms and hired labour in Africa. Moscow: Progress.
  • Kasfir, N. 1976. The Shrinking Political Arena: Participation and Ethnicity in African Politics with a Case Study of Uganda. Berkely: University of California Press.
  • Katsina, A. M. (2012) Colonialism, post-colonialism and ethnic cleavages in Africa: Nigeria since independence. Conference: Conference: Annual International Conference of the School of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Kenyatta, J. (1971). The challenge of Uhuru; the progress of Kenya, 1968 to 1970. East African Pub. House.
  • Kitching, G. (1980). Class and Economic Change in Kenya: the Making of an African Petite- Bourgeoisie. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Laakso, L. (2007). Insights into electoral violence in Africa. Votes, money and violence: political parties and elections in Sub-Saharan Africa, 224–252.
  • Lazarus, N. (2004). Introducing postcolonial studies. The Cambridge companion to postcolonial literary studies, 1(5).
  • Le Vine, T. (1997). ‘Conceptualising “Ethnicity” and “Ethnic Conflict”: A Controversy Revisited’. Studies in Comparative International Development, 32(2).
  • Leys, C. (1975). Underdevelopment in Kenya: The Political Economy in Neocolonialism 1964-1971. London: Heinemann.
  • Lynch, G. (2006). The fruits of perception:‘ethnic politics’ and the case of Kenya's constitutional referendum. African Studies, 65(2), 233–270.
  • Lynch, G. (2011). I Say to You: ethnic politics and the Kalenjin in Kenya. University of Chicago Press.
  • Mamdani, M. (2018). Citizen and subject: Contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism. Princeton University Press.
  • Markakis J., & Katsuyoshi F. (1994). Ethnicity and Conflict in the Horn of Africa. Oxford. James Currey Publishers
  • Maxon, R. M. (2016). The demise and rise of majimbo in independent Kenya. In Kenya After 50 (pp. 19–48). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Mbugua, Karanja (2008). "Kenya's crisis: elite and factional conflicts in historical context." Conflict trends 2008, 1, 3–9.
  • McOnyango, O. (1995). The Jews, The Gentiles and The Grudge. UNESCO seminar paper, 28-31, May.
  • Megan, T. (2012). The Perceived Role of NGOs in Kenyan Reconciliation. University Susan Benesch, School of International Service. Spring.
  • Moi, D. A. (1987). Kenya African nationalism: Nyayo philosophy and principles. London: Macmillan.
  • Mueller, S. D. (2008). The political economy of Kenya's crisis. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2(2), 185–210.
  • Mueller, S. D. (2011). Dying to win: Elections, political violence, and institutional decay in Kenya. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 29(1), 99–117.
  • Mueller, S. D. (2014). Kenya and the International Criminal Court (ICC): politics, the election and the law. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 25–42.
  • Mungeam, G. H. (Ed.). (1978). Kenya: Select Historical Documents, 1884-1923 (Vol. 4). East African Publishing House.
  • Mutua, M (2007). Ethnicity the bane of Kenyan politics. Daily Nation 23 September. Available online: asp?newsid=107037 Mutua, M (2008). Kenya’s Quest for Democracy: Taming the Leviathan. London: Lynne Rienner Publishing.
  • Nagel J., & Olzak S. (1982). Ethnic mobilization in new and old states: An extension of the competitive model. Social Problems, 30(2), 127–143.
  • National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) (2011), Ethnic composition of the Public Service
  • Nnoli, O. (2011). The struggle for democracy in Nigeria. Pan African Centre for Research on Peace and Conflict Resolution (PACREP) Enugu.
  • Nyanjom, O., (2006). “Inequality in Kenya's Health Sector," In Society for International Development. 97- 156.
  • Ogot, B. A. (2000). Boundary Changes and the Invention of “Tribes”, Ogot, B. A. and Ochieng, W. R. (Eds.) (2000) Kenya: The Making of a Nation, Maseno: Institute of Research and Postgraduate Studies (pp 16–31).
  • Ogot, B. A., & Ochieng, W. R. (Eds.). (1995). Decolonization & independence in Kenya, 1940-93. Ohio State University Press.
