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Yıl 2022, Sayı: 83, 249 - 273, 30.12.2022



  • Ahmad, A. B., & Shah, M. (2018). International students’ choice to study in China: an exploratory study. Tertiary Education and Management, 24(4), 325-337.
  • Ahmad, S. Z., & Buchanan, F. R. (2016). Choices of destination for transnational higher education:“pull” factors in an Asia Pacific market. Educational Studies, 42(2), 163-180.
  • Alfattal, E. (2017). International students’ college choice is different!. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 930-943.
  • Altuntas, F., & Gok, M. S. (2021). The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic tourism: A DEMATEL method analysis on quarantine decisions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102719.
  • Baydemir, M. (2020). Türkiye’nin ‘Afrika Açılımı’: Yükseköğretimde Sahraaltı Afrikalı Öğrenci Hareketliliği[ Turkey's 'African Opening': Sub-Saharan African Student Mobility in Higher Education] (2013-2018). PESA Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi[International Journal of Social Research], 6(1), 56-68.
  • Beech, S. E. (2018). Negotiating the complex geographies of friendships overseas: Becoming, being and sharing in student mobility. Geoforum, 92, 18-25.
  • Bhati, A., & Anderson, R. (2012). Factors influencing Indian student's choice of overseas study destination. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 1706-1713.
  • Briggs, S. (2007). An exploratory study of the factors influencing undergraduate student choice: The case of higher education in Scotland. Studies in Higher Education, 31(6), 705–722.
  • Calitz, A. P., Cullen, M. D. M., & Jooste, C. (2020). The influence of safety and security on students’ choice of university in South Africa. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(2), 269-285.
  • Cao, C., Zhu, C., & Meng, Q. (2016). A survey of the influencing factors for international academic mobility of Chinese university students. Higher Education Quarterly, 70(2), 200-220.
  • Chang, B., Chang, C. W., & Wu, C. H. (2011). Fuzzy DEMATEL method for developing supplier selection criteria. Expert systems with Applications, 38(3), 1850-1858.
  • Chien, Y. Y. G. (2015). International postgraduate students in Britain: Reasons for studying abroad and issues related to adjustment. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 2(1), 737-748.
  • Curtin, N., Stewart, A. J., & Ostrove, J. M. (2013). Fostering academic self-concept: Advisor support and sense of belonging among international and domestic graduate students. American educational research journal, 50(1), 108-137.
  • Di Pietro, G. (2012). Does studying abroad cause international labor mobility? Evidence from Italy. Economics Letters, 117(3), 632-635.
  • Dinçer, H., & Yüksel, S. (2018). Financial sector-based analysis of the G20 economies using the integrated decision-making approach with DEMATEL and TOPSIS. In N. Ozatac, & K. K. Gökmenoglu (Eds.), In Emerging trends in banking and finance (pp. 210-223).
  • Doğru, M. E. (2020). Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Okuyan Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Dağılımının Analizi: Mersin Üniversitesi Örneği [Analysis of the Distribution of Foreign Students Studying in Higher Education Institutions: Example of Mersin University]. In International Congress Of Management, Economy And Policy Icomep’20.
  • Eder, J., Smith, W. W., & Pitts, R. E. (2010). Exploring factors influencing student study abroad destination choice. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 10(3), 232-250.
  • Fang, W., & Wang, S. (2014). Chinese students’ choice of transnational higher education in a globalized higher education market: A case study of W University. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18(5), 475-494.
  • Garcia -Rodriguez F. J. & Mendoza Jimenez, J. (2015). The role of tourist destination in international studensts choice of academic center: the case of erasmus programme in the Canary Islands, Pasos. Revista de Turismo Patrimonio Cultural, 13(1), 175-189.
  • Gribble, C. (2008). Policy options for managing international student migration: the sending country's perspective. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 30(1), 25-39.
  • Gül, S. (2020). Spherical fuzzy extension of DEMATEL (SF‐DEMATEL). International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 35(9), 1329-1353.
