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Workload and Labor Predictors of Overtime Hours(An Empirical Study on Dataset)

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 80, 37 - 65, 09.07.2021


According to Turkish Labor Code 4857, overtime is extra working hours that exceed 45 hours per week. It is a method of increasing production through a greater usage of human capital (Jirjahn, 2008). However, excessive work hours may negatively affect workers’ physical and mental wellbeing. Consequently, the International Labor Organization and European Union place restrictions on working hours.This paper seeks to find the workload and labor predictors of the hours from overtime using data from an aluminum company, Tekirdag. The sample period covers team-level data from January 2012 to December 2016. The study included company data on ten production teams working in four units: preparation (casting and molding teams), processing (powder coating, extrusion, and anodizing teams), finishing (wood effect coating, thermal break, and machining teams), and distribution (packaging and shipping teams). The data originate from the departments of production planning and of personnel. The hierarchical regression model of all the samples demonstrated that the volume of production as workload factor was the main determinant of overtime work hours, accounting for 45.6%. Additionally, employee factors such as the hours of sick leave, annual paid leave, and other leaves were found as predictors of overtime hours worked. All these variables explained 53.6% of the variance in the dependent variable. Secondly, the analysis of the sub-groups suggested that workload volume was a significant determinant of overtime hours worked for the processing, finishing, and distribution teams.