  • Osaghae, E. (1994). Ethnicity and its Management in Africa: The Democratic Link. Lagos:Malthouse Press Limited.
  • Republic of Kenya (2009). National Population Census, Ministry of Planning, National Development. Nairobi and Vision 2030: the Government Printer. Roger, G. (1969). Nationalism and Economic Development in Ghana: New York: Praeger
  • Ronald, C. and John Middleton, eds., (1970) From Tribe to Nation in Africa: Studies in Incorporation Processes: Scranton, Pa.: Chandler Publishing.
  • Rosenberg, M. (2004). Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 to divide Africa. South African History Online, geography. about. com/cs/politicalgeog/a/berlin.
  • Rotberg, R. J. (1965). The rise of nationalism in Central Africa. The Making of Malawi and Zambia. Cambridge. Harvard University Press.
  • Rutten, M., & Owuor, S. (2009). Weapons of mass destruction: Land, ethnicity and the 2007 elections in Kenya. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 27(3), 305–324. Sandbrook, R. (1985). The Politics of African Economic Stagnation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Taylor, C. F. (2016). Ethnic politics and election campaigns in contemporary Africa: evidence from Ghana and Kenya. Democratization, 24(6), 951–969. doi:10.1080/13510347.2016.1253557
  • Throup, D., & C Hornsby. (1998). Multiparty Politics in Kenya: The Kenyatta and Moi States and the Triumph of the System in the 1992 Election. Oxford: James Currey.
  • UNESCO (2000) Education for All (EFA) Assessment. UNESCO retrieved on 25.11.2017 from Wilmont, W. W., & Hocker J. (2001). Interpersonal Conflict. New York. McGraw Hill.
  • Wsevolod I., W. (1974). Definitions of ethnicity. Ethnicity, 1(2), 111–124.
  • Yieke, F. A. (2010). Ethnicity and development in Kenya: Lessons from the 2007 general elections. Kenya Studies Review, 3(3), 5–16.
  • Young, C., & Turner, T. (1985). The Rise and Decline of the Zairian State. London: The University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Young, C. (1976). The Politics of Cultural Pluralism. London: The University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Young, C. (2002). Ethnicity and politics in Africa. Boston, MA: Boston Univ. Press.
  • Young, C. (1994). The African Colonial State in Comparative Perspective. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 76, 159 - 180, 12.07.2019


article examines the manifestation of ethnicity in Kenyan politics and its
impact on Kenya’s democratic path and development. It questions the salience of
ethnicity in politics and traces the origin of ethnic consciousness to the
colonial era. Efforts by the successive regimes to advance a national identity
have proved futile as all of them have worked to calcify it through its
exploitation and politicization. We utilize an intersection of theoretical
approaches to zoom in on the overwhelming nature of ethnicity in politics. The
crux of our argument is that ethnicity has, over time, been used for by the self-aggrandizing
political elite for self-serving interests and it is our opinion that the
historic handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and the former Prime
Minister Raila Odinga provided another unique opportunity for de-ethicising
Kenya’s politics and for strengthening the existing institution.


  • Aalen, L. (2011). The politics of ethnicity in Ethiopia: Actors, power, and mobilization under ethnic federalism. Brill.
  • Ajulu, R. (2002). Politicized ethnicity, competitive politics and conflict in Kenya: A historical perspective. African Studies, 61(2), 251–268.
  • Ake C. (1993). What is the Problem of Ethnicity in Africa? Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 22. 74 2.
  • Ake, C. (2000). The Feasibility of Democracy in Africa. Dakar: CODESRIA.
  • Alwy A., & Schech S. (2004). Ethnic inequalities in education in Kenya. International Education Journal, 5(2).
  • Anderson, D. M. (2005). ‘Yours in Struggle for Majimbo’. Nationalism and the Party Politics of Decolonization in Kenya, 1955-64. Journal of Contemporary History, 40(3), 547–564.
  • Anyang 'Nyong'o, P. (Ed.). (1992). 30 years of independence in Africa: the lost decades?. Academy Science Publishers.