  • Gündoğdu, F. K., & Yörükoğlu, M. (2021). Simple Additive Weighting and Weighted Product Methods Using Spherical Fuzzy Sets. In C. Kahraman, & F. K. Gündoğdu (Eds.), In Decision Making with Spherical Fuzzy Sets (pp. 241-258).
  • Hanwei Li, The Journey of a Thousand Miles Chinese Student Migration and Integration in Finland and Germany, (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Tampere University), Tampere, 2019.
  • Howes, D. (2021). International Undergraduate Student Choice of Alberta for Post-Secondary Education. In Vander Tavares (Eds.), In Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Student Experience in Canadian Higher Education (pp. 292-307).
  • Jafar, H., & Legusov, O. (2020). Understanding the Decision-Making Process of College-Bound International Students: A Case Study of Greater Toronto Area Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-16.
  • James-MacEachern, M., & Yun, D. (2017). Exploring factors influencing international students’ decision to choose a higher education institution: A comparison between Chinese and other students. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(3), 343-363.
  • Khairuddin, S. H., Hasan, M. H., Hashmani, M. A., & Azam, M. H. (2021). Generating Clustering-Based Interval Fuzzy Type-2 Triangular and Trapezoidal Membership Functions: A Structured Literature Review. Symmetry, 13(2), 239.
  • Kahraman, C., & Gündoğdu, F. K. (2020). Decision making with spherical fuzzy sets: theory and applications. Springer Nature.
  • Khalid, J., Nordin, N. M., Ali, A. J., Iftikhar, U., & Jamil, A. (2020). Exploring Factors Influencing Student Study Abroad Choice of Destination in the Contemporary Globalized Era (Kajian tentang Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Destinasi Pelajar Luar Negara dalam Era Kontemporari Globalisasi). Akademika, 90(2). 17-28.
  • Kieu, P. T., Nguyen, V. T., Nguyen, V. T., & Ho, T. P. (2021). A Spherical Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (SF-AHP) and Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) Algorithm in Distribution Center Location Selection: A Case Study in Agricultural Supply Chain. Axioms, 10(2), 53.
  • Kingeski, L., & Olivella Nadal, J. (2018). International academic mobility: the attraction factors of Brazilians students in Spain. In 4 th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18) (pp. 1403-1411). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • Koenings, F., Di Meo, G., & Uebelmesser, S. (2020). University rankings as information source: do they play a different role for domestic and international students?. Applied Economics, 52(59), 6432-6447.
  • Kondakçı, Y. (2011). Student mobility reviewed: attraction and satisfaction of international students in Turkey, Higher Education, 62, 573-592.
  • Kutlu Gündoğdu, F., & Kahraman, C. (2019). Spherical fuzzy sets and spherical fuzzy TOPSIS method. Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, 36(1), 337-352.
  • Lam, J., Ariffin, A. A. M., & Ahmad, A. H. (2011). Edutourısm: Explorıng The Push-Pull Factors In Selectıng A Unıversıty. International Journal Of Business & Society, 12(1). 63-78.
  • Lee, S. W. (2017). Circulating East to East: Understanding the push–pull factors of Chinese students studying in Korea. Journal of studies in international education, 21(2), 170-190.
  • Li, F. (2020). Factors influencing Chinese students’ choice of an international branch campus: A case study. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(3), 337-351.
  • Liu, D., & Zhu, W. (2019, June). Factors influencing student choice of transnational higher education in China. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (pp. 1-7).
  • Liu, Y., Kamnuansilpa, P., & Hirofumi, A. (2018). Factors Affecting International Students’ Decisions on Destination for Studying Abroad: A Case Study in China. Frontiers of Education in China, 13(1), 93-118.
  • Mahmoud, M. A., Oppong, E., Twimasie, D., Husseini, M. M., Kastner, A. N. A., & Oppong, M. (2020). Culture and country choice of international students: evidence from Ghana. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 30(1), 105-124.