  • Anxo, D. ve Karlsson, M.s (2019). Overtime Work: A Review of Literature and Initial Empirical Analysis. ILO. Geneva. google scholar
  • Anger, Silke (2008). “Overtime Work as a Signaling Device”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. V. 55 (2): 167-189. google scholar
  • Avgoustaki, A. (2015). “Human Resource Practices, Employee Overtime, and Work Uncertainty: Is Overtime Wasted Time?”. []. (Erişim: 04.02.2020). google scholar
  • Bae, S. (2012). “Nursing Overtime: Why, How Much, and Under What Working Conditions”. Nursing Economic. V. 30 (2): 60-71. google scholar
  • Bauer, T. ve Zimmermann, K. F. (1999). “Overtime Work and Overtime Compensation in Germany”.Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 46 (4): 419-436. google scholar
  • Beckers, D., Linden, D., Smulders, P.G.W., Kompier, M.A.J., Taris, T.W. ve Geurts, S.A.E. (2008). “Voluntary or Involuntary? Control over Overtime and Rewards for Overtime in Relation to Fatigue and Work Satisfaction”. Work & Stress.V. 22 (1): 33-50. google scholar
  • Beltempo, M., Lacroix, G., Cabot, Piedboeuf, B. (2016). “Factors and Costs Associated with the Use of Registered Nurse Overtime in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit”. Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing. 4 (1): 17-23. google scholar
  • Berney, B. (2003). Use, Trends, and Impacts of Nurse Overtime In New York Hospitals: 1995-2000. Boston University. Ph. D Thesis. Boston. google scholar
  • Berney, B., Needleman, Kovner, C. (2005). “Factors Influencing the Use of Registered Nurse Overtime in Hospitals, 1995-2000”. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. V. 37 (1): 165-172. google scholar
  • Berney, Needleman, J. (2005). “Trends in Nurse Overtime, 1995-2002”. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 6 (3): 183-190. google scholar
  • BLS (2019). “Manufacturing Average Weekly Overtime Hours of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees: 2008-2018”. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. [www.bls. gov]. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Brown, S. (1995). The Absence Decision: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, PH. D Thesis. Loughborough University. Leicestershire. google scholar
  • Colley, L. (2005). “Who’s There? Analysis of Absence Trends in the Public Sector”. Proceedings of the 13th International Employment Relations Association Conference. 13th International Employment RelationsAssociation Conference.Aalborg. Denmark. 26-29 June. google scholar
  • Ehrenberg, R. G. (1971). “Absenteeism and the Overtime Decision”. American Economic Review. V. 60 (3). 352-357. google scholar
  • Eurofound (2017). Developments in working time 2015-2016.Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. google scholar
  • Eurostat (2017). “Hours Worked per Week of Full-Time Employment: 2008-2018”. []. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Eymen, U. E. (2007). SPSS Kullanma Klavuzu (E-Baskı). İstanbul: İstatistik Merkezi Yayın (No: 1). google scholar
  • Fakih, A. (2014). “Vacation Leave, Work Hours, and Wages: New Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data”. Labour. V. 28 (4).376-398. google scholar
  • Hopkins, T. D. (1990). The Relationship between Absenteeism and the Amount of Overtime Worked in Various Job Classifications in a Metal Fabrication Plant. PH. D Thesis. Western Michigan University. Michigan. google scholar
  • ILO (2014). Wages and Working Hours in the Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear Industries. Geneva: GDFTCLI/2014. google scholar
  • Jirjahn,U. (2008). “On the Determinants of Shift Work and Overtime Work: Evidence from German Establishment Data”. British JournaloflndustrialRelations. V. 46 (1): 133-168. google scholar
  • Kalwij, A.S. ve Gregory, M. (2005). “A Panel Data Analysis of the Effects of Wages, Standard Hours and Unionization on Paid Overtime Work in Britain”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. V. 168 (1): 207-231. google scholar
  • Kang, J. H., Matusik, J. G. ve Barclay, L. A. (2017). “Affective and Normative Motives to Work Overtime in Asian Organizations: Four Cultural Orientations from Confucian Ethics”. Journal ofBusiness Ethics. V. 140 (1): 115-130. google scholar
  • Kesici, M. R. (2013).Emek Piyasaları.İstanbul: Dipnot Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Nagamachi, Yugami, K.. “The Consistency of Japan’s Statistics on Working Hours, and an Analysis of Household Working Hours”. Public Policy Review. V.11 (4). 2015: 623-655. google scholar
  • OECD (2019). “Dataset: Average Annual Hours Actually Worked Per Worker”. [www.]. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Preston, A. (1995). “What Causes Absenteeism? Understanding the Economic and Psychological Theories and Evidence”, Managing Absenteeism: Analysing and Preventing Labour Absence, Department of Industrial Relations (eds. by Riedel and Preston), Canberra: Industrial Relations Research Series Number 18. google scholar
  • Reimherr, P. M. (2015). Time-And-A-Half: The Effect of Overtime on Work Schedules in the Retail Trade Industry. Washington: Master Thesis. Georgetown University. google scholar
  • Seo, J. (2011). Excessive Overtime, Workers and Productivity: Evidence and Implications for Better Work. Geneva: ILO Discussion Paper Series: No. 2. google scholar
  • Shields, M. (1999). “Long Working Hours and Health”. Health Reports. V. 11 (2): 49-56. google scholar
  • Statcan (2019). “Labour Force Survey Estimates (LFS), Employees Working Overtime (weekly) by North American Industry Classification Table 282-0083”. Statistics Canada. []. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • TÜİK (2019). “Fiili Çalışma Süresine Göre İstihdam Edilenler”. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu []. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Uchida, M., Kaneko, Kawa, S. (2014). “Effects of Personality on Overtime Work: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study among Japanese White-Collar Workers”. BMC Research Notes. V. 7 (180). 1-9. google scholar
  • Walker, J. ve Mare, G. (1971). “Absence from Work in Relation to Length and Distribution of Shift Hours”. British Journal of Industrial Medicine. V. 28 (1). 36-44. google scholar
  • Zapf, I. (2015). Individual and Workplace-Specific Determinants of Paid and Unpaid Overtime Work in Germany. Nuremberg: IAB Discussion Paper (15/2015). google scholar

Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma)