  • Auya, S., & Oino, P. (2013). The role of constituency development fund in rural development: Experiences from North Mugirango Constituency, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2(6). pp. 306–312.
  • Bates, R. (1983). Modernization, Ethnic Competition and the Rationality of Politics in Contemporary Africa. In D Rothchild & V Olorunsola (eds). State Versus Ethnic Claims: African Policy Dilemmas. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Bates, R. (1974). Ethnic Competition and Modernization in Contemporary Africa. Comparative Political Studies, 6(4), 457–484.
  • Bayart, J. F. (1993). The Politics of the Belly, New York, Longman Publishers
  • Bratton, M, Bhavnani, R., & Chen, T. (2011). Voting Intentions in Africa: Ethnic, Economic or Partisan? Afroba¬rometer Working Paper 127.
  • Brown, D. (2000). Contemporary Nationalism Civic, Ethnocultural & Multicultural Politics. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Carrier, N., & Kochore, H. H. (2014). Navigating ethnicity and electoral politics in northern Kenya: the case of the 2013 election. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 135–152.
  • Cheeseman, N. (2008). The Kenyan elections of 2007: an introduction. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2(2), 166–184.
  • Cheeseman, N., Kanyinga, K., Lynch, G., Ruteere, M., & Willis, J. (2019). Kenya’s 2017 elections: Winner-takes-all politics as usual?. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 13(2), 1–20.
  • Cheeseman, N., Lynch, G., & Willis, J. (2014). Democracy and its discontents: understanding Kenya's 2013 elections. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 2–24.
  • Chege, M. (2008). Kenya: back from the brink?. Journal of Democracy, 19(4), 125–139.
  • Chiriyankandath, J. (2008). Colonialism and post-colonial development. Politics in the Developing World, 36–52.
  • Chua A. (2002). World on fire: How exporting free markets and democracy breed hatred and global instability. New York, NY: Doubleday. Daily Nation, November 13, 1997. D'Arcy, M., & Cornell, A. (2016). Devolution and corruption in Kenya: Everyone's turn to eat?. African Affairs, 115(459), 246–273.
  • De Smedt, J. (2009). ‘No Raila, No Peace! ’Big man politics and election violence at the Kibera grassroots. African Affairs, 108(433), 581–598.
  • Dercon, S., & Gutiérrez-Romero, R. (2012). Triggers and characteristics of the 2007 Kenyan electoral violence. World Development, 40(4), 731–744.
  • Elischer, S. (2008). Ethnic coalitions of convenience and commitment: Political parties and party systems in Kenya.
  • Ferree, K. E., Gibson, C. C., & Long, J. D. (2014). Voting behavior and electoral irregularities in Kenya's 2013 election. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 153–172.
  • Foeken, D., & Dietz, T. (2000). Of ethnicity, manipulation, and observation: The 1992 and 1997 elections in Kenya. In Election observation and democratization in Africa (pp. 122–149). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Gachanga, T. (2012). Kenya: ethnic agendas and patronage ımpede the formation of a coherent Kenyan identity. At Issue E-Zine, 14(4).
  • Geertz, C. (1963). The integrative revolution: Primordial sentiments and civil politics in the new states. Old societies and new states: The quest for modernity in Asia and Africa, 105–157.
  • Geertzel, C. (1970): The Politics of Independent Kenya. Nairobi: East African Publishing House.
  • Gibson, C. C., & Long, J. D. (2009). The presidential and parliamentary elections in Kenya, December 2007. Electoral studies, 28(3), 497–502.
  • GoK. (1995) Country Position Paper-World Summit for Social Development. World Bank.
  • Haugerud, A. (1997). The culture of politics in modern Kenya(Vol. 84). Cambridge University Press.
  • Hazlewood, A. (1979). The economy of Kenya: the Kenyatta era. Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Hechter M. (1978). Group formation and the cultural division of labour. American Journal of Sociology, 84(2), 293–318.
  • Himbara, D. (1994). Kenyan Capitalists: The State and Development. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers
  • Holmquist, F., & Githinji, M. W. (2009). The default politics of ethnicity in Kenya. Brown J. World Aff., 16, 101.