  • Maringe, F., & Carter, S. (2007). International students' motivations for studying in UK HE: Insights into the choice and decision making of African students. International Journal of Educational Management, 21(6), 459-475.
  • Mok, K. H., Welch, A., & Kang, Y. (2020). Government innovation policy and higher education: the case of Shenzhen, China. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42(2), 194-212.
  • Mosneaga, A. (2015). Managing international student migration: The practices of institutional actors in Denmark. International Migration, 53(1), 14-28.
  • Okfalisa, O., Rusnedy, H., Iswavigra, D. U., Pranggono, B., Haerani, E., & Saktioto, T. (2021). Decision support system for smartphone recommendation: The comparison of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy ANP in multi-attribute decision making. SINERGI, 25(1), 101-110.
  • Özoğlu, M., Gür, B. S., & Coşkun, İ. (2015). Factors influencing international students’ choice to study in Turkey and challenges they experience in Turkey. Research in Comparative and International Education, 10(2), 223-237.
  • Padlee, S. F., Kamaruddin, A. R., & Baharun, R. (2010). International students' choice behavior for higher education at Malaysian private universities. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(2), 202-211.
  • Paltridge, T., Mayson, S., & Schapper, J. (2014). Welcome and exclusion: An analysis of The Australian newspaper’s coverage of international students. Higher Education, 68(1), 103-116.
  • Pan, S. Y. (2013). China's approach to the international market for higher education students: Strategies and implications. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 35(3), 249-263.
  • Paulino, M. A., & Castaño, M. C. N. (2019). Exploring factors influencing international students' choice. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 8, 131-149.
  • Pawar, S. K., Dasgupta, H., & Vispute, S. (2020). Analysis of factors influencing international student destination choice: A case of Indian HE. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(10), 1388-1400.
  • Perkins, R., & Neumayer, E. (2014). Geographies of educational mobilities: Exploring the uneven flows of international students, The Geographical Journal, 180(3), 246-259.
  • Riaño, Y., Lombard, A., & Piguet, E. (2018). How to explain migration policy openness in times of closure? The case of international students in Switzerland. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16(3), 295-307.
  • Sá, C. M., & Sabzalieva, E. (2018). The politics of the great brain race: Public policy and international student recruitment in Australia, Canada, England and the USA. Higher Education, 75(2), 231-253.
  • Sarkodie, N. A., Asare, A., & Asare, D. (2020). Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of Tertiary Education. ADRRI Journal (Multidisciplinary), 28(11(5), 58-92.
  • Shah, M., Kansal, M., & Chugh, R. (2020). Why do Mongolian students choose to study in Australia?. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 23(1), 1-13.
  • Shih, K. (2016). Labor market openness, h‐1b visa policy, and the scale of international student enrollment in the United States. Economic Inquiry, 54(1), 121-138.
  • Sin, C., Tavares, O., & Cardoso, S. (2019). Portuguese Institutions’ Strategies and Challenges to Attract International Students: External Makeover or Internal Transformation?. Journal of International Students, 9(4), 1095-1114.
  • Singh, M. K. M. (2016). Socio-economic, environmental and personal factors in the choice of country and higher education institution for studying abroad among international students in Malaysia. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(4), 505-519.
  • Tamtik, M., & O'Brien-Klewchuk, A. (2020). The political process of international education: Complementarities and clashes in the Manitoba K-12 sector through a multi-level governance lens. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28(1).
  • Tantivorakulchai, K. (2014). Thai students' destination choice for higher education. AU Journal of Management, 12(2), 31-41.
  • Trung, T. N. (2020). Factors influencing international students on choosing Taiwan as a higher education destination, 1-70.
  • United Nations Education Science Culture Organization.
  • Veloutsou, C., Lewis, J. W., & Paton, R. A. (2004). University selection: information requirements and importance. International Journal of Educational Management, 18(3), 160-171.