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 80, 37 - 65, 09.07.2021


Uluslararası Çalışma Teşkilatı, fazla çalışmayı normal yasal çalışmayı aşan çalışma süreleri olarak tanımlamaktadır. Fazla çalışma insan kaynağından daha fazla yararlanarak üretimi artırmanın alternatif bir yönetimidir. Fazla çalışmayı etkileyen değişkenler birçok araştırmaya konu olmuştur. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Tekirdağ’da faaliyet gösteren bir alüminyum üretim şirketinin verilerini kullanarak fazla çalışmanın belirleyicilerini analiz etmektir. Araştırmada aylık fazla çalışma, üretim hacmi, yıllık ücretli izin, devamsızlık ve diğer ücretli izin (doğum, evlilik ve ölüm izni gibi) verileri kullanılmıştır. Ocak 2012- Aralık 2016 dönemini kapsayan veriler, 4 üretim biriminde yer alan 10 operasyonel takıma ilişkin örneklemi içermektedir. Bağımlı değişken fazla çalışma süreleridir. Bağımsız değişkenler ise, üretim hacmi, birim, yıllık ücretli izinler, hastalık devamsızlığı ve diğer ücretli izinlerden oluşmaktadır. Üretim hacmi ton, diğer veriler ise, saat birimiyle ölçülmüştür. Araştırmada, Kruskal Wallis-H, Spearman korelasyon ve hiyerarşik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Tüm örneklem grubu için hiyerarşik regresyon analizleri, işle ilgili değişkenlerin fazla çalışmadaki değişimi en yüksek oranda açıklayan değişken grubu olduğunu göstermektedir. Üretim hacmi ve üretim birimi değişkenleri, varyasyondaki değişimi %45,6 oranında açıklayabilmektedir. Çalışanlarla ilgili faktörlerin (yıllık ücretli izin, hastalık devamsızlığı ve diğer ücretli devamsızlıkların) fazla çalışma saatindeki değişime katkısı %8,1 düzeyinde kalmaktadır. Tüm değişkenler bir arada, fazla çalışmadaki değişimi %53,6 oranında açıklayabilmektedir. Ayrıca yıllık ücretli izin, işleme birimi alt örnekleminde negatif bir açıklayıcı değişken olarak saptanmıştır.