  • Hornsby, C. (2013). Kenya: A history since independence. IB Tauris.
  • Horowitz, D. L. (2000). Ethnic groups in conflict, updated edition with a new preface. Univ of California Press.
  • Isaacs, H., (1975) "Basic group identity: The idols of the tribe" in ethnicity: Theory and experience. N. Glazer and D.P. Moynihan, eds., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 29–52.
  • Ivanov, I. M., & Moiseev, P. P. (1979). Agrarian reforms and hired labour in Africa. Moscow: Progress.
  • Kasfir, N. 1976. The Shrinking Political Arena: Participation and Ethnicity in African Politics with a Case Study of Uganda. Berkely: University of California Press.
  • Katsina, A. M. (2012) Colonialism, post-colonialism and ethnic cleavages in Africa: Nigeria since independence. Conference: Conference: Annual International Conference of the School of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Kenyatta, J. (1971). The challenge of Uhuru; the progress of Kenya, 1968 to 1970. East African Pub. House.
  • Kitching, G. (1980). Class and Economic Change in Kenya: the Making of an African Petite- Bourgeoisie. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Laakso, L. (2007). Insights into electoral violence in Africa. Votes, money and violence: political parties and elections in Sub-Saharan Africa, 224–252.
  • Lazarus, N. (2004). Introducing postcolonial studies. The Cambridge companion to postcolonial literary studies, 1(5).
  • Le Vine, T. (1997). ‘Conceptualising “Ethnicity” and “Ethnic Conflict”: A Controversy Revisited’. Studies in Comparative International Development, 32(2).
  • Leys, C. (1975). Underdevelopment in Kenya: The Political Economy in Neocolonialism 1964-1971. London: Heinemann.
  • Lynch, G. (2006). The fruits of perception:‘ethnic politics’ and the case of Kenya's constitutional referendum. African Studies, 65(2), 233–270.
  • Lynch, G. (2011). I Say to You: ethnic politics and the Kalenjin in Kenya. University of Chicago Press.
  • Mamdani, M. (2018). Citizen and subject: Contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism. Princeton University Press.
  • Markakis J., & Katsuyoshi F. (1994). Ethnicity and Conflict in the Horn of Africa. Oxford. James Currey Publishers
  • Maxon, R. M. (2016). The demise and rise of majimbo in independent Kenya. In Kenya After 50 (pp. 19–48). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Mbugua, Karanja (2008). "Kenya's crisis: elite and factional conflicts in historical context." Conflict trends 2008, 1, 3–9.
  • McOnyango, O. (1995). The Jews, The Gentiles and The Grudge. UNESCO seminar paper, 28-31, May.
  • Megan, T. (2012). The Perceived Role of NGOs in Kenyan Reconciliation. University Susan Benesch, School of International Service. Spring.
  • Moi, D. A. (1987). Kenya African nationalism: Nyayo philosophy and principles. London: Macmillan.
  • Mueller, S. D. (2008). The political economy of Kenya's crisis. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2(2), 185–210.
  • Mueller, S. D. (2011). Dying to win: Elections, political violence, and institutional decay in Kenya. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 29(1), 99–117.
  • Mueller, S. D. (2014). Kenya and the International Criminal Court (ICC): politics, the election and the law. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(1), 25–42.
  • Mungeam, G. H. (Ed.). (1978). Kenya: Select Historical Documents, 1884-1923 (Vol. 4). East African Publishing House.
  • Mutua, M (2007). Ethnicity the bane of Kenyan politics. Daily Nation 23 September. Available online: asp?newsid=107037 Mutua, M (2008). Kenya’s Quest for Democracy: Taming the Leviathan. London: Lynne Rienner Publishing.
  • Nagel J., & Olzak S. (1982). Ethnic mobilization in new and old states: An extension of the competitive model. Social Problems, 30(2), 127–143.
  • National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) (2011), Ethnic composition of the Public Service
  • Nnoli, O. (2011). The struggle for democracy in Nigeria. Pan African Centre for Research on Peace and Conflict Resolution (PACREP) Enugu.