  • Ward, C. & Kennedy A. (1999). The Measurement of Sociocultural Adaptation, International Journal Intercultural Relations, 23(4), 659-677.
  • Wei, H. (2013). An empirical study on the determinants of international student mobility: A global perspective. Higher education, 66(1), 105-122.
  • Wen, W., & Hu, D. (2019). The emergence of a regional education hub: Rationales of international students’ choice of China as the study destination. Journal of Studies in International Education, 23(3), 303-325.
  • Woodhouse, D. (1999). Quality and Quality Assurance, Ed. Jane Knight, Hans de Wit, Quality and Internationalisation ın Higher Education, OECD Publications, Paris, (pp. 29-44).
  • Yang, F., Kalkavan, H., Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., & Eti, S. (2021). Gaussian-Based Soft Computing Approach to Alternative Banking System for Sustainable Financial Sector. Complexity, 2021, 1-27.
  • Yankun, Y., & Xinrong, X. (2020). Influence Factors on China's Export Competitiveness of International Education Service Trade. IJASSH, 01-08.
  • Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu.
  • Yuan, G., Xie, F., Dinçer, H., & Yüksel, S. (2021). The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ)‐based strategic mapping of green nuclear energy investments with spherical fuzzy group decision‐making approach. International Journal of Energy Research, 45(8), 12284-12300.
  • Zhai, K., Gao, X., & Wang, G. (2019). Factors for Chinese students choosing Australian higher education and motivation for returning: A systematic review. Sage Open, 9(2), 1-11.
  • Zhang, F., & Zhou, M. (2018). Factors affecting Chinese Students’ choice of studying in Sweden, Master’s Thesis Department of Business Studies Uppsala University
  • Zhang, G., & Zhu, J. (2020). Why did Engineering Students Choose to Study in China?. Journal of International Students, 10(1), 28-39.
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Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students with Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 83, 249 - 273, 30.12.2022


Studying abroad has increasingly become prestigious in the world and its causes and effects are significant. In this study, we aimed to determine which factors are the most important for international students in choosing a country in which to study. In this respect, seven factors have been identified and analyzed with spherical fuzzy DEMATEL. The most important contribution of this study to the literature is that we analyzed it with numerical variables and a multi-criteria decision-making method based on non-numerical data and expert opinions. Thus, we aimed to guide policymakers and researchers. According to the study results, the most important factor for international students in choosing a country in which to study is legal and political factors. Therefore, it is crucial that countries provide attractive government policies and implement legal regulations Also, it is important to make legal systems more democratic. In addition, taking the necessary security precautions regarding routes to school and places where international students live, ensuring stress-free visa procedures, and simplifying legal requirements will encourage more international students to pick the country. In this way, economic and social development of the country will be facilitated.


  • Ahmad, A. B., & Shah, M. (2018). International students’ choice to study in China: an exploratory study. Tertiary Education and Management, 24(4), 325-337.
  • Ahmad, S. Z., & Buchanan, F. R. (2016). Choices of destination for transnational higher education:“pull” factors in an Asia Pacific market. Educational Studies, 42(2), 163-180.
  • Alfattal, E. (2017). International students’ college choice is different!. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 930-943.
  • Altuntas, F., & Gok, M. S. (2021). The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic tourism: A DEMATEL method analysis on quarantine decisions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102719.
  • Baydemir, M. (2020). Türkiye’nin ‘Afrika Açılımı’: Yükseköğretimde Sahraaltı Afrikalı Öğrenci Hareketliliği[ Turkey's 'African Opening': Sub-Saharan African Student Mobility in Higher Education] (2013-2018). PESA Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi[International Journal of Social Research], 6(1), 56-68.
  • Beech, S. E. (2018). Negotiating the complex geographies of friendships overseas: Becoming, being and sharing in student mobility. Geoforum, 92, 18-25.
  • Bhati, A., & Anderson, R. (2012). Factors influencing Indian student's choice of overseas study destination. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 1706-1713.