  • Anxo, D. ve Karlsson, M.s (2019). Overtime Work: A Review of Literature and Initial Empirical Analysis. ILO. Geneva. google scholar
  • Anger, Silke (2008). “Overtime Work as a Signaling Device”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. V. 55 (2): 167-189. google scholar
  • Avgoustaki, A. (2015). “Human Resource Practices, Employee Overtime, and Work Uncertainty: Is Overtime Wasted Time?”. []. (Erişim: 04.02.2020). google scholar
  • Bae, S. (2012). “Nursing Overtime: Why, How Much, and Under What Working Conditions”. Nursing Economic. V. 30 (2): 60-71. google scholar
  • Bauer, T. ve Zimmermann, K. F. (1999). “Overtime Work and Overtime Compensation in Germany”.Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 46 (4): 419-436. google scholar
  • Beckers, D., Linden, D., Smulders, P.G.W., Kompier, M.A.J., Taris, T.W. ve Geurts, S.A.E. (2008). “Voluntary or Involuntary? Control over Overtime and Rewards for Overtime in Relation to Fatigue and Work Satisfaction”. Work & Stress.V. 22 (1): 33-50. google scholar
  • Beltempo, M., Lacroix, G., Cabot, Piedboeuf, B. (2016). “Factors and Costs Associated with the Use of Registered Nurse Overtime in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit”. Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing. 4 (1): 17-23. google scholar
  • Berney, B. (2003). Use, Trends, and Impacts of Nurse Overtime In New York Hospitals: 1995-2000. Boston University. Ph. D Thesis. Boston. google scholar
  • Berney, B., Needleman, Kovner, C. (2005). “Factors Influencing the Use of Registered Nurse Overtime in Hospitals, 1995-2000”. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. V. 37 (1): 165-172. google scholar
  • Berney, Needleman, J. (2005). “Trends in Nurse Overtime, 1995-2002”. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 6 (3): 183-190. google scholar
  • BLS (2019). “Manufacturing Average Weekly Overtime Hours of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees: 2008-2018”. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. [www.bls. gov]. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Brown, S. (1995). The Absence Decision: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, PH. D Thesis. Loughborough University. Leicestershire. google scholar
  • Colley, L. (2005). “Who’s There? Analysis of Absence Trends in the Public Sector”. Proceedings of the 13th International Employment Relations Association Conference. 13th International Employment RelationsAssociation Conference.Aalborg. Denmark. 26-29 June. google scholar
  • Ehrenberg, R. G. (1971). “Absenteeism and the Overtime Decision”. American Economic Review. V. 60 (3). 352-357. google scholar
  • Eurofound (2017). Developments in working time 2015-2016.Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. google scholar
  • Eurostat (2017). “Hours Worked per Week of Full-Time Employment: 2008-2018”. []. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Eymen, U. E. (2007). SPSS Kullanma Klavuzu (E-Baskı). İstanbul: İstatistik Merkezi Yayın (No: 1). google scholar
  • Fakih, A. (2014). “Vacation Leave, Work Hours, and Wages: New Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data”. Labour. V. 28 (4).376-398. google scholar
  • Hopkins, T. D. (1990). The Relationship between Absenteeism and the Amount of Overtime Worked in Various Job Classifications in a Metal Fabrication Plant. PH. D Thesis. Western Michigan University. Michigan. google scholar
  • ILO (2014). Wages and Working Hours in the Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear Industries. Geneva: GDFTCLI/2014. google scholar
  • Jirjahn,U. (2008). “On the Determinants of Shift Work and Overtime Work: Evidence from German Establishment Data”. British JournaloflndustrialRelations. V. 46 (1): 133-168. google scholar
  • Kalwij, A.S. ve Gregory, M. (2005). “A Panel Data Analysis of the Effects of Wages, Standard Hours and Unionization on Paid Overtime Work in Britain”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. V. 168 (1): 207-231. google scholar
  • Kang, J. H., Matusik, J. G. ve Barclay, L. A. (2017). “Affective and Normative Motives to Work Overtime in Asian Organizations: Four Cultural Orientations from Confucian Ethics”. Journal ofBusiness Ethics. V. 140 (1): 115-130. google scholar
  • Kesici, M. R. (2013).Emek Piyasaları.İstanbul: Dipnot Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Nagamachi, Yugami, K.. “The Consistency of Japan’s Statistics on Working Hours, and an Analysis of Household Working Hours”. Public Policy Review. V.11 (4). 2015: 623-655. google scholar
  • OECD (2019). “Dataset: Average Annual Hours Actually Worked Per Worker”. [www.]. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Preston, A. (1995). “What Causes Absenteeism? Understanding the Economic and Psychological Theories and Evidence”, Managing Absenteeism: Analysing and Preventing Labour Absence, Department of Industrial Relations (eds. by Riedel and Preston), Canberra: Industrial Relations Research Series Number 18. google scholar
  • Reimherr, P. M. (2015). Time-And-A-Half: The Effect of Overtime on Work Schedules in the Retail Trade Industry. Washington: Master Thesis. Georgetown University. google scholar
  • Seo, J. (2011). Excessive Overtime, Workers and Productivity: Evidence and Implications for Better Work. Geneva: ILO Discussion Paper Series: No. 2. google scholar
  • Shields, M. (1999). “Long Working Hours and Health”. Health Reports. V. 11 (2): 49-56. google scholar
  • Statcan (2019). “Labour Force Survey Estimates (LFS), Employees Working Overtime (weekly) by North American Industry Classification Table 282-0083”. Statistics Canada. []. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • TÜİK (2019). “Fiili Çalışma Süresine Göre İstihdam Edilenler”. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu []. (Erişim: 16.12.2019). google scholar
  • Uchida, M., Kaneko, Kawa, S. (2014). “Effects of Personality on Overtime Work: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study among Japanese White-Collar Workers”. BMC Research Notes. V. 7 (180). 1-9. google scholar
  • Walker, J. ve Mare, G. (1971). “Absence from Work in Relation to Length and Distribution of Shift Hours”. British Journal of Industrial Medicine. V. 28 (1). 36-44. google scholar
  • Zapf, I. (2015). Individual and Workplace-Specific Determinants of Paid and Unpaid Overtime Work in Germany. Nuremberg: IAB Discussion Paper (15/2015). google scholar
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çalışma Ekonomisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Tekin Akgeyik Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7339-363X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 80

Kaynak Göster

APA Akgeyik, T. (2021). Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma). Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi(80), 37-65.
AMA Akgeyik T. Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma). Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. Temmuz 2021;(80):37-65.
Chicago Akgeyik, Tekin. “Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü Ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma)”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 80 (Temmuz 2021): 37-65.
EndNote Akgeyik T (01 Temmuz 2021) Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma). Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 80 37–65.
IEEE T. Akgeyik, “Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma)”, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 80, ss. 37–65, Temmuz 2021.
ISNAD Akgeyik, Tekin. “Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü Ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma)”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 80 (Temmuz 2021), 37-65.
JAMA Akgeyik T. Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma). Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2021;:37–65.
MLA Akgeyik, Tekin. “Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü Ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma)”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 80, 2021, ss. 37-65.
Vancouver Akgeyik T. Fazla Çalışmanın İşyükü ve İşgücü Belirleyicileri(Bir Şirketin Veri Seti Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma). Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2021(80):37-65.