  • Nyanjom, O., (2006). “Inequality in Kenya's Health Sector," In Society for International Development. 97- 156.
  • Ogot, B. A. (2000). Boundary Changes and the Invention of “Tribes”, Ogot, B. A. and Ochieng, W. R. (Eds.) (2000) Kenya: The Making of a Nation, Maseno: Institute of Research and Postgraduate Studies (pp 16–31).
  • Ogot, B. A., & Ochieng, W. R. (Eds.). (1995). Decolonization & independence in Kenya, 1940-93. Ohio State University Press.
  • Osaghae, E. (1994). Ethnicity and its Management in Africa: The Democratic Link. Lagos:Malthouse Press Limited.
  • Republic of Kenya (2009). National Population Census, Ministry of Planning, National Development. Nairobi and Vision 2030: the Government Printer. Roger, G. (1969). Nationalism and Economic Development in Ghana: New York: Praeger
  • Ronald, C. and John Middleton, eds., (1970) From Tribe to Nation in Africa: Studies in Incorporation Processes: Scranton, Pa.: Chandler Publishing.
  • Rosenberg, M. (2004). Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 to divide Africa. South African History Online, geography. about. com/cs/politicalgeog/a/berlin.
  • Rotberg, R. J. (1965). The rise of nationalism in Central Africa. The Making of Malawi and Zambia. Cambridge. Harvard University Press.
  • Rutten, M., & Owuor, S. (2009). Weapons of mass destruction: Land, ethnicity and the 2007 elections in Kenya. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 27(3), 305–324. Sandbrook, R. (1985). The Politics of African Economic Stagnation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Taylor, C. F. (2016). Ethnic politics and election campaigns in contemporary Africa: evidence from Ghana and Kenya. Democratization, 24(6), 951–969. doi:10.1080/13510347.2016.1253557
  • Throup, D., & C Hornsby. (1998). Multiparty Politics in Kenya: The Kenyatta and Moi States and the Triumph of the System in the 1992 Election. Oxford: James Currey.
  • UNESCO (2000) Education for All (EFA) Assessment. UNESCO retrieved on 25.11.2017 from Wilmont, W. W., & Hocker J. (2001). Interpersonal Conflict. New York. McGraw Hill.
  • Wsevolod I., W. (1974). Definitions of ethnicity. Ethnicity, 1(2), 111–124.
  • Yieke, F. A. (2010). Ethnicity and development in Kenya: Lessons from the 2007 general elections. Kenya Studies Review, 3(3), 5–16.
  • Young, C., & Turner, T. (1985). The Rise and Decline of the Zairian State. London: The University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Young, C. (1976). The Politics of Cultural Pluralism. London: The University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Young, C. (2002). Ethnicity and politics in Africa. Boston, MA: Boston Univ. Press.
  • Young, C. (1994). The African Colonial State in Comparative Perspective. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Michael Otieno Kisaka Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0432-6935

İsrael Nyaburi Nyadera 0000-0002-0432-6935

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 76

Kaynak Göster

APA Kisaka, M. O., & Nyadera, İ. N. (2019). Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi(76), 159-180.
AMA Kisaka MO, Nyadera İN. Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. Temmuz 2019;(76):159-180.
Chicago Kisaka, Michael Otieno, ve İsrael Nyaburi Nyadera. “Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 76 (Temmuz 2019): 159-80.
EndNote Kisaka MO, Nyadera İN (01 Temmuz 2019) Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 76 159–180.
IEEE M. O. Kisaka ve İ. N. Nyadera, “Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development”, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 76, ss. 159–180, Temmuz 2019.
ISNAD Kisaka, Michael Otieno - Nyadera, İsrael Nyaburi. “Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 76 (Temmuz 2019), 159-180.
JAMA Kisaka MO, Nyadera İN. Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2019;:159–180.
MLA Kisaka, Michael Otieno ve İsrael Nyaburi Nyadera. “Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 76, 2019, ss. 159-80.
Vancouver Kisaka MO, Nyadera İN. Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2019(76):159-80.