  • Briggs, S. (2007). An exploratory study of the factors influencing undergraduate student choice: The case of higher education in Scotland. Studies in Higher Education, 31(6), 705–722.
  • Calitz, A. P., Cullen, M. D. M., & Jooste, C. (2020). The influence of safety and security on students’ choice of university in South Africa. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(2), 269-285.
  • Cao, C., Zhu, C., & Meng, Q. (2016). A survey of the influencing factors for international academic mobility of Chinese university students. Higher Education Quarterly, 70(2), 200-220.
  • Chang, B., Chang, C. W., & Wu, C. H. (2011). Fuzzy DEMATEL method for developing supplier selection criteria. Expert systems with Applications, 38(3), 1850-1858.
  • Chien, Y. Y. G. (2015). International postgraduate students in Britain: Reasons for studying abroad and issues related to adjustment. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 2(1), 737-748.
  • Curtin, N., Stewart, A. J., & Ostrove, J. M. (2013). Fostering academic self-concept: Advisor support and sense of belonging among international and domestic graduate students. American educational research journal, 50(1), 108-137.
  • Di Pietro, G. (2012). Does studying abroad cause international labor mobility? Evidence from Italy. Economics Letters, 117(3), 632-635.
  • Dinçer, H., & Yüksel, S. (2018). Financial sector-based analysis of the G20 economies using the integrated decision-making approach with DEMATEL and TOPSIS. In N. Ozatac, & K. K. Gökmenoglu (Eds.), In Emerging trends in banking and finance (pp. 210-223).
  • Doğru, M. E. (2020). Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Okuyan Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Dağılımının Analizi: Mersin Üniversitesi Örneği [Analysis of the Distribution of Foreign Students Studying in Higher Education Institutions: Example of Mersin University]. In International Congress Of Management, Economy And Policy Icomep’20.
  • Eder, J., Smith, W. W., & Pitts, R. E. (2010). Exploring factors influencing student study abroad destination choice. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 10(3), 232-250.
  • Fang, W., & Wang, S. (2014). Chinese students’ choice of transnational higher education in a globalized higher education market: A case study of W University. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18(5), 475-494.
  • Garcia -Rodriguez F. J. & Mendoza Jimenez, J. (2015). The role of tourist destination in international studensts choice of academic center: the case of erasmus programme in the Canary Islands, Pasos. Revista de Turismo Patrimonio Cultural, 13(1), 175-189.
  • Gribble, C. (2008). Policy options for managing international student migration: the sending country's perspective. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 30(1), 25-39.
  • Gül, S. (2020). Spherical fuzzy extension of DEMATEL (SF‐DEMATEL). International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 35(9), 1329-1353.
  • Gündoğdu, F. K., & Yörükoğlu, M. (2021). Simple Additive Weighting and Weighted Product Methods Using Spherical Fuzzy Sets. In C. Kahraman, & F. K. Gündoğdu (Eds.), In Decision Making with Spherical Fuzzy Sets (pp. 241-258).
  • Hanwei Li, The Journey of a Thousand Miles Chinese Student Migration and Integration in Finland and Germany, (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Tampere University), Tampere, 2019.
  • Howes, D. (2021). International Undergraduate Student Choice of Alberta for Post-Secondary Education. In Vander Tavares (Eds.), In Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Student Experience in Canadian Higher Education (pp. 292-307).
  • Jafar, H., & Legusov, O. (2020). Understanding the Decision-Making Process of College-Bound International Students: A Case Study of Greater Toronto Area Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-16.
  • James-MacEachern, M., & Yun, D. (2017). Exploring factors influencing international students’ decision to choose a higher education institution: A comparison between Chinese and other students. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(3), 343-363.
  • Khairuddin, S. H., Hasan, M. H., Hashmani, M. A., & Azam, M. H. (2021). Generating Clustering-Based Interval Fuzzy Type-2 Triangular and Trapezoidal Membership Functions: A Structured Literature Review. Symmetry, 13(2), 239.
  • Kahraman, C., & Gündoğdu, F. K. (2020). Decision making with spherical fuzzy sets: theory and applications. Springer Nature.
  • Khalid, J., Nordin, N. M., Ali, A. J., Iftikhar, U., & Jamil, A. (2020). Exploring Factors Influencing Student Study Abroad Choice of Destination in the Contemporary Globalized Era (Kajian tentang Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Destinasi Pelajar Luar Negara dalam Era Kontemporari Globalisasi). Akademika, 90(2). 17-28.
  • Kieu, P. T., Nguyen, V. T., Nguyen, V. T., & Ho, T. P. (2021). A Spherical Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (SF-AHP) and Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) Algorithm in Distribution Center Location Selection: A Case Study in Agricultural Supply Chain. Axioms, 10(2), 53.
  • Kingeski, L., & Olivella Nadal, J. (2018). International academic mobility: the attraction factors of Brazilians students in Spain. In 4 th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18) (pp. 1403-1411). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • Koenings, F., Di Meo, G., & Uebelmesser, S. (2020). University rankings as information source: do they play a different role for domestic and international students?. Applied Economics, 52(59), 6432-6447.
  • Kondakçı, Y. (2011). Student mobility reviewed: attraction and satisfaction of international students in Turkey, Higher Education, 62, 573-592.
  • Kutlu Gündoğdu, F., & Kahraman, C. (2019). Spherical fuzzy sets and spherical fuzzy TOPSIS method. Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, 36(1), 337-352.
  • Lam, J., Ariffin, A. A. M., & Ahmad, A. H. (2011). Edutourısm: Explorıng The Push-Pull Factors In Selectıng A Unıversıty. International Journal Of Business & Society, 12(1). 63-78.
  • Lee, S. W. (2017). Circulating East to East: Understanding the push–pull factors of Chinese students studying in Korea. Journal of studies in international education, 21(2), 170-190.
  • Li, F. (2020). Factors influencing Chinese students’ choice of an international branch campus: A case study. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(3), 337-351.
  • Liu, D., & Zhu, W. (2019, June). Factors influencing student choice of transnational higher education in China. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (pp. 1-7).
  • Liu, Y., Kamnuansilpa, P., & Hirofumi, A. (2018). Factors Affecting International Students’ Decisions on Destination for Studying Abroad: A Case Study in China. Frontiers of Education in China, 13(1), 93-118.
  • Mahmoud, M. A., Oppong, E., Twimasie, D., Husseini, M. M., Kastner, A. N. A., & Oppong, M. (2020). Culture and country choice of international students: evidence from Ghana. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 30(1), 105-124.
  • Maringe, F., & Carter, S. (2007). International students' motivations for studying in UK HE: Insights into the choice and decision making of African students. International Journal of Educational Management, 21(6), 459-475.
  • Mok, K. H., Welch, A., & Kang, Y. (2020). Government innovation policy and higher education: the case of Shenzhen, China. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42(2), 194-212.
  • Mosneaga, A. (2015). Managing international student migration: The practices of institutional actors in Denmark. International Migration, 53(1), 14-28.
  • Okfalisa, O., Rusnedy, H., Iswavigra, D. U., Pranggono, B., Haerani, E., & Saktioto, T. (2021). Decision support system for smartphone recommendation: The comparison of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy ANP in multi-attribute decision making. SINERGI, 25(1), 101-110.
  • Özoğlu, M., Gür, B. S., & Coşkun, İ. (2015). Factors influencing international students’ choice to study in Turkey and challenges they experience in Turkey. Research in Comparative and International Education, 10(2), 223-237.
  • Padlee, S. F., Kamaruddin, A. R., & Baharun, R. (2010). International students' choice behavior for higher education at Malaysian private universities. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(2), 202-211.
  • Paltridge, T., Mayson, S., & Schapper, J. (2014). Welcome and exclusion: An analysis of The Australian newspaper’s coverage of international students. Higher Education, 68(1), 103-116.
  • Pan, S. Y. (2013). China's approach to the international market for higher education students: Strategies and implications. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 35(3), 249-263.
  • Paulino, M. A., & Castaño, M. C. N. (2019). Exploring factors influencing international students' choice. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 8, 131-149.
  • Pawar, S. K., Dasgupta, H., & Vispute, S. (2020). Analysis of factors influencing international student destination choice: A case of Indian HE. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(10), 1388-1400.
  • Perkins, R., & Neumayer, E. (2014). Geographies of educational mobilities: Exploring the uneven flows of international students, The Geographical Journal, 180(3), 246-259.
  • Riaño, Y., Lombard, A., & Piguet, E. (2018). How to explain migration policy openness in times of closure? The case of international students in Switzerland. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16(3), 295-307.
  • Sá, C. M., & Sabzalieva, E. (2018). The politics of the great brain race: Public policy and international student recruitment in Australia, Canada, England and the USA. Higher Education, 75(2), 231-253.
  • Sarkodie, N. A., Asare, A., & Asare, D. (2020). Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of Tertiary Education. ADRRI Journal (Multidisciplinary), 28(11(5), 58-92.
  • Shah, M., Kansal, M., & Chugh, R. (2020). Why do Mongolian students choose to study in Australia?. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 23(1), 1-13.
  • Shih, K. (2016). Labor market openness, h‐1b visa policy, and the scale of international student enrollment in the United States. Economic Inquiry, 54(1), 121-138.
  • Sin, C., Tavares, O., & Cardoso, S. (2019). Portuguese Institutions’ Strategies and Challenges to Attract International Students: External Makeover or Internal Transformation?. Journal of International Students, 9(4), 1095-1114.
  • Singh, M. K. M. (2016). Socio-economic, environmental and personal factors in the choice of country and higher education institution for studying abroad among international students in Malaysia. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(4), 505-519.
  • Tamtik, M., & O'Brien-Klewchuk, A. (2020). The political process of international education: Complementarities and clashes in the Manitoba K-12 sector through a multi-level governance lens. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28(1).
  • Tantivorakulchai, K. (2014). Thai students' destination choice for higher education. AU Journal of Management, 12(2), 31-41.
  • Trung, T. N. (2020). Factors influencing international students on choosing Taiwan as a higher education destination, 1-70.
  • United Nations Education Science Culture Organization.
  • Veloutsou, C., Lewis, J. W., & Paton, R. A. (2004). University selection: information requirements and importance. International Journal of Educational Management, 18(3), 160-171.
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Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Halim Baş 0000-0002-4109-1696

Serkan Eti 0000-0002-4791-4091

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 83

Kaynak Göster

APA Baş, H., & Eti, S. (2022). Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students with Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi(83), 249-273.
AMA Baş H, Eti S. Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students with Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. Aralık 2022;(83):249-273. doi:10.26650/jspc.2022.83.1100263
Chicago Baş, Halim, ve Serkan Eti. “Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students With Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 83 (Aralık 2022): 249-73.
EndNote Baş H, Eti S (01 Aralık 2022) Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students with Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 83 249–273.
IEEE H. Baş ve S. Eti, “Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students with Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL”, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 83, ss. 249–273, Aralık 2022, doi: 10.26650/jspc.2022.83.1100263.
ISNAD Baş, Halim - Eti, Serkan. “Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students With Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 83 (Aralık 2022), 249-273.
JAMA Baş H, Eti S. Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students with Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2022;:249–273.
MLA Baş, Halim ve Serkan Eti. “Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students With Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, sy. 83, 2022, ss. 249-73, doi:10.26650/jspc.2022.83.1100263.
Vancouver Baş H, Eti S. Determining Significant Factors Influencing the Choices of International Students with Spherical Fuzzy DEMATEL. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2022(83):249-73.